• V, • s r ‘-4'- »• 4. » ■■. •:>••• ~ i • • Page A6 SEPT. 3, 1997 (Tl|c p o rtla u ò (Obsexwr (Efye JJnrtlnith ©bscruer . V //j ENTERTAINMENT Malcolm & Eddie Happy Birthday Gary Wasington! Hop© it's a great one! From your loving family Opening October 22nd Group Events # Lodging Theater # Restaurant Tahj Mowry stars as T.J. Henderson, A ten year old whiz kid who skips from fifth grade into a sophomore class in high school in "Smart Guy", on the WB network e ’s a genius. His IQ could mieres in its second season Wednes­ probably defy. He can ana­ day, September 10 at 8:30 PM (ET/ lyze Latin American novelists, de­ PT) on the WB network. fine an algebraic equation and ex­ Living with an raising a child plain to the coach how to make the prodigy calls for some creative agil­ winning play in the clutch moments ity that would even make Einstein of a basketball game. Did we men­ marvel. tion that he’s 10-year-old, about For the Hendersons, an African- four-feet tall, and just skipped ahead American family living in subur­ from fourth to tenth grade? ban Washington, D.C., it’s a con­ Meet T.J. Henderson (TAHJ tinual adjustment — with a few Mowry), the whiz kid whose brain bumps and jolts thrown in. T. J. power has jet-propelled him into seems like any other little boy, try­ high school and sent his family ca­ ing to race through his homework reening on an unpredictable and so he can go play, but his amazing very funny collision course with the intellectual gifts change every thing. everyday world, in Walt Disney T .J.’s family must take some ex­ Television’s “Smart G uy.” traordinary steps to deal with that The hal f-hour comedy series pre­ much brain power in the house. H Against his better judgment, Malcolm McGee somehow gets roped into Eddie Sherman’s ploys and plots and must usually pull him out o f trouble, in the half-hour comedy series "Malcolm & Eddie" airing Mondays (8:30-9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on UPN. Pictured are Eddie Griffin (front) as Eddie Sherman and Malcolm-Jamal Warner (back) as Malcolm McGee. Make your reservations now for lodging or group meeting space a t McMenamins Kennedy School. This historic 1915 elementry school is being renovated into a community center like no other. # Conveniently located near downtown and the airport, the retreat center offers rooms for ten to 250 people, catering services and great attractions including a brewery, restaurant, movie theater, gymnasium and soaking pool. Bed and breakfast rooms offer phones, modem hook-ups and private baths. For a limited time you can book a night’s stay for two, including a full breakfast, for only $75 midweek, $85 weekend. Make your reservation by September 22, 1997 and stay before May 31, 1998 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon • (503) 492-0503 w w w .m cm en am in s.com B e e t h o v e n ’s 9 th Sym p h on y Season-opening G ala! Thursday, September 4 at 7 pm J a m e s D e P r e is t , c o n d u c to r R o c h e lle E llis , a o p ra n o C h r is tin e M e a d o w s, m e z z o B e m a r d in i, te n o r Z eller, b a r ito n e S y m p h o n ic C h oir B r o w n e , d ir e c to r • Symphony D minor, C h o ra l Spon aorod h y 2 2 8 -1 3 5 3 w eek days 9am : 7 9 0 -A R T S o r sy m p h o n y .o r g (Clockwise from center), T.J. (Tahj Mowry) and his sister Yvette (essence Atkins) brother Marcus (Jason Weaver) and Marcus' best friend Mo (Omar Gooding) If that's not enough Beethoven for you, we have an offer you’ll love! B e e t h o v e n H it s “Celebrating The Faces Of Belmont” nd Annual Belmont Street Fair & Neighborhood Car rtival When: Saturday. September 6. 1997 It) a m. to 6 p.m Where: Southeast Belmont, be­ tween 30th and 39th Avenues What: A street fair and carnival promoting the unique character of the Belmont Business District and the Sunnyside Neighborhood Contact: Kim Burnett at Reach Community Development Ph: 5O3/23I-O6K2, Fax: 503/236-3429 2 5pm . Friday S ep tem b er 26 8.00 pm In c lu d in g Sym phony N o 3 The War o f Don Emmanuel ’s Nether Parts is the rambunctious first novel by Louis De Bernieres author o f M u r r y S id lin , conductor T h e F lo res ta n T r io C o rio la n O v er tu r e T r ip le C o n c e r to S y m p h o n y N o . 3, E ro ic a Corelli’s Mandolin, set in an impoverished, violent, yet ravishingly beautiful country T icket« $13-$42 W h e n y o u p u r c h a s e a t ic k e t fo r t h e 9 t h , w e ’ll le t y o u h a v e o n e fo r t h e 3 r d a t a 2 O °/o d i s c o u n t * somewhere in South America, where the haughty Doña Constanza decides to divert a river to fill her swimming pool, w ith consequences that are I t ’s a d e a l aura t o p le a s e e v e n t h e m o s t a r d e n t B e e th o -fa n ! at once tragic, heroic, and outrageously funny. * C i » c o u n t n o t v a h d f o r p r o v io u » p u r c h a t e i A h E E N K S - ’IINITZEK C< >N< ’EKT H XLL SW M ain &• R k o m a x xv • I ’ o h t i . w ij C e n t e r fo r t h e . P e r V o r m in c . A kts