• # » ,/» . • - * /. * . * - » • .< *’ Î > J ' í í r ’ • ' <5* ./ * ? r'T r r - *-*•?•* r »,* * .» », •* ’ ■•. .... *- •. A Page B2 APRIL 8, 1998 (Tl|e TJortLtttb <0b*erwr A SEI Sports It’s All Star Cast IL Happy 92nd Birthday Dad 1 9 9 7 - 1 9 9 8 H igh S c h o o l A ll-S ta r s. (P h o to b y Larry J. J a c k s o n S r.) E lliso n (Eli) M o rg a n , P r e s id e n t o f 2 0 3 0 I n v e s t m e n t s , LLC co n trib u tio n ($ 5 m illio n ) to an O r­ S.E .I p ro u d ly sp o rts it’s c a st o f all-stars at it’s re c e n t S .E .I. A lu m n i vs. H igh S ch o o l A ll-S ta rs G am e. T h e A lum n i o f S .E .I. sh o w th e y still h av e w hat it ta k e s to k e e p th eir y o u n g e r up an d c o m in g h ig h sch o o l a ll-sta r team c o u n te rp a rts in line. T h e g a m e a lso p ro v id e d th e o p ­ p o rtu n ity fo r m e m b e rs o f th e cast. A d m in istra tio n , an d p a rtic ip a n ts alik e to p ay th e ir h e a rtfe lt g ra titu d e ; j .SOUS ( I BONUS «us n n 1 -> I S - ¿4 <- MTCH SCO« J to th e ir a ll-s ta r b o a rd m e m b e r E lliso n (E li) M o rg an , w h o m ad e, w h at is b e liev ed to b e th e larg est e g o n C B O , su ch as S .E .I. T o n y H o p so n , P resid en t o f S .E .I. stated , “ it’s easy to talk ab o u t c h a n g ­ in g liv es an d c re a tin g o p tio n s; it’s q u ite an o th er th i ng to p u t y o u r m oney w e re y o u r m o u th is an d in v est in th o se o p tio n s, th e k id s an d o u r fu ­ tu re .” “ W e w ill b e fo re v e r g ratefu l, to ev ery o n e. O u r alu m n i, v o lu n teers, c o o rd in a to rs, d o n o rs an d th e c o m ­ m u n ity fo r h e lp in g m a k e o u r d ream a re a lity .” Demolition and Displacement are Forever: Light Rail and North/Northeast Portland B y P aijune B radford G albraith and C athy I f all goes as planned by TriM et and M E T R O , N orth/Northeast Portland will be forever changed, and the people whose lives will be changed are conspicuously absent from the discussions. The stage is being set for construction o f Light Rail Transit, which is moving "Full Steam Ahead”, despite the following: -V o te rs rejected funding for the ‘State share’ (11 /96); C osts o f Light Rail w ere reduced to avoid another pub­ lic vote. —T here continues to be no evidence o f w illingness to financially support construction o f the line to V ancouver, w hich isthe k e y to T riM et’sprojected 30% increase in transit ridership. -C onstructio n and annual operations & m aintenance costs are astronomical, with w oefully sm all projections o f rider­ ship com pared to the costs o f Light Rail. The Light Rail line from theClackamas Regional C enter to North Lom bard will cost $915 million dollars to build, cost $96 million dollars every y e a rto operate Light Rail has becom e the “Holy G rail”, the single and only answ er to: achieve population and density plans, accom m odate growth, protect the U rban G row th Boundary, and pry dri vers out o f their cars and onto public transit. M ean­ while, TriM et is adopting hefty increases for use o f its LIFT service for the elderly and disabled, and transit ridership con­ tinues to be substantial ly below Tri M et ’ s projections. Property owners, residents, and busi­ nesses in North/Northeast Portland -w h o will suffer the most from impacts o f this “through route” in our neighborhoods- have not been very visible at meetings and ‘open houses’where maps clearly show what’sonthedraw ingboards. W ewonder why. There are two alternate routes through North/Northeast. The Wheeler-Russell or East 1-5 / Kerby routes through the Eliot neighborhood, and theneitherWest-of-1-5 or Interstate A venue through Boise, Humboldt, Overlook, Arbor Lodge, Pied­ mont, andKenton. Pick Y o u r Pain: Eliot loses 15 homes and 6 or 7 businesses and maintain, and is projected to result in a m ere 11 % increase in transit ridership by the year 2015. (including all o f the east side o f N. Page Street) with Wheeler/Russell, or Lloyd loses 26 housing units and Eliot and Boise lose 8 businesses with East I-5/Kerby. With West-of-I-5,( fverlook loses82 homes (including M innesota A ve), Kenton loses 15, and A rbor Lodge loses 10. W ith the Interstate Avenue route,( fverlook, Kenton, and A rbor Lodge lose 69 hom es and 29 businesses. These “rem ovals” mean the displacem entofPEO PLE - homeowners, residents, and employees w ho wi 11 have to go “somew here else”. Then there are the “areas o f impact” - the properties that sit within 1000 feet o f the chosen light rail (fynuei! (frech Adie J. Paden was born April 4, 1906 in Rosston, Arkansas. Adie married Pearlie Toney and to this union they were blessed with six children, Leonard, Geneva, Grace, Jewel, Lorene, and Charlene. Mr. Paden and his wife having lived in Arkansas fo r over 80 years moved to Portland in February 1997 to be closer to their children. The children wish him a very blessed and happv > ^birthday. _________ 1 N f I G H BO« M O O D S z s NEW HOMES <1 i 1 .J V -- L b L IV IN G LARGE You have it made in the U.S. Coast Guard. 20 careers to choose from, including saving lives, law enforcement and environmental protection. Competitive salary. 30-days’ paid vacation. Free housing & meals, medical & dental care and travel. Earn college credits. Eligibility for G.I. Bill. For more information, call 1 800 GET USCG or visit us at U.S. C o a s t G ua rd Be P a r t o r th e A c t io n 3 i Priced from 129,900 • • • • • 1338 to 1469 sq ft. 3 & 4 bedrooms 2 ■/? baths 2 car garages Fenced with front landscaping Open Fri L = j Sat-Sun-Mon 12 to 5 To Visit: West on Highway 8 to Cornelius Right on 19th Proceed North ’.à mile Right on Holladay Go o Information Center route, where redevelopment isplanned for higher densities to support the Light Rai 1 löfton Development (5 0 3 ) 3 5 9 0911 lines by providing riders. So w ho is Light Rai 1 real ly for? What about the people who already live here? Advertise In CT¡e ^ o r tia n h (©bscrucr Call (503) 288-0033 ( T lir ^ o r t l a n h (© b s e ru e r PDC PORTLAND fiEVKI.Ol'MEXT " commission COMMISSION MEETING D ate April 15.1998 Place: Self Enhancement, Inc. 3920 N. Kerby Portland, OR T im e 4:00 p.m. The Com m issioners will also tour the N /N E area from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Comm ission m eetings are open to the public. A com plete agenda is available at PDC or by calling 823-3200. Citizens with disabilities m ay call 823-3232 or TDD 823-6868 for assistance at least 48 hours in advance. is proud to announce the addition of our Web-site, http://Portland Observer. Net, to better serve the needs of our Readers and Advertisers C / To ( E ) h s m ie r & The Grey Whales Inn Invites you to enter our weekend fo r 2 on the Cannon Beach Coast! |N a m e :__________________ "J I ------------------------------ I M 1 Check it Out! (E lie ^ o r t l a n b ■nre /V aM <2} KENAI STREIT, TötSUkNA M K RO. S X CANNON ßfACH OR’- . I ’ll IO J& C '- • | Address: | JjPhone #:( )___________ J Fortunately, there still remains a safe haven on television. We’re OPB, and we’ve got fun, nonviolent shows like Barney & Friends,The Puzzle Place and now Arthur, all part o f the Ready to Learn Service on OPB. Programs that reinforce your family’s values. We don’t think any budding young artist should be inspired by violence. Do you? OPB. Part o f a happy childhood for over *= a quarter of a century. PBS T his is why there ’ s OPB. | ------------------------------ | I ----------------------------- I I __________________ I Mail or Drop it off at The Portland Observer Newspaper @4747 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland Oregon 972! I, Att: Tony Washington :Must be 2 / years o f age to enter i vpln.org The Ready to Learn Service on PBS it brought to lib you in part by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. h i Where Von Belong www.opb.org J