Page A6 APRIL 15, 1998 (Che Jlorthuth (Ohsernrr Cl //= Express your love for Dad on Fathers Day placing a personal announcement in the Portland Observer. Call Tony or Mary at 288-0033. (Deadline: June 6) J D a n o y o n a y o u r u ie o ill l o n g a d i s t a n c e f r a l e s ONE PLUS I k r c a lk ( ALL DIRECT CALLING CARD FREE DIGITAL MOTOROL A PAGER li v e r y o i l i e r O n e P lu s L « U iro n » k o in e , (i (. cn/A • M in u ie . 9, P rn M in u te s o r w i ll lo s t A H o lker rails w ill cost /( J (fc U ti * M in u te . ’,7 .A \ A t 2 4 H ou rs a D ay, 7 Hays a W eek A n y w h ere in the U S A ! A sk me how ? Eartha Kitt, Dr. Billy Taylor A n d Andrew Young Are Profiled In “Ageless Heroes, ” Joe Paterno, Helen Thom as, M erce C unningham , Among Those Spotlighted Ageless Heroes, a one-hour speeial capturing the spirit, vi­ tality and potential o f men and w om en who have achieved success and continue to do so beyond the age o f 65, will be telecast on I’BS, W ednesday. April 29, 1998 (9 :0 0 -1 ():()() PM, E l ) (cheek local listings). Among the "h ero es” to he sa­ luted are singer/dancer/actress Eartha Kitt; jazz m usician l)r. Billy Taylor; and civil rights ac­ tivist and form er ll.N . A m bassa­ dor Andrew Young. Ageless Heroes was directed, produced and w ritten by Bud G reenspan, Emmy and Peabody A w ard-w inning film maker rec­ ognized internationally for his in spirational film s and books about the Olym pics and its ath ­ letes. KCE l/llo lly wood is the presenting station. The film is fully funded by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and the independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield com ­ panies. Campaign Helps Reduce SIDS Deaths Call 1-800-683-4238 for JeUil. “A SA V IN G S YOU C A N SEE"! Ageless Heroes. Award-winning jazz musician and educator Dr. Billy Taylor (left), legendary entertainer Eartha Kitt (Center), and Andrew Young (right) former Mayor o f Atlanta and civil rights activist, are three of the men and women profiled in "Ageless Heroes," a one-hour special challenging the myths and misconceptions of life after 65. Photo credits: left: Carol Weinberg: center: Jesse Frohman n.iSN