Dave Frishberg Black History Month with Disney The well known Pianist is coming to Portland in a rare concert February 22. BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE Disney Channel will feature themed movies and specials this coming February. See Entertainment, page A8. PAID PORTLAND, OR See Entertainment, page AS. PERMIT NO. 1610 (Ehe 'JJortlanh (Ohseruer THE WEEK REVIEW MLK Blvd. Plans Praised by UTnuials MLK Blvd. change is “communily vision." He noted the input by many segments ol tlie surrounding neighborhixxls, say ing "a com m u­ nity ought to look like the life sty le we want. This process emulates Dr. King s dream." Portland C om m issioner Charlie Hales agreed. "This was not a plan hatched in an office building downtown, or Salem, or W ash­ ington. D.C.” "W e are im plem enting ideas that come Irom the neighborhood," He said, praising "the collective w isdom of people, working together to create change." The com m unity input was shared at the Clinton Urged on Affirmative Action Liberal activists are urging President Clinton to remain steadfast in his support for affirm ative action E leanor H olm es Norton, the District of C o lu m b ia's d e l­ egate to Congress, suggested that C linton talk about race in the annual State o f the Union address. Clinton did not indicate w hether he w ould do so. but said he would try todiscuss his race initiative with House Speaker Newt G ingrich. ’ * ’ ■ á * l "MLK needs a combination o f the toughness o f a serpent, the softness o f a dove and a tender heart, ” -»A Iraq Blocks U.S. Weapons Inspectors Iraq made good on its threat and pre­ vented an A m erican-led w eapons inspec­ tion team Irom doing its work, prom pting the U N. Security Council to m eet and try to draft a statem ent on B aghdad's tai lure to com ply with U N. resolutions. British A m ­ bassador John W eston said Ira q 's actions "will certainly have consequences, anil those consequences will not be the early lilting ol sanctions The inspectors are trying to verify that Iraq has destroyed its w eapons ol mass destruction, a condition that must be met before the United N ations will lift trade sanctions f c . .«• ,<» * a*-* Huge Hamas Bomb Factory Discovered Palestinian police d iscovered 1,540 pounds o f explosives in a storage room last night, fueling Israeli fears that the Islam ic militant group Hamas is plotting new a t­ tacks. A uthorities haven’t revealed the nature of the explosives found tucked away in an unoccupied building, except to say they were enough to cause serious dam age within a 1.300-foot radius, according to one Palestinian official at the scene. Some of the explosives had already been as­ sem bled a s bom bs, officials said The m a­ terials were the same as those used in two suicide bom bings in Jerusalem last sum ­ mer. Microsoft, Judge Argue Over Order A g o v e rn m e n t w itn e ss h as to ld a fed e ra l ju d g e th a t M ic r o s o f t’s ow n te c h n ic a l lite r a tu r e te lls how to d e le te its In te rn e t E x p lo re r from W in d o w s 95. T he ju d g e o rd e re d M ic ro s o ft to d e le te the W eb b ro w s e r as p a rt o f a fed e ra l su it a g a in st the sof tw a re g ia n t. T h e g o v e rn m e n t w a n ts M ic ro s o ft to be fo u n d in c o n te m p t fo r fa ilin g to m ak e that c h a n g e . Woman Sprays Paint in White House A w o m an to u rin g the W h ite H o u se to d ay sp ra y e d ru s t- c o lo r e d p a in t in the B lue R oom and w as ta k e n in to c u s to d y by S e c re t S e rv ic e a g e n ts . A W h ite H o u se s p o k e s m a n s a id th e w o m an ca u se d m ore than $ I .()()() d a m ­ ag e and d e fa c e d tw o “ r a th e r p r ic e ­ le s s ” b u sts of C h r is to p h e r C o lu m b u s an d A m e rig o V e sp u c c i. Mayor Vera Katz chats with Cari Taiton, chairman o f the Portland Development Commission, about progress on the upgrade of Martin Luther King Blvd. (Photo By Neil Hei I pern) B y N eil H eiipern fication changes to the street was made during her first session in the state legislature, Katz ered on Martin Luther K ing’s birth­ said, she “took a ride along the boulevard and day last week to applaud progress realized we have a lot of work to do to honor on the refurbishing o f the Northeast Portland this man in this com m unity." thoroughfare that bears his name "I w asn’t a transportation expert, but I real­ "W e are Honoring one of the greatest men ized something was keeping people away (fn>m in U.S History and celebrating a .street named the shops)," she said. The first thing she no­ after this great man." said Mayor Vera Katz. ticed was the median strip which made MLK W hen the proposal for safety and beauli- Blvd. "seem like a freeway." ity, state and regional officials gath­ C Changes would prov ide the "opportunity tor people to own their own businesses, find new jobs, have new shops and give people places to sit on the boulevard with a coffee and meet friends -- a meeting place." “We are not going to walk away from north anil northeast Portland." she vowed. "W e w ill continue to make this street great." Carl Talton, chairman o f the Portland Devel­ opment Commission, said the secret to success of governor's com m unity solutions team meet mgs. said G race Crunican. director i’l ()regon Department o f Transportation. "It is im por­ tant that transportation officials arc flexible and understand that the community provides the vision." she said. W hat com es next ’ Hales talked o f in­ creased on-street parking to benefit business, m ote signal lights and better pedestrian cross ings for safety, and more trees lor beauty. He said several businesses and organizations had taken on the role of financial "partners" to make the dream becom e a reality. Katz said the city will soon "unfurl ban ners" that will decorate the street. Iliis section of northeast Portland has “al ways been a community," said Metro executive Mike Burton. “It just needed a main street And streets aren't just about cars and sidew alks, but about people.""M LK needs a com bination of the toughness of a serpent, the softness o f a dove and a tender heart," said Katz. W e have no lack of these in North and Northeast Port­ land.” Placed throughout the large rixim w ere large draw ings and maps showing a section o f MLK Blvd., between Premont and Shaver streets, describing upgraded "commercial nixies" to serve various neighborhoods, parking plans and new street Irees.grade of Martin Luther King Blvd. Tobacco Program Gets Underway O reg o n s T o b a c c o P rev en tio n and E d u ­ ca tio n P rogram is u n d erw ay and its p re s ­ en c e is b eg in n in g to be felt in co m m u n ities th ro u g h o u t the stale. T he p ro g ram is a d irect resu lt o f v o te rs' p assag e o f a to ­ b acco tax in itiativ e last fall, w h ich e a r­ m ark ed rev e n u es to the O reg o n H ealth D ivisio n for a to b acco p rev en tio n an d e d u ­ catio n p ro g ram It w as le g isla tiv e ly a p ­ p roved d u rin g the 1997 sessio n . "Our e f f o rts are d e d ic a te d to w a rd o ne g o a l, to d e c re a s e to b a c c o use an d its im p a c t on the h e a lth an d e c o n o m ic w e ll­ b e in g of O re g o n ia n s ," sa y s E lin o r H all, H ea lth D iv isio n A d m in is tra to r. T h e p r o ­ g ram b e in g la u n c h e d is in n o v a liv p c o ­ o r d in a te d an d c o m p re h e n s iv e an d has been d e s ig n e d in c o n s u lta tio n w ith o th e r s ta te an d n a tio n a l e x p e r ts . " O re g o n is b e n e f i t t i n g fro m s u c c e s s f u l m o d e ls th r o u g h o u t th e c o u n tr y ,” H all sta te s. A fundam ental strength o f the T obacco Prevention and Education Program is that it operates through a mix o flo cal and statew ide activities. Total budget for the program is $ 17 m illion over two years, and the money is being distributed in five critical areas: Com m unity-based activities: School-based activities: Statew ide public aw areness and education: Statew ide and Regional Projects: E valuation of the T obacco R eduction Pro- cram. Marcus E. William (left) and Shannon Grey both of Bank o f America march along in the March For Wellness as a part Martin Luther king Jr. Holiday Celebration. (Photos by T. Washington) Court Reviews Police Force Case T h e S u p re m e C o u r t c o n s id e r e d w h e th e r a S W A T te am w en t to o fa r w hen an o f fic e r w ith a se a rc h w a rra n t b ro k e in to a re s id e n c e w ith o u t k n o c k ­ ing first S e v e ra l ju s tic e s sa id th e s e a rc h -a n il-s e iz u re c a se fro m B o rin g , O re ., po sed q u e s tio n s ab o u t how m uch fo rc e p o lic e ca n use W e all h av e in m in d w h at h a p p e n e d at W a c o ," J u s ­ tice S a n d ra D ay O ’C o n n o r sa id a b o u t the sie g e o f the B ran c h D a v id ia n s in T ex a s in 1 9 9 ) F e d e ra l p r o s e c u to r s w ant the c o u rt to o v e rtu rn lo w e r c o u rt ru lin g s lhai b a rre d use of w e a p o n s se iz e d in the O re g o n s e a rc h as e v i ­ d en c e. Dr. MLK Jr. Statue Foundation Board members along with Congresswoman Darlene Hooley, presented replicas of the King statue to Major Donors who donated $10,000 or more. (Photo By Larry Jackson Sr.) YMCA participates in the Wellness Walk sponsored by The World Arts Foundation.