Committed Volume XXVII, Number 57 to FEB. 4, 1998 cultural diversity Protesters Rally In Downtown Portland Black History Month Is Here Hundreds rallied at the Justice Center in support o f the Pueblo Steelworkers. Come share the history of Black American's this month with The Portland Observer. See Black History, Section C. See Metro, inside. tTE U.S. POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND, OR PERMIT NO. 1610 (Ehr j.lortkmh Oibsrnnr Lewinsky Agrees to a Polygraph 5 Monica Lewinsky, the former intern at the White House, has agreed to take a polygraph test in exchange for immu­ nity from prosecution. Lewinsky’s law­ yer. William Ginsberg, has said that Lewinsky will take the test as positive proof of her truth that she had a sexual relationship with C linton. Ginsberg prophesizes that President Clinton would emerge virtually unscathed from the frenzy. City o f Portland in Con­ cert with the Regional Arts and Cultural Coun­ cil Celebrate the revital­ ization o f the M LK Cor­ ridor by the unveiling o f 160 New Street banners significant o f the City's participation and sup­ port o f the revitilization effort and the celebra­ tion o f Black H istory Month in Northeast Port­ land. ( PhotoBy M. Washington ) S TRUMPET The U.S. Will Take Military Action The U.S. will plan on taking military action against Iraq at the cost of being set back diplomatically. This is to reas­ sert U.N. authority and destroy military targets in Iraq. The Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright has told Yasser Arafat that the United Stales will still try to resolve matters using diplomacy. The expectations by many American leaders is for Hussein to back down. Russian Presidential Election The Russian country’s next presiden­ tial election is set for July 9, 2000. A spokeswoman for Russia’s Central Elec­ tion Commission explained that the scheduled election is based on Russian law. The election must be held the first Sunday after President Boris Yeltsin’s second term expires. Yeltsin has hinted at trying to extend his term by using loopholes to bypass the law. Investigation on Bloody Sunday British prime Minister Tony Blair is planning an investigation on the killing of 14 unarmed civil rights dem onstra­ tors in Londonderry on Bloody Sunday in 1972. Blair will announce his inquiry on the anniversary of the incident. His decision is in response to requests by the victim ’s families and the Irish govern­ ment for an investigation. 6 Accused in 1989 Jet Bombing Six su s p e c ts w ere a c c u se d by F rance’s top terrorism judge for the 1989 bombing of a French passenger jet that killed 170 people, on S eptem ­ ber 19, 1989, UTA Flight 772 e x ­ ploded over the Niger desert, killing everyone on board. One of the terro r­ ist suspects is the brother-in-law of M oammar G hadafi. A special terro r­ ism court will try the suspects in ab ­ sentia. Gunshot Wounds are an Epidemic In a survey by the Annals o f Inter­ nal M edicine, a m ajority of surgeons and internists in the study consider gunshot wounds a public health ep i­ demic. The survey involved 915 doc­ tors who answered 55 questions. Some of the questions asked were. Do you have a gun in the house? Is it loaded? And did you know suicide can go up fivefold when you have one around that is loaded? No More Underage Smoking Utah judges are proposing special tobacco courts for adolescents who arc repeat offenders of underage sm ok­ ing The plan is to send teens to the proposed tobacco court for their fourth sm oking offense and for these youths to com plete a rigorous treatm ent pro­ gram or pay a fine of as much as $250. Black History (Quotes From the Community) “There is no comparison to their strengths, caring and enthusiasm because the Black woman's plight is the same as mine, to uplift Self. I have the greatest admiration fo r all Black w om en.” (Charles Tatum, Portland Sculptor) “We should pull together as Black Sisters to provide that support fo r each other's children. That's what true Sisterhood means to me. ” (Grace Kuto, Portland author o f Harambee! African Family Circle Cookbook) “Strong. Power, independence. Those are the things I think o f when 1 think o f Black Women. In a surpassing, 1 d o n ’t see the pain. ” (Annett Stanton, Educator and Entrepreneur) “It is incumbent upon Black women to fe e l and infiltrate the economic, political and societal gap that African Am erican men d o n ’t have much access to. ” (Margaret Carter, State Representative) Housing project design approved B y L ee P earlman he Sabin Community Development Corporation won city approval for its proposed housing project on Northeast 27th Avenue and Killingsworth Street, while discussions with neighbors con­ tinued. Residents living near the project have ob­ jected that it is too dense, will contribute to curb parking congestion, and that it will be low-income rental housing lor an area that already has too much ol it. Last month they received support from the Concordia Neigh­ borhood Association, which had previously endorsed the project T Out of consideration for such concerns Sabin CDC. a non-profit corporation, post­ poned its January 22nd hearing before the Portland Design Commission. They later re­ duced the project from seven units to six. increased off-street parking from five spaces to six, and withdrew a request for a sideyard setback adjustment that would have taken it closer to a neighbor's house. The modified design won unanimous ap­ proval from the Design Commission last week Members asked only that Sabin CDC try to preserve a large tree on the lot. and to add more windows on some walls Kenneth Bello, a spokesperson for the opposition, said that based on Sabin’s concessions his group would not officially oppose the design. Meanwhile the two sides met to discuss the biggest issue: owner-occupancy versus rental units. Residents said they would look for an alternative site for rental housing, and financ­ ing to make the current project owner- occupied. Jane Ediger, Sabin CDC's housing development manager, did not categorically reject this approach, hut did indicate it was unlikely to succeed. Much of the project’s financing comes from the Port­ land Development Commission, which ear­ marks most low-income housing develop­ ment funds for rental housing. "PDC allo­ cated money for 50 units of ow ner-occupied housing last year, and Sabin CDC received I Oof them,” she said. It is uncertain whether the city will fund even this many owner occupied units next year, she added Sabin is prepared to form advisory council for the project that will include neighbors, and to draw up a good neighbor agreement, Ediger says. Bello says he is disappointed that Sabin CDC is not more flexible on the owner- occupancy provision, but happy for the con­ cessions that they have made.