• ï» » • /» ¿¿A iÒ u iS ¿ f u ti D E C . 2 4 , 1997 (Ehe Portiani» QDhseruer------------------------------ - Page A 4 (Elje Portiani» (iDbaeruer ENTERTAINMENT Benjamin Brown ' 'Mokomba rom Mike t-iggis, m e Academy A w ard-nom i­ nated director ot Leav­ ing I as Vegas, come One Stand, and erotically charged love story that explores that m ulti-layered ram ilications ol infidelity. A New Line Cinem a film star­ ring W esley Snipes, N astassja K inski. R o b ert D ow ney Jr., M in g -N a W en and K yle Mac Lachlan The film premiered this year at the Venice Film Festival and garnered Snipes the Volpi t u p Ward for Best Actor. One the surface. Max Carlyle (Snipes) has it all: a happy m ar­ riage, two healthy children and a successful career as a com m er­ cial director. Until one night while on a trip F to New York C ity, a chance e n ­ counter leads to a passionate and u n ch a rac te ristic alfa ir with a beau tifu l, seductive and very Nighl m arried woman named Karen (Kinski). Although each vows to forget the psycho-sexual ballet that has consum ed these formerly faith ful spouses, Max is plagued with m em ories ol this scorching tryst. W hen he returns hom e, he slowly begins to withdraw from the people closet to him. H is w ife , M im i (W e n ), s tru g g le s to u n d e rs ta n d her changed husband, his new a tti­ tude, and the distance that has so quickly grown between them. One Night Stand is rated "R ", has a running time of approxi­ mately 103 m inutes and opened in theatres on, Novem ber 7th. B enjam in Brown stars as Mokomba, the upbeat and infor­ mation-hungry host of Disney Channel’s half-hour wildlife com­ edy series Omba Mokomba. I his television wildlife call-in show which “originates” from the heart of Africa, is a First Television production in association with la. 1 N astassja Kinski (left) and W esley Snipes star in the New Line series as ER, Beverly Hills 90210, Frasier. J.A.G. and daytime's The Young and the Restless. He has also appeared in the films Liar, Lair with Jim Carrey, and Dog­ watch. His extensive stage experience includes productions ol A Raisin in the Sun, Fool for Love, Prelude to a Kiss. Romeo and Juliet, Our Town, My Children! My Africa, Dutchman, Twelfth Night and Cinema drama, ONE NIGHT STAND. proudly preaenle XJ • 89-1FM , The JAZZ Station Sk+rAVAjAnxA •••••• Traditional JAZZ © e c e w e e ti 31-, 1 9 9 7 Ramda Inn (airport) 6221 MS 82nd -Tift A "ffA» V* every Saturday & Sunday at 9 a.m. M uaie (oalorg. with the - S- o C ah A VI tickets available at Sing-Your-Own Messiah" Big Band Sounds *,20 in advance 125 day of event on Sunday afternoons Formal Cuffet, Dancing and entertainment CO M M UNITY COLLEGE • GRESHAM Don Ebel,CounterTenor/Baritone Janice Johnson Soprano truer collaboration than in years udience members will past, as the orchestra will be com ­ join in song with the Or posed of approximately half Sym­ egon Symphony and the phony Portland Youth Philharmonic in a m usicians and halt P h il­ harm onic m usicians. traditional performance of Handel's Tomothy Hankew ich and Itai greatest masterpiece at “Sing-Your- D aniel, students in the Oregon Own Messiah.” a Special Events con Sym phony C onducting A ppren­ cert, Saturday, Dec. 20, at 7:30 p.m. tice Program at Pacific U niver­ at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall s ity , w ill a s s is t S id lin and in the Portland Center for the per­ Edwards in cueing the audience/ forming Arts. Oregon Symphony chorus. Resident Conductor Murry Sidlin and L o ca l v o c a lis ts J a n ic e Portland Youth Philharmonic Music Jo h n so n , so p ran o , Don Ebel, D irector and C onductor Huw counter tenor and Paul Johnson, Edwards will conduct. ten o r, also w ill be featu red . “Sing-Your-Own Messiah” is pre­ C o n certgoers may bring their sented in collaboration with the Port­ own score, or use the scores pro­ land Youth Philharmonic. vided at the concert. This perform ance will be a A meret HJtlSTMAS counTV„rt / TRANSMISSION K smsSlOHj & transaxleinc . .cross from 12450 SE 80th AVE TUNE-UP Road Test Convent tonal C an Clean Sump & Screen WITH CO UPO N Visual Inspection Remove Pan • Adjust Bands St Linkage Replace Pan Gasket Si Fluid i N o t valid w ith o th e r oltera o r coupons «IE 1STIMATB! Expires 9 - W -9T ANY MAJOR TRANSMISSION OVERHAUL localtowjnc . FINANCING AVAILABLE! By A p p o in tm en t • • I • • I • With luitallatien W IT H CO UPO N Coupon must be presented at time of aurhorlration N o t va lid w ith other o fte n o r coupon« FREE ESTIMATES I c.., 6 5 3 -0 0 0 0