* 1 - h m m K mi - - * • y. . . ; A » , w < •- • . « < - ' f i ■ FEB. 13, 1993 Pase A8 (Tlje IJnrtInnl» (J^bírrurr V ¡Lije Jîortlanb Wbseruer V . ; ?• '♦ • »4 ' ? V • » * if « _ . ’ e- * • !V V¿* 1 - > . • . *• L • N 4 ., », .-4 i. •'. ‘ . ,/3 Housing Agency award Home Ownership Grants T he O regon H ousing and co m ­ m u n ity S e r v ic e s D e p a rtm e n t (O H C SD ) announced on February 5. 1998 that $45O,(XX) in H ome O w n ersh ip A ssistan ce P rogram grants have been aw arded to 14 organizations. A ccording Io Bob R epine, D i­ rector, "D ecid in g w ho receiv es funding is alw ays a difficult task there are always m ore good projects that apply for funding than we have available.” He believes one o f his responsibilities as the new director o f O H C SD is to find creative w ays to identify new sources o f funding to add to the d ep a rtm en t's existing resources. Dee Taylor, Residential Loan Program M anager, adm inisters the Home O w nership A ssistance Pro­ gram for the D epartm ent and offers high praise for those w ho were aw arded funding. T aylor indicated, "W e have $1.2 m illion in requests for our $450.000. so the com peti­ tion for funds was very tough." The Home O w nership Assistance Program w as created by the 1995 O regon Legislature for the purpose o f expanding the sta te 's supply of home ow nership housing for low and very low incom e fam ilies and individuals, eligible applicants are nonprofit corporations, housing au- thorities or local governm ents that both sponsor and m anage low in­ com e hom e ow nership program s Funds are aw arded in the form ol a grant and are available on a state­ w ide basis, concentrating on those areas o f the state with the greatest need Funds may be used in conjuction with low incom e hom e ow nership program s (including program ad ­ m inistratio n , to purchase land, pro­ vide assistan ce w ith dow n pay- m ents/closing costs, provide hom e ow nership training. Funds may not be used for an o rg an izatio n 's g en ­ eral operations or as a m eans to cash How construction or reh ab ili­ tation work in progress. Grant proposals were evaluated on the applicant's ability to provide the greatest opportunity for addressing: home ownership needs within thecom- munity. long-term affordability, lever­ aging of other sources of funds, readi­ ness to proceed, related sixial services programs, and the abil ity to administer/ manage funds T he D epartm ent also ad m in is­ ters federal and state anti-poverty, hom eless anti energy assistan ce com m unity service program s. For more information on the Home Ownership Assistance Program con tact Dee Taylor at 503-986-204 I. $ Get Cash Now $ I Need C ash 1' D on't wait for your m oney! I You can sell your structured settlem ent, annuity, I disability, inheritance, m ortgage/business not, I even lottery w innings I FOR THE CASH YOU NEED NOW! I C a ll : I ntegrity F unding S ources I I -888-5 F U N DM E/493-2577 L $ $ $ A vailable For Hom e Im provem ent Grants and Subsidized Loans Most hom eow ners are unaw are that regardless of their income there are Federal, stale and local program s that will help them repair and re­ model their hom es G overnm ent at all levels reco g ­ nizes that neighborhoods are the ba­ sis o f life in our country W hen a n eig h b o rh o o d d eterio rates, m any things happen both physically and socially. W hen the hom es look shabby, a neighborhood seems more attractive to crim e and crim inals. An area in decline is like a spreading cancer. As hom es becom e shabby looking anil m need o f m aintenance, the residents lose their desire to keep up the n eigh­ borhood. Streets becom e receptacles for trash, schools low er their stan­ dards and very quickly the selling price o f hom es in the area drops sharply This accelerates the cycle of degeneration Advertise Your Home hi In order to keep and m aintain the nation's housing and neighborhoods, governm ent at all levels have p ro ­ gram s to give hom eow ners m oney (lliat does not have to be repaid) for repairs or to lend them m oney at below m arket levels o ra l no interest In many areas utility com panies will eilhei do energy conservation work tree or at low cost an in other places will lend hom eow ners m oney at no interest to pay the contractor o f their choice for the necessary w ork. In addition there are lax incentives to prom ote efficient energy use. These program s are not restricted to low -incom e people, slum areas or urban n eighborhoods. O w n ers of single or m ulti-fam ily dw ellings are eligible W hile the grants to not hav e to be repaid, most of the loans offer low or no-interest, long term s and low paym ents. Some o f the other hom e im prove­ ments covered under these program s are: attic and wall insulation, new w indow s, oulerw all siding, security doors, and locks, window guards. No Job To Big or Small Free Estimates 15% Discounts to Seniors Phillip Johnson Phone:(503)335-3786 Fax:(503)288-0940 Monthly Special 25% Oft Tree Trimming ♦Hauling *Gutters *Yard Maintenance ♦Tree Trimming M onthly S p e c ia l * Tree Triming @ 25% Off! I (The |J n rtla n h : THE SKY IS THE LIMIT IN CUSTOMER & (DhserUev Call 288-0033 Call Today For.. “The Secrets To Getting Absolute Top SDollar For Your Income Stream” This Vital Information Can Mean $$$ Thousands Of Extra Dollars To You. And It’s Free! Don’t Be Cut Short! sidew alks and m asonry w ork, bath ­ room s and kitchens, electrical and plum bing, new roofs, gutters, and dow nspouts I I I I I I I I I I J Big House No Problem! Little House No Problem! Acreage No Problem! Income Property You Name It No Problem! i "DREAMERS,’’ 11« i 4 i 4 I will hnd lhat dream house you want In the tipie you want at the price you want _ Are you ready to sell? Ca|, fur yw jk < & Your Current 4 /footwork tome. - ..- ...................... —....... JaBfefeBaif- ....... ....... ‘... - .. < RENTERS RIGHTS FORUM D id you know that... It is ag ain st the law to d isc rim in a te ag ain st c h ild re n ? If y o u r lan d lo rd w ill not m ake rep a irs, you m ay be ab le to sue for red u c ed ren t? A lan d lo rd can ev ict you from y o u r h om e w ithout g iv in g you any reason! Come learn skills to protect your rights!! T uesday, M a rc h 998 6 :0 0 -8 :0 0 PM P o rtlan d S tate U n iv ersity Sm ith M em o rial C enter, R oom 327 3, GREAT HOUSE, GREAT PRICE & GREAT LOCATION Three bedroom, two baths, vaulted ceilings in living/dining and master bedroom. Large vaulted entry with hardwood & alcoves. Bayed window in living room. On culde-sac, brick accent, real wood trim, fenced & wood deck & large private side yard. Built 1990. $159.900. #HDC12836. Call Debbie (503) 703-5510 or 1-888-288-5432. McMUAPHV'S APPLIANCE CCNTCR THERE'S NO NE SO REMARKABLE INTO TRIUMPHS. AS THOSE W HO TURN CHALLENGES Sales • Service • Parts 4011 N.E. M.L.K. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 288-3233 lor proving you can, when others say you can't This virtue is upheld by the men and women of Washington Mutual, who have had a long standing commitment to making the American dream of home ownership come true for all individuals. By looking beyond the numbers, we're able to tailor our home loans to meet your needs, not just ours. It is a unique distinction, one that we are proud of. For more information visit your local Washington Mutual home loan center. yiip Washington Mutual ta i.îsbÂ