* • ” Page B2 ‘ » • 1 /Li»« ‘ V .< 5- *• ’ U^ rbbbwm A P R IL 22, 1998 H j r P o r t la n d (Obseruer (El|c |)n rtla n b ©baertier eV z/j ENTERTAINM ENT tamia Singer, songwriter and actress, Tamia has emerged over the past three years as one o f the leading artists o f a new generation of musical voices. With the release o f her self-titled debut album, the twenty-one year old Canadian native confirms her position as the female vocalist to watch in the coming years. Blending a mix o f rhythmic dance songs and soulful ballads, I amia deftly displays the maturity and self-confidence that the singer has devel­ oped since making her recording debut on Quincy Jones’ multi-platinum album Q ’s Jook Joint. There, her vocal performance on the first single, “You Put A Move On My Heart,” took her straight to the top o f the charts. With a company o f accomplished producers at the boards, I amia displays a range of tempo and mood that reveals the heart and soul of the artist it celebrates. Tamia puts your body in motion with her up-tempo first single “Imagination,” and with “Is That You?” Both tracks were produced by influential and prolific hip-hop producer, Jermaine Dupri. Stevie J. continues the vibe with“Falling For You.” Keith Crouch delivers the sultry mid-tempo “Gotta Move On,” while Tim Kelly and Bob Robinson’s “So Into You” will definitely put you in the mood for romance. Both songs were co-written by Tamia In her brief time in the spotlight, Tamia has achieved significant success, as well as gaining the respect and admiration o f her peers, but she’s only just begun. She continues to grow musically and personally-exquisitely evidenced by her new Qwest release, T am ia-and as she branches out into film, TV and theater, she is perfectly poised to be the female performer o f the twenty-first century! Äi>V R estaurant Guide 1998 The PoRllANd ObsERVER is p u o u d TO PRESENT A NEW R e STAU' RANiGuidE. L et i L ie coMMUNiiy disc over youR restaurant as A TREASURE o f F X< F pi ¡ON a I COolUNq Af\ld QUAliiy SERViCE. GET REC OqNiZEd TO qiVE PoRllANdERS A TASTE o f t U e bEST. W e pROVidE EXC e II e NT ANd RFSpONsiVE AdvERTisiNq SERViCE. Y ou CAN NOW AdvERTisE yOUR RESTAURANT AT A lo w COST o f $ 6 0 foR one MONTh or $ I 5 0 foR t L tree MONihs. This is eq u v a I ent to pAyiNq I esst I tan $ 2 0 p E R W E E k fo R 1 2 wee I cs . ThE AVERAqc Ad sizE w o u ld bE 5 " X 2 " . B e amonc , the H rst to AdvcRiise lodAy! F or more information , contact or Joy R amos G ary W A s h iN q T O N at 2 8 8 0 0 J J ✓ Tamia Im / o is Jazz in the Afternoon presen ted by C h e m c k e ta C o m m u n ity C o lleg e & W illam ette V alley V ineyards ~ Ja n ice S croggins & F rie n d s ~ Sunday, Apr 19, 1998 @ 3pm Admission is $8 00 / $5.50 for students & seniors ~ A n d re K ita e v T r io ~ Sunday, May 3, 1998 @ 3pin Benefit Concert for Jazz Society of Oregon Admission is $10.00 / $6.00 for students & seniors For more information call 503-588-9463 W illamette Valley Vineyards is located on Enchanted W ay 1 mile south of exit #248 off 1-5 Galore Paging & Cellular Fans nationwide have been asking for the return of the movie Rolling Stone calls, "DELICIOUS, DIABOLICAL FUN!" & If you haven't seen it, experience ONE HELL OF A FUN MOVIE!" says Newsweek. And if you have seen it, then you know... Billy Porter ONCE IS NEVER ENOUGH. and (H lje ^ ( .lo r t la n b ( f t ) b s e r u e r A » U M BY WAS CRAVEN IV» M ir a m a x F ilm s O IR C C TC D BY W I S C R A V E N A N D W R IT T E N BT K E V IN W IL L IA M S O N IN V IT E S Y O U T O A N Y S H O W IN G O F Nightwatch ■ •'iliC H W ß . a s u s i« « « .«B M 'ffliG : HUM! M M ; b i b b i uumw m o w n ciiiiRtuPi immiiism H n t m «os nnttir utvstwiWR ■ M t m m ~ M im a o H n - (»m»« o m o IIIB U .M Í1I (IT O IÍÍK M . edcbmmd ■ m mum maodmíiw « a u s » ir a is « G E T T I C K E T S W H IL E S U P P LIE S L A S T . C H E C K YO UR. LO CAL NEW SPAPER FOR THEATERS & S H O W T IM E S . ioiz « » « s m BACK IN THEATERS EVERYWHERE! S T A R T S A P R IL 1 7 . 1 9 9 8 A T A N Y A C T III T H E A T E R ßlLLH PORTER JflTITLÍD SCREAMING FÖR s r n ñ ñ l d o lla r s S SPENCE P t e r i o n In today’s sound-byte stylized marketplace, it’s a refreshi ng change to experience the talents o f a singer who is simply young, gifted and real; like Billy Porter. Let’s begin with the voice. Pow­ erful from its heartfelt bottom to its roof-raising top. Impassioned. Au­ thentic. Then bear witness to its purpose: to giveus something wecan feel through genuine emotion in his interpretation o f carefully crafted lyrics. It’s the voice ofan artist who warrants serious attention. With the Fall 1997 release o f his DV8/A & M Records debut CD, Untitled, no doubt that attention will be given. With Untitled, the seven year vocal veteran take listeners on an M /Z7 a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h A emotion filled journey with twelv< “story-telling” tunes that make ui believers in “True Love;” acknowl edge the fact that life happens or “ Borrowed Time;” and rejuvenatt our sagging hope that, “Love Is Or The Way,” even if we no longei believe in it or just when we w en ready to give up hope. Listen to tht album ’s first single, “Show Me,” anc you ’ll feel this young singer’s powei and love for “testifying” througf music. “There is no doubt that Pete helped me find my sound,” acknowl edges Porter, “ He helped me figuri out how to create the fervor ant excitement o f singing live and scab it down for recording.” W MONEY GREEN PIT BELL W h a t if someone you trusted was setting ) PRESENTS THE FAMILY TREE: B What if you were the final piece in a brii The night hotds I E ï N T D«li_TO N E C A P O N E J R M IS T E R S P E N C E R L A D Y U N IQ U E R E E * /» o » B _ fe a tu rin g 8:00 PM -1 :OO AM R O S E LA N D TH E A TE R 8 N W 6 T H GUEST HOST OJ.FRESH O O IK LOMMian i S 4217 NE Fremont Portland, Oregon 97213 (503) 249-5972 7 :3 0 - 6 :3 0 M - F 9 : 0 0 - 4 : 0 0 S a t. cruiwc MACKIN ROB . ■ Hlghiwatcti RrnsB«. .HM»«, . mm • mmm » BW lAOMBW »IM M W » YMMK WHBMBER M IM IM » . « M M M » « » « « JM T I -M l B e a u m o n t C leaners C oupon Beaum ont Cleaners 4-PAW’S • ZIG ZAG S H a n ia c S o ft FEDERAL FACES FEDDY KSPOOK-G $12 o ff o f ' $30 or more $8 o ff of $20 or more Beaumont Cleane rs C oupon Beaumont Cleaners Coupon $4 o ff of $12 or more 25% o ff Blankets 2 IN THE CHAMBER C o u p on MR. UNKNOWN KAY LA-REESE AH-LEE ACASIA WILSON IN ADVANCE INFINITY $14 AT THE DOOR spank F O R M O R I IN F O R M A T IO N C A U L : . . “ “ t-L B S T A P E S A N D C D S ■ J B 5 3 5 1 I O R E 6 N P IT B U L L « N T . - 7 3 5 -1 3 8 3 T IO K B T S A V A IL A B L E A T P A S T IX X - 3 2 4 8 4 0 » 21 and Ov»r • 1.0. Required