Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 24, 1997, Page 11, Image 11

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DEC. 24. 1997
I l f f {JerttanA Wlbwawr
Sub-Bids Requested
Spirit Mt. Lodge
Grande Ronde, OR
Bid Date: January 19, 1998 * 2:00 pm
437 N. Columbia Blvd. • Portland, OR 97217
(503) 978-0800 Fax (503) 978-1031
CCB #84045
144? are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged
minonty, women, Vietnam era veterans, disabled veterans, or emerging small
business enterprises
Sub-Bids Requested
Beaverton High School Bid Pkg #2
Beaverton, OR
Concrete/STR, STEELZDeck - Joist & Sitework
Bid Date: January 2 2,199 8 * 2:00 pm
S B — '.1
Request for Proposals
E m ploym ent
Providing regional services • Creating livable communities
Office Assistant (Accounting Division)- $8.29 - $11.12/hour, 1 full­
time posiiton (Deadline Jan. 6,1997). Performs routine office support
tasks according to prescribed procedures and methods using a variety
of office equipment.
Resumes are not accepted. Required application materials available
at: Metro Human Resources, 600 NE Grand Avenue: Oregon Conven­
tion Center, 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. If you wish application
materials mailed to you, call (503) 797-1570. Web address: http://
AA/EEO Employer
437 N. Columbia Blvd. • Portland, OR 97217
(503) 978-0800 Fax (503) 978-1031
Washington County
Administrative Specialist II
(B ilingual - S panish/E nglish)
$1,959 - $2,381/m o
O pen C ontinuous
Drake Construction intends to bid on the concrete portion of this bid
Concrete bids to be delivered to job site & will be opened by the
All other bids: Submitted to Drake Construction.
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvan­
taged, minonty, women, Vietnam ear veterans, disabled veterans, or emerging
small business enterprises
Sub-Bids Requested
Two Rivers Correctional Institution * Umatilla, OR
Prebid Conference: December 16, 1997 * 9:00 am
Bid Date: January 8, 1998 * 2:00 pm
Drake/Dunn, A Joint Venture
437 N. Columbia Blvd.
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 978-0800
Fax (503) 978-1031
CCB #109192
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested
firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and
emerging small business enterprises.
Sub-Bids Requested
Lane County Juvenile Justice Center * Eugene, OR
Bid Package #4 - Doors, Frames & Detention Equipment
Bid Date: January 7 ,1 9 9 8 * 2:00 pm
2295 Coburg Road, Suite 100 • Eugene, OR 97401
i541) 687‘9445 Fax (541) 687-9451
CCB #89045
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from
disadvantaged, minonty, women, Vietman era veterans, disabled
veterans, or emerging sm all business enterprises.
Support Unit Supervisor
$2,634 - $3,201/m o
C loses January 9, 1998
Call (503) 648-8606/T T Y (503) 693-4898 for inform ation.
County application and supplem ental application form s
Apply To:
W ashington C ounty Hum an R esources D ivision
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
H illsboro, OR 97124
Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to
Accounting Technician I (60% FTE)
The VANCOUVER HOUSING AUTHORITY is currently accepting
applications forthe part time position of Accounting Technician I. This
position may move to full time in April, 1998. The primary responsibility
of this position is for Bank reconciliations and Requisitions of funds.
Prepares, reviews and verifies data and source documents associated
with these functions. Generates com puter reports and interprets
information, as required. Maintains good working relationships with
other agencies and VH A staff. Salary range $1134 - $1538 per month,
excellent benefits. Requires knowledge of accounting and office
procedures as typically acquired in a two-year curriculum at a com m u­
nity college or equivalent work experience and experience in complex
bank reconciliation work. Telephone (360) 694-2501 to request appli­
cation packet. Resumes without applications will not be accepted.
Completed applications must be received by Monday, January 5,1998
Vancouver Housing Authority, 500 Omaha Way, Vancouver, WA
n n A |/ C
Lane County Adult Corrections & Community Corrections
Center Additions * Eugene, OR Bid Package “B” - Sitework,
Pipe Piles, Foundation System & Underground Mechanical
& Electrical
Bid Date: January 13,1998 * 2:00 pm
Chambers Construction intends to bid on the concrete
portion of Bid Pkg. “B” Bid Package “B” will be submitted to
and opened by the Owner.
2295 Coburg Road, Suite 10«
Eugene, Or 97401
(541) 687-9445
Fax (541) 687-9451
CCB #125742
Ute are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged,
minonty, women, Vietnam ear veterans, disabled veterans, or emerging small
business enterprises.
Call 5(13-288-0033 to Advertise In f
CLlje ÿ n r tla n b (Dbscrúcr
New Career Opportunity
If you’re seeking new career opportunities, you're cordially
invited to the American Family Open House At:
5000 S.W. Meddows, RSVP for Date and Time.
You'll meet others who have made the career switch to Am eri­
can Family-an insurance industry leader for nearly 70 years.
You’ll learn how you can:
* Have unlim ited incom e potential
* M anage your own business
* Realize career advancem ent
For more information, call: 968-5800
American Family Insurance is an equal opportunity employer.
Applications are due by January 23, 1998. For a complete
application packet, or for more information please call Amalia
Alarcon- Gaddie, Multi-Cultural Health specialist or Judy
Brodkey, BCC Program Coordinator at (5030) 731-4273.
Solicitud de Propuestas
La Division de Salud De Oregon anuncia que tiene fondos
disponibles para otorgar a organizaciones para promover
educación comunitaria para la detección temprana del cancer
del seno y del cuello del útero. Fondos serán otogados a
prayectos disefiados para educar a la mujer de 50 anos o
mayor en comunidades multiculturales. Para el proposito de
esta solicitud de propuestas, "multicultural" se define como:
mujeres de comunidades de color o minoritarias, lesbianas o
mujeres incapacitadas. Organizaciones interesadas en aplicar
para recibir fondos deben ser agencias sin finces de lucro tal
como lo definen las autoridades de impuestos estatales y
Lafecha de vencimiento para recibir aplicaciones es el 23 de
enero de 1998. Para obtener una aplicación, o si desea mas
información, llame a Amalia Alarcon-Gaddie, Especialista de
Salud Multicultural, Programa de Cancerdel Seno y del Cuello
del Utero (503) 731-4273.
Request For Proposals
December 22, 1997
Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Main Street Manager
The North-Northeast Business Association is soliciting
proposals from individuals to serve as the NNEBA Main
Street Manager for Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boule­
The Main Street Manager will work closely with NNEBA
staff, local businesses and community groups to carry on
projects and activities that help create and maintain a main
street environment on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr.
Boulevard Between NE W eidler Blvd. and NE Lombard
The Main Street Manager will work on a contract basis.
Proposals are due at the offices of the President of the
NNEBA at 2627 N.E. MLK Jr. Blvd., Portland 97212 no
later than:
Noon, Thursday, January 15,1997
For further information or a copy of the full Request for
Proposals call R. Peter Wilcox, Treasurer, @ 281-8011.
The NNEBA is an Equal Employment Opportunity agency.
Service Worker
C leans D istrict vehicles and fa ­
cilities and perform s routine
m aintenance on district equip­
m e n t, b u ild in g s , bus sto p
sings and bus shelters. S tart­
ing w age $10.15 per hour.
Call (503) 588-2424, O r com e
by Salem Area M ass Transit
District, 3140 Del W ebb Ave.
N .E., Salem , O r 97303 to
obtain a detailed vacancy a n ­
nouncem ent and official a p ­
p lic a tio n fo rm . C o m p le te d
applications m ust be received
at D istrict by 5:00 p.m ., Janu­
ary 9, 1997. An Equal O ppor­
tunity Em ployer.
O re g o n , o p p o r t u n ity
m e a n s great benefits, competitive
salaries, and a large variety of
Currently, openings exist in the
following agencies:
O re g o n
D e p a r tm e n t
Transportation (ODOT), is known
throughout the nation as a
progressive government agency and
as a leader In team development
and performance measures. ODOT
is responsible for the coordination
of transportation programs between
and among all governmental
organizations within the state. We
have immediate opportunities for
the following positions:
Portsmouth Vision 20/20 a
n e ig h b o rh o o d re vita liza tio n
group, is seeking 4-8 Ports­
m outh residents for part-tim e,
tem porary positions to co n ­
d u c t d o o r-to -d o o r su rv e y s
th ro u g h o u t th e n e ig h b o r ­
hood. The survey project will
begin in early January, 1998
and w ill include early evening
and Saturday hours. A base
salary, plus a com m ission per
survey, will paid. No experi­
ence is necessary. Ability to
speak a second language an
asset, but not required. C los­
ing date is 1/12/98. Call to
C ontact Steve Duh at 283-1096
for m ore inform ation. Ports­
m outh V isio n 2 0/20, 9025
D ana Avenue, Portland, OR
Drive Hunger Out Of
D river/W H S E A sst. - private
non-profit seeks person for
pick-up, delivery and w are­
house duties. Incl loading/un-
loading & inventory m ainte­
n ance. R e q u ire s e x c e lle n t
driving record, (C D L-B), exp
driving 24" truck w / airbrakes
and forklift. FT + benefits. Call
282-0555 or com plete appli­
cation by 1/8/98 at Oregon
Food Bank, 2540 NE R iver­
s id e W a y , P o r tla n d , O R
9 7 2 1 1 . E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity
Em ployer.
Affordable Housing
Brand New
at one time believed to be a cure for warts.
The Oregon Health Division announces the availability of
funds to promote outreach regarding early detection of breas:
and cervical cancer. Funded projects will focus on women
ages 50 and above in multi-cultural communities. For the
purposes of this Request for Proposals (RFP) "Multi-Cultural”
is defined as: women of color, lesbians and women with
disabilities. Applicants must be a private non-profit organiza
tion as defined by both federal and state taxing authorities.
Start The New Y ear W ith Us
M C C oy Village Apartm ents
Program Representative 2
(Community Affairs
We are seeking an experienced individual with strong communication
skills and public involvement background for a challenging position In
Portland. Position will coordinate and direct public processes to complete
transportation projects on time and on budget: identify key stakeholder
Issues, develop strategy and oversee implementation of public processes.
Requires four years of technical or professional-level experience analyzing
or advising and/or instructing the public concerning specific programs or
processes, monitoring programs, or performing participant reviews. Those
who have public involvement experience are preferred. Salary $2,668 to
$3,653 a month plus benefits. Announcement »0CDT7641. Completed
application materials must be received by January 15, 1998. Contact
ODOT Recruitment at (503)9864030 (TTY 986-3854 for the hearing
Impaired) for required application packet.
Principal Contributor 3
(Senior Intergovernmental Strategist)
We are seeking a highly effective experienced individual with strong
strategic background for a position In Portland. Responsibilities Include
advancing the primary missions and goals of the State and Region by
leading major inter-agency programs and initiatives which include working
with the Department's Director and Governor's Office as well as numerous
jurisdictions and agencies to Integrate department polices and programs
into local plans: decision-making and oversee solicitation and
programming of State and Federal funds. This position also provides
strategies on legislative, regulatory, funding and program issues. Requires
a Bachelor's degree In Public or Business Administration or related field
area and two years of experience that demonstrates responsibility in
analyzing complex statewide systems, Identifying problems, generating
alternatives, building consensus and implementing solutions: or a
Master’s or advanced degree in Public or Business Administration or
related field area and one year of experience. Salary $3,642 to $4,884 a
month plus benefits. Announcement »0CDT7640. Completed application
materials must be received by January 16, 1998. Contact ODOT
Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 986385 4 for the hearing
Impaired) for required application packet.
Executive Support Specialist 2
Put your organizational, research and administrative skills to work at the
Oregon Department of Transportation. We are seeking an Executive
Support Specialist 2 for the Office of the Director In Salem. Tbu will
provide confidential administrative, technical and secretarial support to
the Department's Director. Requires: one year of experience performing
administrative duties In support of agency projects or programs. Salary
$1.925 to $2,586 a month plus excellent benefits. Announcement
»0CDT7559. Completed application materials must be received by
January 7, 1998 Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6403 0 (TTY
98 6385 4 for the hearing Impaired) for required application packet.
For other ODOT opportunities call our Recruitment JOBLINE at (503)
HVAC Control Technician
You must be a Graduate of a 2 year accredited school in heating and air
conditioning plus two years full time experience installing, altering,
calibrating, repairing and maintaining HVAC control systems. Major duties
include performing troubleshooting of systems by reading and interpreting
control logic diagrams, wiring schematics and written instructions; Installing,
altering, maintaining, and repairing pneumatic and electrical/eiectronic
(DOC) control systems; calibrating environmental temperature, pressure and
humidity controls; diagnosing and introducing custom control actions through
° F P,
application software; programming computer
control code; installing and modifying HVAC
performing corrective
preventive maintenance on HVAC systems;
and fabricating parts or mounts for
equipment. Salary $2,261 to $2,605 a
month Contact 0SU Department of Human
'8 5 9
Resources. 14th & Jefferson, Corvallis, OR
97331-2131, (541) 737-3103, TTY 8 0 6
7352900, for application materials. All application must be receiveo by the
closing date of January 9, 1998.
Investigator 3
One vacancy In Salem. This position plans & conducts Investigations Into a
variety of alleged Illegal activities 4 procedure violations within the
requires 4 yrs. full-time Investigative experience which
included conducting fact finding, collecting and preserving evidence,
examining evidence/records, locating/lnterviewing witnesses, & writing
reports. College level course work can be substituted for up to 1 yr of
required experience. Salary is $3,146 to $4,221 monthly. Job
announcement »LE971200 and state of Oregon employment application
may be obtained through any Oregon employment department
or call (5 0 3 )3 7 6 6 0 1 3 or log onto the DOC web site at
http://www.doc.state.or.us recruitment closes January 15, 1998.
Pharmacy Technician 1
One vacancy at Oregon state correctional institution. Provides
technical support to the licensed pharmacists Requires 3 mos. training
a n d /o r experience de m onstrating the knowledge o f m edical
term inology/abbrevlatlons, pharm aceutical te rm s /d ru g names,
mathematics, metric system weights 4 volume, record keeping, & must be
registered with Oregon State Board of Pharmacy. Salary: $1,533 to $2,044
monthly. Job announcement #LE950544E and s ta te of Oregon
employment application may be obtained through any Oregon
employment department or call (5 03)3766013 or log onto DOC web site
at http://www.doc.state.or.us recruitment closes December 26, 1997.
Dental Assistant
This vacancy is located in Salem. Provides chair-side dental assistance to
dentists, dental students, dental hygienists or dental technicians. 1 yr. of
chair-side dental assisting experience, 4 must be able to obtain a certified
dental assistant credential from the dental assisting national board, 4 an
Oregon state board of dentistry certification for radiological proficiency. 4
possess a valid CPR card by hire date. Salary: $1,760 to $2,360 monthly.
Job announcement # 0C900932F and State of Oregon employment
application may be obtained through any Oregon employment
department or call (5 03)3766013 or log onto DOC web site at
Inventory Control Specialist
One vacancy at the Snake River Correctional Institution. Maintains the
perpetual master inventory listings of all nonexpendible property and
coordinates the annual inventories of all property and equipment. Requires
experience in maintaining perpetual master inventory of property 4 training
4 /o r experience providing knowledge of inventory control systems. Salary:
$1.532 to $2,585 monthly. Job announcement » LE960229F and state of
Oregon employment application may be obtained through any Oregon
employment department or call (5 03)3766013 or log onto DOC web site
at http://www.doc.state.or.us. Recruitment closes December 26, 1997.
Property Specialist 2
One vacancy at the central warehouse in Salem. Maintains 4 orders stock
in a storeroom/warehouse operation and purchases supplies 4 equipment.
Requires experience performing stores 4 inventory work and knowledge of
inventory control procedures, transportation 4 shipping methods. Salary:
$1,401 to $2,360 monthly. Job announcement # LE950288E and state of
Oregon employment application may be obtained through any Oregon
employment department or call (503)3 766 013 or log onto DOC web site
at http://www.doc.state.or.us. Recruitment closes December 31, 1997.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst (2 positions)
The Oregon Department of Justice, Criminal Division; requirements
include criminal or military intelligence research experience and proficient
computer skills Salary $2,683 to $3.575 a month. Excel :ent benefits
package Call DOJ Jobline at (503) 37 6 5555, ext. 322; TTY (503) 3 7 6
5938 or Internet access at h ttp ://w w w .d a sh r.sta te .o r.u a /lo b s/
Position closes January 31, 1998.
These are just some of the current openings available with the State of
Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon Application
Form and more complete announcement listings, call the State Jobline
(Oregonian Inside Line) (503) 2255555 »7777, TTY (503) 3764672, visit
your local Employment Department, or log onto our web site at
http://www.dashr.state.or.us/lobs/. The State of Oregon and all Its
divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.