Œ lfi # o r t l a n ò OObeeruer R I A b LA C 1/ H IS T O R Y K M O N T H 19 9 8 February 18,1998 C2 In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a March on Washington. The people's signs read "For Jobs and Freedom." The Fair Housing Law was passed in 1957. Urban League representatives, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson tested fair housing practices in Portland. Courtesy o f the Oregon Historical Society. In 1997, Hugh Price urged America to finish the job Dr. King started. "Economic power is the next civil rights frontier," Hugh Price told delegates at the National Urban League's 1997 conference. "Our struggle remains to give African Americans the opportunity to be developers and owners and establish ourselves as an economically-powerful group." As president of the National Urban League, Mr. Price is focusing the civil rights organization on economic empowerment and development of our children. In Portland, the Urban League offers assistance to help students and job seekers reach their full potential. On March 12, 1998, Hugh Price will speak on "Economic Power" at the Urban League of Portland s Equal Opportunity Dinner. For information, call (503) 280-2600. Map of Vanport City. There were about 18,500 people, including 5,000 Blacks living in the housing project. The rental cost of an apartment was from $30 a month for one room and a bath to $49.50 for four rooms a month. Courtesy of the Oregon Historical Society Quote from the community: "One o f the most segregated periods o f time in this nation is still on Sunday morning when everybody says they’re going to worship God. God sees no respect o f person and yet we still practice the Art o f Separatism. I f healing is going to take place in America, I think Am erica’s church community and institutions o f public domain must come to the Table o f Brotherhood. ” (Margaret Carter, State Representative) 5 Kt g Multnomah County R • •• A history City of Portland R • •• V HISTORY SONDA’' The Jesse Owens Story February IS Harlem Hellfighters February 23 Roots Begins February 23 Harlem Hell fighters premieres Sunday, February 23, at 10PM ET, 9PM CT 8PM M T, 7PM PT The Jessie Owens Story airs Saturday, February 15, at 8PM ET, 7PM CT, 10PM M T, 9PM PT. Roots airs Sunday, February 23-F'riday, February 28, at 8PM ET, 7PM CT, 10PM M T, 9PM PT John Brown's War airs Thursday, February 6, at 9PM ET, 8PM CT, 7PM M T, CivilWarJoumal John Brown’s War February 6 H R • •• THE HISTORY CHANNEL. W H IM 10PM PT 0 1 9 9 7 The History Channel A * f Television Nstwortts AN Rights Reserved / R • •• T H I F A IT C O M I I A L IV I« http://w w w .H istorychonnw I.com I ¡5 R • •• iS Black History Month ¡S 1998 iS V We proudly honor the rich history o f Black Americans and their contributions to our society. We join The Observer in saluting R • •• R • •• R • •• JOIN THE HISTORY CHANNEL WORKING TOGETHER. . . M ETRO The County, City, and Metro are actively working with minority owned businesses to enhance participation on our projects. • •• > For recorded information on contracting opportunities with Multnomah County and Metro call the Hotline (503)797-1933. The City of Portland Buyline at (503)823-6855. • •• > To contact our respective M/W/ESB Program offices call: Multnomah County (503) 284-5429 City of Portland (503) 823-6855 Metro (503) 797-1714 > Or visit our web sites: Multnomah County - http://www.multnomah.lib.or.us/piirch City of Portland - http://www.ci.portland.or.us/purchase/purchase.htin • •• MïÉ-ff I