Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 22, 1998, Page 13, Image 13

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APRIL 22, 1998
(Thf Portland «Ht«nrMnr
U .S. S en . G ordon S mith A nnounces
PC C S tudent I nternships
S am uel O ’B rien an d T ra c ie
M itchell, tw o PCC stu d en ts w ho
h a v e c o m p le te d s h o r t- te r m
tra in in g p ro g ra m s th ro u g h the
C a sc a d e C am p u s S k ill C e n te r,
w ere aw a rd e d in te rn sh ip s w ith
U .S. Sen. G o rd o n S m ith. T he
S k ill C e n te r is re sp o n sib le for
ch a n g in g the liv es o f m an y in ­
d iv id u a ls w ho h av e b e e n
c h r o n ic a lly u n e m p lo y e d , on
a s s is ta n c e o r w ith o u t h ig h
sch o o l d ip lo m as. T he tw o w ill
w ork in Sen. S m ith ’s W a sh in g ­
to n , D .C . o f f ic e - M itc h e ll, a
n o rth P o rtla n d re sid e n t, b e g in s
this su m m er an d O ’B rien , w ho
now liv es in B e a v e rto n , w ill
sta rt his in te rn sh ip in Ja n u a ry .
Sen. Sm ith an d the PCC S k ill
C e n te r have a re la tio n sh ip th a t
goes b ack to S m ith ’s tim e le a d ­
ing the O reg o n S en ate. H e v is ­
ited the S k ill C e n te r u p o n the
in v ita tio n o f R ep. M a rg a re t
C a rte r and w as im p re sse d w ith
w h at he saw , d e c la rin g it a p ro ­
gram that p ro v id e s “ a h a n d up,
n o t a h and o u t.” S u b se q u e n tly ,
S m ith a n n o u n c e d his U .S. S e n ­
ate c a n d id a c y k ic k - o f f c a m ­
p a ig n at th e S k ill C e n te r in
1996. He has a lso been a fe a ­
tu red sp e a k e r at one o f the S k ill
C e n te r co m p le tio n c erem o n ies.
Trade Mitchell, (left) and Samuel O'Brien, two PCC students who have
completed short-term training programs through the Cascade Campus
Skill Center, were awarded internships with U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith in
Sen. Smith's Washington, D.C. Office.
"Do I Open The Door With
Journalism Written On It?"
When I (Ryan Moore) was
four, 1 wanted to be a trucker; at
six, a heavy equipm ent operator;
at eight, chef; ten, carpenter, and
finally at my present age four­
teen, ajoumalist. “Fletch”, played
by Chevy Chase, opened another
door o f fantasies as I watched
him squeeze through d eath ’s
grasp, experience the outrageous
and, o f course, get the girl at the
end. 1 thought this was it. The
perfect career. Now, I ask you to
remember when you w ere a chi Id
and how being an astronaut
brought more excitement to you
then the night before Christmas,
but then somehow you discov­
ered it takes more than suiting up
for lift o ff and a few trips to the
movie theater to watch “Apollo
13”. You would have college,
more homework than there was
nighttime, not to mention that
you would have to learn what all
those buttons on the control panel
were for. Then, almost as soon as
the idea came into your head it
packed up and left. W ell, jo u r­
nalism has popped into my head,
but will it pop out?
To find out, I asked for a job
shadow at the Portland Observer
newspaper. I was shown, just like
being an astronaut, that it w asn’t
a free ride. Learning about the
layout, organization, and the ba-
Left to right, Tony Washington of the Portland Observer
Newspaper and Ryan Moore of West Sylvan Middle School,
discussing Ryan's future as a journalist.
sic steps that are practiced in journal­
ism, I discovered the job w ouldn’t be
as easy as I thought.
However, when I left the idea
hadn’t packed up and left. It still
sounds like a mem ber o f the top ten
perfect careers as far as I’m con­
cerned, Next week, will 1 still
want to be a journalist or a law­
yer? A restaurant ow ner? Taxi
cab driver? Journalism , is it my
door to opportunities?
Mayor Vera Katz Appoints
Turner as Education Advocate
Carol Turner
Mayor Vera Katz has hired former
President o f the O regon School
Boards Association and three-term
school board chair, Carol Turner, to
serve as the city’s Education Advo­
T urner’s initial efforts will center
on strengthening communication be­
tween the city and its five school
districts and developing joint strate­
gies to address academic perfor­
mance, truancy, youth gang violence,
school-to-work partnerships, school
funding, and after-school activities.
She will also work on the ongoing
challenge o f school funding.
“Iam excited to have someone o f
Carol’s caliber and experience step­
ping up to help this city’s quest for
a c a d e m ic e x c e lle n c e in our
schools,” said Katz. “ I cannot stress
enough that our economic success
in Portland — and all o f Oregon —
will not be m aintained without
w orld-class public schools that
ready our children for the 21 st cen­
tury global economy. Carol’s ap­
pointment helps cement the City
Council’s commitment to making
sure Portland’s children get the edu­
cation they need.”
Turner has a long history in edu­
cation. Prior to joining the M ayor’s
staff, Tum erw orked forthe Oregon
Department o f Human Resources as
part o f the Community Partnership
Team. From 1985-1996 she worked
for Portland State University as a
clinical social worker, where she
also coordinated several programs
and grants. She brings to the posi­
tion twelve years o f experience on
the Portland School Board where
she served as Chairperson for three
terms. Turner also has statewide
experience as board mem ber and
president o f the Oregon School
Boards Association.
Turner hit the ground running.
She has already met with the super­
intendents from P o rtlan d ’s five
school districts. Ron Russell, super­
intendent o f the David Douglas
School District said, “W earepleased
to hear o f Carol Turner’s selection
to serve as a liaison between the city
and all o f its schools. Carol has the
experience and positive attitude to
help us create a true partnership to
better serve students.”
Wednesday, May 6,1998
Cascade Campus
11a.m. - 6p.m.
You are a *Rare
yem , so delicate, so
precious, and so fine.
You intrigue most,
intimidate the mass,
and spellbound the
few. To K now you is
to puzzled by you. To
Respect you is to
understand you. To
TJnderstand you is
to love you
‘Happy 30th
«Love #1
Come to the Portland
Community College Career and
Job Information Fair and visit
with over 100 employers.
' j r j j j j '¿MJS
'/¿ J
There will be live entertainment,
keynote speakers, employer
presentations and job
This event If FREE and will take
place outside on the Borthwick
Mall area.
PCC Community College
Cascade Campus
705 /V. Kiilingsworth
Mr. form aL
phce includes coal, pants, shirt, jewelry, cummerbund and tie
Shoes & vest are additional. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 6/30/98.
1205 SE Gil ANI) AVENUE • 232-1512
Here are a few of the employers who
will be there!
f£, Bi-Mart Corp , City o f Portland - Bureau ol Environmental Science,
Doubletree Hotels, Liberty Northwest Companies, Tektronix, United
Parcel Service (UPS), Fred Meyer, Kaiser Permanente, Legacy Health
Systems, Oregon Lottery, Portland General Electric, Safeway,Inc.