Page A6 DEC. 24, 1997 (Elie JJortlauh (íDhseruer Secret’ s Barber and Beauty ~Shop Earl's Barbar Shop ¿Mortgage Consulting 1724 N€ Alberta Portland, Oregon 97211 the R e st... Full Service: Hair • Nails • Shoe Shine Hours: Tues - Sat • 8:30 - 6:00pm Above A •u“*»» Tuesday - Saturday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM P o rtla n d ¿Metro (503) 331-0712 (503) 331-1851 (503)460-9268 2535 NE Alberta St. Portland, Oregon 97211 A ct*** B arb osa's G eneral C on tractors 4134 N. V ancouver, O am e C e nte r # 2 1 1, P o rtla n d , ( )regon 97217 t all today lor a tree estimate on all ol your roofing, painting, repair, or remodeling needs. Don't wait until you have water damage Io get that old or leaky roof replaced or repaired Licensed-Bonded-Insured CCB 0120933 For a tree estimate call 281 - 1666 SUB SHOP #19 4331 N.E. g-, Killingsworth 281-2609 Best Sub In Town M-F 10:00 AM-8:00 PM Sat. 11:00 AM-5:00 PM n From the Rooter to the Footer! " Larry Matthew Owner Lorraine Field Manager ) L V YAM'S TIFFANY’S Southern Style Barbecue 503/284-1272 Wc Deliver! $20 00 M inimum Purchase Fri B u tto n s & B o w s ( l o t l i i n g S to re Hours Closed on Monday Tue Thurs I I AM - 2:30 AM Sal II AM 4 AM * Sun Noon - 6 PM 112 NE K illin g s w o rth St. P o rtlan d, O regon 97211 Ofteet 7 cfajfd a, (5 0 3 )2 4 9 -1 6 5 8 !! BIG C U T PRODUCE 5128 N O R T H A L B IN A S T R E E T (A T S U M N E R ) Sieaventy Scent 460-3830 BRIDGETTE JONES - STEWART Bath Salts, Candles, Incense, Soap QUALITY AT LOW PRICES BEST GREENS IN PORTLAND (503) 680-9904 (503) 505-8099 pgr. M a u d ie W iiite s Boutique Com puterized Car Care ERIC F. SCHNIDRIG Manager "Mechanics You Can Trust” 3204 N.E. Broadway Portland, Oregon 97232 (503)284-5970 Serving America's families since 1972 Pre-Paid Legal Services, Ine. Legal expense plans P re -P aid L egal S ervices , I nc AND SUBSIDIARIES Cell #(503) 516-2597 Pager (503) 423-4X88 E-mail: loveking@spiritone.eoni LUE PAPKEP (503) 281-8696 TR O PIC A N A RESTAURANT Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specializing in Barbeque Ribs & Beef 3217 N. Williams Avenue Portland, Oregon 97212 Tues.-Thurs. 10:00 AM. to 6:00 P.M. Fri. & Sat. 10:00 A M to 7:00 Thursday thru Saturday 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM and by appointm ent (503) 288-1140 5705 Northeast 36th Ave Portland, Oregon 97211 Evelyn ‘Warren Designer PO. Box 42225 Pbrtiand, OR 97242 (503) 256-5960 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS 445 N.E. KILLINGSWORTH 288-9367 3 8 2 7 - 3 8 1 7 BE MLK Blvd. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 2 (503) 3 3 5 -9 9 0 5 Hours Mon - Fri 9 :0 0 AM - 9 :0 0 PM Sat-Sun 7 :0 0 AM - 9 :0 0 PM Fish & Chips Terriyaki Chicken & Beef Hamburgers M O N D A Y - S A T U R D A Y , 8 : 3 0 a m . - 9 : 0 0 p .m . S U N D A Y , 8 : 3 0 a.m . - 6 : 0 0 p.m . S A N IT A T IO N * A IR FRESHNER «SUPPLIES THE RES'I R(M)M HYGIENE EXPERTS Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs C a te rin g & T a k e -O u t Wayne & Juanita Cannon (Proprietors) Our Specialty: Real Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Q Licensed & Insured a ll: D avid 2 8 9 -0 8 8 4 ¿ w ? ri < xp OO o r 2 8 6 -5909 Mon-thur 11:30am-9:00pm • FRI-SAT 11:30am-11:00pm» Sun 1:00pm-7:00pm 3328 N.E. KILLINGSW ORTH n 2U qp 288-3836 UNJON z AVENUE6 GLÁSVCGMPÁNY (fiVK All Types of Auto. Plate and Window Glass Storm Ooors end Windows ■ T H E E S S E N C E O F M IN D , B O D Y & S O U L « 4 709 N t MLK Jr Blvd Pooland Oregon 97211 2 7 2 8 N.E. MLK BLVD. (503)284-4144 L O R R A IN E H L A V IN K A PORTLAND. OR 9 7 2 1 2 pager: 2 3 7 -6 7 7 7 W om an O w ned Lonnie's Beauty Salon Specializing in H a ir Weeving And All Areas of H a ir Care. Phone 249-5886 McMurphy’s Appliance Center Sales • Service • Parts 4011 N.E. Union Ave. • Portland. OR 97212 (503)281-5957 Hours 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Tue-Sat Licensed Practical Nurse CALL ME IE YOU NEED HELP (5 0 3 ) 2 8 3 -6 2 6 2 / will provide lots o f TLC e tt ti/ii«»* ¿izissiz) 288-3233 5711 NE 14th Ave. Portland,OR972l I SHIRLEY FLEMING ROUTE TECHNICIAN SWISHER =FU B EXPRESSED A ll T y p e o f C o n crete A s p h a lt, B lo c k W alls, P a tio , D riv e W ay, S id ew alk, W a te rfa ll, & P ond, Grass, W ood F en ce, Steps, E s p e c ia lly R o c k W all. Office Manager 12751 NF. Whitaker Way Portland, OR 97230-1190 (503) 255-9709 1(800) 444-4138 x 739 FAX (503) 255-9810 Pager 920-8071 CANNON’S Rasta Concrete & Masonry Lisa Harper H a r r y B ooker Fax(503)288-9452 Coin Op Laundry Agent Off.: (503) 221 -3050 After Hours: (800) 833-7053 3213 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97212 PHILLY CAFE MICHAEL E. HARPER, SR. 4004 SW Barber Boulevard Portland, OR 97201 Sales Represetative Catalina Christopher Proprietor Adit# & Children Clothing Home Decor & Accessories Wholesale Orders Welcome Brent Reiter PHONE (503) 288-9180 F r ee Est. Ethnic Ensemble o> Caps C/alore G Women's Fashions & Accessories John C. King Independent Associate 2414 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97217 Mon-Sat, 9am -9pm 3519 N.E. M L K J r. Blvd. P ortland, Oregon 97212 T h e rsa W hite O w ner AC4 73/5 H air Connection F u // Service Salon 4603 N. W illiam s Ave. Portland, O R 97217 (503)288-3171