P age B3 T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 23, 1997 (Elje o rila nò (Ohseruer , Vz Zj NTERTAINMENT B roadcast P r e m i e r e o f S l a u g h t e r The equation is simple. Multiply original, melodic, hard-core hip-hop by the Power ( )t~ 3. Epic’s new rising-star rap phenom­ enon, and you get EVERYTHING - the Washington D.C. based crew’s aptly titled debut album. Featuring the lethal lead single “Best Of All The Worst,” PO”s impressive introductory effort is a powerful mix of reality rhymes, bomb heats and street- smart sensibilities. “We’re straight-up street hut on the positive tip,” says Daoud, who was horn in Brooklyn, New York, moved with his family to Washington, D.C. (where Ouasim was born), moved again to St. Croix, and later hack to D.C.’s notorious inner city, still their permanent Power base. “Yeah, we rap on the real about the negative affects of the drugs, violence and crime that are killing Every Ghetto, USA,” Quasim adds. “But we also school black kids to the fact that self-destructive behavior like that will kill them and the black community. From phat old-school flavor to melodic hip-hoplr&b to straight-up hard-core and more, EVERYTHING delivers the diversified goods, PO’ style it avoids and/ or discredits the played (hlunt-smoking, 40oz-guzzling, AK-47-bIasting) gangsta rap clichés, yet manages to capture the complex mood and mindset of ghetto life. CD highlights include: “Best Of All The Worst,” a serious saga of social and cultural awareness, illustrating the Baptiste brothers’ substantial writing and rap skills; “Nostalgia,” a lustful scenario flexing female flesh fantasies; “Ma­ hogany Rhodes,” titled after a mountainous St. Croix area that still gives Daoud and Quasim inspiration; and “Don’t Change,” a rhythm and rap tour-de-force warning ghetto escapees to never forget where they come from. Sharpening their skills and building up a loyal fan base, PO’ met hitmaker Chucky Thompson while shopping for a deal. Thoroughly impressed with the brothers' platinum potential, Chucky signed them to his Epic-distributed ( liu c k l.ife P ro d u ctio n s. “ 1 have com plete confidence in Daoud and Quasim,” Thompson avows. ‘‘They are h ip -h o p 's fu tu re .” Now, after patiently waiting their turn, PO’ finally has EVERYTHING to look forward to...and the knowledge that from now on, the best is yet to come. Music Galore & Galore Paging P agfr A ctivation S pecial Activate Any Pager for 3 Mos. Unlimited Calls No Credit Check $24.95 w/coupon W e B uy U sed P agers & C ell P hones Cell Phone No Gimmicks No Credit Check Activation Included Only $99.00 w/coupon 3213 NE Martin l uther King Jr Blvd.. Portland. OR 97212 Mon.-Sun 9-7:30 Si Habla Espanol 503-288-9180 MT. HOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Premiere Ji »Pat o f the Pacific Northwest. ticket to the best inorad contemporary jazz, blues, and much, n presented by [pity Group Inc., Realtors Vessels H CUSTOM FRAMINC J A GALLERY 503/288-2118 Monday ■ Saturday. 9 JO A M - 7:30 PM 4 IH N E K illin g sw o rlh . C orner o f M L K J r Blvd. Portland. Oregon 97211 Shoppers can start their holiday shopping early and take advantage ot the unique and unusual g ift items available at the “ Christmas in July" sale at the follow ing participating businesses: J P ’s Custom Framing & Gallery. 4 1X NE Kilhngsworth; Looks Like M e Gallery. 5 4 17 N W illiam s Avenue: Naira & Kobo African Imports. 2232 NE Broad­ way; Reflections Coffee & Book­ store . 446 NE K1111 ngs worth ; Shades o f Color Gallery. 1438 NE Alberta Street; Slieha House o f Elegance. 2730 NE Broadway, Vessels. 2605 NE M L K Jr. Boulevard, and World Village Gift Emporium. 5126 NE M L K Jr Boulevard Each store w ill offer itsown unique selection of g ift items, including eth­ nic ornaments, holiday collectibles and figurines, Kwanzaa items, and holiday cards and calendars In addi­ tion, some stores w ill have special activities at their locations in con­ junction with the sale. For details on these activities, or for more inform a­ tion on the sale, call Vessels. 249- 1952. or Shades o f Color Gallery, COME SEE THE BEEPER MAN AT AUGUST 2-3 , 1997 /A p is + k n c ts Christmas is coming in July, be­ lieve it or not! That s according to eight Northeast Portland businesses which have joined together to otter the first annual "Christmas in July" sales event, scheduled from Thurs­ day, July 24 through Saturday. July The African Heritage Network (AHN) "Movie of the Month" series, hosted by Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee presents broadcast premiere o f Slaughter for the month of July 1997. Hall of Famer. Jim Brown (above) stars as ex­ green beret captain Slaughter. The African Heritage Network "Movie ol the Month" senes, hosted by legendary film stars Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee. presents the intense broadcast premiere at Slaughter, a hot summer action llick. stalling lootball Hall of Famer Jim Brown, who pro vales non-stop action, powerlul guns and brute strength, while seeking re­ venge for his parents' murder. AH N 's "Movie of the Month ' series is brought to you by A T & T. Slaughter aires on KWBP, July 27. 1997 at 11:30 pm. "I would not even to this day say that Jim Brown ever became a great actor to what a great football player he w as One ol the greats, said Ossie Davis. "1 think Jim Brown, comes pretty close to making the true tran­ sition from athlete to actor. I can live with Jim Brown being the Black Ri chard Gere." added Davis With just as much action as any Steven Segal or Jean Claude Van Damme film . Slaughter is a action tale full o f hand-to-hand combat and fancy karate kicking Ex-green beret captain Slaughter (Jim Brown) leads an all-out assault against organized crime with the assistance ol the 11 S Treasury Department, in search ol Ins parents’ killers Slaughter's ensemble cast in eludes Marlene Clark. Rip lorn Stella Stevens and Don Gordon The African Heritage Network s hosts Ossie I Tas is and Ruby Dee. arc- one of the entertainment industry's most well-known and gilted couples Their film , television and stage ca­ reers extenil over 50 years AH N 's "M ovie ol the Month sc­ ries is the first anil only feature lilm package which focuses on movie- showcasing African American "T a blfw a re W ilh M e a n in g " 503/249-1952 Tuesday - Saturday 10-6 PM 2 60 5 NF M artin Luther King, Jr Blvd Pof tlat Id, O regon 97212 (Corner of N t RusscH) NAIRA & KOBO L ooks L ike M e G allery tu.Uom f S03/2&4-&BÔ • ***• * ’ G"*>tnd f a u c Tuesday - Saturday. MAM - 6 PM 5 4)7 N William» Avenue • Pbrtland. Oregon 9 E i-L cl/ AFRICAN IMPORTS boney j ^ f c i 5 0 3 /3 3 5 -3 1 9 2 M onday Saturday, 1130 A M 6 PM 2232 NE Broadway* Portland, Ore son 97932 C GARDEN COFFEE HOUSE SHADES f ) / OF COLOR ART GALLERY 143® N r ALBERTA STUFET • TOTU AMP. QKFOQN 97211 Qj/Zoetnaoj Ç/afanea 503/287-6997 IO AM 7 FM • \andas h\ uppomimeni Hnnidway •P o r tla n d Oregon 97232 Vutardwi 2730 N I KKJZ 'Smooth Jazz' All-Stars featuring k ic k a r a u n , a r .c n Culbertson, Boney James & Peter White • Diane Schuur with Art Abrams Swing Machine • Bela Fleck & The Flecktones with special guest Paquito D'Rivera • McCoy Tyner • Earl Klugh • Jean Luc Ponty • Eddie Palmieri • The Heath Brothers featuring Jimmy, Percy, and Albert Heath • Diana Krall • Boney James • Kevin Mahogany • Randy Brecker & Denis DiBlasio • Billy Childs • Heads Up Superband featuring Kenny Blake, Joe McBride featuring Russ Freeman • R eflection: W O RLD VILLAGE G IFT E M P O R IU M Emeu election in ethnic (Inching gcfli unit nc c en eri. COFFEE & BOOKSTORE 503/288-6942 rtde» Et(mic Ornaments Kwanzaa Items H oliday Cards Holiday Collectables G ift Items rat/249-i7aa M ondas V M „ndn, k » A M 8 FM • \a m r d a s A M 6FM 146 8 k. K d lin sta o n h • F nrtlaud O e r tn n » 7 2 ll k n ,la s IIAM Sotordas IIAM 3 R t FM 4FM 512b N L M LK J r Blvd •P o r tla n d (In g a n 972 I I Celebrate Christmas In July! A t Participating Stores July 14 t / -i6 t(/ SHOP THE THR IVING , H I C K OWNED BUSINESSES IN REVITALIZED NORTHEAST PORTLAND & Gerald V easlev • and much, much more! a sep arate Frid ay N ig h t B luet event w ill presen t Guy, Robert Cray Band and Paul DeLay Band Buddy on Friday, A ugust 1. 288-8652. Daily general admtssion tickets, as .well as a special 3-D ay Pass for $ 60 , are available at a|| locations, including Gl Joe s and Meier & Frank outlets, or by calling 5 0 3 -2 2 4 -4 4 0 0 POWELLS BOOKS Spirit of the Nor III tuest Over I M illio n KATU POR Is e d & Sew Hook s M K F fK IX k F L 41 BtäiüiRV A m e n e «n A « Im e» l/b/cçÿTtMm 1005 W Burnside, downtown Portland 503-228-4651 BEARD FRAME SHOP • COLUMBIA SPORTSWEAR • ODWAllA • CORDS • PEPSI • P02W • SOKOL BLOSSER WINERY • TAZO TEA HOUOttlO* I I I