Banking Loan Coordinator (9702270) We have a Loan Coordinator A position open at our busy Lake Oswego Hom e Loan Center. T h e in c u m b e n t m u st be p ro fic ie n t in c lo s in g and or p ro c e s s in g c o n v e n tio n a l, g o v e rn m e n ta l, F H A , s e lf e m p lo y e d and c u s to m construction transactions. Must have 2 yrs recent related exp., k n o w le d g e of re s id e n tia l lending concepts and related g o v e rn m e n t re g u la tio n s , e x c e lle n t c u s to m e r s e rv ic e s k ills a nd w ritte n /o ra l comm unication skills. Salary $1904-$2381. External MTG Loan Development Rep (9702271) We also have an External MGT Loan Reposition open in our L a k e O s w e g o H LC . T he incumbent will originate one- to fo u r-fa m ily re s id e n tia l m tg. lo a n s o b ta in e d th ro u g h s o lic ita tio n from real estate b ro k e rs a nd th e p u b lic by calling real estate brokers to generate business. Must have dem onstrated sales ability and exp. marketing products to the real estate community; exp. in o rig in a tin g g o ve rn m e n t and conventional single/multi family residential loans, knowledge of governm en t regulations and exc. custom er service and inter personal skills. Salary: commission W ashington Mutual offers exc. b e n e fits and c a re e r opportunities. If interested go to any bank branch and get an application. We Do Not accept resumes without a completed application. Mail application to: 851 SW 6th Ave. Suite 230 Portland, OR 97204 “ For a complete list of Openings call our job hotline at 800-952-0787. Women and Minorities encouraged to apply f ' ' Wanted: Musclemen To star as superheroes/ villains for comics, magazine features & film. Send photos/ profiles to: Kermit Franklin-Publisher, Franklin Publishing, 6189 Happy Street, Marrero, LA 70072-3528 Washington State University Vancouver seeks tw o A dm ission C ounselors. Both positions are full tim e, per­ m anent student affairs (adm in­ istrative faculty) positions, un­ der the direction of the A ssis­ tant D irector of Adm issions. WSU Vancouver is a dynam ic 2-year upper division and gradu­ ate institution of W ashington State U niversity with a strong com m itm ent to grow th The A d m issio n C o u n s e lo rs w ill market WSU Vancouver to pro­ spective undergraduate trans­ fer and graduate students The following specific duties will be divided between the two posi­ tions according to the skills and experiences of each person hired. D uties in clu d e : develop and im plem ent re cru itm e n t strategies in collaboration with the Asst. Dir. of A dm issions, provide transfer student advis­ ing both individually and in groups, develop brochures and flyers with desktop publishing, coordinate cam pus visitation program, develop and maintain the A dm issions’s W eb page, supervise classified staff, re- cruit/advise prospective stu ­ dents from community colleges, business and industry, and the com m unity at large. M in im u m R e q u ir e m e n ts : Bachelor’s degree; excellent written and oral com m unica­ tion skills; dem onstrated ability in public relations, recruiting or marketing; demonstrated com ­ m itm ent to custom er service and w orking in a team environ­ ment; basic word processing and spreadsheet skills. P re fe rre d R e q u ire m e n ts : E x­ perience with diverse popula­ tions; advanced com puterskills to include W eb page d evelop­ ment and desktop publishing; su p e rv is o ry skills; w o rk in g know ledge of financial aid and telemarketing; and adm issions and/or advising experience. Q u a litie s : The successful candi­ dates will dem onstrate an e n ­ thusiastic commitment to higher education, high energy, be well organized, have a sense of humor, and enjoy w orking in a team oriented environm ent. A p p lic a tio n D e a d lin e : All appli­ cation m aterials m ust be po st­ marked or received by 5:00 PM on August 29,1997. C om plete application m aterials include: a current resum e, letter of appli­ cation, and three letters of rec­ ommendation. Send to: W ayne Brown, Chair, Admission Coun- s e lo r S e a rc h C o m m itte e , W ashington State U niversity Vancouver, 14204 NE Salm on Creek Ave., Vancouver, W A 9 8 6 8 6 -9 6 0 0 A d s e a rc h @ W SU is an Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action em ployer. P rotected groups are encouraged to a p ­ ply. For more information about Janitors needed at ServiceMaster PT-Evenings- Flexible Schedules No exp. required 249-2035 Mon-Fri. A Real Deal $124,900 3 Or 4 Bdrms, 2 Bths, Family Rm, Gar plus off St. Parking, Deck, Patio, Fncd Yrd, Cntrl Air, Sec Sys, Hrdwd under Carpet, This is a lovely home located among nicely maintained homes in North Portland. Johns’ Landing CONDO 1 Level» 2> -Bdm n 2 Bths, I Gar, Cntrl Air, Frplc, new paint, Patio, River and Mt. Views. This simply a great buy at $ 1 67,000. City Home A p p lic a tio n D eadline : All appli­ cation m aterials m ust be post­ Electrical Construction Com­ marked or received by 5:00 PM pany, Portland, OR-a large on August 29,1997. C om plete w e ll-e s ta b lis h e d and re ­ application materials include: a spected electrical contractor current resume, letter of appli­ has immediate need for inside cation, and three letters of rec­ W irem en E lectricians. L i­ ommendation Sendto: Wayne censed in Oregon and/or Brown, Chair, Admission Coun- Washington for various Port­ s e lo r S e a rc h C o m m itte e , land area projects. E C Com­ W ashington State U niversity Vancouver, 14204 NE Salmon pany is an NECA/IBEW mem­ Creek Ave., Vancouver, WA ber. For further information, contact Dick Larson at 1 -800- i 9 8 6 8 6 -9 6 0 0 . A d s e a rc h @ WSU is an 659-3511. E C Company is an Equal Op­ Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action em ployer P rotected portunity Employer and sup­ groups are encouraged to a p ­ ports a Drug Free Workplace ply. For more information about Program. W SU V a n c o u v e r - h t t p : / / Electrician Customer Service/ Security Will Train for positions in Manufac- turing/lndustrial sights. Duties include access control, driving patrol and computer scanning. Re­ quires high grooming standards, able to pass screening and criminal back­ ground check. Company provides education and training tor slate reg'd cert. Full/partime grave/day shifts. Starting $7-7.25, 401K paid vacation, uniform allowance. Are you an organized energetic individual, who likes working with people? Do you like variety in your work?______ I f So This Is The Job For You! A Non-profit Community Development Corporation is currently accepting applications for a Resource Development Coordinator. This a full time position that includes volunteer coordination, publication ot newsletters, annual reports, special events planning and some grant writing. You must be available to work at least two Saturdays a month. Salary range is $22,O(X)-$25.()()() a year plus benefits, DOE. Please send your resume to P.O. Box I 1268, Portland, OR 97211 An equal opportunity employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Employment 2 4 hour* a day, 7 days a w eek. TTY In Salem (5 03 ) 3 7 8 4 6 7 2 (hearing Impaired) 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. only Computer modem access via the Internet: W orld W ide Web • h ttp ://w w w .d a a h r .s ta te .o r .u s /lo b a /. A p p lica tion s m u tt be received by Human Resource Services Division by 5 p.m., August 13, 1 99 7 . If you need additional Inform ation, please ca ll (5 0 3 ) 378-3253. . 7 b O re g o n , opportunity means a variety of careers available state-wide, OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the Construction Inspector For appt. and directions call: following agencies: American Protective Services Contract Security Professionals (360) 574-2222 (503) 283-2481 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Construction Inspector, Facilities Services. Required: Associates degree in Building Inspection technology; or two years o f experience inspecting construction projects: or three years experience supervising commercial, Equal Opportunity Employer M/E coordination o f tra n sp ortatio n program s between and am ong all governm ental organizations w ithin the state. We have Immediate RESEARCH Oregon Departm ent of Transportation (0D 0T), is known throughout the nation as a progressive government agency and as a leader in team development and performance measures. ODOT is responsible for the are in compliance with contract documents and approved materials: keeping accurate records of the material consumed, employees by craft opportunities for the following position: and construction progress; studies plans and specifications for knowledge The Child W elfare Partnership at Portland State University invites applications for two research as­ sociate positions to conduct a major, five-year child welfare re­ search and evaluation project. Transportation Engineer 2 (Electrical Design Engineer) The Process Evaluator will con­ duct a qualitative process analy­ sis of Oregon’s federal Title IV-E waiver implementation. The Im­ pact Evaluator will collect and analyze service outcome data. A doctoral degree in social work or related social science is preferred for each position. A masters de­ gree is required. Experience in management of research projects and experience with child wel­ fare-related programs and evalu­ ation are desired. Both positions are fixed-term, non-tenured. work. Salary $ 3 ,2 5 1 to $4,444 a month plus benefits. Completed Send cover letter, resume and three references by August 22 to: Child W elfare P artn ersh ip industrial or multi-unit building construction projects: or an equivalent combination of training and experience: and an "A" Level certification in one of the following areas: Structural. Mechanical. Electrical or Plumbing or be able to obtain certification within six months. Major duties Include inspecting construction work in progress, verifying that m aterials delivered We are seeking an innovative individual with electrical design experience for a position in Salem. Will design the portions o f movable bridge, cathodic protection projects and other projects concerned with the utilization of electrical energy Requires registration as a Professional Engineer (PE) and a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from an accredited University and at least tw o years of experience as responsible designer for electrical application materials m ust be received by August 1 5 ,1 9 9 7 . Announcement K0CDT7278 Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 503-986-3854) to request t of work, scope, methods of construction required and docum entation on testing to assure compliance with contract documents; working with architects and contractors concerning contract documents, materials, construction schedules, etc.; coordinating contractors schedules with University and Departmental schedules; and assists in "final inspection" noting all deficiencies. Salary $2,6 05 a month C ontact OSU Department of Human Resources, 14th and Jefferson, Corvallis, OR 97331-2132, or call (5 41 ) 737-3103 or TTY (8 00 ) 735-2900. All application materials m ust be received by closing date of August 8 ,1 9 9 7 . application packet. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE For other ODOT opp o rtu iltle t call our Recruitment JOBLINE at (503)986-3847. Word Processing Technician 2 (Legal Word Processor) The Oregon Departm ent o f Justice has Word Processing Technician 2 OREGON EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT (class #CO531) positions in Salem and Portland. There is a current Personnel Officer 1 (Management Services) vacancy in Salem. These positions perform high volume legal document production work. Preference tor legal and /o r M icrosoft word for Windows experience. Appointment above firs t step available for experienced There Is a current opening for the State of Oregon Employment Department in Salem. This is a Management Service position directly responsible for employee recruitm ent and selection and the coordination of Department finance packages with the Department o f AdminisVative Services (DAS). a pplicants. Salary $ 1 .5 4 6 to $ 2 ,0 2 4 a m onth. A nnouncem ent # 0 C 9 1 0 0 8 4 . Obtain State of Oregon a p p lic a tio n (PD 1 0 0 ) and a n n o u n c e m e n t a t any S ta te E m p lo y m e n t o ffic e , c a ll ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 - Duties include conducting studies and projects to streamline personnel and training procedures within the Department and assuring conformance with 5 5 5 5 e x t. 3 2 2 , or TTY ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 - 5 9 3 8 In S a le m , o r In te rn e t: h ttp ://w w w .d a a .s ta te .o r.u s /J o b s /. Apply before August 11, 1 997 to be all legal guidelines. The State of Oregon is com m itted to achieving a workforce which reflects the diversity of the state's population. People of considered for current openings. color, people with disabilities and women are encouraged to apply. _ / hose are Just some of th e current openings available w ith th e S ta te of Recruiting announcement, minimum qualifications, test questions and Oregon. For additional Inform ation, a copy of th e S ta te of Oregon required state applications are available at all Oregon Employment Departm ent Field Offices on the State Jobs Display. Salary $2,127 to Application Form and more com plete announcem ent listin g s, ca ll the S tate Jobline (Oregonian Inside Line) (5 0 3 ) 225 -5 5 55 # 7 7 7 7 , TTY (5 03 ) $ 2 ,8 5 6 a m onth. Announcement » LE 970612. Announcem ent and application are a lto available by calling the $ ta te of Oregon Jobline 3 7 8 4 6 7 2 , v isit your local Employm ent Departm ent, or log onto our web s ite at h ttp ://w w w .d a s h r.s ta te .o r.u s /J o b s /. The S ta te o f Oregon and all (Oregonian Inside Line), (5 03 ) 225-5555, e x t. 7777, In Portland, Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. P ortland State U n iversity P.O. Box 751 Accounting Portlan d, OR 97207-0751 Portland State University is an equal opportunity employer Customer Service/ Clerical Northwest Natural Gas Com­ pany has an immediate open­ ing for a Sr. C ustom er Sup­ port Rep in ourMarket Ser­ vices D epartm ent Please re fe re n ce R e q u isitio n #97129. Application deadline is 8/1/97 For job information and qualifi­ cations, contact: JOB INFORMATION LINE - Portland Area (503) 226-4211, ext 2434 An Equal Opportunity Employer Only those called for interview will be notified. When it comes to keeping Oregon healthy, we couldn't care more. Since 1941. Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f O regon has relied on the efforts o f o u r exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to supenor health care. Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand that while quality often has a price, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettering the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a C o m p u te r O perations Specialist Want to work with a wonder­ ful group of volunteers? Want to work in a multi-cultural en­ vironment? Here’s your chance to make a difference! A Non-Profit Community Development Corporation is currently accepting applica­ tions for our maintenance posi­ tion. This is a full time position with benefits after a 90 day pro­ bation period. Starting pay 4 or S BDRMS, 2 BTHS, Formal Livning and Is $8.00 to $12.00an hour Dining Rooms, Informal Eating Room, Full Bsmt, Gar, Lrg. Attic, Office, Sun Porch, Hdwds on main, Nicely Landscaped, Enclosed Yrd, Well Insulated, Storm Windows and Doors, Security System, West Hills and City view. This home is for a buyer who knows value in the Portland area and wants a nice home that is convenient to everything in a great, improving part of the city. Seller simply needs a smaller place. Call: George or Reg Hendrix 230-1390 depending on experience and you must be willing to work at least two Saturdays a month. Please send resume to P.O. Box 11268, Portland, OR 97211 An equal opportunity employer. Minorities and women are Sr. U N IX Systems A d m in is tra to r flob # 235) flob tt 5046) - S alem O ffice Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon H M O has an immediate opening You will install, evaluate, administer and support U N IX servers and fo r a C om puter Operations Specialist in o u r Information Systems workstations, as well as develop, standardize and document the D epartm ent in Salem. To qualify, you must have PC.JCL and operations configuration, operation and recovery procedures for o u r Com puter expenence and knowledge o f change control. Effective w ritte n and System and Technology Group. To qualify, you must have a degree in verbal communication skills are necessary, as well as the ability to lift 50 Com puter Science, Mathematics o r Information Technology (o r equivalent pounds and w ork twelve hour shifts on a rotating basis. w ork expenence). You must possess at least six years' expenence in data processing o r scientific computing w ith at least 4 years' expenence in Claim s Analysts U N IX System Administration (preferably w ith Sun Solans and AIX). (Job # 234) C ost A cco u ntant Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has immediate opportunities for Claims Analysts You will analyze and enter claims information into our flob # 2 1 4 ) automated Claims Administration System (CAS) fo r our Claims Training You will prepare monthly and quarterly cost and budget reports: assist D epartm ent You must have a High School diploma (o r equivalent) and w ith the preparation o f annual budgets fo r Medicare. FEP and national knowledge o f Medical Terminology and ICD9 and CPT IV coding. accounts; and file monthly, quarterly and annual cost reports as required by Regence and federal agencies. You must have a Bachelor's degree with S ecretary I Tired of working corporate America? « w orthw hile pursuit to you. consider o u r possibilities: an emphasis in Accounting and at least one year o f cost accounting (Jo b# 194) You w ill use your team w ork skills to provide office administration duties and project support to the Executive Secretary and management staff o f o u r Actuarial and U nderw riting Services D epartm ent. You must have at least three years' related w o rk expenence and a High School diploma (o r equivalent). You must have expenence, o r you will need a minimum o f five years' financial o r cost accounting expenence. You must have and an extensive knowledge o f EDP applications and PC experience w ith Lotus, AmiPro and I VIS (or other mainframe general ledger) C u sto m er Services R epresentative PC expenence w ith email. W o rd o r AmiPro, Excel o r Lotus 1-2-3 in addition to PowerPoint o r Freelance. flob # 179) As part o f our M ember Services D ep a rtm e n t you will provide accurate M em bership A ccounting C le rk flob # 226) You will perform clerical and administrative dirties to support the Membership Accounting Department. You must have a High School and timely information to o u r customers regarding benefits, contract administration, eligibility, claim payments and denials. You must have at least one year o f expenence in customer relations (within the last tw o years) and knowledge o f medical and dental terminology. diploma (or equivalent) and general office expenence including M arketin g Technician I knowledge o f standard accounting pnncipals. flob # 183) D ental Analysts You will function as an extension o f the National and Major Account Marketing Sales Team to contribute to the sales o f new business and to flob # 97-209) You will be responsible fo r the accurate application o f dental contract service existing clients. You must have a High School diploma and at least benefits within controlled guidelines and for proper coding and one year o f expenence working w ith the public, preferably in the health processing o f claims. You must have at least six months' claims analyst care field. Knowledge o f general office procedures and PC applications expenence o r at least one yea/ dental office experience. Additionally, you including W indow s and Lotus 1-2-3 is required, as is the ability to learn must have a detailed knowledge o f dental terminology and A D A coding. quickly w ith minimal assistance. W e offer competitive salaries and benefits package Pre-employment drug screening is required, and we support a smoke-free w ork environm ent To apply, please indicate |ob It at the to p o f your resume or cover letter and submit to R egence B lueCross B lueShield o f O re g o n H M O O re g o n , H u m a n Resource«, P. O . Box 1271, P ortland , O R 4 7 2 0 7 -1 2 7 0 ,T D D ft (5 0 3 ) 225-6780. W e are strongly com m itted to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment. 4W Regence ORHiOMftWSS BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon HMO Oregon For more information about career opportunities, call our Job Information Line: 1 -800-231-1417 o r visit o u r w ebsite a t w w w . t ( im p ili li' li> W ork fo r m O R F fi O N encouraged to apply t