SEPT. 3, 1997 Accounting: Full-Time faculty .-i» ' V'J I Advocate: The C om m unity Receptionist Partnership to Stop Violence A g a in s t W om en seeks AmeriCoprs applicants to pro­ vide advocacy and support to victims and survivors of dom es­ tic violence and sexual assault. Opportunity exists for 21 advo­ cates throughout the state. This is a full-time opportunity that re­ quires at least a one year com ­ mitment Must have prior expe­ rience, paid or volunteer, in the field of domestic violence and/ or sexual assault. A living allow­ ance, health and child care ben­ efits, along with an educational award are provided. To apply, call Robyn Harris at 223-7411. EEO/AA em ployer, bilingual, minorities and persons with dis­ abilities are encouraged to ap­ ply- The Portland officeof the Fed­ Washington County Probation & Parole Officer I (Bilingual) $2,639 - $3,208/mo Closes September 5, 1997 Residential Counselor (Bilingual) $2,570 - $3,123/mo Closes September 5, 1997 Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503) 6 9 3 -4 8 9 8 fo r in fo rm a tio n . County application and supple­ mental application form s re­ quired. eral Public Defender, District of Oregon, is taking applica­ tions for the position of Recep­ tionist. McMENAMINS 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210 Hillsboro, Or 97124 Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Community Services Intake Worker, $6.50-$9.00 Case Manager, $7.20-$10.92 FT & PT Bi-lingual Sp/Eng a plus Apply at: Albina Ministerial Alliance 1425 NE Dekum, Ptlnd Send resume and handwritten cover letter by 9/5/97 to: Diana Briggs, 101 SW Main, #1700, Portland OR 97204. * Restaurant - Servers, Cooks, Catering * Hotel - Frt Desk, Hsekeepers, Night Audit Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. W e will be holding an open hir­ ing call Monday, Sept 8 from 10 AM - 4 PM 6 1624 NW Gllsan (please use dise entr. on 17th). E.O.E. C o u n s e lo rs : In n o v a tiv e agency serving children, youth and fam ilies in a wide variety of settings, seeks motivated, re­ spectful, creative, diverse, and determined people who want to make a difference. Excellent learning & skill development op­ portunities. Regular, volunteer & substitute positions available. Obtain required application at Janus Youth Programs, 738 NE Davis, Portland. Call job line, 233-6090, ext. 2997 for info on current openings. We value di­ versity. Apply To: W ashington County Human Resources Division Duties include reception, multi- line phones, light typing, data entry. Minimum starting salary $23,092. Excellent benefits. Spanish a plus. Minimum 2 years experience required. Em ploym ent Opportunities @ our new Kennedy School loca­ tion in NE Portland, opening in October. Positions available in­ clude: Community Revitalization Coordinator Half-time Target Area C oordi­ nator in Portsmouth (North Port­ land). Seeking energetic, self­ starter to facilitate 4 year neigh­ borhood revitalization effort. Du­ ties will include assessing com ­ munity assets & needs, plan­ ning & developing goals, plan­ ning & developing goals; w ork­ ing w / com m ittee to produce & carry out implementation plans. Start: $13/hr + health insurance. To apply: Send cover letter & resume to Portsmouth vision 20/ 20, % NPNO, 2410 N. Lombard, Portland, OR 97217 by 5:00 p.m. 9/11/97. Info: 283-1096. Liquor Store Operator position beginning Jan 3, 1998. MBA and CPA minimum require­ ment w/future terminal degree required. Also requires 3yrs col­ lege-level teaching + 3yrs expe­ rience in public- or private-sec­ tor accounting. Fax request for complete job description to: Dr. Ann Widmer, Interim Dean, C ol­ lege of Business, 503/280-8124. Concordia University does not discriminate in the employment of individuals on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex or age. However, Concordia University is an institution of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and, to the e xte n t a llo w e d by law, Concordia University reserves the right to give preference in employment based upon reli­ gion. AmeriCorps: Attorney: Legal Stay Clean, Inc. aid programs seeking OSB-ad- mitted attorney to work on fam ­ ily law/domestic violence issues in one-year project. Positions in A lb a n y , B end, Eugene, H illsboro, M edford, O ntario, P o rtla n d , and p o s s ib ly Pendleton. Living allowance of $8,340 & loan repaym ent of $4725. Send letter, resume and specify geographic preference to Aleta Doerr, Oregon Legal Services, 700 SW Taylor, Suite 310, Portland, OR 97205. Stay Clean, Inc. minority spe­ cific alcohol and drug treatment program is extending em ploy­ ment opportunities experienced full time individuals for the fol­ lowing positions: I Sales/Advertising I j Bright, Outgoing, Warm, Friendly, I Sense of Humor! If these describe you, please [ apply to Getting To Know You, a ^35 yr. old national women-ori- I ented advertising co. Fund rais- I ing, sales exp a plus. Flexible I day hours, excellent benefits. |401(k). $30-60k. Bonuses, In- |centives. Car req’d Auto reim- Ibursem ent. ‘ Store 109 Harrisburg - currently located at 180 Moore ‘ Store 223 Christm as Valley - currently located at 517 Christ­ mas Valley Road ‘ These stores must be operated in conjunction with another business. ‘ retail business management; * inventory/cash management; ‘ retail sales; ‘ customer service/public relations in a retail environment. The successful applicant must be able to: ‘ enter into an agency agreement contract with the OLCC; ‘ qualify for a fidelity bond; ‘ negotiate the lease or purchase of the store location or propose a more suitable location serving the same community subject to staff requirements; * meet the operating expense of the agency; ‘ purchase the fixtures and equipment as specified in the agency information sheet; ‘ begin operation on the date specified above. Selected finalists will be notified and interviewed by the staff screening committee in Portland. Final selection will be made by the Commission, based on set criteria, at its public meeting in October. The appointed agent is an independent contractor for the State of Oregon. This person will operate the liquor store on behalf of the OLCC and have no ownership or property rights in the agency. Only individuals may be appointed agents. For application forms and additional information contact: OLCC, 9079 SE M cLoughlin Blvd., Portland, OR 97222 or phone 872-5015 (toll-free 1-800-426-2005). Separate application forms are required for each store. Appli­ cations are due in the Store Operations office, Room 102 at the above address, by 5:00 PM, Friday, September 19,1997. Clinical Supervisor Teacher, p /t, activity-based lessons to Portland elem classes Work well with kids, own transportation, flexible hrs. Enthusiastic, well orga­ nized, skilled teachers call (503)225-5728 Wed/Thurs for intensive adolescent day treatm ent program located in North Portland. M A/M SW and minim um of 2 years supervisory experience working with cultur­ ally and clinically diverse popu­ lations required. Send resume by 9/5/97 to: Nickerson Center, 7025 N. Lombard, Portland, OR 97203. Attn: Shirley Roberts Receptionist Our service organization is seeking a highly skilled and personable individual to organize and handle phone communications, reports and letters, supply inventory, visitors and, most importantly, our staff. We run a high volum e business that involves a great deal of contact with the public and with governm ent organizations. Office is located in Portland. If you are com puter literate, detail oriented, can type at least 60 words per minute, preferably bilingual and can prioritized a wide variety of tasks, please submit a resume and cover letter to: Human Resources 31224 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy. Troutdale, OR 97060 Responses Must Be Received No Later Than Friday, Sept. 17,1997 As an affirmative action employer, we are seeking qualified minority, female, veteran and disabled applicants; however, all qualified applicants will be considered. Full Charge Bookkeeper/Accountant extensive experience in non­ profit, computerized accounting. Residential Care Facilitator two years experience working with individuals in alcohol and drug treatment. Primary duties are to monitor clients movement and activities; log events of shift and ensure client compliance with rules and regulations. Cook institutional style cooking, inven­ tory, menu planning, sanitation and shopping. I Mrs. Spring 11-800-345-1123 For more information on these vaca n cie s please call O lita W ashington at 282-1922 Attorney Oregon Department of Justice . / n Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a large variety of careers available state-wide. Currently, openings exist In the following agencies: DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Principal Executlve/Manager E (Applications Support Manager) W ere seeking someone to m a n ^ e a group of information systems professionals who plan, design, develop and maintain automated human services Information systems within the Dept. of Human Resources. Qualifications include 3 years’ management experience in a public or private organization which included responsibility for each of the following: a) development of program rules and policies: b) development of long- and short-range goals and plans; c) program evaluation; and d) budget preparation. Experience managing a team involved in designing and maintaining large/complex applications is preferred as are strong analytical, problem solving, and communication skills. Salary range: $4,021 to $5,654 monthly. Announcement # LE970730. Position closes: September 1 2 ,1 9 9 7 Please mall or fax your completed application (form P0100) and any required supplements by the closing date, to: Attn: Cherie ■ Recruitment Section, Dept. of Human Resources, 500 Summer Street NE, 4th Floor, Salem, OR 97310-1043, fax (503) 3 7 8 8 4 6 3 . Questions? Please call ( S03) 945-5843, TTY (503) 9 45 6 2 1 4 . OREGON YOUTH AUTHORITY Cottage Counselor (Juv. Probatlon/Soclal Service Offlcer/Juv. Correctional Counselor) Oregon Youth Authority is hiring for Cottage Counselor to perform casework and counseling of adjudicated youth, to work with parole/probation officers, parents, school and youth offenders in setting up treatment plans and followups; will provide guidance in developing strategies to meet individual needs. Qualifications include a Bachelor’s degree In Behavioral Science or related field with major courses In behavioral science; and one year of professional Juvenile Counseling experience in a correctional facility setting. Salary $2,443 to $3.249 a month For application Information, call 1 -8 0 0 -3 7 5 2 8 6 4 . Apply no later than 5:00pm, September 22, 1997. hese are just some of the current openings available with the State of Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon Application Form and more complete announcement listings, call the State Jobline (Oregonian Inside Line) (503) 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 #7777, TTY (503) 3 7 8 4 6 7 2 , visit your local Employment Department, or log onto our web site at http://w w w The State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. $3,146 to $5,938 Monthly Salary Attorney vacancy in the Transactions Section of the General C oun­ sel Division in Salem. Duties include advising state agencies with public contracting and transaction needs, and providing general counsel services to SAIF Corp. Familiarity with general commercial and contract law, state administration law, construction law, public contracting law, real estate transactions, information systems tech­ nology or intellectual property law, insurance law, or workers' com ­ Since 1941, Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our pensation law desirable. pursuit to you. consider o u r possibilities Application deadline is 9/15/97. AA/EOE. W h e n it com es to keeping O r e g o n healthy, w e couldn't care more. exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to supenor health care. Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to uninsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand that while quality often has a pnee, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a w orthw hile T ra in in g and D o c u m e n ta tio n C o o rd in a to r (job # 222) You will research and analyze operational and clerical activities in order to identify improvements and conduct hands-on training in system applications, PC usage and admmistrabveZprocedural policies. You will also be required to prepare user documentation based on established guidelines. To qualify, you must have three years' expenence w ith membership-related systems, policies and procedures. The successful candidate must demonstrate a strong understanding o f Garlington Center Behavioral Healthcare G STARTING DATE DECEMBER 1,1997 We evaluate all applicants on background, knowledge and work experience in: Learn fo r Life to supervise our treatment pro­ gram and treatment team. Must have current cade certificate. For apply, call (503) 378-5555 ext 323, (503) 378-5938 TTY. Public Notice B5 Alcohol & Drug Treatment Clinical Supervisor Must be OSB member at time of appointment. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has vacancies for independent contractors to operate the following retail liquor stores: ‘ Store 221 Lloyd Center - currently located at 1621 NE 9th Page JJoiìbinò (Ob ser Ur r - “Committed to Solving Problems Our Community Cares About" G a rlig n to n C e n te r offers a full range of m ental health s e rv ic e s to adults, seniors, children, youth and fam ilies. O u r se rv ic e s are d e sig n e d to m eet the in d ivid u a l, social and cultural needs of o u r clients. W e seek d yn a m ic professio nal fo r the fo llow ing o p e nin gs to w o rk in o u r diverse, m u lticultu ra l environm ent: Accounting/Office Manager FT general ledger accountant. Ref # AD-AOM MIS Manager responsible for maintaining HP training techniques. A d m in is tra tiv e S pecialist (Job # 264) You will provide advanced level administrative assistance to our sales representatives, clients and brokers, relating to the selling o f new business and ensunng high quality service to existing clients Specifically, you will assist in the selection o f benefits packages that are appropnate to the needs o f our clients. You must have a High School Diploma (o r equivalent) and knowledge o f the health and life insurance business as it relates to lines o f business, processing claims, handling billings and technical knowledge o f plan programs. M e m b e r C u s to m e r S e rv ic e R e p re s e n ta tiv e (Job # 263) As part o f o u r FEP M em ber Services D epartm ent you will provide accurate and timely information to our customers regarding benefits, contract administration, eligibility, claim payments and denials. You must have knowledge o f medical terminology and some customer service expenence. You must have excellent PC. organizational and communication skills, as well as the ability to type 40 words per minute. D o c u m e n t S ystem s E n g in e e r (Job # 265) As a member o f o u r D ocum ent Systems team, you will provide technical support o f electronic pnntmg and publishing systems, as well as program coding o f electronic forms using Xerox DJDE/PDF, IBM mainframe JCL and Transformer programming languages You must have at least five years' expenence w orking in a document processing departm ent data center, pnnt shop o r oth e r related environment. D e n ta l A n a ly s t (Job # 209) You will be responsible fo r the accurate application o f dental contract benefits w ithin controlled guidelines and fo r proper coding and processing o f claims You must have at least six months’ Net Server 5/90 LM. Ref # AD-MIS claims analyst expenence o r at least one year" dental office expenence Additionally, you must Clinical Supervisor II needed to supervise case management team serving adult CMI clients. have a detailed knowledge o f dental term inology and A D A coding. Ref # CS-CSS Child And Family Therapist for Children’s Program. $23,600-27,217. You will provide data processing and system support to Medicare contractors in eight states. Ref #CH-CFT W e offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package Pre-employment drug S e n io r P ro g r a m m e r (Job # 251) Responsibilities will include installing software releases in nine test CICS regions and eight production regions, designing subsystems, troubleshooting and recommending improvements to o u r FSS system. Applicants must have at least tw o yean o f data processing expenence and a working knowledge o f system analysis, system testing and validation. screening is required and we support a smoke-free w ork environm ent To apply, please F or M ore Info rm ation on th e s e and o th e r va can cies, in clu d in g jo b de scrip tio n s and q u a lifica tio n s, please call o u r J O B Line at 727-5947. S e n d /fa x co v e r le tte r and re su m e to: G a rlin g to n C e nte r, 911 N. S kidm ore , P o rt­ land, O R 9 7 2 17, Attn: HR, Fax 249-8740. A n E q u al Opportunity Em ployer Com m itted to Diversity indicate the )ob # at the top of your resume or cover letter and submit to: Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon HMO Oregon, Human Resources, P. O. Box 1271, Portland, OR 97207-1270,TTY # (50J) 225-6780. W e are strongly com m itted to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon HMO Oregon For more information about career opportunities, call our Job Inform ation line (800) 231-1817 or visit our website at --------------------------------- — OvrxisIB Msn* I