r t .• * *. < • . : r ' '■ . .< á . \ .- • ' » - • ‘ i,- :< •; f- T * > r rTz t . *A f-* j '» .« * .» >. * . T » V / • • < ' • • ' v - •••; .1 •>>>? Kevin’s Personal Touch Car Cleaning Monday thru Friday 4:00 PM-8:00 PM and Saturday 7:00 AM-l:00 PM By Appointment Only »WW For additional information, please call Kevin Howard @ 503-285-0379 EAUMONT NR Call M etro Recycling Inform ation when you need inform ation about: • • • • • • recycling and reuse o p tio n s garbage disposal ways to prevent waste co m p o stin g and na tu ra l gardenihg safer alternatives fo r home and garden hazardous waste disposal M e tro Recycling In fo rm a tio n is open 8 :30 a.m. to 5 p.m . M o n d a y through Saturday. C a ll us fo r a free re frig e ra to r m agnet so y o u 'll alw ays have o u r n u m b e r handy. M etro is working to ensure that we have access to nature, clean air and water and resources for future generations. Waste prevention and safe disposal arc ways you can create a more livable community. Greensboro Classic at H ilto n Head, Love was w in n in g across the globe at the C huniehi Crowns in Japan. I ove ran away from the fie ld , firin g and 11-under par 269 to w in by eight strokes. R eaffirm ing that advanced liq u id - tille d center w ound ball technology is the overw helm ing choice o f the w o rld ’ s best golfers, T itleist g o lfb a lls won fo u r more times this week on the w o rld w id e professional tours. In ad­ d itio n to Duval and L o ve ’ s victories, T itle is t was the ball o f choice fo r Hubert Green, w in n e ro fth e Sr. PGA T o u r’ s B runo’ s Mem orial Classic and Patrick Sjoland at the at the PGA European T o u r’ s Italian Open. The fo u r victories this week increases the Titleist 1998 w o rld w id e w in total to 57, over six tim es m ore than the nearest com petitor w ith 9. Sampras Wins A T & T Challenge It was ju st the third title on clay for Sampras, w ho has 54 career victories. “ W ell, I ’ve won one every three years,” said a sm ilin g Sampras, who collected $45,000 fo r his tw o-hour, 40-m inute effort. “ It’ s been a tough week, and it was a w ar out there today. W e were both very solid. He d id n ’t give me any free points, and it could have gone either way,” Despite playing on a rain-soaked court once again, thanks to m orning showers that caused a 50-m inute de­ lay, the players started strongly. Both executed w ell, but neither gained m o­ mentum by capitalizing on the few break points (tw o fo r Stoltenberg, one fo r Sampras) in the first set. Stoltenberg was the first to gain an edge. W ith a forehand volley w inner at 2-2 and a forehand passing shot at 3- 2, the 28-yearold Australian then nailed a couple o f big serves to take the tiebreaker 7-2. In the second set, the business-like Stoltenberg calm ly kept attacking and putting pressure on Sampras, w ho was 4217 NE Fremont Portland, Oregon 97213 (503) 249-5972 7:30-0:30 M -F Beaumont Cleaners Coupon $12 off of $30 or more M e tro Regional Services Creating livable communities Drexler, Oscar Robertson and John Havlicek are theonly players in league history to post more than20,000points, 6,000 rebounds and 6,000 assists. w hich included tw o eagles and a long, C&B #128928 Metro Recycling Information 234-3000 son and made five A ll-N B A teams. D avid D uval and D avis Love III took d iffe re n t paths to v ic to ry in w in ­ ning th e ir respective tournaments around the w o rld this week, but each trusted one ball, the T itle is t Profes­ sional, the ultim ate in perform ance and d u ra b ility. D uval earned a one- stroke v ic to ry at the Shell Houston Open, firin g a fin a l round 8-under par 64. Five shots behind the leader w ith eight holes to play, Duval played the fin a l six holes in 6-under par, Quality work at a reasonable price. ^ ^ 1 U n ite d Wiau D rexler leaves behind an im ­ pressive resume. He w on an N B A title w ith the Rockets in 1995, played in tw o finals w ith the Port­ land T ra il Blazers and made the playoffs in each o fh is 15 seasons. A member o fth e o rig in a l O lym p ic Dream Team, D rexler won a gold medal in Barcelona in 1992. He was named one o fth e N B A ’s 50 all-time greatest players last sea­ C lyde D re xle r Licensed, B onded, Insured 287-6230 Home * . one of the three o r four best shooting "The reception from the crow d here was phenomenal,” D rexler said. “ I ’ m very touched by it. It was unusual, because they aren’ t that generous o f a cro w d .” fiw te à . 'S . ttio fa ty . More Choices For You. More Help Where It Counts. • because you live with what happens, but I would have liked a better result today.” Fans w ill remember D rexler- nick­ named “ The G lid e ” fo r his swoop­ ing, acrobatic style o f play - fo r the excitement he provided during his standout 15-year career. L ike ly a first- ballot Hall-of-Fam er, D rexler’ s place in league history is secure. “ H e’ s one o f the greatest players ever to play this game, and you do n ’ t say that lig h tly ,” said Charles Barkley o fh is teammate o ftw o seasons. “ He’ s The Utah fans gave D rexler tw o standing ovations. 9:00 - 4:00 Sat. Beaumont Cleaners Coupon $8 off of $20 or more Beaumont Cleaners Beaumont Cleaners Coupon $4 off of $12 or more 25% off Blankets ». moreerratie. But Sampras finally found the opening he needed, at 2-3, when Stoltenberg double-faulted. Sampras fin a lly converted on his third break point w ith a.sizzling backhand passing shot up the line, and pumped his fist to the roar o fth e crowd. In the third-set tiebreaker, w ith thun­ der rum bling and skies darkening, Sampras took over when serving at 3- 2. A long Stoltenberg backhand fo l­ lowed by a 127 mph first serve moved Sampras to 5-2. Finally serving fo r the match at 6-4, Sampras served, v o l­ leyed and then took the match when Stoltenberg s forehand passing shot flew long. “ There was not much difference at all, ju st a couple o f inches is a ll," said Stoltenberg, 0-3 in finals this year. “ I f I could have kept the ball going back, it w ould have been better, because he tends to get impatient on clay. But I m happy I stuck to my game plan and took m y chances when I needed to ."