Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 16, 1997, Page 9, Image 9

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T he P ortland O bserver • J uly
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P age B3
16, 1997
(Tlje |Jo rtlan b (ßbscruer
I kiriin McCrary tv portray J/z
Turner Network Television (TNT)
is pleased to offer you a First-look at
Hakim Alston, the newest star of our
original series The New Adventures
of Robin Hood.
Hakim Alston has been cast as
Kemal,’ a trained warrior of the
highest order in Fighting as well as
the philosophical arts.
In the series, the character will
fight alongside Robin Hood in their
weekly battles.
Alston is a 4th degree black belt
who retired as ISKA World Heavy­
weight Kickboxing Champion and
PKL World Heavyweight Full C on­
tact Karate Champion in 1995 to
pursue a career in acting.
To date, he has appeared in the
features Mortal Kombat, for Newline,
B lood M oon, C a ro lc o , and
ShootFighter, for Miramax.
The second season of The New
Adventures of Robin Hood premiered
on TNT Monday, July 14, at I Op.m.
(ET) and will run through the Fall of
this year.
The New Adventures of Robin
Hood, which deputed in January of
‘97 to the highest-ever rating for a
launch of a one-hour original series
on basic cable, is tongue-in-cheek
action-packed series featuring Mat­
thew Porretta in the title role and
Barbara Griffin as the leather-clad
Marion (now, every bit Robin’ sequal
on and off the battle-field).
The Interstate Firehouse C u l­
tural C enter launches its 15th an n i­
versary season o f perform ing and
v isual a rts w ith the first-e v e r
Firehouse Festival - and all of Port­
land is invited!
Festivities will take place in Patton
Park, adjacent to the IFCC at 5340 N.
Interstate Ave., on Saturday, August
2 from noon to 8 pm, and Sunday,
August 3 from noon to 6 pm. It will
be a weekend of fun for the whole
Kids can review Civil W ar era
cavalrym en, create sidew alk chalk
art, bounce around in an inflatable
castle, or tour the neighborhood
aboard a m iniature train - w hile
parents take a whirl at traditional
ethnic folk dances from Poland,
Hungary, Israel and Africa, browse
the one-of-a-kind crafts for sale, or
ju st celebrate the sum m er sunshine
by listening to an eclectic mix of
gospel, gypsy, bluegrass and jazz.
A Fabulous Art Car Show, star­
ring Portland’s madcap fleet of ex­
travagantly embell ished automobi les,
will encircle Patton Park throughout
the weekend.
Visitors are invited to hobnob with
the art car creators and to collaborate
in the transform ation of a 1965
Chrysler LeBaron “beater” (donated
by Beaterville restaurateur and art
car enthusiast Bill Lockner) into traf­
fic-stopping vehicular art.
Beverages from Columbia Dis­
tributing and Pepsi, iced down with
Koldkist ice cubes, and fine Widmer
Brothers craft brews will be avail­
able to complement a splendid vari­
ety of delicious ethnic cuisines.
Chances at getaways to Reno,
Nehalem or Manzanita, memberships
in OMSI or the Japanese Garden
Society, tickets to a Tygres Heart
Shakespeare production, and other
equally enticing prizes will be of­
fered for a mere $5.
Admission to the Firehouse Festi­
val is free. Donations are welcome;
all proceeds benefit the IFCC’s non­
profit arts programs. For more infor­
mation, call 5O3Z823-2OOI.
Actor D arius M cCrary, who
has starred as college student and
eldest son Eddie W inslow on
A B C ’s Friday night staple ’’Fam
ily M atters" for the past eight
years, has a great reason to cel­
ebrate his recent 2 1 si birthday.
He just began production on
H BO ’s biographical dram a "Don
King: Only In A m erica,” ... a m a­
jo r career m ove for the young
A lthough he originally was
seen by D irector John H erzfeld
for another role in the m ovie, the
gregarious M cCrary was deter­
mined to show the director his
“ A l l im personation." I l worked
like a charm and M cCrary is now
working daily, with a professional
boxing trainer, to portray A l l in
the production
"Don King: Only In A m erica"
is scheduled to debut exclusively
on HBO in N ovem ber. M cCrary
has signed for a ninth season of
"Fam ily M atters.”
Family Matters Star Darius
McCrary (right) to Star As
Muhammad Ali In HBO s "Don
King: Only In America"
Advertise In
( E lje ^ J n r t l a n b
Hakim Alston joins the cast of The New Adventures o f Robin Hood as
the nomadic warrior Kemal, who helps Robin and his friends combat
treacherous villains lurking in magical Sherwood Forest. Alston will
make his debut in the second season o f The New Adventures of Robin
Hood, premiering Monday, July 14, at 10p.m. (ET).
ffib s m ie r
Call 503-288-0033
■ tr-V —
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G re a t K id s ” T h e m e fo r W o o d s to c k P arade
The third annual Woodstock Com­
munity Festival Parade theme will
recognize the contributions of the
c o m m u n ity ’s you n g p eo p le,
W oodstock Festival C oordinator
Angie Even announced last week
"Many of the activities of the day
will cater to local young people,"
Angie says. “Dance teams, sports
groups, school bands,church groups.
are expected to participate in the ac­
tivities. Booths and tables for artists
and vendors will line the parade route
along SE Woodstock Boulevard.
Individuals or groups seeking fur­
ther information or wanting to par­
ticipate in the parade should call
Angie Even at 771-9912. Vendors
and artists should contact John
Bernunzio at 771-8171
personalities and characters such as
Chuck E. Cheese, McGruff. Port­
land Pride's Louie the Lion together
with dozens of costumed marchers
and decorated bicycles will partici­
pate in the parade and Festival.”
The Woodstock Community Busi­
ness Association is sponsoring the
Parade and Festival Day scheduled lor
August 23. Many local civic groups
— -
Monday Saturday. 9:JO AM 7 JO PM
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people w h o are seldom heard fro m — ru ral w om en,
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trstoM F hamhvg
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A l BERTA S T R r t T • TORTLAND, O R I O O N 97211
It) AM
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Hioudway • P ortlan d Oregon 972J2
drow ned out in the media noise o f late-tw entieth-
cen tury cultu re. They depict an A m erican West that is
blessedly u n ro m a n tic ." -K a th le e n N o rris on Linda M .
t r f » » ¿ r i * » »
Hasselstrom ’s, Gaydell C o llie r’s, and Nancy C urtis'
Leaning into the Wiml: Women Write from the Heart o f
the West.
haasi aalatlKtt us rikat, c M lta g gtpt aari aa ta to rta a
7 ruta* 6 AM
R FM • \M antav * AM
W /M 9 -f7 9 d
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Ethnic OrmwiewU
Kn/anzaa Items
Holiday) Cards
Holiday, Collectables
G ift Items
’ M FM
5126 N L M ! K Jr Hlvd •P o rtla n d Oregon 972 I I
C frn S tW ia S
111 J H L Y H
A t Participating Stores July) 2 4 th - l ó t i /
I I II P in M H R J A Z Z I V I N1 I <)» T i l l S U M M I II
Saturday JULY 19'
1 5® febritlng
> J> ’
Cathedral Park
12:00pm - Marc Fendel Trio
2:00pm ~ Tall Jazz
4:00pm - Chris Parker
w / G ary Hobbs, drum»
D a v e Caption, ba*»
Ronato C aianto , tenor »ax
6:00pm - True Friends
featuring Marilyn Keller
w / Darin Clendenin, piano
Kevin Dtetz, ba*»
M ik * Synder, drum»
a t
Sunday JULY 20'
12:00pm - Paul Mazzio Quartet
2:00pm - Dan Fcehnle
w / Ed Bonnot, ba»»
M e l Brown, drums
Toni Pacini, piano
t_i r ? i r u
I—I cz> 11 <z>
' A true community event, it's a great opportunity to sit outside
and listen to some o f the greatest jazz music on the planet. ’
4:00pm - Kelly Broadway
w / Mike Wofford
6:00pm Red Holloway
~ Two Days of Hot Jazz In Cathedral Park Underneath the St. Johns Bridge
w / Leroy Vtnnegar, ba*»
M ol Brown, drum»
G eo ff Loo, piano
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