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Jones, w ho turned dow n a $700,000 settlem ent o ffe r last fall, w as counting on a hefty court ju d g m e n t - o r even bigger cash settlem ent - to pay o f f at least $2 m illion in legal bills. A ju d g e ’s decision d ism issing the suit all but ruled out her chances o f seeing any cash. A sp okes­ w om an said Thursday she w ould push Mrs. Jo n es to con sid er a book o r m ovie deal. Jesse Jackson Calls On Justice Department The Rev. Jesse Jackson has called on the Justice D epartm ent to investigate w hether the governm ent played a role in the death o f the Rev. M artin Luther King Jr. “O ur govern­ m ent w as actively involved in destroying M artin Luther King Jr. N ow , did they do it J directly o r w ei» they a part o f hiring som e­ one, w e d o n ’t know ,” Jackson said on N B C ’s “Meet the Press.” Jackson, w hose com m ents cam e after the 30th anniversary o f K ing’s death, said he thinks convicted assassin James | A Big Hug For The Easter Bunny Ontario Pruitt (5) gives Easter Bunny Michelle Dupree (right) a big hug, while bunny Delila Rhone & Mom Sonya Pruitt (left) watch. The costumed ladies are raising money selling Easter baskets at different lo­ cations this week to start a group encouraging voter awareness Earl Ray w as not solely responsible. Dow ends above 9000 T he D ow closed above 9000 points for the first tim e on M onday, saved from a fall by the $80 billion m erger o f the Travelers G roup Inc. and Citicorp, the biggest in cor­ porate history. T he deal sparked a buying frenzy in financial stocks. T he Dow ended unofficially up 49.82 points at 9033.23, a record.” l f you are in the financials and you are hoping fo ra takeover, you buy. I fyou are anyw here else, you lighten up a little bit.” T he broader m arket S& P500 index ended o ff l . 3 1 points at 112 1.39. A dvancing issues trailed decliners by 12 to 17 on volum e o f 627 m illion shares. PCC All-Star Scholars Shine at State Capitol help shine the spotlight on com m unity college excellence. Six from Portland C om m unity C ollege will be recognized for academ ic and personal acco m p lish ­ ment: C hisa T aylor and Rachel Rose, C as­ cade C am pus; L oretta D ike and Susi Shiach from Rock C reek C am pus; and Siiri W ilson and Amit Aryal from Sylvania Cam pus. King’s Family Urges New Commission Thirty years after Martin Luther King Jr. ’s death, his fam i ly wants President Clinton to establish a national com m ission to inves­ tigate the assassination. K in g ’s widow , C oretta Scott King, called for a panel sim i­ lar to South A frica’s Truth and Reconcilia­ tion Com m ission that w ould provide im m u­ nity for anyone with inform ation about the crime. K ing’s family has been pushing fo ra new trial for Jam es Earl Ray, w ho is serving a 99-year prison term for the slaying. They say they are not convinced he acted alone or com m itted the crim e at all. Report: Folic Acid Aids Pregnancies Siiri W ilson C h isa Taylor A ny w om an w ho might becom e pregnant should either eat specially fortified foods or tak ea vitamin supplem ent offolic acid every day to protect against birth defects, a panel o f experts said . A lso, all A m ericans over age 50 should eat a bowl o f fortified cereal every day or take a supplem ent o f Vitamin B12, a nutrient im portant for m aking blood cells but one that declines with age, said the Institute o f M edicine report. A m it Aryal Water Found on Saturn’s Moon LON E u ro p e 's in fra re d sp a c e o b se rv a to ry has d isco v ered w ater in m any unexpected p la ce s - in c lu d in g a m o o n o f S atu rn - ra isin g e x p e c ta tio n s o f life e lse w h e re in the u n iv erse, th e E uropean S pace A gency said . T h e d isc o v e ry o f w a te r v a p o r in th e a tm o sp h e re o f T ita n , S a tu rn ’s la rg ­ est m o o n , m ay in d ic a te th a t c o n d itio n s th e re d u p lic a te th o se th a t g av e b irth to life on E arth , th e a g e n c y 's d ire c to r o f | sc ie n c e said . I Olivia "L o retta " D ike o reg o n ’s 34 C om m unity Col lege |AII-Star S cholars, from 17 colleges.w ill be honored by G ov. S u s i S h ia c h K itzhaber in a m eeting in the G o v e rn o r’s cerem onial office at the state capitol on Eri- day, April IO, I lam . Gov. K itzhaber will This is the sixth year o f the event and is sponsored by the OrcgonCommunityCollege Association. Students will be honored at a luncheon with community college presidents and legislators following their meeting with Kitzhaber. By campus, the six all-stars are: Cascade Campus { Not Pictured) Rachel Rose, a northeast Portland resident, is the mother o f two grown sons who says Portland Community College has “changed my life— first by teaching me how to operate an offset press in the late ‘ 70’s so that I could make a living wage and support my two sons. And later, after being seriously injured in an automobile accident, giving m e hope for a new career in education.” C hisa I). Taylor is a northwest Portland resident and the mother o f two children who has set her sights high after coming to PCC. “It is my goal in life to beaw orid changer,” shesaid. “The changes we make today by educating ourselves, and other, positively impacts our future and changes our world for tomorrow.” Taylor has served as treasurer and vice presi­ dent for the Associated Students o f Portland Community College—Cascade, is a Phi Theta Kappa member, an academic peer advisor, vol­ unteer coordinator and member o f the Parent reachers Association, and the program assistant for the Portland Teachers Program. Susi Shiach, a resident o f Hillsboro, said the “community learning” environment at PCC is something she w on’t soon forget. The 2 1 -year old is working toward an advertising and com­ munications degree, which she hopes to pursue furtherattheUniversityofOregon. Shecurrently sports a 3.92 GPA. Olivia “Loretta” Dike is also a Hillsboro resident who managed to find time to come to PCC despite being the mother o f six daughters. “ Attendingcollege has taught m e how important it is to keep balance," she said. “ It is the realiza­ tion that has helped make me a better student and a good role model for my daughters and other adults who are re-entering college.” Sylvania Campus— Siiri Aileen W ilson is a southw est P ort­ land resident w ho is w orking tow ard a b io l­ ogy degree. She said after being involved in her studies and in cam pus activities at PCC, she considers h erse lf “a success sto ry .” A 3.75 G PA , D ea n ’s list and P resid en t’s list honors, being a m em ber o f Phi T heta K appa and the Student Senate P resident helps back that opinion. A m it A ryal, a native o f Kathmandu, Nepal who lives in southwest Portland, is working toward a chemical engineering degree. He is on the Dean’s list and a staff writer for the PCC newspaper, The Bridge. He is also a member o f the Volunteer Society o f PCC and the Program Services Council o f PCC.