Page B5 A P R IL S , 1998 ¿Elje JJiJrtLittà (Elje JJartlanh (Oh s i t Her ENTERTAINMENT F lo rrifi D a y & T h e T im e A M e g a -E g o siz e d “ M ” monogrammed on every flashy jacket, and his cocky gimmickry earned talented vocalist Morris Day glaring spotlight - in front of a gang o f m usical side-kicks dubbed The Time. Morris Day and his quirky accom panists have carved out a sizable cult following over the past two decades as pur­ veyors ofcatchy, contagious, mul­ tilayered funk. Under M orris’ whimsical cre­ ative license the bunch quickly landed a recording contract with W arner Brothers Records, and cut their smash debut-album, The Time — where jovial Morris showcased his worth as more than just an animated musician, also directing the album ’s production and per­ formance output. A m arketer’s dream - Morris has demonstrated a longevity that w asn ’t necessarily intentional. Morris Day’s rarefied musical style marked the 8 0 ’s with trademark comical skits, trendsetting stage- gadgetry, and dance and R&B C h e c k o u t o u r (U lje ÿ n r t k n i ï i ( © h s e r u e r w e b -s ite ! The 40th Annual EBONY FASHION FAIR Presents chartbursters like The Walk, 777- 9311, Oaktree, and Fishnet. A scene-stealing supporting role in lifelong pal Prince’s Oscar-win­ ning flick Purple Rain, further exhib­ ited M orris’ natural born inclination to act — be it on stage or the big screen. The 1991 reunion o f Morris Day and The Time yielded Pandemonium - further symbolizing the group’s enduring lure — and so marked the next m illennium’s diagnosed supersized case o f Morris-mania. “We’re back!”, proclaims Mor­ ris. And, the if it’s not broke don’t fix it’ adage seems to apply. The group resurrected in classic style, with Morris and three otThe Time’s original members in tow: Jerome “Mirror Man” Benton, Jelly Bean Johnson, and Monty Moir. o f Fashions Sponsored by Portland Chapter O f The Links, Inc Benefit O f Links Educational Scholarship Fund 5 Friday, April 17, 1998, 8:00 pm X Doubletree Hotel, lantzen Beach L eh't Portland, Oregon Ticket Price: $30.00 J Tickets Available At: "Rhythms Of Spring" Taiko Show at the IFCC Portland Taiko - Portland’s own Asian American drum ensemble - presents "Rhythms o f Spring”, a spe­ cial perform ance o f heart-pounding taiko and humorous tales at the In­ terstate Firehouse Cultural Center Theater (5340 N. Interstate). The show will run on April 17, April 18, April 24 and April 25. The two- weekend run includes Friday and Saturday evening shows as well as Saturday afternoon matinees. “ Rhythm s o f S pring” is a lively perform ance ideal fo rall ages, em ­ ploying taiko. hum or, storytelling and rhythm to celebrate spring and the renew al o f com m unity. IFC C ’s intim ate theater space gives Port­ land T aiko a unique opportunity to invite audiences to its “ hearth” to share innovativ eco m po sitio n san d arrangem ents, engaging legends and personal stories. E stablished in 1994, Portland T aiko is a dynam ic, m ulti-ethnic A sian A m erican drum m ing group dedicated to preserving, sharing and creating culture through p er­ form ance. T heir sound echoes an ­ cient Japanese tradition and ex ­ presses A sian A m erican exp eri­ ence. Mrs. C ’s Wigs O ne Stop Record Shop 707 NE Fremont 28,-6525 1615 N f KIHiflgiworth 284-2435 House of Sound |. Kurls & Co. 3620 N Williams 287-1960 2948 NE MLK ,r Blvd 282 5809 Sylvan Learning Center Vessels 4300 NE Fremont Suite 150 249-2855 2605 NE M IK ,r Blvd 249-1952 Tondalayera Designers Salon 5401 NE Cully Blvd. 284-072, Ticket« «vaUabt« at all ttcfcatmastar outlet«. or chargo-by-phona (503) O r From Any Link Member 224-4400 lineludes I yr. subscription to EBONY/EM or b month subscription to IETI STEPPIN’ OUT Sun \p til l'< 'pm -V spm Mmi. \ln K' . on I red S im k ltr, tup don, i r D a n ce favorite-, h ig h lig h t the p rogram , in clu d in g Hepin the //egutne, Champagne Polka, Russian Sailor's Dance and more. e “subtle... cheeky... exhilaratinp... Strickler skippity-doo-dahs like a veritable aristocrat with a pet-down relish fo r real life. ” — ViUage Voice T ic k e t s : $15 — $49 Sponsored by Bank o f America $20 ADVANCE * TWENTY ONE AND OVEfc Supported by KXI. NewsRadio or 1-800-228-7343 • Mon Music for everyone James DePreist, Music Director & Conductor 1232 W. frJ&NSiDE ■ PORTLAND, OftEgON HOP, moftü ¡tipo: (503) 205-0041 w w w .m ctnEN A CATCH "HUH,PLC H.AiM" AT THE miSSiON THEATP.E APP.lT 2 0 -2 4 ' CALL 223-4031 POP. SHOW TiOIES ARLENE SCHNITZER CONCERT HALL- SW MAIN & BROADWAY Milli Vanilli Star Pilatus Sometimes you're the player. QUALITY USED & NEW CD'S • RECORDS TAPES • VIDEOS Sometimes you're played. Found Dead Rob Pilatus, half o f pop duo Milli Vanilli, has been found dead inaFrank- furt hotel room, Germany’s Bild am Sonntag newspaper said Sunday, quot­ ing the artist’s ex-manager. Pilatus was found dead on his hotel bed Friday evening with blood around his nose and mouth. Doctors at the scene diagnosed heart failure. Police were unable to confirm the report. A spokesman said they would be informed o f a death only if circum­ stances had been suspicious. Milli V anilli’s former manager Frank Farian told Bild am Sonntag that Pilatus had just come out o f drug rehabilitation. Pilatus was bom in New York, but grew up with adoptive parents in Munich, where he was expected to be buried. From the producers of "FRIDAY WE BUY WE SELL WE TRADE EVERYDAY! < BRING IN THIS AD FOR"’ 20% OFF ALL USED MERCHANDISE 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER EXPIRES 6/30/98 w w w .p la y e r s c lu b .n e t