«f * ■» •> •bu»¿-.. il- / • Pane B4 APRIL 15, 1998 S n.vi.tyk>ecl F e m a l e R e f G e t s $ T .8 5 1 V I B\ LARRY NEUMEISTER H ills id e , N .J., said a fte r the v e r­ d ic t was returned fo llo w in g a w ee k-lo ng tria l before U.S. D is ­ tric t Judge Sidney H. Stein. The ju r y , w h ic h deliberated o v e r tw o d a y s , a w a rd e d her $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 fo r lo s t w a g e s , $750,000 fo r m ental and em o­ tio n a l pain and $7 m illio n in pu­ n itiv e damages. Je ffrey A. M is h k in , the N B A ’ s e x e c u tiv e v ic e p re s id e n t and c h ie f legal o ffic e r, said in a state­ m ent that he was c o n fid e n t the v e rd ic t w ill be set aside. “ T h is is not o u r firs t e xpe ri- A ju r y awarded $7.85 m illio n T h u r s d a y to a w o m a n w h o seemed in the ru n n in g to be the N B A ’ s firs t fem ale referee be­ fo re d isco ve rin g the league did not want her. Clutching a tiny copy o f the New Testament in her palm, the stunned Sandra Ortiz-Del Valle sobbed and shook uncontrollably after the jury agreed that the N BA had discrim i­ nated against her. “ I can’ t believe they under­ stood because so many people d id n ’ t,” O rtiz -D e l V a lle , 46, o f BASEBALL EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division x-M iam i New Jersey New York Orlando Washington Boston Philadelphia L 55 42 42 39 38 35 30 24 36 37 40 40 43 49 A m encanJ.cague K A N S A S C IT Y RO YALS-Assigned INF Joe V itie llo to extended Pet G B .696 .538 12 1/2 .532 13 .494 16 .487 16 1/2 .449 19 1/2 .380 25 Central Division 60 56 48 47 45 35 35 15 z-Chicago y-Indiana y-Charlotte y-Atlanta y-Cleveland Milwaukee Detroit Toronto .759 .709 .615 11 1/2 .603 12 1/2 .577 14 1/2 .449 24 1/2 .443 25 .192 44 1/2 19 23 30 31 33 43 44 63 Midwest Division L w 59 53 19 26 y-Minnesota y-Houston Dallas Vancouver Denver Pacific D ivision= y-Seattle y-L .A . Lakers 43 40 20 18 10 59 58 36 39 59 60 68 20 21 . y-Phoenix 54 y-Portland Sacramento Golden State L.A . Clippers spring training. S E A T T L E M A R IN E R S -F ire d Nardi Contreras, pitching coach. Named Stan W illiam s pitching coach. Placed OF Jay Buhner on the 15- day disabled list, retroactive to A p ril 7. Recalled OF Ryan Radmanovich from Tacoma o f the Pacific Coast League. T E X A S RANGERS-Sent RHP Danny Patterson to Oklahoma o f the PCL and RHP Xavier Hernandez to Tulsa o f the Texas League on “ 1 w anted to be the best re f­ eree 1 co u ld be,” she said. “ 1 w a sn ’ t th in k in g I have to break th is d oo r d o w n .” B efore lo n g , she was referee­ ing in the Pro Am League, a league o f 22 teams th ro ug h ou t the natio n. By 1991, she was o f ­ fic ia tin g in the U.S. Basketball League, made up o f teams from M aine to F lo rid a . “ T he p la y e rs w ere a lw a y s fin e ,” she said. “ They knew me from o the r leagues." From 1992 th ro ug h 1994, she o ffic ia te d preseason scrimmages fo r the N ew Jersey Nets and seemed at the league’ s doorstep. She said she rose to No. 2 on the lis t o f those in lin e to o f f ic i­ ate in the N B A and then noticed that those w ho w ere ranked be­ hind her were being prom oted to the league. In c o u rt papers, the N B A said it observed O rtiz -D e l V a lle ’ s per­ form ance as a referee fo r several .756 .671 6 1/2 .544 16 1/2 .506 19 1/2 .253 39 1/2 .231 41 .128 49 .747 734 1 NBA. The league said the level o f com ­ petition in the games or leagues in w hich she worked were far below that o f the N B A . I, said she repeat­ edly ignored its suggestions that she upgrade her schedule. A t firs t, O rtiz -D e l V a lle in the law su it asked to be in sta lle d as an N BA referee but she has given up that request after in ju rin g her back in a car accident a year ago. TROPHIES - PLAQUES SUBLIMATION - ENGRAVING SCREENPRINTING HATS - SHIRTS - JACKETS at AFFORDABLE PRICES tant general manager. C IN C IN N A T I REDS-Placed LHP Steve Cooke on the 15-day dis­ abled list, retroactive to A p ril 3. N E W Y O R K M ETS-Signed IN F Robert Eenhoom and assigned him to N orfolk o f the International League. ST. L O U IS C A R D IN A LS -P laced C Tom Pagnozzi on the 15-day disabled list. Activated C Eli Marrero from the 15-day disabled list. V BASKETBALL £ o n a n d <-£!oretta fcdice Activated F Mark West from the injured list. W om en’ s N at i o n a I Basket balLAs soeia tio n W N BA-Signed G Christy Smith, G Brittney Ezell, F Octavia Blue, F Jayme Olson, C Angela Jackson, and C Quacy Barnes. Pet G B years before c o n clu d in g she did no, q u a lify to o ffic ia te in the ff0RDABLE rehabilitation assignments. N a tio n al League A R IZ O N A D I A M O N D B A C K S -P rom oted Sandy Johnson to assis­ IN D IA N A PACERS-Placed F Austin Croshere on the injured list. WESTERN CONFERENCE x-Utah y-San Antonio both w om en about fo u r years e a rlie r because it believed they had the m akings o f N B A o f f i ­ cials. R eca llin g that she has loved basketball since she was a c h ild in H arlem , O rtiz -D e l V a lle talked about her struggles as she and her law yers shared tears and hugs fo r 20 m inutes a fte r the v e rd ict. She said she was a center and fo rw a rd p la y in g basketball fo r C ity C o lle g e before she began o ffic ia tin g in 1984 in the B id ­ dies League fo r c h ild re n ages 7 and 8. Sports Transactions NBA Standings w ence w ith a ju r y that has made a serious m istake. T his kind o f re­ su lt tends to happen when a p ro ­ fessional sports league is the de­ fe nd an t,” he said. Chris Brienza, an N B A spokes­ man, said the league w ill ask the ju d g e to set aside the v e rd ic t as the firs t step in an appeal. V io le t Palm er became the firs t w om an to referee an N B A game when this season began in O c to ­ ber. Less than a week later, the second w om an , Dee K a ntne r, w o rk e d h e r fir s t gam e. T he league said it had approached 2 0 0 5 8 tk W e l t J d jn n O K ? 9 7 0 6 8 FOOTBALL N ational Football League D A L L A S C O W B O YS -A greed to terms w ith RB Chris Warren on a (.S O T i) three-year contract. N E W Y O R K JETS-Announced that RB Curtis M artin has exercised his option for a four-year contract extension through the 2002 season. Matched the St. Louis Rams’ offer sheet to LB Chad Cascadden. SAN D IE G O CH ARGERS-Re-signed QB Casey Weldon to a one- fiS ip -'ttiJ -f 2 /f ix TITi 7 —-3 O 7 7 TOTAL SHOE CLEARANCE! year contract. T EN N ES SEE O ILER S-N am ed Tony W yllie d ire cto ro f media rela­ tions. .684 25 5 .564 14 1/2 .346 31 1/2 .203 43 .203 43 44 34 27 51 63 16 16 63 x-clinched d ivision title y-clinched p la y o ff spot z-clinched conference title ‘Day by placing a personafannouncement in the (Portland'Observer CadTony or J M ary at 288-0033. (Deadline: M ay 1st) Golf-Els displaces Wood as world number one South African Ernie Els displaced Tiger Woods as the world number one on Monday after the American failed to retain his U.S. Masters title. Woods had held top spot for the past 13 weeks. New M asters’ champion Mark O ’Meara moves back in to the top 10 in ninth position while Jack Nicklaus, who tied for sixth at the age o f 58, returns to the top 200 at 189th place. Top 20 (U.S. unless stated): 1. Ernie Els (South Africa) 2. Tiger Woods 3. Greg Norman (Australia) 4. Davis Love III 5. Justin Leonard8.81 6. Colin Montgomerie (Britain) 7. Nick Price (Zimbabwe) 8. David Duval 9. Mark O ’Meara 10. Masashi Ozaki (Japan) 11. Phil Mickelson (U.S.) 12. Tom Lehman 13. Vijay Singh (Fiji) 14. Lee Westwood (Britain) 15. Scott Hoch (U.S.) 16. Tom Watson (U.S.) 17. Jim Furyk 18. Jesper Pamevik (Sweden) 19. Mark Calcavecchia 20. Fred Couples ‘E xpressyour (ovefo r 'Mom on M other’s 12.30 points 11.86 10.07 9.17 8.77 8.62 8.377 8.375 8.00 7.96 7.79 6.35 6.29 5.98 5.75 5.64 5.62 5.54 5.43 I 1998 PIL STANDINGS BASEBALL Grant Madison Cleveland Lincoln Roosevelt Franklin Marshall Benson Jefferson Wilson W 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 0 0 L 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 MENS TENNIS Lincoln Gran, Cleveland Roosevelt Wilson Benson Franklin Marshall Jefferson Madison w 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 0 0 0 L 0 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 MENS TRACK Benson Franklin Cleveland Grant Lincoln Madison Marshall Wilson Jefferson Roosevelt w 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 k MENS GOLF Cleveland Franklin Lincoln Grant Wilson Roosevelt w 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 B en son Madison Marshall Jefferson 4 To M G,C M.G C,R,L F.L.G C,R,F,M 5 5 To L R.G W.L G,L W G.C.B F.L.C 4 4 I 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 I W SOFTBALL L 6 0 Wilson 5 1 Franklin Benson 4 1 Lincoln 4 2 Marshall 4 2 Cleveland 3 2 Grant 3 2 Madison 3 2 Roosevelt 2 4 0 18 Jefferson Jefferson dropped varsity L ! W GIRLS TENNIS ö ! Lincoln 5 1 ! Cleveland 4 Wilson 3 1 3 2 1 Grant 2 ! Marshall 3 Franklin 2 3 , 1 3 1 Benson Roosevelt 1 3 4 1 Madison 1 4 j Jefferson 0 1 GIRLS TRACK w L ' Benson 2 o Grant 0 1 2 o ! Lincoln 2 1 ! 1 Cleveland 1 1 1 Franklin 1 ! 1 Jefferson Wilson 1 1 1 2 ! 0 Madison Marshall 0 2 Roosevelt 0 2 1 1 L ' GIRLS GOLF W Lincoln Cleveland Franklin Benson Wilson Grant Roosevelt 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 o ! o 1 1 1 1 ' 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 LOWEST PRICES EVER! MLE Ten 'Na Shoes WHERE THERE'S ALWAYS A SALE GOING ON. LOCATED: 3532A NE MLK JR. BLVD 335-0905 PHONE DISCONNECTED? NO PROBLEM AT SIM PLY CELLULAR g- TELEPHONE HO CREDIT CHECKS DEPOSITS TURNDOWNS REGARDLESS OF YOUR BACK BILL PHONE SERVICE RESTORED IN 3 -5 DAYS AFFORDABLE RATES • NO HIDDEN FEES 3 9 3 9 NE M LK JR BLVD 280-8000 THIS AD GOOD FOR 1 FREE LONG DISTANCE CALLING CARD WHEN PHONE SERVICE IS ORDERED PORTLAND AREA RESIDENTS ONLY • J