. . Page A 2 • .• • • .1 r v J». .< ’ > •* . ... •‘J i./- ?. V, _ . . * ’ . , ■-• APRIL 15, 1998 (Ehe P o rfla ttò O m ra w tr POLICE NEWS Kidnap/Sexual Assault Portland Police Bureau investi­ gators, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, are asking for your help in identifying and apprehending the suspect responsible for Kidnapping and Assaulting tw o you women. O n T u esd ay , N o v em b er 11, 1997, at about 10:00 in the evening, tw o 17-year-old girls were walking w estbound on NE Siskiyou Street from 82nd A venue, when they were confronted by a man arm ed with a sem i-autom atic handgun. The two were forced into the park next to Madison High School w here they were sexually assaulted. The suspect is described as a white m ale in his 3 0 ’s 5 ’9" tall, w eighing over 200 pounds with sandy blonde hair. He is described as having a large flabby stomach, a possible w ound on his upper left thigh, and stubby hands with large fingers. At the tim e o f the as­ sault, he was w earing a black stocking hat, dark blue T -shirt, black sw eat pants, black and w hite athletic shoes, and a black jack et with an orange em blem w ith w riting across the front re­ sem bling a sunset. C rim e Stoppers is o fferin g a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 f o r inform ation, reported to C rim e Stoppers, w hich leads to an a r­ rest in this case or any unsolved felony crim e, and you do not have to give your name. C all C rim e Stoppers at (503) 823-H E L P. Robbery in NE Portland Police Bureau investi­ gators. in cooperation w ith Crime Stoppers, are asking for your help in identifying and apprehending three suspects responsible for a rob­ bery. On Tuesday, March 24,1998, at about eight o ’clock in the evening, three individuals were riding in a car and had just pulled into the driveway o f a house in the 700 block o f Northeast Church Street. Tw o suspects, one o f which was armed with a handgun, approached the car and ordered everyone out. A fter being joined by a third per­ son, the robbers searched the car and occupants taking m oney and a wallet. During the encounter, they claimed to be gang members, and the suspect armed with the gun threat­ ened to shoot one o f the victims. The robbers fled the scene in what may have been a beige or tan mid-size American-made sedan with a slop­ ing back end. Suspect # 1 is described as a black male with a dark complexion, 20 to 25 years o f age, 6 ’0" tall, weighing 180 to 200 pounds with black braided hair, brown eyes and a goatee. At the time he was wearing a black or blue hooded sweatshirt and black pants. Suspect #2 is described as a black male With a dark complexion, 18 to 20 years o f age, 5 ’8" to 5 ’9" tall, weighing 160 to 170 pounds with black hair, brown eyes and a mus­ tache. He w as wearing a tan camou­ flage top and black pants. Suspect #3 is described as a black male, 20 to 25 years o f age, 6 ’0" to 6 ’2" tall, with black hair worn in a medium Afro and brow n eyes. At the time he was w earing a black sweatshirt. Investigators believe the same individuals may also be respon­ sible for a similar robbery that occurred a short while later in the 5300 block o f North Borthwick Avenue. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000 for information, reported to C rim e Stoppers, which leads to an arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crime, and you do not have give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at (503)823-HELP. Two Hour Pursuit With A Man In A Stolen Van O n A p ril 2, 1998 at about 12:10a.m. The Multnomah County S h e riffs Office arrested a man after he lead police from several jurisdic­ tions on a pursuit for approximately two hours in a stolen van. The man identified as Jason Craig Gomsrud, (D a te o f Birth December 30, 1969); was observed leaving a known drug house at approx imately 10:00p.m .on April 1 ,1998,inN .E. Portland, driving a white mini van. Police Bureau Officers found that the van was stolen and attempted to stop it. Mr. Gomsrud did not com ­ ply and led the officers through resi­ dential neighborhoods tow ard 1-84. The Portland Officers terminated the pursuit shortly into it and Mr. Gomsrud drove onto Interstate 84 east bound where he was eventually located by Troutdale Police who at­ tempted to stop him until he entered into unincorporated East Multnomah County. M ultnom ah C ounty S h e r if f s D eputies co ntinued the pursuit through rural areas o f the county including Springdale and areas o f th e S ce n ic H ig h w ay on into Clackamas County. Eventually Mr. Gomsrud drove onto M arsh Rd. S h eriffs Deputies used tack strips to puncture the suspects tires and he eventually crashed into a residence at the end o f M arsh Rd. M r Gomsrud fled on foot from the vehicle and jum ped into the Sandy River. Offices pursued to the shore­ line w here they observed Mr. G om srud attem pt to cross the swiftly moving current. He appar­ ently decided not to attempt a cross­ ing and returned to a rock in the water near the shoreline. Officers from several jurisdic­ tions arrived and assisted in a pe­ rim eter and eventually M CSO Deputies talked Mr. Gomsrud into surrendering at about 12:10 a.m. on April 2, 1998. Homicide Victim Identified T h e v ic tim o f th e h o m ic id e in S p rin g d a le , fo u n d T u e sd a y (3 / 2 4 /9 8 ) m o rn in g , has b een te n ta ­ tiv e ly id e n tifie d . T h e v ictim is b elie v e d to be M arco A n tonio L opez. T he M ultnom ah C ounty S h e r if f s O ffice is requesting that an y o n e w ho m ay have seen Mr. City Employees to Observe Bring Your Daughter/Son to Work Day C ity o f V ancouver em ployees, along w ith m illio n s o f parents across the country, are planning to bring their daughters and sons to work for an educational day as part o f the national B ring O ur D augh­ ters to W ork Day. On T hursday, A pril 23, daughters will be ob serv ­ ing th eir parents as they w ork. The tion by City M anager V ernon E. Stoner and Karen H aines, director o f the Com m unity D evelopm ent D epartm ent. They will discuss the challenges and rew ards o f being a leader in the public sector. A tour o f city facilities will follow . The event is designed for daughters and sons ages 9 to 15. Ms. Foundation for W omen de­ signed the N ational B ring O ur D aughters to W ork Day to ensure girls rem ain confident, strong and in school throughout their teen years. On Thursday, April 30, sons are invited to participate. A ctivities planned by the City o f V ancouver include a presenta­ S ign U p F or O fficers R ow T our G uide T raining T his S aturday A n y o n e in te re ste d in b e c o m ­ ing a v o lu n te e r d o c e n t (g u id e ) on O ffic e rs R ow is in v ite d to a tte n d a free tra in in g th is S a tu r­ day, A pril 11, from 9 a.m . to 2 p.m . at th e G ra n t H ouse. T he tra in in g w ill ta k e p la c e in the second flo o r b anquet room . B ring a sa c k lu n c h . B e v e ra g e s and H eritag e Program . D o c e n ts also a ssist w ith co m m u n ity special ev e n ts such as H e rita g e W e e k ­ end and the Fourth o f July. To sign up for the tra in in g , call Pam B rokaw at 6 9 6 -8 2 9 7 . T ra in e e s w ill receiv e a b in d e r o f in fo rm a tio n called “ W hat E very D ocent S hould K n o w .” c o o k ie s w ill be p ro vided. V o lu n te e r d o c e n ts a re e x ­ pected to p ro v id e free h o u r-lo n g to u rs o f O ffic e rs Row . V o lu n ­ teers can lead as m any or as few to u rs as they cho o se. “ I t’s all based on the am ount o f tim e they can s h a re ,” says Pant B rokaw , cu ltu ra l c o o rd in a to r in the c ity 's Sports Classes Available For Many Ages The Vancouver-Clark Parks and ? ecreation Department has sports classes for athletes o f all ages. T he All O ut Football C o-E d League combines football, soccer, hockey and rugby. The offensive goal is to avoid the defenders and move the ball around the field into the scoring zones. Meetir.g/practice will be Saturday, May 16, at 9 a.m. at Memory Field (behind Ft. Vancouver Library on Mill Plain Boulevard). Games begin on May 30. Eight weeks. Cost $30/$24 city resident. The M en’s Basketball League plays games one night per week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Sun­ day. The season begins Monday, April 27, for seven games. Team tee is $175, player fee is $30/24 city resident. Register at Bagley Center, 4100 Plomondon. Toddler Sports for Kids ages 2 to 3, includes throwing, kicking pass­ ing and catching skills. N erf and modified sports equipment will be used. One parent must participate. Awards are given to all. Sessions meet Thursdays, from 9:30 to 10:10 a.m., at Bagley Center. The first ses­ sion is April 23 to May 7; second session is May 14 to 28; the third session is June 4 to 18. Cost per session is $14/$ 11 city resident. Basketball class for boys and girls ages six to 10 will meet W ednesday from 6 to 7:30 p.m., for four weeks. Learn new drills and improve basic basketball skills. Class starts April 22 at Franklin Elementary School, 5206 Franklin Street. Cost is $28/ $23 city resident. Achievement starts here. And now. L opez a fte r 8 :0 0 pm on 3 -2 3 - 98 call w ith any in fo rm a tio n th ey m ay have. P erso n s have in fo rm a tio n can call 251 -2409. U pdate : H omicide I nvestigation (A rea o f SE 8th A venue/SE Ankeny Street) The deceased has been identified as 24-year-old Odie Moffett Jr., whose most current ad­ dress is unknown. Investigators have not released the identities o f the two other male sub­ jects who were in the vehicle with Moffett. Anyone with information regard- ing this hom icide investigation is asked to call Detective Sergeants D erek A n d e rso n and R o b e rt Heimbach at (503) 823-0400. The investigation is continuing S uicide A ttempt in T he C olumbia R iver At approxim ately 12:22 pm, A pril 9th, M ultnom ah C ounty S h e riffs Office River Patrol mem­ bers w ere called to the Interstate Bridge (1-5) area o f the Columbia River on a man in the water call. Deputies found that a man, later identified as Perry J. Horley o f Vancouver, WA. had jum ped from the bridge into the Colum bia appar­ ently trying to com m it suicide. When River patrol Deputies arrived they found a second man in the Columbia trying to get to Mr. Horley to save him. S h e riffs River patrol crewmembers from patrol boat #3 were able to rescue Mr. Horiey and the second man, (identified as Gary Buster Johns, o f Coos Bay, Oregon) by pulling them from the Columbia into their patrol boat. Mr. H orley was transported to Emanuel hospital by m edical per­ sonnel and is being treated for hy­ potherm ia. D eputies say that Mr. Horley was seen jum ping into the w ater by passers by on the bridge. S h e r if f s D eputies also said that w ithout Mr. Johns they w ould not have reached M r. H orley as quickly as they did and credit M r. Johns for directing them to Mr. H orley’s location and sav­ ing him. Mr. Johns was at the Double Tree Inn having lunch when he saw Mr. Horley in the water. He is from Coos Bay and in Portland visiting family for Easter weekend. F ee reduced on “T oughlove for O lder P arents ” C lass I n V ancouver The fee for the “T oughlove for O ld er Parents” class has been re­ duced from $90 to $30 The self-help program teaches old er parents how to cope with adult children who fail to achieve in d e p e n d e n c e an d for p a re n ts troubled by their grow n c h ild re n ’s behavior. Class m eets at Luepke C enter, 1009 E. M cL o u g h lin B lvd. in V a n c o u v e r, F rid a y s, sta rtin g March 27 to May 1. from 1 to 3:30 pm. T oughlove is a com binations o f philosophy and action which helps people change and get control o f their lives. The class will be presented by BJ and Bob Pelayo, Toughlove representatives who joined the o r­ ganization when their families were in crisis. They used the process to m ake changes in their own lives and received special training to teach w orkshops on how to make positive changes in families. Call (206) 750-6779 for m ore details or to register. T he class is co-sponsored by V ancouver-C lark Parks and R ec­ reation D epartm ent Senior Pro­ gram s. i At the National Urban League, we have adopted the slogan Our Children = Our Destiny because the future of the African- American community depends heavily on our youth. We wel­ come our good neighbor at State Farm Insurance Companies in recognizing that Achievement Matters as part of our Campaign for African-American Achievement.