Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 22, 1998, Page 14, Image 14

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fflje ^lortlaub ©bseruer_____________ _________ APRIL 22, 1998
F riends of L iz P roctor to C elebrate
H er M inistry
‘Event will honor 20 years of bringing hope to a remote community in the hills of‘Haiti
Express your (ove
fo r (Mom on
(Mothers <Day
...6y placing a personaf announcement in
The eportfandObserver.
Caff Tony or M ary at 288-0033.
((Deadline: M ay 1st)
Fellowship Missionary
Baptist Church
Every Sunday:
8:00 A M Early M ornin g Worship
Nan Kolo Kindergarten children at lunch
Liz Proctor is with Haiti Evangelism & Educational Ministries
“ Friends o f Liz” Celebra
tion is scheduled for Fn
day, April 24, at Maranatha
C hurch, at 7 p.m. the program will
include H aitian singers, a slide show
featuring the school and church that
Liz has developed at N anK olo in
northern Haiti, a presentation by the
Spirit and T ruth W orship Dancers
from N ortheast C om m unity Fellow ­
ship, and H aitian refreshm ents.
A lthough Elizabeth P roctor’s pri­
m ary m issionary sponsorship is from
M aranatha Church, she has support­
ive friends in churches throughout the
N /N E com m unity. North Portland
Bible C ollege is sponsoring this event
“to celebrate w hat G od has done
through L iz’ m inistry, to share infor­
m ation, enjoy fellowship, m usic and
food w ith local Haitian Christians,
and inspire further support.” M ission­
ary Proctor studied at NPBC during
vacation tim e, and earned a Christian
T eacher’s C ertificate there in 1985.
M any have gone overseas from N/
NE Portland on short-term m ission
trips, but Liz P roctor has the distinc­
tion ofbeing a career m issionary. She
has w orked in Haiti for over 20 years,
living with the people, sharing their
living conditions, enduring the eco­
nom ic sanctions and political unrest,
even natural disasters. As the result o f
Ufante ter/
her work an indigenous C hristian
church and school stands on a rem ote
m ountain ridge, accessible only by
foot or donkey, serving a com m unity
that has no other church or educa­
tional options. The school’s objec­
tives are to train young people for a
m ore productive life and for leader­
ship in the church.
Before M iss Proctor started a feed­
ing program at N anK olo there was
children who w alked to school for
one o r two hours, stayed ali day and
w alked hom e again without having
had anything to eat. Even a drink o f
w ater was a special treat. A fter visi­
tors from M aranatha reported the situ­
ation to friends in Portland several
began sponsoring a sim ple feeding
program , and also a system forgetting
drinkable water. The slide program
will show the lunch program in ac­
W hen a team com posed o f friends
from different churches visited Liz in
1996 they listened to the school p ar­
9:15 A M Sunday School
ents and leaders tell w hat they needed
most. Parents pointed out that som e o f
the teachers in the school have to take
th e lo n g , stre n u o u s w alk up to
N anK olo each day before teaching,
and return hom e the sam e way. They
asked for help in building a dorm itory
building, so that teachers could have
the option o f stay ing in N anKolo over­
night. For this reason a special offer­
ing will be taken at the C elebration on
April 24th to help pay for the m ateri­
als for a suitable building to accom ­
m odate the teachers. Their choice o f a
project dem onstrated the value the
com m unity places on having a school
w herechildren ingrades K-6 can learn
to read and write, and w here their
parents can receive instruction in the
Further inform ation can be ob­
tained by calling North Portland Bible
C ollege, at 288-2919, o r 287-0885.
Reservations are not necessary, but
they are helpful for those planning the
11.00 A M M ornin g Worship
the Lord's Supper
(1st Sunday)
Children's Church
(1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday)
6:00 P M Training U nion
(2nd and 4th Sunday)
7:15 P M Evening worship
(2nd and 4th Sunday)
11.00 A M Baptismal Service
(4th Sunday)
4009 North Missouri Avenue
(503) 249-0377
Oh! That men would praise the Lord fo r his
goodness, and fo r his wonderful works to the
children o f men! Psalms 107:31
Attention all Greater St.
Stephen family and friends;
2756 NE Rodney
Portland, OR 97212
505-251 -4591
Il you are not an active member of any local church and
your membership is with GSS we, your church family
extend a cordial invitation to you and your family to come,
Shaback the Lord with us. On Sunday, April 26, 1998 for
our 11 am come as you are “Family and Friends Day”
worship service at 3605 NE Mallory.
Cathedral of Praise
Celebrates One Year Anniversary !
Theme "Laying A Sure Foundation For A Habitation Of God Through The Spirit"
This is y o u r t om m untty based funeral hom e
sup ported b y you.
IFr m ahe the toss o f p o u r loved ones easier to bear.
L e t us guide y o u through o u r fat itity and explain
about p re arrangements with gou.
Johnny Pack IV
May 1st, 1998 at 7:00 p m Cathedral of praise will be hosting their 1 year anniversary
of ministry in Portland.
You won't want to miss this spectacular event in the LORD'
’ Come for the event, leave with a Miracle ,"
Please join us as we dress casual and have a
hallelujahgoodtime praising the Lord.
Pastor Levell Thomas
Location -1821 SE 39th at the corner of Stephens
C. C ox Tanner
Jerom e Cox Tanner
O w n er
Funeral Director
For more Information, please contact - Kandy Whitley-White
Events Coordinator
The largest McDonald's in the world opened in January 1990 with
700 seats and 27 cash registers. It is located in Moscow.
Resolve To Do Something For Yourself and For Your
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