Page B7 APRIL 15, 1998 PorilüiiWÂ latti» bserlier Training program helps Landlords Maintain Safe Properties and Act Against Drug Houses NEW!! MOTEL 6 T he C ity o f P ortland Bureau o f B uilding announced today that it w ill spo n so r training to help lan d lo rd s and property m anag­ ers avoid drug and gang p ro b ­ lem s on th e ir rental p ro perties. In a d d itio n , the training w ill a s ­ sist lan d lo rd s in understanding and u sing the C ity ’s Property M aintenance C ode to ensure safe and livable neighborhoods. T he one-day L andlord T ra in ­ ing Program will be offered three tim es this spring: Friday, A pril 10th; S aturday, A pril 18th; and SEASIDE, ORBGON STAY & SAVE DELUXE ROOMS 2369 S. HOLLADAY DRIVE FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: (503) 738-6269 OR 1-800-466-8356 BRING IN THIS AD AND GET 10% OFF YOUR STAY! I A Friday, May 8th. Each session will begin w ith re g istra tio n at 8:00 am. The train in g w ill run from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and w ill cost $ 10 per person, or $ I 5 total for tw o p ersons from the sam e organization. T he L andlord T rain in g P ro ­ gram w as developed in P ortland in 1989 through a U .S. D ep art­ ment o f Ju stic e grant. The p ro ­ gram has received national re c ­ ognition and has been o ffered in m ore than 300 cities nationw ide. It w ill be p resented in P ortland 2 Z P ro Phillip Johnson Phone:(503)335-3786 Fax:(503)288-0940 Monthly Special 25% Off Tree Trimming S67/SQUARE FOOT/GREAT VALUE M o n th ly S p e c i a l Tri-level with 2 separate living areas. Offers potential for extended family or in-law quarters. Remodeled kitchen. 10,000+square foot lot. $3,000 carpet allowance. Call Debbie Cadena about this and any other homes in any area. (503) 708-5510. *Hauling*(>utters *Yard Maintenance *Tree Trimming Tree Trim lng @ 2 5 % O ff! L . A fo u r-y e a r c o m p a riso n o f m o rtg a g e len d in g data show s N orw est M ortgage, the n a tio n s' leading home loan provider, c o n ­ tinues to lead the industry in p ro ­ viding hom e loans to the n a tio n ’s m in o rity and lo w -to -m o d e ra te incom e co m m unities a c k n o w l­ e d g in g its p ro g re ss, com pany ex ecu tiv es say N orw est M ort­ gage will work more aggressively to in c r e a s e h o m e o w n e r s h ip am ong the n a tio n ’s underserved and grow th populations. “These numbers indicate that or­ ganizationally, Norwest Mortgage is com m itted to better serve these emerging markets,’’ said Dan Russell III, executive vice president, afford­ able housing. (Ebe 5Pnrtlanh ADVERTISE CObserUer IN & The Grey Whales Inn Wlje ^ortlani» (©bserlier Call us at 288-0033 or fax: 288-0015 Invites you to enter our weekend fo r 2 on the Cannon Beach Coast! ^N am e:_______________ I ---------------------------- | Address: I ---------------------------- I ---------------------------- I ______ K£NA I STREET, f o l i & M W K • K X ^ C A J V O B iA C H OR '. ST HO . 1 Phone #:( L. — — — _ ). Mail or Drop it o ff at The Portland Observer Newspaper @ 4747 NE MLK Jr. Btvd. Portland Oregon 97211. Att: Tony Washington .Must be 21 years o f age to enter Dates Guvs & Gals Dates Live Psychic!!! ATTENTION 1-900-740-6500 Ex. 6733 1-900-285-9245 Ex 7221 $3.99 per min. $2.99 permin. Must be 18 yrs. Serv-U (619) 645-8434 Must be 18 yrs. Serv-U (619) 645-8434 Get Your Game Results RowIH GREAT HOUSE, GREAT PRICE & GREAT LOCATION Three bedroom, two baths, vaulted ceilings in living/dining and master bedroom. Large vaulted entry with hardwood & alcoves. Bayed window in living room. On culde-sac, brick accent, real wood trim, fenced & wood deck & large private side yard. Built 1990. $159.900. #HDC12836. Call Debbie (503) 708-5510 or 1-888-288-5432. 1-900-285-9371 Ex. 6585 $2.99 Must be 18 yrs. Serv-U (619) 645-8434 C o lu m b ia G o r g e and m o n ey ." P roperty ow ners w ho take part in the co u rse also gain tools in helping to m ake n e ig h b o rh o o d s m ore livable and secure. T rain in g sessio n s are open to the p ublic, and the B ureau o f B uilding particularly urges p ro p ­ erty ow ners and m anagers from all areas o f tow n to attend. Space is lim ited and advance re g istra ­ tion is requested. For in fo rm a­ tion and registration,* please call the B ureau o f B uildings at 823- 7955 (T D D 823-6868). Minority, Low-To Moderate- Income Home buyers S e r v ic e s No Job To Big or Small Free Estimates 15% Discounts to Seniors “WOODED ACRES” $14 9 ,0 0 0 by its d e v e lo p e r and natio n al tra in e r, John H. C am p b ell o f C am pbell D eL ong R eso u rces, Inc. T his is the first tim e the p ro ­ gram has been sponsored by the Bureau o f B uildings, w hich e n ­ forces codes related to housing m aintenance. “ Savvy landlords really m ake our jo b e a sie r," said Jo Z ettler, Residential Inspections M anager. “ L a n d lo r d s w h o h a v e b e e n through the train in g avoid m is­ takes that can cost a lot o f tim e $ 2 2 9 ,9 0 0 SKAMANIA! CHALET WITH 11 + ACRES Columbia Gorge property with 6 acres, fenced and 12x16 horse bam. House has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, with 2,000 SF deck off master suite. Only 20 miles to 1-205 access. Call Debbie Cadena about this and any other homes in any area. (503) 708-5510. “Weproject major homeownership growth opportunities in low and mod­ erate-income, immigrant, and minor­ ity populations in the coming years. Our organizational and marketing in­ frastructures have ideally positioned Norwest Mortgage to become the mortgage lender of choice among these homebuyers.” “We are proud o f our leadership position on a national scale, but we have not yet reached that position in each o f the markets that we serve. As our unique approach to serv­ ing minority, immigrant and low and moderate-income communities gains momentum through our entire com ­ pany, we believe we will see an even greater impact by the end o f 1998," Bank of America “Outstanding” for Community Reinvestment Forthe fourth consecutive time, federal banking regulators have given their highest rating — an “o u tstan d in g ” — to Bank o f America NT&SA for its success in meeting the credit needs o f low- income communities. Bank o f America today released its performance evaluation by the Office o f the Comptroller o f the Currency (OCC), one o f several regulatory agencies that evaluate bank compliance with the 1977 Com m unity Reinvestm ent Act (CRA). BofA received its last evaluation in May, 1995. The O CC’s current report evaluates the bank’s performance from January 1996 through June 1997. Declaring that BofA “contin­ ues to demonstrate its commitment to lending, investing and servic­ ing all segments o f the states in which it does business,” the OCC commended the bank’s record o f providing “an excellent level o f all types ofcredit to low-and mod­ erate-income applicants.” The regulatory agency reports that BofA made 363,000 loans for almost $3 billion to low- and mod erate-income borrowers. It also credits the bank for making 265 com m unity developm ent loans worth nearly $462 million. In addition to its lending perfor­ mance, the bank invested $406.7 million “for the capitalization of loan pools, community develop­ ment corporations, syndicated community development partici­ pations, government subsidized programs, municipal securities fi­ nancing affordable housing, tax credits and the support o f non­ profit developers, social services, and support groups.” Finally, the bank received high marks for an extensive branch and ATM network that helps meet the financial needs o f its entire ser­ vice area, and for its expanding telephone and personal computer delivery capabilities. In 1997, the bank’s parent com ­ pany — BankAmerica Corp — pledged $140 billion over 10 years for loans to small business owners and lo w er-in co m e b o rro w ers across the United States. It is the biggest community lending com ­ mitment ever made.