Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 08, 1998, Page 16, Image 16

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The Meaning of Easter
Easter falls on the first
Sunday after the fu ll moon
o f Spring Equinox.
by A rchbishop J ohn G.
V i . azny
People know who we are by the
stories we tell. For the most part,
we seldom have the opportunity to
hear an entire tale that reveals the
vision and values o f acommunity.
We learn about com m unities
through reports o f specific events
and narratives concerning certain
individuals. People in O regon
know about Christianity in gen­
eral and Catholicism in particular
largely through media reports
about our position on controver­
sial legislative actions and politi­
cal initiatives. In an unchurched
state like Oregon, the larger com ­
munity has too few opportunities
to hear “the rest o f the story.”
For Christians the world over,
Easter is the climax o f the whole
history o f salvation. No story re­
veals more about what it is to be a
Christian than the story o f the res­
urrection. It is a story told in grand
and epic style in our liturgical cel­
ebrations during what we call the
“Paschal Tridium” which begins
with the evening Mass ofthe Lord’s
supper and concludes with Ves­
pers on Easter Sunday. C hrist’s
passion, death, resurrection and
ascension into glory constitute the
paschal or Easter mystery... the
In 1998:
March 20 - Spring Equinox
A p ril 11 - First Full M oon
A p ril 12 - Easter Sunday
Jesus Christ has given each member of
His Church qtleast one spiritual gift.
R everend D iana A dams
Springtime brings new life, the
blooming o f trees and flowers, new
lambs, rabbits, eggs and chicks, the
wholeexam pleofliferenew ing itself
all around us. Our springtime cel­
ebration o f Easter is also a time o f
awakening in the Spirit. Officially it
is the celebration o f Jesus’ resurrec­
tion as Christ. But more importantly,
it is our opportunity for the Christ
Spirit to be bom in our hearts today.
As we look around at the transforma­
tion in our world, we must also start
looking within ourselves and asking
some important questions. Have we
learned to forgive? Are we willing to
let go o f old resentments to make
room for the Christ Spirit to live in
our hearts as peace, love, truth and
One o f the fundamental pri nciples
o f the universe is that o f oneness.
There is a basic unity that connects
all o f creation. Why then does con­
flict and fighting persist within the
human family? Because the ego, our
separate self, maintains the illusion
Do you know what your
In Cooperation with
‘P resents
A Twelve Week Workshop Entitled:
Conducted by Rev. Robert Kelley
Beginning Wednesday, April 15th At 6:30PM
CALL (503) 287-7457 TO REGISTER
(360) 693-0134
3 Easter Services
9:15 ~ 10:30 ~ 12:00
An Interdenom inational. M ulti-C u ltu ral M inistry
Oon-4 0 *
To MUiCF...
Meeting at Lincoln Elementary School on
44'" & Daniels off 1-5 at the 39'" St exit
Lincoln Elementary School
44" St.
39'" St.
1-5 (N)
“/< Place Where Everyone M atters”
o f separateness. We mistakenly be­
lieve that our interests are different
from those o f our neighbors and act
to oppose “the enemy” when we feel
threatened. If you are willing to re­
ceive the Christ Spirit you will know
that every human being is your coun­
terpart. Every other human being pos­
sesses aspects o f yourself, your
dreams, your sorrows and your
hopes for a better world.
In th e ir book, R oger and
MeWi 11iam give us three rules
for living:
1. D o n ’t hurt r C ,
yourself or anyone else \Jl,
2. Take care o f T
yourself so that you may be
able to help others
3. Use everything for
y o u r e n lig h te n m e n t, le a rn in g ,
upliftment and growth.
If you have been wronged by an­
other, hurt and betrayed, fortify your
emotions with these words o f Jesus,
“ Father, forgive them, for they know
not what they do.” When an emo­
tional injury takes place the body
Meet Bunnicula
This is not your ordinary Easter bunny!
The friendly vampire rabbit from the
childrengs books by Deborah and James
Howe visits with children. The event is
scheduled for April 11 at 11 AM at Bor­
ders in Beaverton. Admission is free.
Call 644-9262.
'The Church Without Walls”
held fast. This is
love put to the test,
love that survives
death its e lf and
learns another way
to express itself.
This is Easter, the
v ery h e a rt o f
Christian faith.
Christianity be­
gan with a very
specific message:
thecrucified Jesus
had been raised
from the dead so
that he could be­
com e the Savior
and ever present
Lord o f all. This is
Archbishop John G. Vlazny
w hat C h ristia n s
life forever bu, also transform s
throughout the world proclaim at
life and renew s it. To b e­
in the resurrection is to
C h rist’s resurrection was not
a God w ho tells you how
tacked onto the passion story like a
that life. To believe in
pleasant addition. The risen Jesus
is to know that
w ears the m arks o f the passion.
idst o f “hap­
The G ospel is not a tragedy, but a
C hrist is
narrative w ith a true happy ending.
The R esurrection is both a chal­
On b eh alf o f all your C atho­
lenge to and a confirm ation o f our
friends o f W estern O regon,
faith. By his death, Jesus freed us
I serve as archbishop, 1
from sin. By his Resurrection, he
G o d ’s grace and jo y
opens for us the path to new life.
and “happily ever
To believe in the resurrection is
to accept a God who not only grants
Consciousness of Oneness: Key to Transformation
Randy E. West
story o f the full deliverance won by
Christ for all o f us.
Just as the resurrection is the cen­
tral event in the story; the cross is the
principal symbol. O f all the words
and acts o f Jesus, none have the
capacity to touch the heart with love
and gratitude more than those that
occurred during his passion. The
passion narratives are the longest
and most moving o f all four G os­
We live in the shadow o f this
cross. There is violence in the streets.
Poverty, insecurity, lost jobs and
under-em ploym ent surround us.
Drugs and alcohol threaten our chil­
dren. Anger and rage are part o f
family life. We see the shadow ofthe
cross in physician assisted suicide,
abortion, and the death penalty. And
still webelieve. We believe we know
the rest o f the story. Everyone loves
a happy ending and ours is a story
that ends “happily ever after.”
The earth knows first. The stone
is rolled away and the tomb burst
open. The ground spits forth what it
could not contain. Resurrection shat­
tered all o f creation and Jesus came
shining with glory. The distress o f
the cross is part o f what brings forth
resurrection. The endurance and
faithfulness is necessary for life to
take hold again where death has once
Good Friday Meditation
Good Friday brings a time of reflection
and an opening to release the old. Re­
lease prepares us for the experience of
a miracle in our lives! Along with hun­
dreds of others, we create an energy of
release that empowers us to new life.
This meditative evening service is one
of the most powerful of the year at the
Living Enrichment Center in Wilsonville.
Call 682-4251.
Rabbit Rompl
A spring celebration a, the Metro Wash­
ington Park Zoo for children ages 3 to 10
features a hunt for treats on the zoo
lawns (hunts every 20 minutes), plus
rabbit-ear headbands, games, puppet
shows, and a petting zoo. The Young
Peoplegs Theatre Project brings favorite
tales to life in Rabbits Garden. Come
and m eet A lice, the M ad H atter,
Doormouse, etc The Humane Society
knows how to heal, itself just as it
heals a broken bone - slowly and with
much patient knitting. In the darkest
hour, the soul is replenished and given
strength to continue and endure. De­
veloping a forgiving mind does not
mean that you approve o f that
person’s behavior, it simply
means that you refuse to re­
turn unlove for unlove.
Unforgiveness holds you
a prisoner to that other
person because they
are still in yo u r
The old word
for addiction is
te m p ta tio n ...’’lead
i not into tem ptation.”
Hell is the place o f people who
could not yield their ego system to
allow the grace o f a transpersonal
p o w e r to m o v e in th e m .
U nforgiveness is addictive behav­
ior. No m atter what you have done
in the past, no m atter w here your
soul has traveled, practice self-for­
giveness. Transform ation is always
possible by renew ing the m ind
(changing our thoughts and words)
and allow ing the C h rist-S elf to
em erge in the space o f the heart.
Take tim e to m editate on the
O neness o f life and o f hum ankind.
See yourself as a citizen o f the
planet Earth, not bound to any one
group or nation, but a m em ber o f
the human com m unity. As each o f
us m akes this shift in conscious­
ness, we are part o f the com ing
transform ation. The ripples will
spread throughout the w orld and
fear and separateness will be re­
placed with love and oneness.
O ne way to think o f this process
o f transform ation is to visualize it
as your garden. The mind is the
soil, your thoughts and w ords are
the seeds, your actions are the c u l­
tivation and your life is the har­
vest. Plant a beautiful garden in
your com m unity this Easter, plant
the seeds o f transform ation in your­
self, and rem em ber these w ords o f
Erasmus, “Give light, and the dark­
ness will disappear by itself.”
volunteers show their therapy dogs. Call
storytelling, music and dancing. The
event will be held at the Subud Center at
3185 NE. Regents Drive. Call 256-9833.
Coloring and Poetry Contests
Bridges Toy and Book Store invites chil­
dren up to age 12 to participate in a Spring
Coloring Contest. Kids may use the me­
dium of their choice, and some entries will
be displayed in store windows. Coloring
forms are available at the store. Artwork is
due by Friday, April 10 at 5 PM. The
winner will be announced on Wednesday,
April 22. Call 699-0550.
Heart and Soul
Reverend Kate Verigin will be offering a
special presentation to look at the an­
cient roots of Easter and its modem day
application. There will be a ceremony,
The Easter Story
You are invited to join us for the presenta­
tion of The Easter Story, featuring inspir­
ing original music and drama in our 3,000
seat auditorium, presented by The New
Hope Performing Arts Center on April 9,
10 and 11 at 7 PM and April 11 at 4 PM.
Performances are signed interpreted for
the hearing impaired. Call 659-5683.
Motorcycle Club
The Brothers Free Motorcycle Club will
hold its annual Easter Egg Hunt for kids.
The event will be held on April 11 at
Alberta Park at 11 AM. Alberta Park is in
NE. Portland on 18th and Ainsworth.
Everyone is welcome to this free event.
Games and prizes will be included. Find
a hidden egg with a motorcycle emblem
and receive a surprise gift.
Pre-Easter Celebration
The Highland United Church of Christ
headed by Pastor W. G. Hardy, Jr. will
present its first annual Pre-Easter Cel­
ebration on April 10,11 and 12 at 7 PM
nightly The church is located on 4635 NE
9th. Admission is free. Call 287-9567.