Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 28, 1998, Image 1

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    Volume X X V II, Number 56
Committed to cultural diversity.
Rainbow of
Sprewell Hearing in
Coach Ralph Miller's long
history with Oregon State
University Athletes is
rewarded with a new book.
Arbitration hearing will
determine if Sprewell will
return after his attack on
Head Coach P.J.
See Sports, page B3.
See Metro, inside.
JAN. 28, 1998
(O hsm nr
Portland Stunned by Police Fatality
HOSPITAL was the
scene of a
somber wait ,by
Portland Police,
after a routine
drug inquiry
in Southeast
Portland, turned
tragic, leaving in
its wake ,one
police officer dead
and two more
wounded one
critically. The
suspect was
apprehended at
the scene and
taken into custody
by Portland
Police's SWAT
team. (Photo by
M. Washington)
Albright Seeks Allies
Against Iraq
Secretary o f State, M adeleine A lb rig h t
began a round o f consultations w ith E u ro ­
pean and M ideas! allies as the U nited States
nears closer to a m ilita ry confrontation
w ith Iraq. The C lin to n a dm inistration is
readying an attack against Hussein in re­
sponse to Iraq possibly m anufacturing ille ­
gal biological weapons. House Speaker
N ewt G in g rich spoke o f “ the A m erican
c o m m itm e n t" in p re v e n tin g Saddam
Hussein from obtaining weapons o f mass
Suicide bombing in Sri
Lanka Kandy, Sri Lanka
Three suicide bombers crashed a truck
through the gates o f Sri Lanka's T em ple ot
the Tooth. The incident touched o f f riots
and the incident left eight people k ille d
p lu s 23 others wounded. B uddha’ s tooth is
housed at the famed tem ple where the
crash occurred. The tooth had not been
harmed assured the governm ent o f Sri
Armed INS Agents are
There are more im m ig ra tio n o ffice rs
authorized to carry a gun and make legal
arrests than the F B I. A rm ed Im m ig ra tio n
and N aturalization Service (IN S ) agents
numbering 12,403 w ork fo r the Border
Patrol to guard the M exican border. The
Justice Departm ent determ ined that INS
has an armed force o f 74,500 federal agents.
T his is a 6 percent increase from the p re v i­
ous amount in 1993.
Clinton Grand Jury Sex
Probe Begins
President C lin to n ’ s personal secretary
appeared today at a courthouse where a
grand ju ry probe is investigating allega­
tions that C lin to n had sex w ith a fo rm e r
W hite House intern. It w asn't clear i f Betty
C urrie testified about C lin to n 's alleged
contact w ith M o n ica L e w in sky. Sources
say Ms. Le w in sky is w illin g to te stify that
Tri-Met announces top employees for 1997
she had sex w ith C lin to n i f W h ite w a te r
prosecutors grant her im m u n ity from pros­
ecution. C lin to n has denied the accusa­
tions, and early today H illa ry Rodham
C lin to n blamed the scandal on a "vast
rig h t-w in g conspiracy.”
Local Prosecution for
C onfessed U n a b o m b e r T h e o d o re
K a czyn ski w ill not face the death pen­
a lty. The S acram ento C o u n ty d is tric t
attorney g ru d g in g ly co n firm e d today that
there w o u ld be no lo ca l p ro s e c u tio n o f
K a czy n ski, sparing h im o f a death sen­
tence. The fo rm e r m ath p ro fe s s o r ac­
cepted a plea bargain last w eek, a d m it­
tin g that he had been re sp o n sib le fo r a ll
16 o f the U nabom ber a ttacks, w h ic h
k ille d three people and in ju re d 29 o th ­
ers. U nder the term s o f the agreem ent,
he faces life in p riso n w ith o u t the p o ssi­
b ility o f parole.
West States Have Best
Income Growth
Congratulations Mini-Run Operator
Of The Quarter Mary Scott Carter
(2) Congratulations To November
Operator Of The Month Len MiLer
Three states in the W est led the nation
in personal incom e g ro w th d u rin g the
M ary was born in Portland and has lived here most o f
her life . She's the youngest g irl o f nine children
S cott's m otto is "I'm a person w ho loves to live life to
its fullest. ” She states that, "she is a problem solver. I'm
always reaching out. but I'm not a risk taker. I ’ m logical
and cautious "
M ille r was born in Manchester. New Hampshire His
home now is Oregon C ity . M ille r has been m arried lo r 36
years, w ith tw o daughters, one son and seven grandchil
M ille rs past occupations were Police o ffic e r and US
M arine He has driven every T ri-M e t bus route
Ostell was born in England, grew up in Ontario. Canada,
moved Io Oregon in 1986. He lives in Northeast Portland
w ith his w ife Julie. They met when they were both
members o f the same train museum in C a lifo rn ia . They
have tw o children
Scott enjoys spending tim e w ith her daughters and
keeping them focused on their studies. She also likes
His reaction to the nom ination was, he d id n 't expect it.
“ I was surprised about the nom ination." Len says."I thought
O stell was 3 or 4 years old when he first remembers
seeing a train It was a classic passenger train w ith a
D akota at 0.4 percent, w ere the b o tto m
three states in g ro w th , th is caused them
concern that they m ay o v e r concerns
they may have been a ffe cte d by asbestos
fibers in in su la tio n rem oved fro m a b o ile r
w o rkin g w ith teenage girls and helping them im prove
the computer didn 't love me I figured Curley C lark would
w in four more times belore I'd get nominated. Other
drivers thought I was the Rodney D angerfield ol bus
conductor in the hack Since then, lie 's been interested in
trains and transit.
M ille r loves to G o lf, fishing, gardening, traveling, an­
train anil tro lle y museum; and was a bus and streetcar
at the co m p a n y’ s suburban S c h ille r Park
supposed to do lo r T ri-M e t.
July-S eptem ber quarter. The C om m erce
D epartm ent said incom es g re w 1.8 p e r­
cent in U tah and 1.7 percent in W a sh ­
in g to n and Idaho, co m pared w ith the
national average o f 1.1 percent. A rk a n ­
sas, w ith 0 . 1 percent, and Io w a and South
p la n t Jan
their life .
Scott is married to Kenny Scott and has tw o daughters
Kaleah. 15. and Kalauna. 4.
" T ri-M e t's been good to me and I 'l l do what I'm
tique co lle ctin g and p laying cards
Congratulation To Rail Operator Of
The Trimester (April-July) Fraser
O ste ll's other occupations were, operated heavy e q u ip ­
ment; drove coffee trucks; did landscaping; w orked at a
operator fo r the transit district in Toronto.