I • i • * ’ - a ’ • • _*• 9 k 7 7 .* i ( r Z V »• . *' •>» . MM Page B4 DEC. 24,1997 -----------------------------------------------------311] c Jjortlanfc (0bserver--------------------------------------------------- Body, Mind, and Spirit We sh o u ld honor the feminine “ e n e rg y ” w ithin ourselves because its basic nature is to give. W henever we develop the capac­ ity to give, we op­ erate more from the h e a rt. Our h e a rts dem and love. Giving love requires the “heart center” to stay open and soft. Eastern spiritualists call this “heart center” the Fourth Chakra or Seat o f Emotional Power. It mediates between the body and spirit. Carolyn Myss, an Intuitive healer describes the Fourth Chakra as an area that teaches us how to act out of love and compassion and to recog­ nize that the most powerful en­ ergy we have is love. It is a Law of the Universe that giving engenders receiving. This is a dynamic exchange. Deepak Chopra, an Ayurvedic doctor further explains that giv­ ing and receiving are different aspects o f the flow of energy in the Universe. It is in our willingness to give that which we seek, that we keep the abundance of the Universe circulating in our lives. We lack nothing because our essen­ tial nature is one of pure potentiality and infinite possi­ bilities. This then allows us to give abundantly, with­ out measure. My mother is a model giver. She was raised in the Philippines under Third World conditions. Working hard and getting an education were instilled in her to get beyond poverty con­ sciousness. As a parent, she sacrificed a lot for us as well as compromis­ ing her most cherished dreams. Mom never expected presents on her birthdays or at Christ­ mas time. For all she has done out o f love, if only she would give herself permission to re­ ceive, I would lavish her sense­ less. I ’d like to send out a C h rist­ mas in v ita tio n th a t read s: Come to a party . Don’t bring presents, ju st your presence. T his is my way of asking frien d s and fam ily to give their Self, as a gift. I ’d Never Do That! W e’ve all observed individu­ als engaged in some type of ac­ tivity we don’t approve of. In fact some of us would go as far as to say, “I ’d never do that.” Of course no Christian wants to see another Christian fall from the grace of God. But, people repeatedly underestim ate the power of Satan's influence on those that, for whatever reason, choose not to stay in the protec­ tive force o f G od’s word. No one but, no one is strong enough to withstand Satan’s cunning nature without Jesus Christ as a con­ stant ally. When we take it upon our­ selves to judge others instead of forgiving and intending an invi­ tation of help to each other, we are blindly opening up the door for Satan to move in. He does this by appealing to your sense of pride. You and I begin to think: “I ’ve never done anything like that, so “I ’m justified in feeling and acting the way I do in re­ gards to and towards that per- _ _ ♦» son. As you can see this trend of thought can dangerously snow­ ball into uncontrollable resent­ ment and even hatred if not treated. The treatment is calling on God for help to release one’s self from the hold, and opening one’s heart and mind in order to receive G od’s help and direction. We must learn to love the sin­ ner but, hate the sine sin! We have all made mistakes and we will make more, simply be­ cause we are human! We are all sinners! Reach out to each other when their spirit is in need. To horde our forgiveness makes us guilty of greed. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah & Kwanzaa ; _r O i l Archbishop for Western Oregon to be installed A rch b ish o p John G. V lazny w ill be in s ta lle d as the tenth A rchbishop o f P ortland in O r­ e g o n on F r id a y , D e c e m b e r 19,1997. The M ass o f In sta lla ­ tion will be held at the C ath ed ral o f the Im m acu late C o nception B eginning at 3:00 p.m . (A d m is­ sion is by tic k e t o n ly .) A rc h ­ bish o p A g o stin o C a c c ia v illa n , A p o s to lic P ro -N u n c io to the U nited S tates, w ho is the Papal rep resen tativ e w ill be the in sta ll­ ing prelate. A rch b ish o p B lazny w as a p ­ p o in ted A rc h b ish o p o f P ortland in O regon on O cto b er 28, 1997 by Pope John Paul II. He su c ­ c e e d s A rc h b is h o p F ra n c is E. G eorge, O .M .I., w ho was nam ed A rch b ish o p o f C h ic a g o in A pril, 1997. The M ass o f in sta lla tio n will be attended by C ard in al R oger M ahony, A rch b ish o p o f Los A n­ g e le s, A rc h b ish o p W illiam J. L evada, A rch b ish o p o f San F ran­ cisc o and e ig h th A rch b ish o p o f Portland, and A rchbishop Francis E. G eorge, A rch b ish o p o f C h i­ cago and ninth A rch b ish o p of P ortland. M ore than 60 a rc h b ish ­ ops, bishops and abbots alo n g w ith 230 p rie sts will attend the in sta lla ­ tion. Born in C hi­ c ag o F eb rary 22,1937, A rch­ bishop Vlazny at­ tended Q uigley Preparatory Semi nary in Chicago and St. Mary ofthe Lake Seminary, Mundelein. IL., where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1958. He attended the N orth A m e ric a n C o lle g e and the P o n tifical G regorian U niversity in Rom e earning a Sacred T heology B achelor d e ­ gree in 1960 and a Sacred T h e o l­ ogy L icen tiate degree in 1962. He later earned a M aster o f A rts degree in the C lassics from For Reservations, Call ¡-Love-Jesus-Christ (for your next trip; travel-Reunited) We all enjoy sharing in happy celebrations, in honor of a friend or loved one. Grief shouldn't be any different. We thank-you for letting us share in your grief. We are hon­ ored to be selected to share in light­ ening your emotional burden The memory, o f your loved-one will stay in your hearts and m ind’s for the rest of your lives. This hap­ pens because. God, Our Father loves us. Fortunately, the pain of a loved- one’s departure is only temporary. God, in his infinite wisdom, designed it that way. Our whole mission, in life, is to get back home. In other words, we should live in such a manner I hat will make us eligible and yearn to spend eternity with God. Trusting in God and his promises to us. will give you, the faith you need, the strength you seek, and the joy you wish to regain. If you simply and sincerely ask Him. He will help you, as only He can! Let Him handle it in Hisown usual magnificent way. Remember to call Him and most important, keep your reservation in good standing. We recommend call­ ing in on it daily. Confirm you Reservation, T oday! Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon New testament Survey II (Acts and the Epistles of Paul) Sister June Ward Thursdays, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. ♦Inductive Bible Study ♦Educational Ministries in the Church Dean Michael Lindsey Sister Elizabeth Nance Saturdays: January 17; February 28 ♦♦Understanding the City Dr. Richard White ♦Required for certificate and/or as­ sociate degree programs ♦♦Required for the associate de­ gree program. Registration: Call (503 >288-2919. Winter Term Classes January 5 - March 20, 1998 Mondays, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. *Old Testament Survey II (I Kings - Song of Soloman) Tuesdays, 9:00 a.in. - 12 noon ♦Inductive Bible Study ♦Old Testament Survey II (I K ings- Song of Soloman) Dean Michael Lindsay Pastor James Coleman Tuesdays, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. ♦New Testament Survey II ( Acts and the Epistles of Paul) Sister June Ward Brian & Linda Fraught ♦♦Equipping the Saints I Authentic Food from the East African Coast ffettowsfiip Missionary “ B aptist Church 4009 North Missouri Avenue (5«3) 244-<377 Horn o f Africa PASTOR JOHNNY PACK IV 3939 NE MLK Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97212 503/331-9844 Short Cut To The Horn o f Africa Lj____ Rex. 4706 NE Mallory • Portland, OR 97211 (503) 284-9195 • Study (503) 249-0537 • FAX (503) 288-3126 , J You can have it the way you want, spicy or I “In Thee, O Lord, D o I Put my trust: Let me never be pu t to confusion “ P m In, 71:1 A. J Bradford since the beginning) Definition: Loss Absence Message inspired by: Reunited (serving Christians worldwide Temporary Call for Resignation ‘Ill-Advised’ The Rev. Henry J. Lyons, presi­ dent of the National Baptist Con­ vention USA Inc. said the decision by NAACP leadership to ask for his resignation from its national board is ill-advised. “I have always be­ lieved that the NAACP stood for justice and fought against injustice at any cost. To ask me to step aside because of verbal allegations is cer­ tainly ill-advised.” But Rev. Lyons said “though three of the other board members were people either charged or who admitted to a crime, I am still oper­ ating under allegations that have been continuously sparked by lo­ cal media.” He vowed that “I will continue to support the NAACP. North Portland Bible College J r o m (Elje ^Jo rtlanh ODhserurr P.O. Box 12380 • Portland, OR 97212 St. A loysius Parish in C h icag o , where he served from 1979-1981. He was ap pointed R ecto r of N iles C o lleg e Sem inary in 1981, and served in that p o sitio n until 19 8 3 .T he history o f the A rch ­ diocese o f P ortland began with the arriv al of father F ran cis N. B lanche! and F a th e r M o d este F e m e r s , m is s io n a r ie s fro m C anada, at Ft. V ancouver on N o­ vem ber 24,1838. The first M ass in the cu rrent state o f O regon was ce le b ra ted by Father Blanche! in a log church at St Paul on January 6,1839. T he O re g o n T e r r ito r y w as nam ed as a V icariate A postolic by the C hurch on D ecem ber 1, 1843, and erected as the A rch ­ diocese o f O regon C ity on July 24, 1846.It is the second lodest arc h d io c e se in the U nited States after B altim ore. The nam e was changed by Pa­ pal D ecree o f Pope Pius XI on S eptem ber 26, 1928, to the A rch ­ diocese o f P ortland in O regon. the U niversity o f M ichigan in 1967, and a M aster o f E ducation degree in School A d m in istratio n from L o y o la U n iv e rsity , C h i­ cago, in 1972. He was ordained a priest at St P e te r ’s B a silic a , Rome, on D ecem ber 20, 1961. As a priest of he A rchdiocese of C hicago, Father V lazny served as A ssociate Pastor in five parishes b e tw e e n 1962 and 1979. At the same tune he served on the fac­ ulty of Q uigley Prepara­ tory North in C hicago from 1963 to 1979. He w as D e a n o f S tudies at Q uigley P re ­ p a ra to r y N o rth from 1969-1979. F ather V lazny was P resident o f the P resb y teral S e n ­ ate for the A rchdiocese o f C h i­ cago 1976 to 1977. He was ap p o in ted P astor o f I mild. 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