Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 08, 1998, Page 2, Image 2

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APRILS, 1998
¿Lite JJort lattò ^ìfesmtotnr
Sexual Assault Arrest SE
147th/SE Division
The identity o f the suspect
in Friday night’s sexual as­
sault against a 15-year-old
girl has been released. The
victim who was kidnapped
from a Fred Meyer store parking
lot and later assaulted, is safely
back with her family.
Daniel Fernanco Pazrivas,
m ale H isp a n ic , DOB Nov.
26,1976, o f Milwaukie, Or­
egon, is in the Justice Center
Jail. Pazrivas does not ap­
pear to have a previous arrest
Pedestrian Struck By Vehicle in Fatal Accident
At approxim ately 10:00
PM Friday evening, Portland
Police Traffic investigators
were called to the scene o f a
fatal car accident involving a
A M ilw a u k ie , O regon
woman was driving her whi te 1996
Plymouth Breeze 4-door car south­
bound on SE McLoughlin Boule­
vard near SE Haig when the victim
ran in front of her vehicle. The
victim was struck by the vehicle
and died of his injuries.
The victim has been iden­
tifie d as R andy Jo sep h
Norton, white male, DOB
June 12, 1957, of Gladstone,
No citations have been is­
More On The Death of Mr. Marcos Lopez
The M ultnom ah County
Sheriff’s Office Detectives
have learned more about the
actions o f Mr. Marcos Lopez
the night prior to his death.
Detectives have learned that
Mr. Lopez was at a bar in S.E.
Portland called the Golden
Slipper, located at 14270 S.E.
Stark. Mr. Lopez was at the
bar on the 23rd between the
hours o f 5:00 p.m. and 10:00
p.m. His where-abouts are un­
known between 10:00 p.m. and
the time his body was found
around 12:30 a m. on the 24th.
He was last seen in the bar with
two unknown Hispanic males.
Mr. Lopez was w earing a
White sweatshirt with blue block
letters on it spelling Honduras.
Persons who may have seen
Mr. Lopez or who were at the
Golden Slipper on the 23rd or in
the area around 10:00 p.m.
are encouraged to call the
Multnomah County Sheriff’s
Office at 251-2409 (Detec­
tive John Little). Persons who
may have been in Springdale,
Oregon around the hours of
11:00 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. at
or near Woodard Rd. are also
encouraged to call.
Information from Lt. Brian
Martinek pager #271-1217.
Three Arrested And Charged In Tuesday
Night Shooting Of Greek Deli Owner
(1740 East Burnside)
Portland Police Bureau Rob­
bery Investigators, assisted by
members of the Portland Po­
lice Bureau Asian Gang Detail,
the W ashington County
Sheriff s Office, and Beaverton
Police Department, arrested
and charged three subjects
Wednesday in connection with
the Tuesday night shooting of
G reek Deli ow ner, Fotios
Arrested and charged with
Attempted Aggravated Murder,
Robbery in the First Degree,
and Assault in the First Degree,
were 22-year-old Banny Phiathep
and 20-year-old Tong Sysouvan
Thammavong o f 6750 S W Scholls
Ferry Road # 1, Beaverton, and 18-
year-old Harry Inthiphap of 2907
SE 145th Avenue. Portland.
Banny Phiathep and Harry
Inthiphap, who were in a white
Honda, were taken into custody at
approximately 4:00 PM, in the
13200 block of SW Allen Boule­
vard by members of the Portland
Police Bureau Asian Gang Detail
and members of the Beaverton Po­
lice Department and Washington
County S h e riffs Office In­
teragency Gang Enforcement
Team (I-GET).
At approximately 8:00 PM,
T ong
S ysouvan
Thammavong, while walking,
was taken into custody at S W
Allen B oulevard and SW
Schools Ferry Road by mem­
bers o f the Portland Police
Bureau Asian Gang Detail
and I-GET.
Phiathep, Inthiphap, and
Thammavong were lodged in
the Justice Center Jail with
bail set at $750,000 each.
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New Home Based Business
Opportunity Rescheduled in
Portland Area
You have another chance! On
Saturday, April 25, 1998, at 10
am and 7 pm the Amcall Corpo­
ration o f Richardson, Texas, the
marketing arm ofTelephone Elec­
tronic Corporation, the largest
privately owned telecommunica­
tions network in the United States,
will conduct a FR E E business
introductory conference at the
Ramada Hotel, 1441 NE 2nd
Street, Portland. The session was
initially scheduled for January 12,
1998 but was canceled due to
snow. Because o f the tremen­
dous response, interest and regis­
tration for the previous confer­
ence, Amcall is doing it again.
This introductory business pro­
motion affords Portland residents
the chance o f a lifetime to be self
employed in a new home based
business. As a member o f the
Amcall organization, you will join
forces with o n e o f America’s fast­
est growing and most successful
Work your own hours... estab-
for a particular project. Space is lim­
ited, so preregister by April 12.
To learn more, look for and ad
listing all the projects in the March
29 and April 2 Columbian Newspa­
per. Fliers will also be inserted in the
April I Battle Ground Reflector and
are available at City o f Vancouver
and Clark County facilities.
Earth Action Day is coordinated
by the City o f Vancouver, C-Tran,
Clark College, Clark County, Clark
Iff M
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11 L- and
,1M/1 counting
a • M « > M for >•
anyone considering a contribution to
a Traditional Individual Retirement
Account ( IRA) for the 1997 tax year.
Taxpayers have until Apri 115 to con­
tribute up to $2,000 to a Traditional
IRA fortaxyear 1997. (Priorto 1997,
such couples were limited to $2,250
“ In the midst o f all the attention
............ .J 2 .. » L . 1- .. . . . . . .
surrounding the enhancements to
IRAs for 1998. it’s important to not
overlook the opportunity to take ad­
vantage o f an IRA for 1997," said
Judith McMichael ofFidelity Invest­
ments. “Contributing to an IRA offers
a great way to build your retirement
savings because any earnings grow
tax-deferred and that helps your sav­
ings grow faster through the power o f
Public U tilities, the E nvironm en­
tal Inform ation C enter and the
Southw est A ir Pollution C ontrol
A u th o r ity . S p o n s o rs in c lu d e
A m eriCorps, B urgerville, Cascade
Fire and Safety. Clark College Stu ­
d e n t C lu b s , T h e C o lu m b ia n ,
J a n tz e n B each H o m e D e p o t,
K VAN, The Reflector, Ronen C hi­
ropractic C linic, V ancouver Bi­
cycle Club and various com m unity
Paul G. Allen Charitable
Foundation Gift Propels YMCA
Past 60% Mark
The Clark C ounty YM CA fund
raising cam paign received an enor­
m ous boost with an $800,000 gift
from the Paul G. A llen C haritable
Foundation. “This gift will solidify
o u r cam p aig n e ffo rt” rem arked
Bruce H agensen spokesperson for
the Clark C ounty cam paign lead­
ership team . “ We are absolutely
thrilled w ith this gift. It not only
show s the com m unity how g en er­
ous Paul A llen is, but it gives our
fund raising effort some very strong
iiv omentum.
iiiv in u n i,
The A llen gift is the largest in
the cam paign and will be directed
tow ards the construction o f a large
m ulti-use gym nasium . The gym
will be filled with fun, exciting,
and challenging activities. “Not
only will young people be able to
play the traditional sports such as
basketball, volleyball, and soccer,
but they will be able to rock climb,
roller blade, skate board, and even
p la y la s e r ta g ," sa id W ay n e
Clem etson Executive D irector for
uiv v Clark
iu i r v
tiu iiij: YMCA.
i iv iv n . “Just
ju s ia as
Paul Allen is creating computer prod­
ucts for the future, the YMCA is
creating a facility for the future.”
The ability o f the YMCA to build
the new facility in Vancouver is the
result o f a collaboration between the
YMCA ofColumbia-W illamette, the
Vancouver Housing Authority and
Cobalt Enterprise. The VHA gave
the YMC A 2.2 acres o f land which is
next to the housing project they will
be building. Cobalt properties and
Paul Christianson are the develop­
3 Gtizens To Attend National Neighborhood Conference
Three Vancouvercitizenswill
the city’s neighborhood staff at the
1998 Neighborhoods USA conference
in May. Two citizens are chosen an­
nually to attend the National NUSA
Conference. However, this year three
neighborhood representatives will at­
tend because the conference will be
held nearby in Portland.
nifP im
m ih..
Edwin H H. W
the Hough
N eig h b o rh o o d ; Shareefah A.
Abdullah, from the North Garrison
Heights Neighborhood; and Patricia
Cooley from the Vancouver Heights
Neighborhood were selected to at­
tend. Workshops at the conference
will focus on such issues as. Safe
N eighborhoods, Just Starting a
lish you ow n desired level o f
income...all in the convenience and
comfort o f your home. There are no
costly overhead expenses or con­
tinuous monthly fees for products.
And, you can establish your own
hours and level o f commitment.. .part-
time. full-time, your time. You can
also earn money for your favorite
project or charity through A m call’s
fundraising program.
Learn how you can achieve finan­
Vera Primus
c ia l g o a ls and o b je c tiv e s
through Am call. Be am ong
the first in Portland to partici­
pate and to partake o f this op­
portunity. Register for the con­
ference on Saturday, A pril 25,
1998, for either the 10 am or
the 7 pm session. To reserve
your space, call Joyce Purvey
at I -800-583-4238 ext 3. Seat­
ing is lim ited and will be pro­
vided on a first com e basis.
Final Countdown To Funding An IRA For 1997
April 18 Is Earth Action Day
Pull ivy, buildabird house or beat
back the blackberries during Earth
Action Day on Saturday, April 18.
Families are invited to take part in 21
Earth Action Day projects. Just a few
hours ofvolunteer work will improve
th e e n v iro n m e n t th ro u g h o u t
To participate in one o f the Earth
A c tio n D ay p ro je c ts , call th e
Colum bian’s Info Line at 699-6000
and enter extension 3636 to register
Joyce Purvy
___ i m
for Livable
Neighborhoods, Urban Forestry, En­
vironmental Partnerships and Historic
In addition, these neighborhood
representatives have agreed to assist
city staff in planning the Ninth An­
nual Vancouver Neighborhoods Con­
ference on Sept. 26 at Bagley Center.
I • I »-» i
compounding. IRAs are a terrific way
to supplement saving through em­
ployer-sponsored retirement plans."
According to McMichael, an added
incentive for single-income married
couples is the enhancement effective
in 1997 which allows non-wage-eam-
ing spouses to contribute up to $2,000
to an IRA, for a combined limit o f
$4,000 per couple.