f« * • 7 2 a» î uw V a ^ 'r £ ■ -£ * ‘A 4?* Z a ^7' S ? ? ^ ■''" à . M R S **. . , ’ î ? Î . m . Mvs «*«.“, ; Page B7 A PR IL 22, 1998 U f r JlflrtlbMufo < ii *' ; Z ' " 7' / A s k m e how ? rental industry who collectively man­ age nearly 400,000 units from single family homes to large apartment buildings. The organization provides legislative representation, education through classes and manuals, credit and criminal record checks, and forms such as rental agreements and no­ tices o f violations. Registration will be accepted on a space-available basis. For a confer­ ence packet or membership informa­ tion, please call the MFHCO Salem office at 800-378-7129. Call 1-800-683-4238 for detail. “A SA V IN G S YOU C A N S E E ”! Applications for Neighborhood Tree Planting Projects Now Being Accepted Friends o f Trees is now accept­ ing applications for its 1998/99 neighborhood tree planting season, these projects require a com m it­ ment o f 6-9 months to organize the project which involves contacting neighbors, obtaining tree orders, collecting tree fees and organizing the planting day to take place som e­ time between N ovem ber 1998 and April 1999. Those who become N eighbor­ hood C oordinators will receive training and project guidelines. Planting projects are rewarding and challenging and are a great way to b rin g n e ig h b o rs to g e th e r to strengthen the community, improve the environment and beautify the neighborhood. N e ig h b o r h o o d p la n tin g p ro je c ts a re p art o f F rien d s o f T r e e s ’ S e e d The F u tu re c a m ­ p a ig n , a fiv e y e a r e ffo rt to in ­ v o lv e th o u sa n d s o f v o lu n te e rs to p lan t 144,000 tre e s and se e d ­ lin g s th ro u g h o u t the P o rtla n d m e tro p o lita n area. D u rin g the 1 9 9 7 /9 8 p la n tin g s e a s o n , F rien d s o f T rees and n e ig h b o r­ hood c o o rd in a to rs p lan ted 1,592 stre e t trees. For more information call 284- TREE (8733). GREAT HOUSE, GREAT PRICE & GREAT LOCATION Colum bia Gorge SKAMANIA! C H A L E T W IT H 11+ACRES Columbia Gorge property with 6 acres, fenced and 12 x 16 horse bam. House has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, with 2,000 SF deck off master suite. Only 20 miles to 1-205 access. Call Debbie Cadena about this and any other homes in any area. (503) 708-5510. Call Before You Dig It’s Free and Call Debbie (503) 708-5510 or 1-888-288-5432. THE SKY IS THE LIM IT IN CUSTOMER SERVJC Big Ro«8e No Problem! LittLH ouse NoProhlem ! ao ro It’s The Law With warm weather just around the comer, many gardening, remodelingand building projects will soon be underway. NW Natural urges people to “Call Be­ fore You Dig” to prevent damage and service interruptions that can be caused by diggingintounderground utility lines. Notifying utilities before skirting any work that requires digging is necessary for safety and required by law. The “Call Before You Dig” safety warning applies to anyone who may be digging-contractors, excavators or homeowners. Notification is easy and free of charge; all it takes is one call to a notification center at least two full work­ ing days before excavation is to begin. A tter the center receives a cal 1, it wi 11 alert participating utilities, which will locate and mark their lines with color-coded paint. If a person fails to call and subse­ quently damages underground services, he can be held liable for all repair costs. More importantly, damage to a gas pipe or an electric cable poses a significant safety hazard. Upon notification of proposed exca­ vation from the notification center, NW Natural will identify the location of the natural gas pipe with yellow paint. The Oregon Uti lity Noti fication Cen­ ter can be reached at 246-6699 in the Portland metro area, 696-4848 in Clark County, Wash, and 1 -800-332-2344 in all other areas o f Oregon. Remember, don’t risk digging into buried natural gas, water, sewer, tele­ phone, fiber optic, cable television or electric lines. Call before you dig. It’s free and it’s the law. $229,900 Three bedroom, two baths, vaulted ceilings in living/dining and master bedroom. Large vaulted entry with hardwood & alcoves. Bayed window in living room. On culde-sac, brick accent, real wood trim, fenced & wood deck & large private side yard. Built 1990. $159.900. #HDC12836. You Name It D E B IfE CADENA “WOODED ACRES” $ 1 4 9 ,0 0 0 Customer Service Specialis /■_. $67/ SQUARE FOOT/GREAT VALUE Tri-level with 2 separate living areas. Offers potential for extended family or in-law quarters. Remodeled kitchen. 10,000+square foot lot. $3,000 carpet allowance. (Tljc JJortlanb (©hseruer & Call Debbie Cadena about this and any other homes in any area. (503) 708-5510. & The Grey Whales bin Invites you to enter our weekend fo r 2 on the Cannon Reach Coast! L ice n se d , B on d e d, Insured Name: Address: ÿeZâ tre u ré e s < Quality work at a reasonable price. 286-4809 Home Pager 527-9588 KENAI STREET, To ¿AZAM WW OR’ - s in o •. • . • • (SO 3W 2Ó -18M 8 . - Phone #:( ) - — — — — — — _ _ a Mail or Drop it o ff at The Portland Observer Newspaper (a 4747 NE MI.K dr. Hlvd. Portland Oregon 97211, Att: Tony Washington :Must be 21 years o f age to enter »