Page B8 APRIL 8, 1998 (Ftje )la rtla n b ©bseruer CLASSHFHEDS AND BIDS Columbia Sportswear Company« Graphics Senior Copywriter We need a Senior Copywriter to create and maintain our “brand voice" used in all product and corporate messages. This in­ cludes all 2 and 3 dimensional mediums such as: printed and electronic corporate collateral, catalogues, packaging, hang tags, and Point of Purchase (P.O.P.) materials. Participate in the conceptual de­ velopment and presentation of all graphic design projects to ensure consistency with cor­ porate Image and marketing strategy. Provide creative lead­ ership and direction to copy- w rite rs /c o p y e d ito rs from project concept to completion. Must be a team player that thrives in a fast paced corpo­ rate HQ environment. BA/BS in English, Communica­ tions, Marketing or a related field -or- experience equivalent to a degree. 5+ years profes­ sional experience, preferably in an ad agency, specialty re- tailerorfashion editorial. Must possess strong creative con­ ceptual abilities. Must have a solid understanding of market­ ing, promotional and communi­ cations techniques and proce­ dures. Please send resume and salary history to: Human Resources, Dept. SRCOPY, PO Box 83239, Portland OR 97283, or Fax to: (503) 735-4597. Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer. Nursing Opportunities Nursing positions are now avail­ able in our reputable, well es­ tablished retirement and nurs­ ing home. We offer a warm, encouraging and home-like en­ vironment, competitive wages, benefits, reduced meal prices and delightful residents to get to know. Current opportunities include: • Day Charge Nurse (LPN/RN), F-T, days/hoursTBA. • Evening Charge Nurse (LPN/ RN), F-T, days/hours TBA. • CNA, F-T day shift, days/ hours TBA. • CNA, F-T evenings, days/ hours TBA. • CMA, P-T to F-T variable, days/hoursTBA. Must have required license/certi- fication. Experience preferred, but will consider recent gradu­ ates. EOE, not-for-profit facil­ ity. Apply in person Mon-Fri, 8am to 4pm, or mail cover let­ ter, references and resume to: Baptist Manor 900 NE 81 st Ave. Portland, OR 97213 Attn. Personnel Chief Executive Officer Sales Executive Duties include development and management of advertising cli­ ents for KPAM Radio. Must expedite sales process from sale to collection. Requires sales experience, motivated, team player, personal trans­ portation, willing to prospect. Administrative Assistant/ Receptionist Duties include phone console, general office. Proficiency with MS Word, Windows 95; good computerskills required. Posi­ tive, team player, good speak­ ing voice. MS Excel, CBSI traf­ fic or radio traffic a bonus. KPAM AM airs a Christian Hit Radio music format. Offer gen­ erous salary, benefits, vaca­ tion, 401K. KPAM is an equal opportunity employer. We en­ courage minorities and women to apply for these positions. Send resume orcall KPAM, 10209 SE Division St., Suite 100, Port­ land, OR 97266; (503) 251- 1277orfax(503)251-1047. (Washington County Fair) $4,645 - $5,646/mo (For application information on this position: 873 NE 34th Ave., Hillsboro, OR 97124 or call (503) 648-1416.) Closes April 24, 1998 Corrections Officer Trainee $2.476/mo ($3,006/mo after one year) Closes April 17, 1998 Mental Health Counselor/Employment Specialist Contact Tim or Bill at (503) 285-4611 Equal Opportunity Employer, M/FZD/V The response to this Notice of Intent m ust be subm itted in a sealed envelope, and clearly m arked with the Proposer’s name, address, and NOI num ber. Responses will be received until, but not after, 4:00 p.m., by M ultnom ah C ounty P urchas­ ing, 2505 SE 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202, for: Juvenile Offender And Victim Mediation Services $21.43/hr Closes April 17, 1998 Mental Health Services Supervisor $4,106-$4,990/mo Closes April 17, 1998 Senior Community Development Specialist (Pending Board of Commissioners’ Approval) $3,455-$4,198/mo Closes April 24, 1998 Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503) 693-4898 for information. County application and supplemental application forms re­ quired. Apply To: Hillsboro, OR 97124 Ryerson - Tull, the nation’s larg­ est full service metals distribu­ tor, seeks an experienced driver. Requires a class A CDL for local routes an a part-time casual basis. Compensation based on Teamster 162 contract. Notices of Intent will not be publicly opened and read aloud. Multnom ah C ounty Departm ent of Juvenile and Adult C om m u­ nity Justice is currently seeking qualified candidates to provide the follow ing services: Need a part-time job? Want to work in a warm and friendly environment? We have 2 part- time positions available in the Dietary Department of our large retirement and nursing facility. Experience preferred, but will­ ing to train the right candidates. Days and hours TBA. Apply in person 8am to 4pm, Mon-Fri. EOE not-for-profit facility. Baptist Manor 900 NE 81 st Ave. Portland, OR 97213 TRUCK DRIVER Notice of In ten td u e by4:Q 0P .M .on: April 17,1998 No Later than 4:00 p.m. (Temporary, 16 hrs/wk) Dietary Aides/ Dishwashers Bus Driver- On-call position transporting pre-school children in Clark County, WA. All appli­ cants must submit cover letter, resume, 3 letters of recom­ mendation, and an EOC appli­ cation . Obtain application pkg. 9-4 pm, Mon.-Fri., EOC Office, 10621 NE Coxley Dr., #207, Vancouver, WA. 98662, (360) 896-9912. Deadline: Open until filled. EOC/AA Notice of Intent No: N 952-43-0336 (Community Corrections) Washington County Human Resources Division Head Start/ECEAP Economic Opportunity Committee Of Clark County, Inc. Call For Bid Multnomah County, Oregon Washington County 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210 Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Publication For: Multnomah County, Oregon (Specifically Portland, OR) In The S uperior Court O f The State Of W ashington In And For The C ounty Of Pierce Juvenile Departm ent The State O f W ashington To: 1. Troy Lee Lovell, natural father of Erin Lee Lovell; DOB: 03/ 31/96; C ause No. 97-7-01428-3; Term ination Petition filed 11 1 20/97. And To W hom It May Concern: You are hereby notified that a Petition for Term ination of Parent-Child Relationship has been filed alleging yourchild to be dependent and praying that an order be issued declaring said child to be dependent and that all parental rights be term inated and said child be declared underthe jurisdiction of the court for such disposition as the court deem s best. You have im portant legal rights and you must take steps to protect your interests. In order to defend your parental rights, you are sum m oned to appear at a court hearing at 8:30 a.m. on the 6th day of May, 1998, at the Juvenile Court, 5501 - 6th Avenue, Tacom a, W A 98406. If you do not appear at the hearing, the court may enter an order w ithout further notice to you. You have the right to speak on your own behalf, to introduce evidence, exam ine w itnesses, and receive a decision based solely on the evidence presented. You have a right to have a law yer represent you at the hearing and help you by looking at the files, talking to involved parties, helping you to understand your rights and the law. If you cannot afford a lawyer, the court will appoint one to represent you. To get a court appointed lawyer, contact: Departm ent of Assigned Counsel, 949 Market Street, Suite 334, Tacom a, W ashington 98402 at (206) 591 - 6062. You m ay contact the Departm ent of Children and Family Services, 1949 South State Street, Tacom a, W ashington 98405 - at 1-800-423-6246 for m ore inform ation about your child. 1) Intitate m ediation services for juvenile offenders and their victim s. C ases will include property felonies and m isdem ean­ ors. 2) Identify and select adult and youth volunteers to function as m ediators participating in m edication sessions. 3) Perform m onthly m onitoring on each active m ediation agreem ent checking for com pliance by youth offender and/or victim , tim ely com pletion, requirem ents/objectives being met, etc. 4) A ssist and consult with DJ ACJ staff when appropriate in the developm ent and im plem entation of “ Restorative Justice" pro­ grams. 5) Participate in the evaluation of contract/program services by providing statistical inform ation by referral source, i.e., d ive r­ sion, Probation and Post Adjudication. M inim um Q ualifications The M INIM U M Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S for any contractor to pro­ vide the above listed services include all five points cited below: 1. M ust have a m inim um of three (3) years offender and victim m ediation experience. 2. M ust have skills and experience in juvenile justice system s, case plan developm ent or follow-up, and organize and facilitate m ediation workshops. 3. M ust be able to o ffe r services on site at the Juvenile Justice Services C om plex, 1401 NE 68th, beginning July 1, 1998 through June 3 0 ,1 9 9 9 . 4. Must have a dem onstrated ability to work effectively and coordinate pre-exit g agency services into an overall Juvenile Justice S ervices model. 5. M ust have description of staffing levels (with q .lifications subm itted with the response), for positions which will provide these services. A pproxim ately $100,000 is available from DJACJ to contract for these services. All interested applicants m ust subm it one original and one com plete copy of their letter of intent, describing how the agency m eets each of the five (5) cited m inim um qualifica­ tions and how they would provide the services listed. This should be contained in a single page response. The letter of intent must be received by April 17,1998, no laterthan 4:00 p.m. to the Purchasing O ffice located at 2505 SE 11 th, Portland, OR 97202. Phone (503) 248-5111. Late responses shall be re­ jected. M ultnom ah C ounty reserves the right to reject any or all responses if not in com pliance with the requirem ents of this NOI. Fiscal Economist $3,830-$5,134 OREGON LEGISLATIVE REVENUE OFFICE Research and analyze: Dated this 31 day of M arch, 1998 Jayne M arshall K ick O ff 1998 with the U ltimate P art -T ime J ob UPS IS HIRING! 10 Immediate Openings Rated as the #4 M ost Admired Employer in the Nation by Fortune Magazine • j j • j 11 k I f 111 til 2:3Qam $8.50 - $9.5Q/hour to «tart ►opportunities for advancement ►various part-time shifts available ►must be 18 years or older ►full benefits for employees & dependents Public Finance • Tax Policy • School Finance For minimum qualifications and recruitment notice contact: Deputy C ounty Clerk Karen Hupp Attention Renters You may qualify for Housing Assistance under the Tenant-based assistance (Section 8) program for low income families and individuals. The Housing Authority of Clackamas County began accepting applications for this program on March 9,1998. We have decided to keep the list open beyond our original closing date of April 3,1998. Applications will continue to be accepted until further notice. Eligibility will be based upon income and family size. 140 State Capitol, Salem OR 97310 (503) 986-1373 http://www. leg. state, or. us Deadline: 4/30/98 Assistance is in the form of a rent subsidy and may be provided in the home in which you presently live, subject to program criteria. Priority will be given to families who claim and qualify for a preference under the Federal Preference law. Families who have been displaced through no fault of their own, living in substandard housing as defined by HUD, and/or families who pay more than 50% of their income for rent and utilities would qualify for a preferred status. Occupants of and applicants on the present waiting list for Public Housing and other assisted housing must specifically apply for the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program if you wish to participate. Sub-Bids Requested Portland Public Schools - Phase 2 * Central Group - Ainsworth E.S., Jackson M.S., Lincoln H.S., Maplewood E.S., Wilson H.S. Bid Date: April 28, 1998 * 4:00 pm Baugh Construction Oregon, Inc. will be bidding on all Concrete and Carpentry work. Plans are available for review at Baugh Construction and all major plan centers in the Portland-Salem area. Bids shall be addressed to Ken Mersereau, Estimator at: A Family that is already on the Housing Authority's Section 8 waiting list, even if they are waiting for a Voucher, is also on the waiting list for a Certificate and does not need to reapply. Applicants for the Section 8 programs will not lose their place on the Public Housing waiting list. The waiting list will always remain open for those applicants who qualify for a Ranking or Local preference. Drop By... THE NORTHEAST WORKFORCE CENTER, INC. For further information, call 655-8267, extension O. Interested families may apply for the Section 8 program at: 4106 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, Oregon 13930 S Gain Street Hrs. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday through Friday For more Information, please call the Workforce Center at 503-288^370 Oregon City, OR 97045 An Equal Opportunity Employer • Housing Authority of Clackamas County 15500 SW Jay St. Beaverton, OR 97006-6018 503/641-2500 Fax #503/643-0646 CCB# 62877 BAUGH constriction OREGON INCO RPORATED F.QI'ALHOUSING OPPORTUNITY We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvantaged, minority, women and emerging small business enterprises Bids will be opened and read publicly at 4 30 pm on April 28. 1998 at Baugh Construc­ tion. 15500 SW Jay St Beaverton. OR Indicate whether you area resident bidder Any bid not conforming to public bidding procedures, may be re/ected Bids not bearing a Construction Contractor's Board Registration Number will not be considered