• • • • ; ” , - 1 » 'r 7* - i ^ ^ S ^ shsfî S S e * <*7 S i* . V ■ ••■ /» t- e '.s /’ »>•% ». t - K<~«c v* 3F,A£ w -J^4%< a Page B3 ------- ®Jje $lnrt(#n> <0f>«wwr---------------------------- The Portland Wolves APRIL *’ 1998 THE COACHES AND PARENTS SINCERELY THANK THE INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES THE HAS SPONSORED AND SUPPORTED THE PORTLAND Wolves BasketBall Program The Past Two Seasonsl Cedric & Willie Crowell N. Portland Philip & Carol M aiden Action Auto Glass NE. Portland SE. Portland Industrial Machine Services Casual Drivers Inc. NE. Portland Syd Dorn Chevrolet. SW. Portland N. Portland Eagle Coachworks Broadway body & Paint N. Portland NE. Portland The Portland W olves is a six grade basketball team that has been the most dominating teams in the city and state for the last two years. All o f the players play baseball, so the W olves have not gone to the A AU S tate cham p io n sh ip to u rn a m e n t. The two teams that played for the 1997 AAU State Cham pionship fell to the W olves as a fifth grade team. This year the W olves players re­ cently ended their season and will not played for the 1998 Oregon State AAU title. There is a little difference this year in that the five W olves are on three different teams that are go­ ing to the AAU state tournaments. Seth Tarver, a fourth grader is play­ ing with Reggie G uyton’s fourth grade team. Josh Tarver is playing with Phil Hopsons fifth grade team which recently won the Oregon State AAU Championship. Zach Tarver, Robert Malone, AJ Niebergall isplay- ing with Ollie Thierry’s sixth grade AAU team. Spencer Hill, Darwin Barney, Chuck Hepner, John Parker, Harry Darling all play Baseball. The boys mentioned above also play Base­ ball. W e Have one player that runs track D ’Shawn McKenzie. I guess people may say who are the W olves and what makes them spe­ cial'.’ Theirawesom e man to man team defense, great fast breaking abilities com bined with their excellent passing skills and a dominate h alf court game. This team is known as an unselfish team. They really m ovetheball around and if you work hard you will get the ball. The W olves like to play high school rules so that they can us their full court press and h alf court trap. In closing I would I ike to pay tribute to Phil Hopson o f the Running Bulls forw inningthe 5th grade AAU C ham ­ pionship and He plan on taking that team totheN ationa! AAU tournam ent that will be held in Florida this sum ­ mer I know he will need som e m ajor helpto from the com m unity to achieve this goal for his group o f young men. Reggie guyton and his InnerC ity A ll­ stars. Reggie has three teams that he is are interring into different tourna­ ment. Duane Tyner has an 8th team call M arquis Ram one he does a nice job in get his team s into the High powered tournament. M ark Mi les and John L eeo fth eC isco Kids another 8th grade team, these coaches are giving the their teams the experience o f getting into som e o f the high pow ­ ered tournaments. T he problem that most teams have is money. The average cost o fth e local tournaments is $160. 00. I see th is as m o n ey w ell spent, and w e as p are n ts and c o ach es are pro u d to a sso cia te d w ith local B u sin esses th a t sh a re th o se fe e l­ ings and have h elp ed m ak e th ese tw o seasons p o ssib le fo rth is team o f young m en ex p e rien c e th e trips and gam es th ey w ill rem em b er for life. The W olves w ere coached by Dave Barney a Beaverton Dentist. His assistants w ere John Tarver a local insurance broker, Mike Hepner. c JJnrtlaub ODbscruer Web Site Fist? http: / / w w w .portlandobserver.net e-m ail PDXOBSERV.COM ^fORDABLElRoPH,^ The JAZZ Station Traditional JAZZ TROPHIES - PLAQUES SUBLIMATION - ENGRAVING SCREENPRINTING HATS - SHIRTS - JACKETS at AFFORDABLE PRICES every Saturday & Sunday at 9 a.m. with the Big Band Sounds Kdon a n d rdCoretta Kd ice on Sunday afternoons 2 0 0 5 8 tk W e it nn O K d 9 7 0 6 8 (& 0 3 ) 6 .5 7 - 5 6 / 3 $ax Popeyes World f amous Chicken Albina Fuel Company NE. Portland NE. Portland Mahshigian & Associates Beall Transport Equipment Company NE. Portland NE. Portland Tarver Management Group NE. Portland Advertise, Y o u r C hurch In LL Ite P o r t (nub (O h s e tw r (5(13) 288-0033 BASEBALL Cleveland Grant Madison Roosevelt Franklin Lincoln Benson Jefferson Marshall Wilson yy 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 MENS TENNIS Grant Roosevelt Lincoln Cleveland Franklin Wilson Benson Jefferson Madison Marshall w 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 L . To 0 0 0 1 R 2 G.C 2 G,L 1 W 2 R.C G.R 2 2 F.L MENS TRACK Benson Franklin Cleveland Grant Lihcoln Madison Marshall Wilson Jefferson Roosevelt yy 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 k M ENSQ .Q U Cleveland Grant Franklin Lincoln Roosevelt Wilson Benson Jefferson Madison Marshall yy 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 k k To C G C.R M,G F,L R.M SPRING STANDINGS 1998 SOFTBALL yy k Franklin 4 0 Wilson 4 0 Cleveland 3 1 Lincoln 3 1 Marshall 3 1 Benson 3 1 Grant 2 1 Madison 2 1 Roosevelt 2 2 Jefferson 0 18 Jefferson dropped varsity GIRLS TENNIS W k Lincoln 3 0 Cleveland 1 0 Grant 1 2 Marshall 1 2 1 Wilson 2 Roosevelt 1 1 Benson 1 2 Madison 1 2 Jefferson 0 2 Franklin 0 3 I 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 2 GIRLS TRACK Benson Grant Lincoln Cleveland Franklin Jefferson Wilson Madison Marshall Roosevelt yy 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 k GIRLS GQ1F Lincoln Benson Cleveland Franklin Grant Jefferson Madison Marshall Roosevelt Wilson yy 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .5.5 7 - 5 f) 7 7 Spring Special * R e fe r a frie n d g e t o n m o n th FREE p a g e r 4217 NE Fremont Portland, Oregon 97213 (503) 249-5972 s e rv ic e * A c tiv a te a n y c e ll p h o n e r *F re e A c tiv a tio n & P h o n e w ith a p p r o v e d c r e d it (a n n u a l a g r e e m e n t) ------------------------------------------- I Beaum ont Cleaners C oupon $12 off of $30 or more * $8 off of $20 or more ---------------------------- -— 4. 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