j. y r A . w i ,. J e s s u p • ^',. .¿.- - Page B3 ¿Tljp FEB. 18, 1998 <©fr«erwr (EIjc JJartlanb © hscrucr ENTERTAINMENT Rap artist CHUCK D to Speak at PSU Vocalist/Trurnpeter/Producer Mark Ledford ' After years o f backing up every- 'one from Stephanie Mills to Pat Metheny, vocalist and trumpeter Mark Ledford has at long last pro­ duced a solo project. Miles 2 Go. The collection features melodies made famous by Miles Davis, up­ dated by Ledford for the hip-hop era. "W hat L /e done is taken those ’melodies and beamed them up to . 125th Street." The album showcases Ledford’s ■ formidable mastery of scatting, vo­ calist (the art of putting words to jazz tunes and instrumental impro­ visations), and jazz trumpet. Flank­ ing him on this eyebrow-raising adventure are Pat Metheny, Michael B recker, D arryl Jo n es, V icto r Bailey, and CyrusChestnut, among other notables. The songs chosen include such obvious D avis-asso­ ciated treasures as “Bye Bye Black­ bird,” "Summertime," “Someday My Price Will Com e,” and more daring choices such as "So W hat’ and "Blue and Green" from Kind of Blue, as well as Eddie Harris' "Free­ dom Jazz Dance," which M iles' ’60s quintet recorded on Miles Smiles. Friday, February 20 C H U C K I), a “ soldier fo r the a rt fo rm o f rap m usic am i hip hop.” discusses his recently release altflim I he Autobiography ofM ista Chuck, and his first book. Fight the Power: Chuck D on Rap, Race, and Reality', published b\ Delacorte. His talk begins at 7 pm in (he Smith Center Ballroom, Room 355, 1825 SW Broadway. General admission is $10; admission for non-PSU students is $8; PSU students will be admitted free. Bti Somethin’ The People Rhymes When Disaster Strikes missyruBOtrnmnoHELLiOTT Missy Elliott SUPO DUN FLU Mark Ledford Chuck D This Time it’s Personal Curtis riaijEield Superfly 25th Supa Dopa Fly Anniversary Right from the first few seconds of the Devlins’ new disc, you can feel it. Il starts with a sudden, swooping resonance, continues on through a guitar's quiet hum, and then is gra­ ciously cared by the gentle, warm tones of a grand piano. ‘It’ is atm o­ sphere, and it is immediate, urgent, almost desperate. WAITING is both an emotionally and audibly intimate disc, and that is just the way the Dublin-based group planned it. “Silence is very pow er­ ful." muses vocalist/guitarist Colin Devlin. “Music that I grew up listen­ ing to...Talk Talk, David Sylvian, Blue Nile...! love those albums: not o u t'... that can apply to a lot of things in like, most certainly in music.” "W aiting for the bee stings They tell me what success brings” -Waiting The D evlins' first full-length, D R IF T , hastened the group out of obscurity and headfirst into four- star acclaim . Rolling Stone deemed them “ stunning”, the New Yorker "superb” and Q, quite sim ply, “out- standing.” It was a m agical rid" that af­ forded the group an 18-nronth con­ cert tour ’round the w orld. S em i­ perm anent stops in a num ber of atm ospheric cities (New O rleans, V ancouver, M ontreal and New York City included am ong them ) allow ed the g ro u p 's m usic to be­ com e, in a word, borderless. OFFER GOOD THRU. 3-9-1998 Produced by KENNETH FELD Jy the DEVLINS The New Ghostwriter Mysteries'' It’s A Whole N ew W o rib... On lee! HURRY! LIMITED ENGAGEMENT! Clockwise from left: Charlotte Sullivan as Camela Gorrick; Kristen Ayre as Henry “Strick" Strickland: and Erica Luttrell as Emilie Robeson. ie New Ghostwriter reading, writing and think- eries” is an all-new ing skills to untangle hour series featuring neighborhood mysteries jp of adventure-seek- and plot their way out of eens, who use their jeopardy ■ ■■ ■ BY PHONE: I DOSE(lAt?PEM (5 0 3 ) 2 2 4 -4 4 0 0 ■ncka^^sTar^ outlets or www.ticketmaster.com INFO & GROUPS: ( 5 0 3 ) 3 2 1 -3 2 1 1 TICKET PRICES: $ 13.50 to $ 17.50 > Call! 503-790*ARTSi27«7i a'so a c ta b le at all outlets and t NThN *be PCPA Box Office (Mon. • Sat 1 Oam - 5pm). ' ‘ . « I«1« For groups a n d school discounts e a ! ! : 5 G 3 - 2 0 9 - 4 0 9 5 Ticket» subject to agency convenience charge ■ - . . 1 ~