Page A4 APRIL 15, 1998 (The JJortlanh ©bseruer / / Editorial Articles Do Not Necessarily Reflect Or Represent The Views O f (Elje '{iartlanh (Dbscruer ‘ / / z Plcaic take a minute to lend us your comments. W e're always trying to give you a better paper and we can't do it without your help. Tell us what you like and what needs improvement... any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. W e take criticism well! G et your powerful pens out N O W and address your letters to: Editor, Reader Response, P.O. Bo» 3137, Portland, O R 97208. (Tbi' ^ o rtla n h (©bseruer (USPS 959-680) Established in 1970 Charles W ashington Publisher & Editor Mark Washington Distsribution Manager Gary Ann Taylor Business M anager Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Director o f Operation Tony W ashington Assistant Editor lesha Williams, Elana Kestrel Graphic Design Contributing Writers: Professor McKinley Burt, Lee Perlman, Neil Heilpem Joy Ramos 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97211 503-288-0033 • Fax 503-288-0015 Email: Deadline for all submitted materials: Articles.Friday, 5:00 pm Ads: Monday, ¡2:00pm POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes To: Portland Observer, P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208. Periodicals postage p a id at Portland, Oregon. Subscriptions: $60.00 per year The Portland O bserver welcomes freelance submissions. Manu­ scripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad. © 1996 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN W HOLE OR IN PART W ITH­ OUT PERM ISSION IS PROHIBITED. The Portland O bserver—O regon’s Oldest Multicultural Publica­ tion—is a mem ber o f the National Newspaper Association—Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. SUBSCRIBE TO s p p e r Attention Readers! ^lortlauh (0bBeruer The Portland Observer can be sent directly to your home for only $60.00 per year. Please fill out, enclose check or money order, and mail to: S ubscriptions T he P ortland O bserver ; PO B ox 3137 P ortland , O regon 97208 e c t i v e Identity, Motivation And Innovation A very perceptive reader says those three processes fit together like parts o f a well-designed machine. There follows here some o f those ‘well- designed’ supporting materials I’ve promised: For student, teacher and/ or parent. First in relationship to David Crosthwaite whose scores o f ther­ modynamic (heat transfer) inventions made ‘Skyscrapers’ a livable and comfortable domain, I recommend the following materials. All have proven more than successful for the purposes w e’ve indicated. “Skyscrapers: a History o f the Worlds Most Famous and Important Skyscrapers”, J udith Dupre. Y ou may obtain this beautiful, oversize (8 X 14 1 /2) book with photographs and clear, informative commentary o f over 25 o f the W orld’s tallest buildings ... from “Barnes & Noble, Books By M ail” (only) Item No. B I 39716, $ 19.98plusS. & H. $3.95(800)242- 6657 by Credit Card or, One Pound Road, Rockleigh, N. J. 07647 formail order, check enclosed. The book has a fantastic introduc­ tion and foreword - The Pyramids and The Washington Monument (The “African Obelisks” article I presented during Black History Month). There also is a list o f the w orld’s “ 100 Tallest Buildings”, and there is an excellent bibliography, 25 “ Sug­ gested Readings.” In te re s tin g ly , w h en my “Crosthwaite Neighborhood Science Club” was downtown touring two o f Portland’s tallest buildings - 11 kids, two mothers - this book was almost snatched away from them by marvel­ ing people; even abuildingsuper- intendent who insisted, “ I ’ve just got to have one to show visi­ tors”. In fact, the book w ould make a heck o f a coffee table item even if you had no real interest in Croswh waite or thermodynamics. I wish to cite here another very relevant book which also may be obtained at a publisher’s closeout price from the same “Barnes & Noble, Books By Mail” (only). This is the ultimate physics’ reference book, “Understanding Physics”, by the famed Isaac Asimov (1 do not have the order number so call (800) 242- 66 5 7 ). R em em b er th a t D avid Crosthwaite made skyscraper occu­ C O A L IT IO N Another Member of Our Family Goes to Congress In northern C alifornia, State Senator and Rainbow /PU SH C oa­ lition California Chairperson, Bar­ bara Lee was elected in a landslide to com plete the unexpired term o f retired Rep. Ron Dellums. C ongressw om en-elect Lee is a shining exam ple o f w hat determ i­ nation and enlightened governm ent can produce. Her rise from young, s in g le m o th e r on w e lf a r e to congressperson is prim arily the result o f trem endous individual drive and com m itm ent and faith. But let there be no m istake. N ot even th ese lau d ab le in dividual qualities could overcom e o v e r­ w helm ing odds w ithout go v ern ­ m ental support. L ee’s rise, like a Phoenix from the ashes, was only pancy possible and comfortable, but he was not an architect. He was a mechanical engineer whose special- tie s w ere h e a tin g , p lu m b in g , airconditioning, ventilation. Asimov’s book, “Understanding Physics”, makes difficult concepts quite clear and has proven to be o f invaluable assistance to junior and senior high school students as well as c o lle g e y o u th s. T he very first ofthe 't h r e e - v o l - um es-in-one’ is “ M o tio n , Sound and Heat.” That is “ th e r m o d y - n a m i c s ” , Crosthw aite’s specialty. A local African American mechanical en­ gineer with his own shop will de­ velop this group. It is to be seen here that what might have begun simply as a single citation of a reference book on Sky­ scrapers is fast evolving into a broad area o f scientific disciplines which support an apparently independent concept. And that is the way this science field is; ever new, ever chal­ lenging, ever expanding and reward­ possible in a state that was once com m itted to providing a social safety net and a ladder to climb be­ yond one’s circumstances. U nless C alifo rn ian s overturn Proposition 209 and other initiatives that close doors to opportunity, there will not be any Barbara Lees ten to twenty years from now. Because o f these shortsighted initiatives, Cali­ fornians will be deprived o f good, capable, committed people to lead the state into the tw enty-first cen­ tury. Every other state in the union should heed C alifornia’s warning. Rev. Jackson Answers Plea In T exas Rev. Jackson m et and prayed w ith Erica Sheppard, a 24- ing - and connected. Several years ago I wrote here of a brilliant young African American student at Grant High School who won first prize in the “ Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) es­ say contest. Para Stroud Johnson chose as her subject, the black inven­ tor o f the “Sugar Refiner, Norman Rillieux. The very same Rillieux, American pioneer in Thermodynam­ ics, whom David Crosthwaite told me was his model and hero. It was gratifying that this young lady cited my book, “ Black Inven­ tors o f America” as one source of documentation for her essay. I still work at assembling in an organized manner, reams upon reams o f mate­ rial on the technical contributions o f Africans and African Americans - for distribution by book, video, docu­ mentary, World Wide Web, w hat­ ever. It takes longer than one would think hundreds o f correspondents. Obviously our youth needs this. Interestingly, “Kelva Johnson”, the sister o f Para Johnson the D A R’ essay winner, and a senior at Grant High School isa finalist in thisyear’s Coca Cola Scholarship Foundation competition, congratulations to you and your wonderful mother. year-old m other o f three, on death row. T he m eetin g o c c u rre d at the req u est o f A m nesty In tern atio n al an d M s. S h e p p a r d ’s m o th e r, M a d e ly n M c N e il. A f te r M s. S h ep p ard took the e x tra o rd in a ry step o f a sk in g the sta te to end her ap p e a ls, both A m nesty In te rn a ­ tio n al and Ms. M cN eil ap p e a le d to Rev. Ja c k so n for help. Rev. Ja c k so n sp o k e w ith M s. S hep p ard and c o n v in c e d h er to re in sta te her ap p eals. T he e x e c u ­ tio n , set for A p ril 20, w as s u b se ­ q u en tly p o stp o n ed in d e fin ite ly pen d in g the ou tco m e o f the a p ­ p e lla te p ro cess. Name:__________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City, State:__________________________________________ Zip-Code: T hank Y ou F or R eading T he P ortland O bserver better 'CT? (SJditor Support for a career with no boundaries. Sesd yoiiR I etters to ihr Ediion to: EditoR: PO Box J 1 J 7, PoRtlANd, OR 97208 You have the education, the drive and the opportunity. Why let Letter to the Editor: I agree and applaud the real point o f the editorial in the Oregonian: that libraries are an essential public ser­ vice, and that every effort should be made to provide access to Multnomah County libraries throughout the up­ com ing multi-year branch library renovation process. The information you conveyed to your readers, however, contained a significant inaccuracy. We are NOT planning to have North Portland and Albina branch libraries closed at the same time. Work on the North Portland branch is scheduled to begin in 1999; the Albina Branch Li­ brary renovation is scheduled to be finished before the end o f 1998. (A lbina’s renovation will take place as part ofN ature’s Fresh Northwest’s renovation o f the shopping center on NE Fifteenth and Fremont; N ature's owns the building that houses the Albina Branch Library.) something like communications O f greater concern to us is a pos­ sible overlap o f work to be done on the North Portland and St. Johns branch libraries. Both North and St. Johns will require extensive work: new roofs, plumbing, mechanical systems and wiring. North Portland, an unreinforced masonry building, will also require major seismic work and St. Johns will be adding addi­ tional space for a community meet­ ing room. Each building will need to be closed for approximately one year. We are working to coordinate these projects so that the construction schedule avoids or minimizes any overlap in these closures. I’d also like to point out that since the middle o f March we have been conducting a series o f public meet­ ings - one at each branch library - to talk about renovation plans. Upcom­ ing meetings include one at St. Johns (June 9 at 7 p.m.) and one at North Portland (June 17 at 7 p.m.). technology stand in your way? U S WEST otters the tools you need to excel in a world that runs on information. Services such as U S WEST paging, voice messaging and call forwarding keep you in touch, whether you're in the office or in the field. If you envision a future with no limits, call U S WEST We ll bring it into focus. ‘Express your (ove can 1-800-603-6000 f o r ‘M om on Mother's (Day ... 6y placing a personaC announcement in The (Portlantf Observer. C ad Tony o r ‘M ary at 288-0033. o r visit us at UKWEST® Ute's better here »7 U S WFSr COMMUNICATIONS I