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N in e rs r e p o r te d ly c lo s e t o s ig n in g Q B Young to n ew d eal À U T O P A IN T The San Francisco 49ers are reportedly close to signing star quarterback Steve Y oung, the NFL’s top passer five times in the last six years, to a new contract. The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting Tuesday that Y oung and the Niners have reached agree­ ment on several major financial points and the length of a new deal and that an announcement is im­ minent. "We re basically in ac­ cord on issues," Leigh Steinberg, Young’s agent, told the San Fran­ cisco Chronicle. "W e’re working on details.” ^ANNIVERSARY^ PRO ’¿" package for only • EURO-PAINT C h ie fs s ig n fir s t ro u n d p ic k G o n z a le z The Kansas City Chiefs I ues- day signed University o f Califor­ nia tight end Tony Gonzalez, their first round pick in the 1997 draft, to a six-year contract. Financial terms were not disclosed. The Chief s traded four picks in orderto move up five spots in the first round to select Gonzalez 13 th over­ all in the April draft. The 6-4,244- pound tight end is expected to im­ mediately become an impact player in Kansas C ity’s revamped pass­ ing game. Y a n k s t r a d e IN F D u n c a n t o B lu e Jay s The New York Yankees lues- day traded disgruntled infielder Mariano Duncan to the Toronto Blue Jays for minor league out­ fielder Angel Ramirez. The Blue Jays will also receive cash consid­ erations. After the trade, the Yan­ kees purchased the contract of outfielder Pete Incaviglia from Triplc-A C olum bus to replace Duncan on the roster. Duncan, a vital cog in New Y ork's World Series run last year, became disen­ chanted in New York when his playing time was reduced this year and asked to be traded. B la c k h a w k s t o a n n o u n c e r e -s ig n in g E va n d e rE W fiM 'S greeted by young admirers as he arrives at Johannesburg International Airport as a onndwill ambassador for Coca-Cola and its commitment to the future of South Africa.___________ __ TRAIL BLAZERS SEASON TBS, CTV or NBC sports. The Blazers open with nine of their first 14 games on the road and follow with 10 ol their next 14 at the Rose Garden. Western Conference rivals Houston, Utah anti the L.A. Lakers visit the Rose Garden during December, along with the first visit of the San Antonio Spurs and top NBA draft pick Tim Duncan. The defending World Champion Chicago Bulls visit Jan. 29, and the Indiana Pacers, under new heatl coach Larry Bird, come to the Rose City Dec. 10. The road schedule includes a tour- game excursion and a pair of live- game trips. Nine of the Blazers final 13 regular season matchups take place away from home, with Port­ land wrapping up the road portion ol its regular season at Denver. Apr. 17 The 1997-98 home schedule boasts five Monday dates. 13 Tues­ days. two W ednesdays, four I hurs- days. nine Fridaysandeight Sunday at the Rose Garden. After playing six home dates in November, the Blaz­ ers have nine home games in Decem­ ber. seven in January, eight in Febru ary, seven in March and lour in Apri The Blazers will appear on na- tional television four time during the 1997-98 season. The Blazers host the Western Conference Champion Utah Jazz on TNT Dec. 5, and their Feb. 4 visit to the Great Western forum to face the The Portland Trail Blazers will open, and close, their 28th regular season against the Pacific Northwest rival Seattle SuperSonics according to the 1997-98 schedule released Tuesday by the National Basketball Association. The Blazers open the season at home for the 21st time in franchise history on Friday, Oct. 31, as they host the Sonics in a 7 p.m. contest at the Rose Garden. The Blaz­ ers and Sonics will also duel at the Rose Garden in the Apr. 19 regular season finale, a 12:30 affair. Every home and road game dur­ ing Portland's 1997-98 regular sea­ son will be broadcast on flagship station AM I 190. KEX. and along the Blazers' 29-station. satellite ra­ dio network. For the third time in the last four years, the Blazers begin the regular season with a pair of back-to-back matchups. After hosting the Sonics in their season-opener. Portland trav­ els to Los Angeles Io face the Clip­ pers in its first road contest, Nov. I The Trail Blazers play on consecu­ tive nights 20 times, with the second game coming on the road in 16 of those sets. During the season the Blazers must play in Portland one night and on the road the following evening on nine occasions. Portland’s home games begin at 7 p.m., except for games scheduled to be televised nationally by either TNT, Tree Ripened Northwest Grown Large Size k RED DELICIOUS RED HAVEN PEACHES 695 F x S a c t io n T u e s d a y Y evgeny! Kafelnikov of Russia takes on American Vince Spadea Tuesday in second-round action at the $2.05 million du Maurier Open, a Super 9 event, in Montreal. Spadea hopes to duplicate the result of his 1995 U S. Open meeting with the Rus­ sian, when he posted a three-set victory. In other second-round play, French O pen cham pion G ustavo Kuerten of Brazil plays A m erican Jonathan Stark to ­ n ig h t, e ig h th -se e d e d R ichard K rajicek o f the N e th e rla n d 's takes on South A frican N eville G o d w in ; n u m b e r 12 Jo n a s B jo rk m an o f S w ed en m eets Doug Flach of the U nited States; and Jan Sicm erink, the 16th- seed, battles A m erican C hris W oodruff. ìd S m SSN£W lAUK JUNIA UUSP GARDEN SALAD w ith ROMAINE $r andS* L M » SIM Red or O í " TWwrador UrtïYmrd YEM1IS F o u rth -se e d e d ’ • INFRARED QUARTZ FINISH DRYER | 199 • WIDE RANGE OF COLORS Frwb from the K a fe ln ik o v in • FREE U.V. SUNSCREEN (A $49.95 VALUE) • HAND & MACHINE SANDING FOR ADHESION o f R W A m o n te The Chicago Blackhawks will [ announce the signing of Group II free agent right wingTony Amonte at a 2 p.m. EDT news conference at the United Center. Amonte, who turns 27 on A ugust 2nd, has emerged as one of the top right i wings in the NHL. He led the Blackhawks with 41 goals and 77 points, both career-highs, and had an astounding plus-35 rating this past season. 100% URETHANE ENAMEL THE BEST PAINT-(LUXURY CAR QUALITY) I SEEDLESS GRAPES White or Yellow SWEETCORN 4 $l°° 4* Less Than 20% Fai A LEAN G R O U N D BEEF 795 UNC or ru in COO FRESH FILLETS M49 I 5b IU |OMN f F MORREI! SLICED H A M Fresh R A IN B O W TR O U T KIENOW'S THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN T O W N SINCE 19 0 8 Food Prices good thru July 29 August 3. 1997. We reserve the right to lim it quantities. M em ber of United Grocers W edding Cake Showroom 1 4 12 SE M orrison. Home Delivery, call 245 4505 8a m -0 p m w eekdays. 9am 8p m Sundays Los Angeles Lakers will air on TBS. NBC Sports will regionally televise two matchups from Portland. Mar. 8 against San Antonio, and Apr. 19 versus Seattle. CTV will broadcast Portland's Feb. I home matchup with Toronto and their Apr. I I visit to Vancouver. The 48th annual NBA All-Star Game is scheduled for Sunday. Feb. 8. at Madison Square Garden in New York. T he te a m 's te le v isio n and BlazerVision broadcast schedules are scheduled for release later in the sum- • 3-YEAR WARRANTY! SEE DETAILS AT SHOP SAVE $250! BRING THIS AD TO REDEEM OFFER Trucks, Vans, SporVUtility Vehicles and some colors slightly higher. Hear Earl Scheib at http://www.earlscheib.com •AVAILABLE IN M O ST COLORS BEST PRICES ON BODY WORK! FREE ESTIMATES! ' “ “ “ “ ____ J pen W AS Limited Time Oiler! Other Jobs From 95 s159 c h e ib T M O N .- F R I. 7 : 3 0 A M - 6 : 0 0 P M • ? A S A T. 8 : 0 0 A M - N O O N C . P o r tla n d • 401 N E W e id le r S t ............ 5 0 3 -2 8 7 -3 6 7 8 E . P o r tla n d • 8 3 5 S E 8 2 n d A v e ................5 0 3 -2 5 5 -8 4 2 0 N . P o r tla n d • 6 4 4 4 N E U n io n A v e ...........5 0 3 -2 8 4 -3 6 3 4 P L U S $ 8 .0 0 E P .A ./H A Z C H A R G E j