Committed to cultural diversity. Iitlp://wv Volume X X V II. Number 67 A pril 15, Í998 Dazzling Tap Dancer Joins Oregon Symphony The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe Fred Strickler will headline the Oregon Symphony starting April 18-20. See Entertainment, page Bi. Children's Theater Presents this spectacular play, April 26th - May 3rd at the Portland Civic Auditorium. See Metro, inside. yopexes BULK RATE See Popeye s Coupon's Inside! ILS. POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND, OR PERMIT NO. 1610 (The Jnrthxnb (Dtam nx « ■ H i Sheriff Adds 200 Beds To Downtown Jail B y K elly M ott , C ommunity I nformation S pecialist M ultnomah C ounty S heriff ’ s O ffice Ford To Have Side Air Bags In a first fo r a m a jo r A m e ric a n automaker. Ford said it plans to offer side air bags on all its cars and will start by making them standard equipment on its luxury models. Ford Autom otive O pera­ tions President Jac Nasser said that all Ford car m odels will have the air bags within three years. The side airbags would be built into the outer side o f the driver and front passenger seats, inflating on impact to protect an occupant’s head and neck. The bags inflate parallel to the rider, in­ stead o f toward him or her. Israeli Envoy Heads to Washington Israel took a step forward in talks on the country’s withdrawal from the W est Bank by sending a senior adviser to Washington. The United States is pressing Prime M in­ ister Benjamin Netanyahu towithdraw from 12 percent to 15 percent o f the W est Bank in the next pullback phase, but Netanyahu has said he cannot yield more than about 9 percent. The Palestinians have said they expect far more than 15 percent in the next withdrawal, but privately have signaled they would accept the American plan. Asian Recovery Not Expected Until 1999 Economic recovery in Asia isn’t likely to begin until next year, and serious re­ forms are necessary before investors re­ gain confidence in the region, a study said. The slump has depreciated currencies and slashed prices on share markets, shrunk econom ies and weakened bank balance sheets, the Organization for Economic Co­ operation and Development said. Credit is tight, inflation is rising and investors are unw illing to com m it money despite an apparent easing o f the crisis, O ECD said. Earlier today, Indonesia and the Interna­ tional M onetary Fund appeared to have reached a com prom ise on the $43 billion bailout package. he Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC) in downtown Portland serves as the county’s prim aryjail and intakecenter. Beginning in 1987 and culminating in a Modified Final Order in 1990, the federal court has man­ dated many o f the operating conditions at MCDC, including maximum inmate popu­ lation limits. This is a big headache because we, like most every jail in the country, have more crooks than beds. The impact o f the inmate population re­ striction is felt throughout the community. When the jail is full, it’s full; the booking counter closes and the doors literally get locked. With the exception o f the first few months aft er opening, the jail has been filled to capacity. In fact, each o f our five jails, with a total capacity o f 1,953, is full. As a result, hundreds o f inmates are released every month before they’ve completed their sentences. Locally w e’ve given the popula­ tion release process a formal name: “Matrix Release,” but it’s really just a “get out o f jail free” card for the inmate. In 1997 an aver­ age o f 530 inmates were matrix released each month-a number Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Noelle finds completely unac­ ceptable. Early releases create public dis­ trust in the system, frustration for the arrest­ ing om cers, and remove the penalty of incarceration for breaking the law. The Federal Court Order was establ ished to protect the county from inmate lawsuits over Constitutional rights. However, since the entry o f the Modified final Order, no MCDC encompasses ten floors o f the Justice Center in downtown Portland. In inmate has ever brought forth a valid claim February 2 0 0 ja il beds were added, raising the inmate capacity to 676. that the requirements o f the O rder were (Photo by Rick Schwarz) being violated. Nor has anyone brought a successful challenge to the conditions o f changes have on the jail system. respond to the changing needs ofthe com m u­ confinement at the County jails in general. nity (what type o f criminal stays in jail), W hen Dan N oelle becam e S heriff in Thus, the primary effect ofthe Order, in this 1995, it was im m ediately apparent to him changes in the law, and the effect that those case, was to restrict the SheriflFs ability to T that the jail system was in overload. T he em ergency population release plan was being used alm ost daily and the detention center w as increasingly in gridlock. On o c c a sio n , c o rre c tio n s d e p u tie s w ere forced to close the ja il’s booking counter and lock the reception doors. Plans to expand one o f the county’s five jails were in action, how ever, to achieve his im m e­ diate goal o f reducing the num ber o f early releases, N oelle would need even m ore beds than w ere under construction. V oters had approved a levy giving us m oney to build a new ja il, but that was a few years aw ay. D ouble b u n k in g M CD C w ould give som e im m ed iate re lie f, bu, the federal co u rt o rd e r w as b lo c k in g our ab ility to sq u eeze m ore inm ates into the facility. It w ould tak e an act o f co n g re ss, lite r ­ ally , to allow m ore in m ates into the ja il. High School Proposed for Rosemont Site Bono Wins California House Seat With memories o f Sonny Bono still fresh, voters chose the Republ ican ’s young widow to finish his term in C alifornia’s44th C on­ gressional District seat. Mary Bono de­ feated Democrat Ralph Waite, the actor who portrayed the father on television’s “The W altons.” The post becam e vacant when Bonodied Jan. 5 in a skiing accident. News Orgs. Seek Lewinsky Access W hile the W hitewater grand jury probes deeper into an alleged presidential affair and cover-up, news organizations are ask­ ing an appellate court for access to pro­ ceedings and records related to the Monica Lewinsky investigation. An emergency appeal by a dozen media com panies, seeks to open hearings on legal challenges to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr’s in­ vestigation . The news organizations said a lower court’s denial o f access makes "a mockery o f the First A m endm ent.” Frazier Calls Arrest Misunderstanding Form er bo x in g cham pion Jo e Frazier sa y s his a rre st on d ru n k e n d riv in g c h a rg e s w as a " m is u n d e rs ta n d in g .” P o lice p u lled o v er F ra z ie r fo r d riv in g e rra tic a lly . “ T hey th o u g h t I w as d rin k ­ in g ,” he to ld the P h ila d e lp h ia D aily N ew s. “ I m ay h av e had a d rin k e a rlie r in th e e v e n in g . But th ey ran te sts. I have a p ro b lem w ith my b lo o d p re s­ s u re .” F ra z ie r’s d a u g h te r, an a tto rn e y , said the B re a th a ly z e r test p o lic e gave her fath er w as skew ed by his h y p e rte n ­ sion. Single cell conveted to double occupancy rooms. (Photo by Rick Schwarz) Jean-Baptiste De La Salle. Catholic girls school a Catholic high school'.’ The idea has been broached by officials of ere’s a novel new idea for reuse La Salle High School o f Milwaukie, and by o f the Rosemont School prop­ members o f the Piedmont Neighborhood erty: instead o f making it high City officials, who are negotiat­ density housing, why not make the Association. former B y L ef P erlman H ing to buy the vacant 7.6 acre property at 597 w ould o b v io u sly be b e n e fic ia l to have N. Dekum St. and develop a master plan for fa c ilitie s th a t c o n trib u te to the high its future use, say they will consider the idea, school e x p e rie n c e ,” such as an a th le tic field. but without much enthusiasm. G reg V anderZ andcn, a president o f The Portland Development Commission I aSalle, says the school would like to open a gave its approval for city appropriation o f “satellite campus" with a beginning enroll­ $1.5 million for acquiring the Rosemont site at a March 18 hearing. According to Tom ment o f 200 students, and the Rosemont property “has a lot to offer.” It is close to Markgraf, former Piedmont Neighborhood both Holy Redeemer grade school and the Association president, the commission also University o f Portland, allowing three Catho­ support an “open" planning process that would lic educational institutions to have easy ac­ consider alternatives that didn’t include hous­ cess to each other’s facilities, it is also at “the ing on the site. Rudman says, “Tom heard what he wanted to hear.” poor end ofthe city,” which would “allow us to live out our mission Rudman says he and have more diver­ w as u n a w a re o f “Funding would he a chal­ L a S a lle 's in terest sity " Founded in the 17th lenge, hut we feel we have the until a week or two century by the priest John support to overcome it. ” before the hearing. Baptiste De LaSalle, the M arkgraf says the col leges are dedicated to school made inquir­ providing “education for everyone and ser­ ies about the site three months before. vice to the poor,” VanderZanden says. It The debate continual at a Piedmont Associa­ attempts to provide scholarships for deserv­ tion meeting last week. Robin Boyce of BHCD ing poor students. However, he concedes, told about 50 neighborhixxl residents that while “W e’re younger and don’t have a large en­ the planning process would not "preclude" any dowment. To the extent that w e’re tuition- ideas, “We need to balance Piedmont’s interests driven, it’s hard to serve the poor.” with thoseof the rest ofthecity. rhecity’sagenda As to purchasing the property from the includes (developing) rental housing. Some por­ Sisters ofthe Good Shepherd, VanderZandcn tion has to be low -income (housing), or there's no says, “ Funding would be a challenge, but we reason for us to be involved.” feel we have the support to overcome it.” Rudman cautioned that the city has yet to T hey w ould also have to get it from officially complete the purchase. “We can ’t the P ortland B ureau o f H o using and divert money the rest o fthe city is depending C om m u n ity D ev elo p m en t. T he bureau on to buy that property,” he said. “We has o b ta in e d an op tio n to p u rc h a se the haven’t identified money even to buy it, let p ro p e rty , and w hile it is c o m m itted to a alone develop it." p la n n in g pro cess to d e te rm in e its best Piedmont land use chair Betsy Radigan fu tu re use, it m akes c le a r its ow n agenda said she was reassured by the master plan­ ning process, based on the C oncordia is to build lo w -in c o m e h o u sin g there. B ureau d ire c to r Steve R udm an says neighborhood's experience with the former he “w o u ld n ’t rule o u t” at least partial Kennedy School. use o f th e p ro p e rty by L aS alle but adds, “They kept the neighborhood informed “ I ’d c o n sid e r it a long sh o t.” so that a, the end there were no surprises, and V an d erZ an d en in turn says it w ould people understood the choices and tradeoffs. be “ p o ssib le " to o p e ra te a school on ju st It makes you confident you're making the part o f the site , alth o u g h he adds, “ It best choice for your community."