April 22. 199S Committed tojeultural diversity. http://\vvvw.poidandonserver.net Volume X X V II. Number 6S ■ !< ^ n rtla n ò (Dbserón* ti m m u n i tv a .1 e n à a r SECTION Neighbors Are Picking Up Litter On Alberta UPS employee Cleotus Denson honored for 20 years of service PCC Job Fair T he PC C C a sc a d e C am p u s is h av in g a jo b fa ir w h ich p ro m ise s to h av e 100 e m p lo y e rs in in d u strie s ra n g in g from the food and b e v e ra g e to c o n stru c tio n and h e a lth c a re e rs. “ B e p re p a re d and d re ss fo r s u c c e s s ,” sa id Ed Jo se p h o f the PCC C a sc a d e C am p u s S k ills C e n ­ ter. “ Be re a d y to talk to e m p lo y e rs.” T he e v e n t is set fo r W e d n e sd a y , M ay 6 from 1 I A M to 6 PM on 705 N. K illin g sw o rth . Bowling For Rhinos H elp sav e th e A fric a n b lack rh in o , Ja v a n rh in o an d S u m a tra n rh in o . Bow l w ith th e k e e p e rs from M etro W a sh in g ­ ton P a rk Z oo at B ru n sw ic k S u n set L an es in B e a v e rto n - tw o se ssio n s, 12- 3 PM o r 3-6 PM . A ll p ro fits from the n atio n w id e e v e n t go to th e L ew a W ild ­ life C o n s e rv a n c y in K e n y a , U jo n g L ulon P re se rv e in In d o n e sia and B ukit B a ris a n S e la ta n N a tio n a l P a rk in S u m atra. C all 2 2 6 -1 5 6 1 , ex t. 255 for p le d g e sh eets. Learn CPR R ed C ro ss w ill o ffe r C o m m u n ity C PR at A m erican R ed C ro ss, O reg o n T rail C h a p te r, 3131 N. V a n c o u v e r, P o rtla n d . T h e c la ss w ill be h eld on S a tu rd a y , A p ril 2 5 th , from 8 :3 0 AM to 4 PM . C o m m u n ity C P R , a 7.5 h o u r c o u rse , te a c h e s how to c are for an adult, ch ild , o r in fan t w ho stops b re a th ­ ing o r is c h o k in g , g iv e C PR , re c o g n iz e a h e a rt a tta c k , etc. C o u rse fees m ay vary. C all 2 8 0 -1 4 4 0 . Free Acupuncture T he O re g o n C o lle g e o f O rie n ta l M e d ic in e C lin ic is a n o n -p ro fit, e d u ­ ca tio n a l o rg a n iz a tio n p e rio d ic a lly o f ­ ferin g free c lin ic s. O n S atu rd a y , M ay 9th, tre a tm e n ts are o ffe re d fo r th o se su ffe rin g from stre ss, in so m n ia , h e a d ­ a c h e s, and neck and sh o u ld e r ten sio n . A ll c lin ic s are w a lk -in c lin ic s, open from 9 - 10:30 AM . N o a p p o in tm e n ts are n e c e ssa ry . T h e new fam ily c lin ic is lo c a te d at 10541 SE. C h e rry B lossom D rive G ust e a st o f M all 205). Alberta Street Fair T he first A lb e rta S tre e t fa ir is ta k ­ ing p la c e S a tu rd a y , M ay 2. O rg a n iz e rs w ant to e n c o u ra g e th e rest o f P o rtla n d to com e h av e fun and c e le b ra te the c h a n g e s ta k in g p la c e on N E A lb erta S tre e t. T h e o rg a n iz e rs are c u rre n tly se e k in g all ty p e s o f e n te rta in e rs in ­ c lu d in g m u sic ia n s, d a n c e rs, ju g g le rs , etc. w h o w an t to p erfo rm at th e ev en t. C all 2 8 7 -3 4 9 6 . Mothers and Daughters “ M o th e rs an d T h e ir D a u g h te rs” is th e to p ic o f a free c o m m u n ity h ealth f o r u m p r e s e n t e d b y D r. N a n c y S alisb u ry , a g y n eco lo g ist at Providence M ilw a u k ie H o sp ital. T h e e v e n t is at 7 PM on W e d n e sd a y , M ay 13 at P ro v i­ d e n c e M ilw a u k ie H o s p ita l in th e M o th er G a m e lin C o n fe re n c e R oom . G et help o p e n in g the lin e s o f c o m m u ­ n ic a tio n at th is forum fo r m o th ers and th e ir d a u g h te rs 11 y e a rs and o ld er. T h e re w ill also be an o v e rv ie w o f fe ­ m ale a d o le sc e n t h ealth c are issu es. Jazz In The Vineyards There will be an outdoor Jazz concert at the W illamette Valley Vineyards on May 3, from 3 - 5 PM. The Andrei Kitaev Trio will be playing. General admission is $8, $5.50 for students and seniors. There will also be refreshments and wine tasting, wine­ glass and T-shirt sales prior to event and during intermission. Call 399-5184. Images Of China The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Cen­ ter will be showing a traditional style rod puppetry, infused with classical Chinese opera techniques, perform ed by Yuqin Wang. An enchanting program o f stories drawn from Chinese myth that depict both tradi­ tional and modern-day life in China. The puppets are exquisitely garbed in colorful, authentic Chinese costumes. Recommended for ages 5 and up. Call 823-2071. UPS employee Cleotus Denson UPS employee Cleotus Denson was re­ cently honored by United Parcel Service for completing 20 years o f service with the company. Denson who is a Portland package deliv­ ery driver was cited for his loyal contribu­ tions to UPS. Denson began his UPS career in Portland has provided service in the Sellwood- W estmoreland and SE Foster-Gladstone ar­ eas o f Portland. He presently provides ser­ vice in North Portland from N. Mason to Lombard and from N. W illiams St. to 13th Avenue. Denson works out o f the U PS Swan Island Facility located at 6707 N. Basin Avenue. Denson notes many changes in UPS over his 20 year career. “W hen I started at UPS, Tour Departs For Nation’s Historically Black Colleges And Universities he Urban League o f Portland, Self Enhancement, Inc., Bridge Builders, I Have a Dream Foundation, Multnomah C ounty’s Department o f Juvenile and Adult Community Justice and the Northeast Community Development Corporation teamed up last week to send a group o f 31 young people on a whirlwind tour o f 17 Historically Black Colleges and Universities nationwide. The idea originated as an adjunct, to the visit by the diversion school, ofour correctional facilities and the need tocreate the positive alternative ► experience as well. The Program is called the “Next Step.” The tour includes visits to Morgan, Coppin State, Howard Univer­ sity, Hampton University, Norfolk State, Virginia State, St. Augustine, Shaw University, Carolina Central U niversity, C arolina A&T, LivingstonCollege, Benedict College, South Carolina State, Moorhouse College, Spellman College, Clark Atlanta University, and Virginia Union where students will meet with Douglas W ilder, former Gover­ nor ofthe state o f Virginia and the nation’s first elected black governor. we used clipboards and paper, now w e’re in D IA D ’s (U PS’s com puterized delivery board), computers and tracking label,” says Denson. "But what 1 like most about my job is being out on my own and meeting people.” Denson has two children: Anthony and Christopher. He and his wife Beverly live in Sullivan Gulch. D enson’s future plans include: fishing, golf and motorcycle trips. H owo U m B After two years o f volunteer litter pick-up on Alberta Street, community members and Sabin Community Development Corp, staff are working together to take cleaning up Alberta Street to the next level. The volun­ teer group is now meeting on a regular basis to discuss ideas to help keep Alberta Street more consistently clean. Volunteers are united in the belief that litter-free streets have many extra benefits beyond street beautification. Clean streets help send the message that people care about their neighborhood. Such a message is a subtle but very effective deterrent to graffiti, drug dealing, and other crime. Clean streets help other community members to take pride in their neighborhood. Also clean streets help show existing and potential businesses that Alberta Street is becoming more user friendly. If you have ideas and would like to partici­ pate contact Eric or Sandra at 287-3496. Also feel free to show up at one o f the last Saturdays o f each month for the litter pick-up event, meet at 10:00 a.m. at the House o f Umoja (17th and Alberta). Volunteers report enjoying how two hours o f their effort makes such a dramatic and noticeable difference in how the neighborhood looks. Many appreci­ ate the act o f turning talk into action. It’s also great exercise and a way to meet your neigh­ bors. Metro provides free waste disposal and collection is donated by R.D. Sevier & Son. Funding for the A lberta Corridor Plan is provided by the Portland Bureau o f Housing and Community Development. Contirnntal Mr Canada T (Photo by Larry J. Jackson Sr.) Traiblazers Star on & Off the Court The Trailblazers take time out at half-time to allow the presentation by the administration o f "Mothers Against Gang Violence" (front from left to right) Helen Sloan, Exec. Dir., Lori Tucker-Sloan, Tommy * Sloan,Co-Founders. Those receiving the award for outstanding community service above & beyond the call o f duty (back from left to right) Brian Grant, Kahlil Hasib, Deddrick Faison, and Rasheed Wallance. (Photo by M. Washington)