ia P age B2 1007 • T up P orti and O bserver Where are ou r buffalo? Closure by P rof . M c K inley B crt W e find it necessary to reassure several readers that (here w ere some very progressive and forw ard-look­ ing A frican A m erican businessm en in the 1950 and I960 econom ic fer­ ment in Los A ngeles. T hey simply were outnum bered by an am bitious and narrow ly-focused m ajority who occupied and controlled center stage in the black com m unity (m ore later on the "progressive” ). C ertainly, this is not a bad situa­ tion in itself, since, typically, this is the econom ic engine w hich drives urban developm ent But, it is also the case that in the institutionalized ra­ cial structure o f A m erica the very same situation may give rise to a black power structure with some very unusual (and restrictive) powers. T oo often this group, as in Los A ngeles, has a relationship to the white establishm ent that is very sim i­ lar to the “advise and consent" role o f the U S. Senate in respect to the President. T o d ay ’s establishm ent may not be as brutally frank and direct as in the days when Booker T. W ashington fielded the inquiries preceding the appointm ent or prom otion of an A f­ rican A m erican to an im portant posi­ tion, "Is he/she a good, safe nigger (sic)?" H ow ever, the d a n c e ’ is much the same. I believe that I m ade an incisive and revealing assessm ent o f this prob­ lem in my M ay 1997 series ofarticles in T he Portland O bserver, "W ho should interpret A m erica’s N eigh­ borhoods " But, nevertheless, we m ust ask “how can there be a return o f the buffalo” - that is the logical and prosperous developm ent o f A frican A m erican resources-w hen we are constrained by the social and eco ­ nom ic co n tro ls d escrib ed above? (Sheepherders?). In the April 2, 1997 edition o f The Portland O bserver, there appeared, to my delight, a very relevant article by Cathy G albraith. D irector o f the Bosco-M illigan Foundation: "N orth­ east Portland and Light R ail-U rban Renew al or R em o v al.” Particularly cogen t w as her o bservation that, " peo p le’s hom es and businesses should not be clinically exam ined as "under-developed real estate " My neighbor cam e over to q u es­ tion, "w hat have o u r usually effusive leaders and black spin-doctors had to say about this? I’ve neither seen nor heard anything at a l l I asked my senior citizen friend, "and exactly how m uch did you hear from this fraternity in opposition to th e " Model c itie s’ w ipe-out o f the black business com m unity-or to the later Em anuel H o s p ita l’s su p e r-a m b itio u s , but aborted plans for the rem aining real estate w hich w ould have been a natu­ ral extension (or rep lacem en t) o f the black business d istrict." T his question, o f course, was rhe­ torical and we w ent on to discuss contem porary im plicationsand m od­ els o f that ‘y u p p ie-o rien ted ’ ec o ­ nom ic developm ent caper, high rises and all. The properties were acquired by ‘em inent d o m a in ’ fo ra fraction of their real econom ic value, and then left standing vacant for years, unpro- ducti ve in terms o f com m erce or taxes for the city-hut very productive in term s rats, vermin and drug pushers. L ooked like the w ar-torn areas o f Lebanon. In respect to the m ore “p ro g res­ siv e” A frican A m erican business people o f that frenetic area o f Los angeles econom ic activity, I p articu ­ larly like tocite the sag ao f the “Spikes F am ily” w ho established the "M ecca M ortgage C om pany” in the 1920’s. T hrough the years this rem arkable group m ade many great co ntribu­ tions to the entire com m unity, fi­ nancing thousands o f hom es, p ro ­ m oting plays and concerts and su p ­ porting charities. A ccounting clients o f m ine (late 1950’s), they show ed me new spaper reports where, to publicize a concert in the 1930’s they had a black woman to parachute into an outdoor arena to begin the program . And it was the eldest brother, Richard B. Spikes, w hom I featured in my book, “Black Inventors o f A m erica” : Invented an A utom atic G ear shift in 1932 (Patent 1,889,814), a related transm ission the next year, and m uch else. T w o o f his granddaughters reside here in Portland. T his was but one o f the “progres­ siv e’ groups at the tim e, but, u nfortu­ nately as happens in many cities, they w ere greatly out num bered by the gate-keepers. T here will be m ore soon in a later series on “ M inority Econom ic D evelopm ent”-depending on read er’s responses These are c ru ­ cial tim es and we need to be as alert and vigilant as ever. ENTERTAINMENT Ouitars & Sax Tour Peter W hite perform s At The Mt. Hood Jazz Festival on Sunday. A ugust 3, 1997. along W ith Rich ard Elliot. Rick Braun & Craig Chaquico. P eter’s latest album C aravan ol D re a m s, is c u r r e n tly #1 I on B illboard’s C ontem porary Jazz A l­ bum Chart Caravan of D ream s continues in the R&B vein o f his previous two d isc s ( 1 9 9 3 ’s P ro m e n a d e and I9 9 4 ’s R eflections). To better a c ­ centuate the urban sensibilities his previous album s only hinted at. he chose to collaborate with veteran producer Paul Brow n, w hose street vibe with Boney Jam es has helped make the saxm an one o f rhythm and jazz’s prem iere perform ers And just when you think it can t get any better. Jam es tops it by featuring B a sia o n his latest single “Just A nother D ay” ...put it all to ­ gether, and you have a street-sm art grove with a free-spirited breeze. Peter brings to the album and the stage a care-free, infectious energy. For more information please con­ tact VMG (310) 275-9697 Peter White lues Fest success Food Bank Free Summer Heritage School A lim ited num ber o f spots, for youngsters age II to 15, are still available in V ancouver’s free,eight- day S um m er H eritage School. The program is presented w eekdays, be­ tween July 14 and 23. from I to 4 p.m., at G rant H ouse, 1101 O fficers Row. their choice. T his Sum m er o f Service project is a partnership o f the C ultural D i­ vision o f the V ancouver-Clark Parks and R ecreation D epartm ent, the H um an Services C ouncil, the G rant H ouse Folk A rt C enter and W ash ­ ington State U niversity. S um m er H eritage Schixil features field trips through V ancouver’s N a­ tional Historic Reserve, w hich in­ cludes Fort V ancouver N ational H is­ toric Site, O fficers Row, V ancouver B arracks and Pearson Field. Students will also w ork on a spe­ cial project on the historical topic of in traditional & contemporary jazz, blues, and much, much more! • K in g E le m e n ta r y S c h o o l. 4801 • (* * )R o o s e v e lt Idaho Street, noon - I pm S c h o o l. 2921 Falk. I lam -noon • V a n c o u v e r H o u s in g A u th o rity • F ru it V a lley E lem en ta ry S ch o o l. E le m e n t a r y S c h o o l . 8 1 0 0 N E 2 8 th S tre e t. I 1:20am- 12:20pm • H o u g h E lem en ta ry S c h o o l, 1900 D aniels. 12:45pm -1:45pm • W a sh in g to n E lem en ta ry S ch o o l. 2908 "S ” Street, noon-1 pm • ( ’ )I m a g e E le m e n ta r y S c h o o l. 4 4 0 0 N E 122nd A ve., 12:25pm- 1:25pm • ( ’ )M in n e h a h a E le m e n t a r y S c h o o l. 2 8 0 0 N E 5 4 th S tre e t. I 1:45am- 12:45pm • H a rn ey E lem en ta ry S ch ool .3 2 1 2 E ast E v erg reen B lvd., 12:20pm - Day camps entertain Day cam ps for preschool kids ages 2 - 1Z2 to 5-1/2 years are running at Marshall Center, I(X)9 E. M cLoughlin and Bagley Center, 4 1 (X) Plom ondon. Day cam ps operate from 9 a m to ntxin M onday through T hursday. Parents can sign up for two, threeor four d aysa week. C hildren must be toilet trained to participate. W eek ly th em es a r e a s follow s: • S essio n 5. July 2 1 to 24 Puppet Pals and P aper M achc • S e s s io n 6, July 28 to 3 1 Rainbow s, Ribbon and Rhym es • S essio n 7, Aug 4 to 7 Stam ps, R ocks and Stickers • S e ssio n 8. Aug. 11 to 14 K oolaid. C am ping and Kids Activities include arts and crafts; nature walks, water play, recycling activities, cixiking, dram a, music and sci­ ence experiments. Children should bring a lunch. Fees range according to how many days are chosen. Limited scholarships are available. Call Pattie Am ann, 696-8065 for details E le m e n t a r y (M eal O nly). 500 O m aha W ay, 11:45am- 12:45pm P a ren t P erm issio n Slip: Perm is­ sion slip must be com pleted the first day the child is in the program. Per­ mission slips can be obtained from Bagley Com m unity Center, or from the site leader at the playground site. ’ E lig ib ility F o rm s: M innehaha and Im age E lem entary School re­ quire an incom e eligibility form to be com pleted. ’ ’ H ea rin g Im p a ired : Roosevelt E lem entary School will have sign- skilled staff for hearing-im paired youth. 3301 Fruit V alley Road, lpm -2pm • P ete r S . O gd en Rail service, operated under con­ tract by Amtrak, w ill be available between Vancouver and Portland for the duration o f the 2 1 -day clo­ sure o f the northbound structure o f the Interstate bridge during its re­ pairs, beginning Sept. 16. Oregon and W ashington Depart­ ments o f Transportation approved the contracted service as part o f the project’s Traffic M anagement Plan. I I L« The V ancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation D epart­ ment has several children ’ s coed sports cam ps and classes scheduled in July. They include the following classes: S o c c e r clin ic: Learn soccer skills. Session I: ages 4- 5, from 9-10 a.m. Session II, ages 6-8, from 10:30- 11:30 a.m. both sessions take place on Saturdays, July I2-A ug. 9 (no class Aug. 2) M eet at the w est end of D avid D ouglas Park, or in M arshall C en ter gym in case o f rain. Fee is $15 ($13 for city resident). A ll sp o r ts y o u th cla ss: For ages 4- 7. Try a variety o f sports, learn the basics o fT -b all, soccer and basketball M eets Saturdays, July I2-A ug. 2, from 9 -1 0 a m. at Bagley C enter Fee is $15 ($13 for city resident). Y o u th b a sk e tb a ll cla ss: For ages 4-7. Learn basic skills, play gam es. M eets on Saturdays, July 12-Aug. 2, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at Bagley C enter. Fee is $15 ($18 city resident). day, only. Amtrak will be using Amfleet cars, accom modating approximately 700 passengers per trip. Trips between the tw o cities are estimated to last between 20 and 30 minutes. Parking w ill be available near the Vancouver Amtrak station and on Fourth Plain, with shuttle service provided by C-Tran. In Portland, additional parking near U nion Station w ill also be avail­ able along with direct access to Tri- M et’s transit mall, downtown. The train w ill be offered free o f charge to commuters traveling be­ tween Vancouver and Portland dur­ ing the bridge repair project. From Vancouver, three morning trains w ill be offered to commute™ tr a v e lin g from the V a n c o u v e r Amtrak Station located on West 1 1th St., south to Portland’s Union Sta­ tion on N W 6th A venue, at 5:30, 6:45 and 8:00 a.m. Evening trains w ill leave Port­ land at 4:00, 5:15 a.m., returning at 4:30 and 5:45 p.m. all train service w ill be offered Monday through Fri- I : -.¿•je*. •• . A A A ’W l __ A presented by f f « îfflq u ity Group Inc., Realtors ■ ■ 9eor9e$ M ^ V * Kids learn sports basics Amtrak answers 1-5 bridge closure Added rail runs to ease bottleneck ere Jcttzliïsiival o f the Pacific Northwest... 1:20pm Lunches are provided at these sites: dance tor the weekend is estimated at more than 100,000, with tens of thousands of spectators overflowing the bow l in Waterfront Park to watch the July 4th fireworks. I lie Oregon Potters Association sold enough handmade pottery at the festival to earn $12,000 for Or­ egon Food Bank through theirEmpty Bowls project In only live years the project lias gleaned $50,000 and has already helped the food bank pur­ chase a truck. MT. HOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Summer Playground Program The V ancouver-C lark Parks and R ecreation S um m er P lay g ro u n d Program runs M onday through Fri­ day, from 10 a m. to 2 p in. at nine elem entary schools. The program features arts, m u­ sic, sports, and field trips designed around a w eekly them e for children from kindergarten to sixth grade. A one-tim e fee o f $3 helps buy sup­ plies for the sum m er, although no child will be denied participation if the family cannot afford the fee. Lunches are available to all chil­ dren attending the program and to others under the age o f 19. Children who are mem bers o f Rxxl stam p households or Aid to Fam ilies with Dependent Children (A F D C ) are au­ tomatically eligible for the free lunch. ger-relief agencies. Food Bank officials estimate that the Water­ front Blues Festival covers ap­ proximately five percent of its annual operating costs. Organizers had worried that cut­ ting the festival from five days in 1995 and 1996 to four days this years would heavily impact dona­ tions. Despite the change, cash do­ nations increased by $5,000 and the totals for food donations dropped by less than 10 percent. Total atten­ O regon Food Bank an hunger- relief agencies across O regon and C lark C ounty, W ashington are cel ebrating the Fourth o f July a few days late, as staff finish w eighing food and counting cash donations from the IOth A nnual M iller Genu ine Draft W aterfront B lues Festival. G ate d o n atio n s o f $ 16 0 .0 0 0 anil nearly 7 0 ,0 0 0 p o u n d s w ill en ab le O reg o n Food B ank to p ro v id e a p ­ p ro x im ately one m illio n p o unds o f food to local and reg io n a l hun- * ™ featuring: G e o r g e Benson • DIZZY™: The M an & The Music, an all-star tribute to Dizzy Gillespie featuring Randy Brecker, Jon Faddis, Ignacio Berroa, Billy Childs, Paquito D'Rivera & John Lee • The Rippingtons featuring Russ Freeman • KKJZ 'Smooth Jazz' All-Stars featuring Rick Braun, Brian Culbertson, Boney James & Peter W hite • Diane Schuur with Art Abrams Swing Machine • Bela Fleck & The Flecktones with special guest Paquito D'Rivera • McCoy Tyner • Earl Klugh • Jean Luc Ponty • Eddie Palmieri • The Heath Brothers featuring Jimmy, Percy, and Albert Heath • Diana Krall • Boney James • Kevin M ahogany • Randy Brecker & Denis DiBlasio • Billy Childs • Heads Up Superband featuring Kenny Blake, Joe McBride & G e r a ld V e a s le y ) V • and m u ch , m uch m o re ! y a s e p a r a te F r id a y N ig h t Blues e v e n t w ill p re s e n t B u d d y G u y , R o b e r t C r a y B a n d a n d P a u l D e L a y B a n d o n F rid a y , A u g u s t 1. FESTIVAL* OF Daily general admission tickets, as w e ll as a special 3 -D a y Pass fo r $ 6 0 , are available at all locations, including G l Joe's and Meier & Frank outlets, or by calling 503-224-4400 S p ir it r>l l i l t ’ X o r tliic e s t K A I II S P O R T L A N D I/o/f(?JízPc?/Z7 BOYD COFFEE COMPANY O call (5 0 3 ) 2 3 2 9 1 6 2 A*A V A fre r r K i .ri,t i fiî;s AmencanAtrlines JazzTimes • BEARD FRAME SHOP For furth er inform ation, 106.7 • COLUMBIA SPORTSWEAR M U SIC lA N D / SAM GOODY RECORDS • PEPSI • P02W k kj z • ODWALLA • • SOKOL BLOSSER WINERY • TAZO TEA