Page BIO APRIL 8, 1998 (Cfyc |J o r t Lattò (Obsertier City Of Keizer Invitation To Bid BUSINESS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CHERRY AVENUE WATERLINE REPLACEMENT Yvonne 's DayCare Mon. Thru Fri. 7:00 to 5:30 NE Killingsworth Call 282-3278 Lots of Fun!! r 4®/L Ï1 14 Cued Customer Cu/ct JA N & T E R R Y P O L L A R D Sales Associates Your Personal Realtors* for Life regpn A 5 ñ Sunnyside office 5 0 3 -6 5 2 2 2 6 0 Oregon CHy office 5 0 3 -6 5 6 -3 0 0 6 Voice Mail/Pager 5 0 3 691 4 6 4 2 Our raoheei comp*m«nt « io be '«commended to your Fnenda. Fermty end SuameM Aaeociete» Licensed, bonded & Insured All-Wavs Affordable Moving & Delivery Serving the greater Portland Metro Area Reo Varnado (360) 260-0206 • (503) 310-3600 O/tcer 7 ettuyi a BIG CITY PRODUCE 5128 N O R T H A L B IN A S T R E E T (A T S U M N E R ) 460-3830 ♦A pager(503)497-5907 Fax (360) 260-6973 ! f QUALITY AT LOW PRICES BEST GREENS IN PORTLAND Let us move your home, office or deliver your goods "From the Rooter to the Tooter!" L arry M atthew O w ner L o rrain e F ield M an ag er YAM YAM'S Southern Style Barbecue 503/284-1272 We Deliver' $ ’ 0.110 Minimum Purchase lii Hours Closed on Monday Tile I hui s I I AM • 2 10 AM Sal 11 AM 4 AM * Sun Noon 6 PM 112 NE Killingsworth St. Portland, Oregon 97211 ‘Tiffany's II 543 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-6557 Sealed bids will be received by the City of Keizer at the office of the City Recorder, City Hall, Keizer, Oregon, until but not after, 10:00 a.m. local time, April 17, 1998, when all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, Oregon for the captioned project. The Work is Summarized as Follows: 5372 l.f. of 12" D.l. water main with Control Density or Granular Backfill, 632 l.f. of 8" D.l. water main, 161 l.f. o f6"D . I. water main, 26 short side services, 31 bored long side services, and misc. other related bends, tees, taps, service reconnects, and AC Remove and Replace. Basis Of Award The contract shall be awarded to the lowest bid received from a responsible bidder. Plans, specifications and other bid documents may be in­ spected and obtained on or after April 1,1998 at the offices of: William I. Peterson Engineering Consultants, Inc. 4300 Cherry Avenue NE Keizer, Oregon 97303 (503-390-7402) and at other locations in the Portland and Salem areas. Those wishing to obtain a set of bid documents will be charged $30.00 per set, non-refundable. Inquiries concerning the contents of the bid specifications should be directed to Bill Peterson. No bid for a construction contract shall be received or considered by the public contracting agency unless the bidder is registered with the Construction Contractors Board or licensed by the State Landscape Contractors Board as required by ORS 671.530. Any objections to or comments upon the bid specification must be submitted in writing to William I. Peterson Engineering Consultants, Inc., ten (10) work days before the bid opening date. Bids shall be made on the forms furnished by the City, addressed and mailed, or delivered, to: City Recorder, City Hall 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, Oregon 97303 Meì^aes S c u c io H o f a ih STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS on 42nd D e s k ís s IN IU M N C I Mane Larkin« MICHAEL E. HARPER, SR. C fviicr/ Agent Lisa Harper (503) 287-5258 fax (503) 284-9030 5852 N.E 42nd Poilland. Q irgon 97218 Office Manager 4004 SW Barber Boulevard Portland, OR 97201 Off.: (503) 221-3050 After Hours: (800) 833-7053 S erving A m e ric a 's fa m ilie s since 1972 uBf TVJ Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. Legal expense plans John C. K in g Catalina In d ep en d en t A sso ciale 2 4 1 4 N W illam ette Blvd. P o rtlan d . O reg o n 9 7 2 1 7 C o in O p L a u n d r y Cell # (503) 516-2597 Pager (503) 423-4XXS E-mail: loveking@spiritone.eom P re -P aid L egal S ervices , I nc . ANI) SUBSIDIARIES in a sealed envelope plainly marked “BID ON CHERRY AVENUE W ATERLINE” along with the name and address of the bidder. The bidder shall noi f;!e the book of “Standard Construction Specifications” with his/her bid. A surety bond, cashier’s check or certified check of the bidder, made payable to the City of Keizer, for the 10 percent (10%) of the bid must accompany each bid as security. Bid security of all, save the three lowest bidders, will be returned upon execution of the contract by the successful bidder. All Bidders must comply with the provisions of ORS 279.350 in the payment of minimum rates of wages as decided by the Secretary of Labor according to the Davis-Bacon Act. A 100 percent Performance Bond and a 100 percent Payment Bond using the forms bound in the contract documents will be required to guarantee the faithful performance of the contract. The owner reserves the right to postpone award for 45 days, to reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject, for good cause, any or all bids upon a finding by the Owner that it is in the public interest to do so. 3 8 2 7 - 3 8 1 7 NE M LK B lv d . P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 1 2 (5 0 3 ) 3 3 5 - 9 9 0 5 H o u rs M o n - Fri 9 :0 0 AM - 9 :0 0 PM S a t-S un 7 :0 0 AM - 9 :0 0 PM The City of Keizer is an Equal Employment Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. Tracy L. Davis, City Recorder SUB-BIDS REQUESTED (503) 331-1655 Facial Nail Technician 407 Northeast Mason, #8 (Mason & M .L.K ing Blvd.) Portland, Oregon 97211 Portland Public Schools tteaventy Scent BR ID G ETTE JO NES - STEW AR T Bath Salts, Candles, Incense, Soap Southeast Team / Phase 2 Bid Package #3 - All Areas of Work Glencoe, Grant, Kellogg, Marysville, Richmond Bids Due: April 16,1998 at 2:00pm (503) 680-9904 (503) 505-8099 pgr. HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION r ^ C O M P A N Y OF OREGON Secret* s Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934 1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR CCB# 28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested ^Mortgage Consulting the R est. Barber and Beauty ^Shop Full Service: Hair • Nails • Shoe Shine Hours: Tues - Sat • 8:30 - 6:00pm Portland X e tro (503)460-9268 PHILLY CAFE 445 N.E. KILLINGSWORTH 288-9367 Fish & Chips t3r Terriyaki Chicken & Beef Hamburgers M O N D A Y - S A T U R D A Y , 8 : 3 0 a .m . - 9 : 0 0 p .m . S U N D A Y , 8 : 3 0 a m . - 6 : 0 0 p .m . firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.- com Request For Sub-Bids (503) 331-0712 (503) 331-1851 2535 NE Alberta St. Portland, Oregon 97211 Project - Multnomah Falls WWTP Construction Bid Date: April 9 ,1 9 9 8 Time: 4:30pm PK CONTRACTORS INC. It'sAll Good I Gale's Gifts Cards & Balloons • Lotions & Oils| PO Box 3807 Spokane WA 99220-3807 Phone: 509-536-7503 Fax: 509-534-6957 We are an EEO employer and request sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including Minority, Woman Owned and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. 407 NE Mason & MLK Portland, OR 97211 (503)288-1747 FAX 777-9644 Seeking qualified applicants st . A ndrews S G et C ash N ow S Need Cash? D on't wait for your money' You can sell your structured settlement, annuity, disability, inheritance, mortgage / business note, even lottery winnings FOR THE CASH YOU NEED NOW! T O D A Y F O R ... “The Secrets To Getting AbsoluteTop SDollar For Your Income Stream” N A IM ’S H air Connection Full Service Salon This vital information can mean SSS thousands o f extra dollars to you, A N D I T ’ S FREE' C all : INTEG RITY FUNDING SOURCES D on’t be cut 1-888-5FUNDME / 493-2577 short! Lie.# PKCON286JM Ethnic Eigurinese G ift Baskets Specializing in Self Help & 12 Step Items 4603 N. W illiams Ave. Portland, O R 97217 (503)288-3171 £â&923B LPN/CMA (swing shift), CNA’s and CAREGIVERS St. Andrew sisaprem ierAlzheim er’ sfacility. W E A R E N O T A N U R S IN G H O M E ! Our goal at St. Andrews is to make our residents feel at home w h ile giving top-qual ity care. We offer opportunities for education and advancement, com­ petitive wages and excellent benefits. Currently seeking respon­ sible, caring and qual i fted appl icants for all shi fts. Call 257-7946