Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 22, 1998, Page 20, Image 20

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A P R IL 22, 1998
<Thv IJortlttttìt Ö^beeruer
Sub Bids Requested
University of Oregon, School of Law
W illiam W. Knight Law Center
Bid Package: #4-Landscape/
Hardscape Bid Package
Bids Due: 2pm , May 14
Hoffman Construction
I (“C M /C G ”) re q ue sts su b-bid s fo r the above on behalf
I of the U niversity of O regon, School of Law. This bid
I p acka g e in clu de s: la n dsca p ing , irrigation, site furnish-
I ings (w heel stops, basketball system , tree grates, wood
I ben ch es, m etal b ollards, bicycle racks, drain covers),
I w o o d fe n c e , fin e g ra d in g , a n d s ite c o n c re te . E sti-
I m ated cost of this w ork is approxim ately $325,000.
I T h is is a p re v a ilin g w a g e p ro je ct. B id de rs m ust be
I re g is te re d w ith O re g o n ’s C o n s tru c tio n C o n tra c to rs
I Board at the tim e of subm ission of their bids. Refer to bid
I d o c u m e n ts fo r c o m p le te b id d in g re q u ire m e n ts and
add itio n al in form a tion .
Bid d ocum ents m ay be e xam ­
ined at local plan centers or m ay be obtained with a
$ 1 0 0 .0 0 re fu n d a b le d e p o s it fo rm W illa m e tte P rin t &
B lueprint Co. (P ortland), 503-223-5011 or Central Print
(Eugene), 541-342-3624. D eposits will be returned pro­
v id in g b id d o c u m e n ts a n d a ll a d d e n d u m ’s a re re ­
turned in good condition w ithin 30 days of bid opening.
The U niversity of O regon has established ESB and M/
W BE contracting goals of 5% ESB (Em erging Small B usi­
ness) and 5% M /W B E (M inority and/or W om en Business
E nterprise) participation in the w ork of this project. CM /
G C is c o m m itte d to e x c e e d in g th e se g o a ls and re ­
quests each b id d e r’s good faith effort in providing su b ­
tier opportunities for ESB and M /W BE firms.
W e a re an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r and re q u e st
bids from all in tereste d firm s including disadvantaged,
m inority, w om en, disabled veterans and em erging sm all
business enterprises.
Many Openings.
No Experience.
We T rain. PT Positions.
Benefits & Retirement
Call Keith Staples
US Naval Reserve
q \ O
Team Approach to Health Care
General Adult
Clean driving record with prior
restaurant or grocery exp, 3
mos. customer service, and
availability to work all shifts,
with split days off. $12.55/hr.
Apply Employment Office, 30
N. Webster.
Franz offers an excellent ben­
efit package. EEO/AAP Em­
Franz Bakery is looking for an
energetic person with 3 mos.
customer service and grocery
or restaurant deliver exp. Will
work in both warehouse &
sales. $10.50/hr. Advance­
ment potential. Send Re­
sumes to P.O. Box 14769,
Portland, 97293-0769. No
resumes accepted after 4-26-
.X Oregon, opportunity means great
benefits, competitive salaries, and a
large variety of careers available state­
wide. Currently, openings exist in the
following agencies:
Engineering Specialist Entry)
(Junior Laboratory Technician)
Seeking qualified applicants
LPN/CMA (swing shift),
X ^ drews
St. Andrews is a premier Alzheimer’s facility. W E ARE NOT A
NURSING HOM E! Our goal at St. Andrews is to make our
residents feel at home while giving top-quality care.
W eoffer opportunities for education and advancement, com­
petiti ve wages and excellent benefits. Currently seeking respon­
sible, caring andqualifiedapplicants forali shifts.
We are seeking applicants for seasonal vacancy In Salem. This
position is a full-time seasonal position (up to 5 months duration). Will
perform laboratory labor, preparation of samples, cleanup and
maintenance of equipment, and routine testing on a variety of
materials such as concrete cylinders, metals, paints and chemicals,
aggregates, soils, bituminous mixtures, and petroleum products.
Requires an Associate's degree in Engineering Technology from a
recognized community college or technical school; OR eighteen
months of experience directly related to engineering; OR a Bachelor's
degree in Engineering, Architecture, Geology, Mathematics, or Physics. Salary $1,659 to $2,243 a month
plus benefits. (Announcement «0CDT8143J. Contact OOOT Recruitment at (503) 986-4030 (TTY 9 8 6
3854 for the hearing impaired) for required application packet. Completed application materials must be
received by May 1 ,1 9 9 8 .
Transportation Engineer 2
(Research Coordinator)
We are seeking applicants with strong communication and analytical skills for position in Salem. Will plan,
conduct, review and report the results of transportation-related research; conduct literature reviews; and
assist in product evaluation. Requires a Bachelor's degree in civil or transportation-related engineering
AND two years of professional-level experience in the practice of transportation engineering; OR five years
of engineering experience AND have an FE/EIT, FLS/LSIT, PE or PLS. Two of the five years must have been
performing professional-level engineering duties. Salary $3.251 to $4,444 a month plus benefits.
(Announcement #0CDT8146( Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the
hearing impaired) for required application packet. Completed application materials must be received by
Call 257-7946
May 8, 1998.
For other ODOT opportunities call our Recruitment JOBLINE at (503) 9 8 6 3 8 4 7
This part-time position (minimum of 20 hrs per week) is located in Oregon City. Administers, scores, and
reports the results of various tests on inmates measuring aptitude, interest, personality, intelligence or
proficiencies. Requires fluency in speaking, reading, and writing Spanish and six months of experience
administering, scoring, and maintaining test result records of psychological tests such as aptitude,
personality, and intelligence tests OR nine quarter (six semester) hours of counseling or educational
psychology measurement courses. Job Announcement 4LE980602 and State of Oregon employment
application may be obtained through any Oregon Employment Department or call (5 0 3 )3 7 8 6 0 1 3 or log
onto our web site at http://w w w .doc.state.or.us. Recruitment closes April 27. 1998.
Existing Building Rem odel, Site Developm ent and
Inverness Drive Im provem ents
C oncrete W ork - Bids Due: 2pm, April 3 0 ,1 9 9 8
at M ultnom ah C ounty Purchasing
All O ther W ork - Bids Due 2pm, May 5 ,1 9 9 8 at Hoffm an
C onstruction C om pany
Principal Executive/Manager E
Community Corrections Administrator
Located in Salem. Seeking creative. Innovative individual to direct and manage the centralized portion of
a statewide community corrections program. Requires three years of related management experience.
Graduate level courses in management may be substituted for one year of the required experience. Salary
$ 34 6 6 54 8 8 4. Excellent Benefits Job Announcement (WLE980634) may be obtained from any Oregon
Employment D epartm ent or ca ll (5 03 ) 3 7 8 6 0 1 3 or log onto our web site at
h ttp://w w w .doc.state.or.us. Recruitment closes April 3 0 ,1 9 9 8 .
Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934
1300 SW Sixth A venue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR CCB
/h e s e are just some of the current openings available with the State of Oregon. For additional
We are and equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested
information, a copy of the State of Oregon Application Form and more complete announcement listings,
firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging
small business enterprises.
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
call the State Jobllne (Oregonian Inside Line) (503) 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 «7777, TTY (503) 3 7 8 4 6 7 2 , visit your
local Employment Department, or log onto our web site at h ttp ://w w w .hr.das.state.or.us/iobs/. The
State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
Washington County
Management Analysis II
W T ie n it c o m e s t o k e e p i n g O r e g o n
h e a lth y , w e c o u ld n 't c a r e m o r e .
(Safety Officer)
$3,371 -$4,097/mo
Closes May 1, 1998
Nutrition Technician
$2,162-$2,629/m o
Closes May 1, 1998
Call 503-648-8606/TTY 503-693-4898 for information.
County application and supplemental application forms
Apply to:
Since 19 4 1, Regei ice BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f o u r exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to supenor
health care. Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand that while qual­
ity often has a pnce. efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a w orthw hile
pursuit to you. consider o u r possibilities:
M e th o d s & P ro c e d u re s A n a ly s t
AmiPro and Lotus Notes. You must have knowledge o f general office
Gob # 6 5 1)
practices and procedures, general math, and excellent communication
You must have w ork expenence o r training in systems analysis with spe­
cial emphasis in user relations and data gathenng techniques. Training in
Washington County Human Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encour­
aged to apply.
K ick O ff 1998 with the
U ltimate P art -T ime J ob
10 Immediate Openings
Rated as the #4 Most
Employer in the Nation
You must have a strong customer service background and knowledge of
tize. and meet deadlines.
medical terminology.The ability to w ork w ith little supervision in a fast-
D a ta b a s e A d m in is tr a to r
by Fortune Magazine
ity to type 40 word per minute The ability to w ork overtime is necessary
P r o g r a m m e r A n a ly s t
to r user access. You must have at least six years o f expenence in data pro­
cessing including one to five years o f DBA expenence with Oracle.
knowledge o f systems analysis and testing, validation, data gathenng tech­
Gob # 5 16)
niques and communication skills. Expenence w ith mainframe software is
You must have a High School diploma, a Junior College o r post-High
required, including JCL CICS.TSO/ISPEVSAM. COBOL, Command Level
School certification in data processing o r secretanal, as well as tw o years
C O B O L Libranan, and EZTrieve+. A college degree in com puter science
o f relevant w ork experience in a similar position. Expenence with
is desirable.
W indow s including Microsoft and Lotus applications, general office equip­
Gob # 4 18)
P ro v id e r N e tw o r k
D e v e lo p m e n t S pecialist
Qualified applicants must posses a minimum o f 3 years o f Human
Gob #657)
analysis. An additional 2 years o f expenence using data processing
4106 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, Oregon
Employee Relations Department
2600 Center Street NE
Salem, OR 97310
Or call (503) 945-2815
Hrs. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Monday through Friday
For mors Information, please call the
Workforce Center at 503-288-4370
systems is required. Candidates must have excellent com puter and PC
skills, along w ith supenor verbal and written
tract administration o r project development expenence. You must under­
communication skills.
stand a full range o f negotiation issues and methods o f tailonng negotia­
C o r p o ra te L ite r a tu r e A d m in is tr a to r
tions to circumstances.
Gob #707)
The successful candidate will be a self-starter w ho can w ork indepen­
dently and manage multiple projects and deadlines w ith little supervision.
To qualify, you will need a High School level education, at least three
You must have a Bachelor's degree in journalism, English o r a related field,
years o f secretanal expenence, and excellent organizational skills. You
o r equivalent expenence. A t least five years o f expenence in journalism,
must also be able to type 60 words per minute and possess PC skills
sales promotion, o r marketing is necessary and you must have knowledge
Gob #658)
o f the pnntmg process and extensive desktop publishing com puter skills
w ith W ord, Quark Xpress and PhotoShop in a Macintosh environm ent
U N I X System s A d m in is tr a to r
You must have a least tw o years o f recent expenence in customer ser­
vice as well as tw o years o f PC expenence w ith MS W indow s and a
database. Additionally, you must have the ability to organize, prioritize,
m eet deadlines and communicate effectively in a fast-paced environment.
Gob # 5 15)
You will install, evaluate, administer and support U N IX servers and w o rk ­
stations as well as develop, standardize and document the configuration,
operation and recovery procedures for our C om puter System and
S e c re ta ry to M a n a g e r
Technology Group.. To qualify, you must have a degree in C om puter
Qob #696)
Science. Mathematics or Information Technology (o r equivalent w ork
To qualify, you will need and at least tw o years o f secretanal expenence
Drop By...
Resource expenence in compensation, equity functions and salary survey
nence in the health care industry is required, as well as 2 years o f con­
such as Excel. Lotus I -2-3, W ord, AmiPro and Lotus Notes
Excellent Benefit Package
Competitive Salary
Paid Holidays
State Paid Retirement
Health/Dental Options
Inhouse Training and Education
C o m p e n s a tio n S pecialist
ment. and the ability to type 70wpm is required.
Gob #650)
►opportunities for advancement
►various part-time shifts available
►must be 18 years or older
►full benefits for employees & dependents
Gob #654)
You must have at least 2 years o f experience in data processing and
A d m in is tr a tiv e A s sistan t
S e c re ta ry to M a n a g e r
$8.50 - $9.5Q/hour to start
paced, team environment is necessary Additionally, you must have excellent
PC, organizational, pnonbzation and communication skills as well as the abil­
Gob #384)
P h a rm a c y S ervices R e p re s e n ta tiv e
Gob #698)
have the ability to troubleshoot problems communicate effectively, p rio ri­
You must have a Bachelor's degree (Master's preferred). Five years expe­
Hiring Immediately
42 New Float Pool Positions
All Shifts Available: PT & FT
Salem and Portland
C u s to m e r S e rv ic e R e p re s e n ta tiv e s
create pnmary database storage structures and pnmary objects, and moni­
NlghtShfft - 10:00pm
skills including business-wntmg techniques.
system testing and validation is required. The successful candidate will
You will install and upgrade Oracle and associated software, allocate and
Sales Trainee/
Bid Package No. 4
Bids m ust the delivered or faxed to arrive at C M /G C ’s
m ain office located at 1300 SW Sixth Avenue, Fourth
Floor, Portland, O regon 97201, telephone 503-221-8811,
FAX 503-221-8934, no later than 2:00 pm, May 14, 1998. I
Bids received a fter the bid deadline will not be consid­
e re d .
ings for KGON - KKSN and
Earth 105. C o o rdina te ad
implement on-air promotions,
on-site events, press rela­
tions. Strong organizational
and computer skills. 3 yrs exp.
Resume to Entercom, 4614
S.W . K elly, P ortland, OR
97201. EEO
EWEB is seeking qualified applicants for an entry level Electrical
Engineer beginning July 1, 1998. Requires an Engineering
degree from a college or university with four-year accredited
engineering curriculum in electrical or electronic engineering,
or equivalent combination of education, experience and prepa­
ration. In lieu of education, a minimum of six years of experi­
ence working in electrical or electronic engineering under the
direction and guidance of a registered professional engineer
plus an Engineer-in-Training or Engineering Fundamentals
Certificate; two years’ specified experience with an Engineer­
ing Technology Degree. To receive prompt consideration, you
must complete our employm ent application form and send your
resume and an official college transcripts to the address below
no later than Friday, May 29, 1998, 5:00 pm.
Eugene W ater & Electric Board
Attn: Human Resources
P.O. Box 10148
Eugene, OR. 97440
Visit our website: w w w .ew eb.org. Job Information Line 541-484-
3769. EWEB values diversity in the workforce and is an equal
opportunity employer.
Inverness Jail Expansion &
A n o n -m a n d a to ry p re -b id m e e tin g and site v is it has
been scheduled for 10:00 am, May 5, 1998 at the C M /
G C ’s field office located at 1515 Agate Street, Eugene,
O R 97403.
A ll b id d e rs are e nco u ra ge d to attend in
order to a cquaint them selves with the local conditions
under w hich the w ork is to be perform ed and to co rre ­
late personal observations with the requirem ents of the
c o n ta c t d o c u m e n ts .
3 Promotion Directors - 3 open­
Late BakeZSpeclal
Delivery Driver
Associate Engineer Electrlcal/Electronlc
expenence). and at least four years o f expenence in data processing to
and excellent organizational skills. You must also be able to type 60 words
include at least tw o years o f expenence in U N IX System Administration
per minute and possess PC skills such as Excel. Lotus I -2-3, W ord,
with Sun Solans (and preferably AIX).
W e offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package Pre-employment drug screening is required, and we support a smoke-free w ork
environment. To apply, please indicate job # at the to p o f your resume o r cover letter and submit to: R e g e n c e B lu e C ro s s B lu e S h ie ld o f O re g o n
a n d R e g e n c e H M O O r e g o n , H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , P. O . B o x 12 7 1, P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 7 - 12 7 0 ,T T Y # ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 -6 7 8 0 . W e are strongly
com m itted to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment.
'S« O Regence
BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon
HMO Oregon
For m ore information about career opportunities, call our Job Information Line:
I - 8 0 0 - 2 3 1 - 16 17 o r v is it o u r w e b s ite a t w w w .b c b s o .c o m
An Equal Opportunity Employer