P age A5 T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 16, 1997 s ir o Woods is British Open favorite D a lla s C ow boy p layers to re tire Dallas Cowboys defensive end Charles Haley and tight end Jay Novacek, both o f whom have been hampered by back injuries, report­ edly will announce their retire­ ments. CNN/SI reported Monday that Haley and Novacek — start­ ers on D allas’ Super Bowl cham ­ pions in 1993, 1994 and 1996 — w ill retire after m issing large chunks o f last season with back woes. W illia m s o u t w ith h a m s trin g injury New York Yankees All-Star center fielder Bernie W illiams, who m issed two weeks with a strained left hamstring in June, was placed on the 15-day disabled list Tuesday, retroactive to July 14th, after re-aggravated the in­ jury. W illiams felt a twinge in his left hamstring in Sunday’s3-1 loss to Detroit. The most V aluable P layer o f the 1996 A m erican L eague C ham pionship Series, W illiams is hitting .301 with 10 homers and 53 RBI in 75 games. R e p o rte r sues N ew Jersey N e ts co ach Newark (New Jersey) Star Led­ ger reporter Dan Garcia has filed suit against New Jersey Nets coach John Calipari for offensive re­ marks made by the coach earlier this year. Calipari, in his first sea­ son as the coach, called Garcia, who is a Mexican-American, a “(bleeping) Mexican idiot,” after a team practice on March 20th. Calipari later apologized for the remark, but was fined $25,000 by the National Basketball Associa­ tion. A gassi c o m p e te s in te n n is c la ss ic Andre Agassi, who has been relatively inactive throughout this season, returns to action this week at the $675,000 Legg Mason Ten­ nis Classic in Washington, D C., which opens the North American hardcourt season leading up to the U.S. Open. Agassi, the third seed, has played just 12 matches in 1997 and has not participated in any of this year’s Grand Slam tourna­ ments. He missed the Australian Open while taking a two-month sabbatical from tennis and with­ drew from the French Open and Wimbledon, citing a wrist ailment M u s te r is to p seed a t M e rc e d e s Cup Austrian Thomas Muster looks to make a successful return from injury as the top seed at th is week ’ s $1.04 million Mercedes Cup in Stuttgart,Germany. M usterhadto miss Wimbledon for the second straight year when he re-aggra­ vated a thigh injury The two-time defending cham ­ pion had been the master o f clay before this year but is just 8-7 on the dirt this season. Tour de F ran ce heads to 1 0 th s ta g e FrenchmanCedric Vasseurwas the leader Tuesday heading into the IOth stage o f the Tour de France, cycling’s most prestigious race Golfer says he expects death threats to be part of everyday life Tiger Woods expects death threats and hate mail to be part o f his every­ day life for the rest o f his golfing career — and possibly beyond. The 21-year-old American Mas­ ters champion and world number one contender, the pivotal figure at this w eek’s British Open, said on Tuesday that he expected his life to be full o f bad times as well as good times. Woods, who is o f mixed race, has already been the subject o f racial harassment. Asked whether he thought the hate mail and death threats would ever stop, W oods said: “No. W hen you are playing a sport in which you are not the majority, you’re the m inor­ ity. O f course there is going to be animosity. T hat’s the way it goes. “It was like that for Arthur Ashe Golfer Tiger Woods is surrounded by kids o f all ages. The first year professional, is one o f the most recognized athletes in the world. and Jackie Robinson — numerous other professional athletes,” he said in reference to the two late U.S. tennis and baseball stars. “Until we understand and respect everyone for the kind o f person they are — not just by looking at their pigmentation — o f course they are going to be there.” W oods is finding the fans in Brit­ ain more friendly that those in the United States. He admitted he was scared for his safety at a U.S. tourna­ ment this year. “I remember in Phoenix, one o f the rowdier crowds, I came off the pro-am round and there had to be 50,000 people there and it was only Wednesday. “I came o ff the green and security had broken down completely and they just absolutely mobbed me and knocked me down. “I was trying to sign autographs as I was going along. Unfortunately people have pins, little sharp pins, and one o f them cut me under the eye. “So yes, it can get hairy at times. But on our tour that has been recti­ fied. Security is much better and people are learning.” Woods has four marshals shad­ owing him but he believes the Brit­ ish crowds are showing respect. “People here have been very re­ spectful and that helps because you are able to concentrate and play,” he said. “They understand you are not just here to sign autographs and take pictures. You are here to play a golf tournament. That helps...And they do n ’t cheer for shots that don’t get airborne,” he said. W oods, w ho p la y e d at Septem ber’s Ryder Cup venue o f Valderrama at the weekend, admit­ ted he was trying to cure a swing fault in the run-up to T hursday’s start. He is aware that his tendency to hit a high ball could be a disadvan­ tage at Troon, especially if the wind blows off the south west o f Scotland coast. “I ’m working at hitting the ball lower," he said. Oregon backdrop for golf drama In the end, Alison Nicholas fi­ nally got the applause she deserved. And all it took was defeating one o f the legends o f w om en’s golf. In one o f the great head-to-head duels in U.S. W om en’s Open his­ tory, Nicholas withstood a late charge from N ancy Lopez to win the tour­ nament by a stroke. L opez's run at the tournament cham pionship she w anted most, the only m ajor she has never won, came to an end on No. 18 when her 15-foot birdie putt went right by an inch. Nicholas, a 5-foot Englishwoman who had ju st two LPGA tour victo­ ries to L opez’s 48, smiled through the shouts o f encouragem ent and wild applause that greeted Lopez at every turn Sunday. “It’s understandable,” Nicholas said. “I tried to enjoy it, really, by Second chance for Tyson? If Mike Tyson has a calendar on his refrigerator door, he might circle July 11, 1998 with a red marker. T hat’s the first day Tyson will be allowed to reapply for the boxing license that Nevada boxing regula­ tors revoked last week. Tyson actually learned his pun­ ishment on July 9, but it was not until last Friday that Dr. Elias Ghanem, head o f the Nevada State Athletic Commission, signed the official or­ der revoking his license. Though Tyson will be eligible to reapply next July 11, that is a Satur­ day and he would likely have to wait until at least the next M onday to seek getting his license back. Even then there’s no guarantee the commission will vote to re-li­ cense the former heavyweight cham­ pion, whose license was revoked for biting Evander H olyfield’s ears. If the 31 -year-old Tyson is denied next year, he will have to wait at least another year before reapplying. Tyson has already paid a $3 m il­ lion fine. The Best of all Worlds by E th n ic E n s e m b le 'Lvelifii ‘Jihrreri — O w n e r (5 0 3 )4 6 0 -9 0 7 0 M en, W o m e n ex’ C h ild re n C lo th in g H o m e D e c o r ¿x1 G ift W ra p p in g l o ( , il t (l .it 4 07 IXL M ason (MI.K Jr. ISIvrl. (X IXL Nason) O l’ EIX ruesd«iy-I litla y l2 -7 p m . S .itu n l.iy I I-7 p m thinking that maybe a little o f that applause was for m e.” W hen it was over, Lopez smiled through tears, and the two hugged. Along the green, several o f the top women ’ s pros had gathered to w atch. Most o f them were rooting for Lopez, who has brought her game back to the top after four years o f struggle. “She is a legend,” Nicholas said. “It was a pleasure to play against her.” A t 40, Lopez insisted that this was the beginning o f a new era for her at the U.S. Open. After four second- place finishes in 21 tries, she vowed to be a contender again. “It’s a tough thing, because I ’ve always wanted to win the U.S. Open, and this was really, I felt, my time to do it,” Lopez said. “But I think this is the beginning o f many more good U.S. Opens form e. .. I think I finally realized what it takes to win a U.S. Open.” Nicholas, 35, shot an even-par 71 for a 72-hole total o f 10-under 274, the furthest under par o f any com ­ petitor in the 52-year history o f the premier event o f w om en’s golf. Lopez, with a final-round 2-un- der 69, became the first golfer to shoot in the 60s in all four rounds. Her rounds o f 69-68-69-69 for 275 would have been good enough to win every U.S. Open except the last two. Lopez could think o f the what ifs: What if she hadn’t been so confident as to go straight for the pin on the par-3 15th, leaving the ball to the right o f the green instead o f playing it safe, and taking a bogey that put her two shots back? 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