3 •¿J-¿A 7, P age AS Prosecution closes in Cosby extortion case A woman claiming to be Bill Cosby s daughter became an "extor­ tionist driven by greed” when she demanded $40 million from the ac­ tor. a prosecutor concluded Tues­ day at her trial. In his closing argument at U S. District Court, Assistant U S. At­ torney Paul Engelmayer described for the jury how Autumn Jackson and two co-defendants in effect told Cosby, "Show me the money, or you will be sorry.” Jac k so n ’s attorney, R obert Baum, countered by urging the jury not to "convict a daughter for what you may perceive to be the sins of her mother.” Baum rem inded jurors that for 22 years Cosby paid Jackson's mother more than $ 100.000, or $ 9 1 a week That created, a "story of betrayal, abandonment, deceit and manipula­ tion,” kept alive with "threats by Bill Cosby,” he said But Engelmayer accused the de­ fendants o f using a series of menac­ ing letters and phone calls to Cosby’s attorneys, sponsors and the actor himself early this year to warn him that they would sell Jackson's story to the tabloids unless he paid them the $40 million "Autumn Jackson made that threat over and over and over again," de­ spite warnings she was engaging in extortion, Engelmayer said At one point, Engelmayer held up a blown-up photo of a 34-acre estate he alleged Jackson and her boyfriend planned to buy with Cosby’s money, saying the motive was about “greed, not need." He also argued that even if Cosby really is Jackson’s father - which he has denied-she would still be guilty "There is no ‘father exception for extortion,” he said. Fed up, Cosby finally called the FBI, which arrested Jackson, 22, Jose Medina, 51, and Boris Sabas. 42, on charges of extortion, con­ spiracy and traveling across state lines to commit a crime. If con­ victed, each could get up to 12 years in prison. The defense used only one wit­ learned as a young child that her mother"wastold not topul(Cosby’s) name on the birth certificate,” but the grandmotherdid not indicate who gave that instruction In testimony last week, Cosby admitted having sex with Jackson's mother, Shawn Upshaw, in the 1970s and later paying her $100,000 over 20 years to keep quiet about the fling He acknowledged covering Jackson's education expenses, but said he told her he is not her father. Before the trial began July 7, U S. District Judge Barbara Jones ruled that the question of whether Cosby is actually Jackson s father was ir­ relevant. But the defense was allowed to argue that Jackson was raised to be­ lieve Cosby is her father and thought she was legally negotiating for her birth rights when she demanded the $40 million Earlier, prosecutors concluded their case by playing a tape of a phone conversation between Mrs. Upshaw and Medina Told by Cosby’s attorney that Jackson's threats constituted extor­ tion, Mrs. Upshaw tried to reach her daughter through Medina to relay the lawyer's message. "Autumn has painted herself into a corner,” Upshaw is heard saying on the tape "She has tried to black­ mail him. Bond levy renovations Story van making summer deliveries Kids can take a break from bikes and basketball and discover adven­ ture with volunteer readers this sum­ mer. Local parks turn into an outdoor library when the SMART (Start Mak­ ing a Reader Today) story van deliv­ ers books and volunteer storytellers to Portland kids on summer vaca­ tion. The program helps more than 600 children improve summer reading skills, making them better prepared for school in the fall. A summer outreach program ot the Oregon Children’s Foundation SMART program, the Story Van, sponsored by Washington Mutual, is a partnership between the Port­ land Police Bureau, Portland Parks Bureau, Multnomah County Library and SMART. ness before resting its case Mon­ day Jackson’s maternal grand­ mother, Lois Maxfield, retailed thal the girl was told w hen she was 5 that the man behind the cartoon charac­ ter Fat Albert was her own father She also described shooting the videotape of Jackson and Cosby jok­ ing around during their first face-to- face meeting, backstage after a 19 9 1 taping of" The Cosby Show.” In the 15-second video shown to jurors, Cosby put his ami around Jackson and encouraged her to be­ come "an honor student • and if she doesn't, watch this.” He then throws a fake punch at Jackson, who bursts into laughter M axfield testified Jackson Portland schools push to complete summer repairs Adam Wilson o f northeast Portland does well at Drake University. Portland’s Wilson honored at Drake Adam L. Wilson of Northeast Portland, has been named to the Dean's List at Drake University. Wilson earned a grade-point average of 3.57 during the spring 1997 semester to achieve this academic honor at Drake. Students named to the Dean’s List must earn a grade-point average of at least 3.50 (4 0 is straight A’s). Drake is a private, independent university in Des Moines, Iowa, w ith an enrollment o f approximately 3,100 full-time undergraduate students from 46 states and 50 countries. School's out for summer, but school buildings are shaking and buzzing as workers hustle to com­ plete major construction projects before kids come back in the fall Some $3 million a week in build­ ing improvements and renovations - - $30 million over the entire sum­ mer — is provided by a $196 million bond passed by Portland voters in November 1995 The seven-year bond targets up­ dating wiring for technology, seis- mic strengthening, accessibility improvements, deferred mainte­ nance. and improvements for fire and life safety Funding also is included in the bond for new computers and tech­ nology in schools. "Sum m er is a big push time to com plete a lot ot these major c o n s tru c tio n p ro je c ts in our schools," says Reg M artinson, Portland School D istrict Physi­ cal Plant Director. "T h ere 's a trem endous amount o f work go­ ing on right now with m ajor projects underway in 14 build­ ings and minor work ongoing in another 54 facilities. Much of the work is within walls that will be sealed up again before school starts in Septem ber.” Design projects took up much ot the first year of the bond, so current work represents some of the first significant construction undertaken. C urrently Jefferson M arshall, Benson and Franklin high schools are in the midst of major construc­ tion activity, along with Buckman and Rose City Park elementaries, and Hosford and Sellwood middle schools. To take a firsthand look at some of these school renovation projects, call the school district's Public In­ formation Office, 916-3304. First Andrea Redding law scholar named Jennifer K. De Wald, a third-year student at Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College, re­ ceived the first Andrea Swanner Redding Scholarship. The $2,500 scholarship recog­ nizes a law student with a commit­ ment to Northwestern School of Law and the legal profession dem­ onstrated through involvement in activities designed to enhance the profession and to help those who are not always in a position to speak for themselves. Redding, a former law dean at the school died in 1996. P O L IC E N E W S Suspicious death investigation classified as manslaughter Autopsy determines young woman died by strangulation An autopsy, conducted by the Medical Examiner’s Office, deter- mined that the 20-year old black Taylor, o f 2404 N. Vancouver Ave., died of asphyxiation by strangula- tion. The 23-year old black male, female, identified as Rasheedah R. identified as Cameron Lee Andrews, who also lived at the address, has been charged with manslaughter and lodged in the Justice Center Jail, The investigation is continuing. CRIME STOPPERS Man wanted in escape from prosecution The Portland Police Bureau Auto Theft Task Force, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, is asking for your help in locating and apprehend­ ing Troy Leigh Crapser. Felony arrest warrants are on file charging Crapser with Parole Viola­ tion and Failure to Appear on an original charge o f Unauthorized use oi a Motor Vehicle. Investigators believe Crapser may be living in the Southeast Portland area. Troy Leigh Crapser is a 30-year- old white male, with a date of birth o f February 2,1967. Crapser is 5’10 tall, weighing 210 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. He has a tattoo on the right hand and a scar on his right ankle. Aliases used by Crapser inlcude Travis Childres, Tony Hunt and Stephen Occhi. Crim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $1,000 for inform ation which leads to an arrest in this case or any un­ solved felony crim e, and you can rem ain anonym ous. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. “At Pacific Power, we make it our business to supply more than just electricity to our community.” Our primary goal has always been to provide reliable energy that's supported by a level of service our customers deserve. That’s why we're constantly striving to find better ways pond to outages and emergencies. But. electricity is not the only kind o f power to rest) we take pride in offering. Some o f the most important energy provided by Pacific Tower doesn't travel along utility poles, flow through power lines or pass through any meter. Its Troy Leigh Crapser our power to make a difference-something we do year-round by actively supporting Dunthorpe murders laid to divorce Doctor kills his children in wealthy suburb A wealthy doctor in the middle a bitter divorce killed his three mg daughters by giving them over- tes and then asphyxiated himself, icials said Friday. The bodies of Dr. David Cornwall, , and his three daughters, Lauren, Ashley, 5, and Caitlin, 4, were ind Thursday in the home o f his mother and stepfather in Dunthorpe, a wealthy suburban community south of Portland. The children, whose bodies were found on the second floor of the home, were killed in a manner “con­ sistent with an overdose o f medica­ tio n ,” the M ultnom ah C ounty coroner’s office said in a report. The type of medication was not immediately identified. The deaths were ruled as homicides. Cornwall, who had a practice on Oregon’s coast, was found in the garage, dead of asphyxiation from carbon monoxide from car exhaust fumes. The coroner’s office said there was a possibility the physician also had taken medication. Cornwall’s wife, Karen, found the bodies early Thursday. The two had been involved in a divorce and bitter fight over custody of the girls. Cornwall’s mother and stepfather were in Canada at the time of the deaths, according to local news reports. programs and special events unique to our community. True, this kind of energy can t illuminate a single light bulb. But over time, it could help our entire community shine. PACIFIC POWER A TacifiCorp Company Vilit Pacific Pnwer’t webiite at h ttp l/www.pacificarp com