Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 15, 1998, Page 17, Image 17

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A P R IL 15, 1998
<Hjc P a r t i a l
First Aid/CPR
W ould you like to m ake a valuable
contribution to the com m unity
teaching im portant lifesaving
skills? The American Red
Cross is seeking First Aid/CPR
Instructors and bilingual (Span­
ish/English) First A id/C PR In­
structors. This is a part tim e job
with a varied schedule. You will
b requested to w ork prim arily
weekdays, some evenings and
w eekends. M ust successfully
com plete Red C ross instructor
certification course prior to o f­
ficial hire (we w ill train) and
have vehicle to transport equip­
m ent to class sites. $10/hour
plus m ileage to start. Drug
screen required. Please send
resum e with cover letter stat­
ing qualification and/or an a p ­
plication to:
Journey Level
Production Workers
Rexam Graphics is a multi-billion
dollar com pany with m anufac­
turing and sales worldwide. We
are seeking a talented profes­
sional to w ork in our Portland
plant, which m anufacturers ink
jet m edia and other coated p a ­
per products prim arily for the
high tech industry. The q u a li­
fied candidate must possess a
m inim um of an Oregon LMP or
GJ license and have all the
tools of the trade. R equires
e xperience in start-up and
troubleshooting of AC & DC
variable speed drives. PLC &
DCS system s, and com puter
literacy in DOS. You m ust be
available for any shift. O v e r­
time and weekend work m ay be
Journey Level Electrician pay is
$21.19/hour with shift differen­
tial paid for off shifts. Excellent
benefits package. Q ualified
individuals send resum e to
Rexam Graphics, Attn: Hum an
Resources Manager, P.O. Box
3349, Portland, OR. 97208-
3349. Equal O pportunity E m ­
Rexam Graphics is a multi-billion
dollar com pany with m anufac­
turing and sales worldwide. We
are seeking talented Sheeter/
B undler production w orkers to
work in our Portland plant, which
m anufacturers ink jet m edia
and other coated paper prod­
ucts prim arily for the high tech
industry. C andidates m ust
possess a m inim um of 1-2
ye a rs’ in a production, m anu­
facturing, industrial, process
or m echanical environm ent. A
high school diplom a or G ED is
required. Team w ork and com ­
m unication skills are also es­
Positions will require repetitive
assem bly of packaging m ateri­
als with som e bending and lift­
ing (u pto50lb s.). M ustbeable
to w ork shift w ork and overtime
w hen nece ssa ry. S tarting
hourly wage is $8.495 per hour.
W e offer an excellent benefits
package, including medical,
dental, 4 01K and vacation with
excellent opportunities for ad­
vancement. Qualified individu­
als should send resum es to:
American Red Cross
O regon Trail C hapter
3131 N. Vancouver Avenue
Portland, OR.
Equal Opportunity Em ployer
Security Guard
In -h o u s e S e c u rity G u a rd
needed for NE Portland Li­
quor Outlet. Salary DOE.
Call Robert at 284-3691
Experienced Cook needed to
o p e ra te NE P o rtla n d soul
Food Restaurant.
Salary DOE.
Rexam Graphics, Attn: Hu­
man Resources Mgr., P.O.
Box 3349, Portland, OR.
97208-3349. Equal Opportu­
nity Employers.
Ryerson - Tull, the nation’s larg­
est full service metals distribu­
tor, seeks an experienced driver.
Requires a class A CDL for local
routes an a part-time casual
basis. Compensation based on
Team ster 162 contract.
Contact Tim or Bill at
(503) 285-4611
Equal Opportunity Employer, M/FZD/V
Call Robert 284-3691
Bakery Helper
Franz Bakery seeking m otivated
people for Bakery Helper posi­
tions. R equires 3 m onths pro­
duction and/orfood related ex­
perience. All shifts. $10.62/hour
w ith the potential to m ake
journeym an's wage of $15.76/
hour. Excellent benefit pack­
age. Apply at North Portland
Em ploym ent Office, 30 North
W e b s te r. R e fe r to jo b #
1127134. W e are a EEO/AAP
Team Approach to Health Care
General Adult
Hiring Immediately
42 New Float Pool Positions
All Shifts Available: PT & FT
Salem and Portland
License and certificate authorizing practice as a PM HNP. Must
posses current prescriptive privileges that include DEA approval
for dispensing. FT position
Excellent Benefit Package
Competitive Salary
Paid Holidays
State Paid Retirement
Health/Dental Options
Inhouse Training and Education
Salary Range:
$23.00 h r . -24.81 hr.
Psychiatric Nurse requires current PN license, eligible to oractice
nursing in the State of O regon and 2 yrs. Experience preferably
inpatient/and or dual diagnosis knowledge of psychotropic m edi­
cations, m ental illness theories and current practices.
Salary Range: $29,500-31,861
Employee Relations Department
2600 Center Street NE
Salem, OR 97310
Or call (503) 945-2815
Closing Date: Open until filled
Competitive salary and benefits. Send/fax cover letter and resume to:
Garlington Center. 911 N. Skidmore Portland. OR 97217 Attn: HR Fax:
249-8740 EOE. Committed to diversity. No phone calls please. Contact
our Job Line at 727-5947 for additional job opportunities.
W h e n it com es to keeping O r e g o n
healthy, w e couldn't care more.
Since 1941. Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f O reg on has relied on the efforts o f o u r exceptional w o rkfo rce to discover innovative routes t o supe nor
health care Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand th a t w h ile quality
often has a price, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs t o a m inim um . If bettering th e quality o f life in O re g o n sounds like a w o rth w h ile pur­
suit to you. consider o u r possibilities:
M etho d s & P rocedures A nalyst
(Job #651)
(Job # 6 7 2 )
The qualified applicant w ill possess a High School diploma, o r equivalent, at
You m ust have w o rk expenence o r training in systems analysis w ith special
least three years o f executive-level secretanal expenence. th e ability to exer­
emphasis in user relations and data gathenng techniques. Training in system
cise initiative and good judgment, as well as have good PC skills and excellent
testing and validation is required. The successful candidate w ill have the
organizational, interpersonal, business w riting and communication skills.
ability to trou blesh oot problems com m unicate effectively, prioritize, and
m eet deadlines.
C re d e n tia lin g M edical
S e c re ta ry III
(Job #641)
P ro v id e r N e tw o rk
D e v e lo p m e n t Specialist
(Job #65 7)
You m ust have a High School level education o r GED. C om parable w o rk
expenence is desired. A b ility to type 6 0 + w p m . operate standard business
You m ust have a Bachelor's degree in Business Adm inistration, A cco u n tin g
machines and vanous PC w o rd processing softw are necessary. A b ility to
Finance o r Health Care Adm inistration, 5 years expenence in th e health
maintain good attendance and confidentiality a m ust
care industry, and 2 years contract adm inistration o r p roje ct developm ent
expenence. You must understand a full range o f negotiation issues and
C u s to m e r S ervice R epresen tatives
m ethods o f tailonng negotiations to circumstances.
(Job # 6 3 8 )
C laim s A nalysts
You m ust have a strong custom er service background and knowledge o f
(Job #5 7 3 )
medical term in olog y The ability to w o rk w ith little supervision m a fast-
paced, team environm ent is necessary. Additionally, you m ust have excellent
You w ill analyze and e n te r claim in form ation in to o u r autom ated claims
PC, organizational, prioritiza tion and com m unication skills as w ell as the
processing system. You must have a High School diplom a o r equivalent
ability to type 40 w o rd p e r minute.
know ledge o f medical term in olog y is required.
D atab ase A d m in is tra to r
P ro g ra m m e r A nalyst
To work half-tim e within Portland
Public Schools, providing sup­
port to m inority students, (es­
pecially Native Am erican, A fri­
can A m erican, and H ispanic
youth) in the areas of em ploy­
ment and health/disabil ity. The
Liaison will provide assistance
in developing an effective work­
ing team betw een the students
w /disabilities, hom e school,
com m unity organizations, and
other social service agencies.
H igh s c h o o l e d u c a tio n or
equivalent required. Previous
experience working w/disabled
youth and culturally diverse
c o m m u n itie s s tro n g ly p re ­
ferred. S panish/E nglish bilin­
gual skills a plus. C ontact per­
son is N orm a Trim ble at 232-
9154 ex. 110. Closing date is 4/
An Equal Opportunity Em-
Free Work Place.
Nursing positions are now a va il­
able in our reputable, well e s ­
tablished retirem ent and nurs­
ing home. W e offer a warm ,
encouraging and hom e like en­
vironment, com petitive wages,
benefits, reduced m eal prices
and delightful residents to get
toknow . Current opportunities
• C harge Nurse (LPN /R N ) Part
•C N A , F-T day shift, days/hours
•C N A , F-T evenings, days/hours
•C M A , P-T to F-T variable, days/
hours TBA.
Must have required license/certi-
fication. Experience preferred,
but will consider recent gradu­
ates. EOE, not-for-profit facil­
ity. Apply in person M on-Fri, 8
am to 4 pm, or mail cover letter,
references and resum e to:
Baptist Manor
900 NE 81 st Ave.
Portland, OR. 97213
Attn: Personnel
Dietary Aides/
We now have 1 F-T and 2 P-T
positions available in our Di­
etary Departm ent. Experience
preferred. Days and hours to
be arranged including w eek­
ends and evenings. W e offer
competitivewages, benefits and
an excellent atm osphere in
wnich to serve. Apply in person
M on-Fri, 8am to 4pm . EOE.
Not for profit facility.
Baptist Manor
900 NE 91 st Ave.
Portland, OR. 97213
You must have at least 2 years o f expenence in data processing and knowl­
You w ill install and upgrade O racle and associated software, allocate and
edge o f systems analysis and testing validation, data gathering techniques and
create prim ary database storage structures and prim ary objects, and
communication skills Expenence w ith mainframe software is required, including
m o n ito r user access. You m ust have at least six years o f expenence in
JCL OCS.TSO/ISPF.VSAM. C O B O L C om m and Level C O B O L L'branan, and
data processing including one to five years o f D B A expenence
EZTneve+ A college degree in com puter science is desirable.
w ith O racle.
W e o ffe r a com petitive salary and com prehensive benefits package Pre-em ploym «nt d n ig screening is required, and w e s u p p o rt a sm oke-free w o rk envi­
ronm ent To apply, please indicate jo b # at the to p o f y o u r resume o r cover le tte r and submit to R e g en ce B lu eC ro ss B lu e S h ie ld o f O re g o n a n d '
R e g en ce H M O O re g o n , H u m a n R e so u rces , P. O . B o x 1271, P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 7 - 12 7 0 .T T Y # ( 5 0 1 ) 2 2 5 -4 7 8 0 . W e are strongly com m itted
to equal o p p o rtu n ity in all phases o f e m p lo y m e n t
BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon
HMO Oregon
For m o re inform ation about career opp ortunities, call o u r Job Inform ation Line:
I - 8 0 0 - 2 1 1 - 14 17 o r visit o u r w e b s ite a t w w w .b c b s o .c o m
<.ur+t,tjnlt-\ lit
Woik f«»t in
M -F 8am -6pm E S T
Financial/O ffice
W orkers’ O rganizing C om m ittee
seeking full tim e entry level
bookkeeping, database, admin­
istrative person. M ust be org a ­
nized, and detail oriented, Bilin­
gual a Plus! C all 284-3856 for
an inform ation packet.
LPN/CMA (swing shift),
St. Andrews is a premier Alzheimer’s facility. WE ARE NOT A
NURSING HOME! Our goal at St. Andrews is to make our
residents feel at home whilegivingtop-quality care.
We offer opportunities for education and advancement, com­
petitive wages and excel lent benefits. Currently seeking respon­
sible, caringandqualifiedapplicantsforall shifts.
Call 257-7946
o p p o r tu n ity
m e a n s great benefits, competitive
salaries, and a large variety of
careers available state-wide.
Currently, openings exist in the
following agencies:
O re g o n ,
Environmental Program
Coordinator 2
(Clean Water Program Staff)
We are seeking applicants
p o s s e s s in g s to rm w a te r
or ve g e ta tio n m anagem ent
e x p e rie n c e fo r im m e d ia te
vacancy in Salem. Will assist
in im p le m e n tin g m u ltip le
environmental programs (l.e.
National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System. Salmon Recovery Program and the Integrated Pest
Management Program): provide technical assistance on clean water related
requirements and rules; perform illicit investigations; and prepare, review,
evaluate and edit technical reports. Requires two years of expenence
implementing a storm water or vegetation management program and a
Bachelor's degree with 30 quarter or 20 semester hours in an
environmental science, a physical science, or a closely-related field such as
agriculture, forestry or horticulture. Three additional years of storm water or
vegetation management program experience may substitute for the
Bachelor's degree. Salary $2,423 to $3,316 a month plus benefits.
[Announcement #0CDT8141|. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 986-
4030 (TTY 986-3854 for the hearing impaired) for required application
packet. Completed application matenals must be received by May 1,1998.
Administrative Specialist 1
(Grants Assistant)
We are seeking applicants with strong organizational skills for position in
Salem. This position will participate on the Federal Program Team which
oversees the Transportation Safety Grants Program and develops state
guidelines to ensure federal grant regulations are followed. This position will
provide technical and administrative assistance to the Transportation
Safety Grant managers. Requires three years of clerical/secretarial
experience which included two years at a full performance level performing
typing, word processing or other generation of documents; AND lead work
responsibility or coordination of office procedures. Courses or training in
Office Occupations or Office Technology may be submitted for up to one
year of the clerical/secretarial experience. No substitution will be made tor
the two years at the full performance level. Salary $1,755 to $2,329 a
month plus benefits. [Announcement #0CDT8142|. Contact ODOT
Recruitment at (503) 9864030 (TTY 986-3854 for the hearing Impaired)
for required application packet. Completed application materials must be
received by May 1.1998.
Engineering Specialist Entry)
(Junior Laboratory Technician)
We are seeking applicants for two immediate seasonal vacancies in Salem.
These positions are fulltime seasonal positions (up to 10 months
duration). Will perform laboratory labor, preparation of samples, cleanup
and maintenance of equipment, and routine testing on a variety of matenals
such as concrete cylinders, metals, paints and chemicals, aggregates,
soils, bituminous mixtures, and petroleum products. Requires knowledge of
the fundamentals of algebra and plane geometry. Salary $1,378 to $1,847
a month plus benefits. [Announcement #OCDT8143|. Contact ODOT
Recruitment at (503) 9864030 (TTY 986-3854 for the hearing impaired)
for required application packet. Completed application materials must be
received by May 1,1998.
Program Technician 1
(Accident Analyst)
We are seeking applicants with strong computer skills for vacancy in Salem.
Will perform functions necessary in directly assisting in the accident
analysis activity of recording, analyzing, evaluating, interpreting, compiling
and reporting accident information. Requires three years of experience
administenng or coordinating parts of a project or program A Bachelor's
degree in Business Administration, Management. Public Administration, or
a field directly related to the position will substitute for two years o, the
required experience Salary $2.329 to $3.098 a month plus benefits.
[Announcement #0CDT8144J. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 986-
4030 (TTY 986-3854 for the hearing Impaired) for required application
packet. Completed application materials must be received by May 1.1998.
(Job #3 8 4 )
(Job # 6 5 4 )
Recognized as #1 in our industry,
we have im m ediate openings
for account executives to m an­
age local territories. Excellent
opportunity to join a growth com­
pany in the dynam ic advertis­
ing industry. Must have a strong
desire to learn, the ability to
com m unicate and the w illing­
ness to w ork hard and d eliver
results. W e offer great b en­
efits, 4 0 1 K, bonuses & incen­
tives. If you are seeking high
earning potential, are self-m o­
tivated with a proven success
record, call:
Seeking qualified applicants
Nurse Practitioner requires current O regon R egistered Nurse
E xecutive S e c re ta ry
Portland Public
Transition Liaison
Transportation Services Representative 2
(Reid Analyst)
We are seeking a motivated and experienced individual with strong
communication, analytical and computer skills for a challenging position in
Portland. You will regulate, direct, educate and provide technical assistance
to effect compliance with motor carrier laws, rules and regulations.
Requires three years of public contact/customer service experience, which
involved dealing with the public in-person or by phone providing information
about services and programs. At least one year of this experience must
involve explaining and interpreting rules, programs and procedures and
explaining requirements and gaining compliance; and experience or training
using computers to retrieve and input data. An Associate Degree will
substitute for one year of public contact experience. Salary $1,925 to
$2.561 a month plus benefits [Announcement #0CDT8232|. Contact
ODOT Recruitment at (503) 9864030 (TTY 986-3854 for the hearing
Impaired) for required application packet. Completed application materials
must be received by May 1,1998.
For other ODOT opportunities call our Recruitment JOBUNE at (5 0 3 )
Internal Audits Director
Principle Executive Manager E
We currently have an opening for a position located in Salem. The Internal
Audits Director is responsible tor assisting all levels of management across
o r
the Department of Human Resources by
providing evaluations of the financial,
accounting and operational processes and
controls of the organization. This Includes
determining compliance with established
policies and rules, accomplishment of goals
and objectives, and effective and efficient
'8 5 9
use of resources. To qualify for this position
you must have three years of management
experience in a public or private organization which included responsibility
for each of the following: a) development of program rules and policies, b)
development of long and short-range goals and plans, c) program
evaluation, and d) budget preparation, and a professional certification,
such as Certified Public Accountant. Certified Internal Auditor. Certified
Management Accountant or Certified Information Systems Auditor.
Graduate level course in management may be substituted for one year of
the required experience. Salary is $41,592 to $58,608 annually.
Application materials and a detailed Job announcement (E S 4 1 0 0 2 0 ) may
be obtained through your local employment office, or by calling the DHR
JOBUNE at (503) »45-5742, TTY (503) 9456214, or Internet access at:
h ttp://w w w .hr.das.sta te.o r.us/lo bs/ Applications will be accepted
through April 17, 1998.
Office of Drug and Alcohol Programs
Program Technician 1
The State of Oregon, Department ol Human Resources. Office of Drug and
Alcohol Programs (OADAP), currently has an opening for a Program
Technician 1. located In Salem. The person In this position ensures that
OADAP contracts meet standards, and funding is property maintained;
provides liaison with other agencies and providers regarding contract
funding allocations, slot and bed allocations, and modifications; and
monitors contract payment and reimbursement for alcohol and drug
prevention and treatment services through monthly utilization reviews. To
qualify for this position you must have three years of experience
administering or coordination parts or subsets of a project or program. A
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Management. Public
Administration, or a field directly related to the position will substitute for
two years of the required expenence. Salary: $2.329 to $3,098 monthly.
Application materials and a detailed Job announcement (LE980611) may
bo obtained through your local employment office, or by calling the DHR
JOBLINE at (503) 9455742, TTY (503) 9456214, or Internet access a t
h t t p / / www.hr.das.state.or.us/Jobs/. Applications will be accepted
through April 23,1998.
Manager, Projects and Repairs, Facilities Services
Oregon State University, located in Corvallis. Oregon, has a student
population of approximately 14,000, and encompasses 420 acres and 7.2
million square feet o, buildings. OSU's Department of Facilities Services Is
a customer service oriented organization with a vision and a record of
continuous Improvement. Facilities Services readily promotes team
development within an organization that is forward looking and a leader In
the facilities management field. Facilities Services Maintenance Division Is
looking to complete its' leadership team with a motivated, forward thinking
manager of its' Project and Repairs unit. This Individual will work closely
with the Assistant Director for Maintenance, and the managers of
Preventative Maintenance. Landscape Management, Service Calls, and
Construction Inspection work units to provide professional services to our
campus community, which in turn support the academic and research
missions of OSU. The manager of Projects and Repairs will be responsible
for managing a multicraft crew performing maintenance, repairs and
remodel projects; planning and assigning all work to be accomplished in the
installation, maintenance, and repair of all secondary electrtcal distribution
systems and related systems and equipment. Qualifications for this
position include: Must be a licensed, supervising electrician, State of
Oregon: at least three years experience In supervising journey level
tradespersons in a physical plant operation. Must have good customer
service skills, good oral and written communication skills, and
microcomputer usage skills. Knowledge of maintenance and minor
construction priorities. This position is a professional faculty appointment.
Salary is negotiable based upon experience and qualifications. For on
application packet, contact Nina Stagner Phillips at Facilities Service* by
phono (541) 737-7670 or by FAX 541-737-3724. For full consideration,
completed application packets should be received at the Facilities Services
by May 8, 1998. However, applications will be accepted until the position
has been filled.
University Engineer, Facilities Services
Oregon State University, located in Corvallis, Oregon, has a student
population of approximately 14,000, and encompasses 420 acres and 7.2
million square feet of buildings. OSU's Department of Facilities Services Is
a customer service oriented organization with a vision and a record of
continuous improvement. Facilities Services readily promotes team
development within an organization that is forward looking and a leader In
tfie facilities management field. V * have an opening for a University
Engineer with a verifiable record of excellent customer service and
outstanding performance. The University Engineer will be responsible for:
the development of the Deferred Maintenance/Capital Repair Program, the
Facilities Audit, the Roo, Management Program, Street and Parking Lot
Repair and Renovation Program, the repair and renovation of underground
utility systems on campus, and supervising the Energy Engineer and
students involved in energy related activities Qualifications for this position
include: A Bachelor's Degree in Engineenng and a minimum of 5 years
experience in facilities engineering. This position is a professional faculty
appointment. Salary is negotiable based upon experience and
qualifications. For an application packet, contact Nina Stagner-PhlINps at
Facilities Service* by phone (541-737-7670) or by FAX (5 4 1 -7 3 7 -3 7 2 4 ).
For full consideration, completed application packets should be received at
Facilities Services by May 15, 1998. However, completed application
packets will be accepted until the position has been filled. OSU has the
policy of being responsive to dual-career needs.
% e s s are Just tom e of the current openings available with the State of
Oregon For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon Application
Form and more complete announcement listings, can the State Jobline
(Oregonian Inside Line) (5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 # 7 7 7 7 . TTY (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 4 8 7 2 , visit
your local Employment D epartm ent, or leg onto our w eb site at
http://w w w .dasbr.state.or.us/loba/. The State ol Oregon and a * Its divisions
are proud to be equal opportunity employers.