Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 16, 1997, Page 4, Image 4

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    J uly 16, 1997 • T he P ortland O bserver
Police ask for assistance in
family hit and run investigation
The Portland P o lice B u reau's
T ra ffic D ivisio n is asking fo r the
vehicle described as a 1986-1990
p u b lic ’ s help in id e n tify in g the sus­
pect and vehicle in vo lve d in a recent
the three o f them
The vehicle, w hich was traveling
eastbound, is believed to have sus­
tained damage to the drivers side
door and possible damage to the
H it and Run accident
On Sunday. June 29, 1997 at ap­
proxim ately 6:00 p.m., a SE Port­
land fa m ily was crossing SE Powell
at SE 42nd Avenue. As they crossed
la w fu lly w ith the tra ffic signal, a
Mazda R X -7, white in color, struck
tlip -u p headlight door.
Scott Huber. 37 years, is s till at
the Oregon Health Sciences U niver-
Homicide investigation
On Saturday, July 12, 1997 at
2:08 in the afternoon. East Precinct
U n ifo rm O ff icers were dispatched to
5120 N E 42nd Avenue (C nss A uto
D etailing) on a report o f a man shot
fo llo w in g an argument. U pon arrival
officers found a 40-year-old black
male, inside the b u ild in g , dead from
apparent gunshot wounds.
The suspect in the case, who is a 33-
year-old black male and a close rela­
tive o f the deceased, lef t the area in a
known vehicle and is being sought.
A witness, w ho is reportedly re­
lated to both the deceased and the
suspect, was at the location at the
tim e o f the incident. But at this time,
the circumstances surrounding the
argument and shooting are s till under
in v e s tig a tio n .
Investigators assigned to the case
are In ve stig a tive Sergeants Kent
Perry and George Young.
The deceased has been identified
address where he had been liv in g , in
the 8(MM) Block o f Interstate Avenue,
and has not been seen since.
Steven Harvey M cC ullough is a
45-year-old w hite male, DOB A p ril
24, 1952. He is 6' tall and weighs
a p p ro x im a te ly
p o u n d s.
M cC ullough is blind in his left eye
w hich has a m ilk y colored appear­
ance. T o conceal it. he wears glasses
w ith the left lens being darker.
C rim e Stoppers is o ffe rin g a cash
Investigators assigned to the M u lt­
McCullough. A felony arrest warrant,
charging M cC ullough w ith several
reward o f up to $ 1.000 for in fo rm a ­
tion, reported to C rim e Stoppers, that
daddy were fig h tin g . S hortly there­
after, the neighbor heard gunshots
A p p ro xim a te ly tw o blocks away,
on SE 48th Avenue, office rs found a
4 1-year-old male who was bleeding
and called 9 - 1 -1 .
O fficers, w hile en route to the
address, were advised by dispatch
M issin g : D aniel A llen M cA lliste r
Portland Police Detectives, in
cooperation w ith C rim e Stoppers,
are asking fo r your help in locating
man and vehicle who disappeared
under suspicious circumstances
On M onday, June 16, 1997,
Daniel A lle n M c A llis te r picked
up a load of 122 used tires from the
Costco Store at NE 138 and Sandy,
On Saturday. July 12, 1997, at
2:14 in the m orning,C entral Precinct
U nif orm O ffice rs were dispatched to
the B arbur Boulevard Transit Sta­
tion, 9750 S.W Barbur Boulevard,
truck he was d riv in g have been
seen since.
Daniel A lle n M c A llis te r is a
50-year-old white male, D O B / De­
cember 23, 1946. He is 5 ’ 8" tall
and weighs approxim ately 160
pounds, w ith b ro w n eyes and
C hevrolet pickup, w ith Oregon
plates Q N P I44. The vehicle has
iron rails, mounted on the bed, which
extend over the cab of the truck
Crime Stoppers is offering acash
The names o f the tw o officers, per
reward o f up to $ I .(XX) for inform a
tion that leads to the resolution of
the Police Bureau’ s p o lic y , are being
w ithheld for 24 hours to a llo w them
this case, and you need not give
your name. Call either Crim e Stop
pers al (503) 823-HELP, or the
Portland Police Bureau Detective
to contact their fam ilies.
Investigators assigned to the case
D ivision al (503) 823-0400.
are In ve stig a tive Sergeants Tom
Nelson and M ike H efley.
The investigation is continuing.
e ffo rts to meet w ith p olice or ask
questions w hich “ w eren' t answered.’
“ She is not our problem I wish we
had more people like h e r," said Fred
Stewart, president o f the K in g N eigh­
C om m issioner Gretchen Kafoury
ferent kind o f store.
" I feel lost," Rho told The Port­
land Observer afterward “ I did not
expect this. They just demolished 11
o f the road for her business.
“ Today we presented our argu­
ment to O LC C , not to these people,"
years o f c re d ib ility ."
Walsh held R ho’ s hand and con-
expected the city council to support
her “ respectful" i f “ not perfect"
C o u n cil M em ber C h a rlie Hales
adm itted the decision was d iffic u lt
because o f the nearby O L C C store
and its increased hours that co n trib ­
ute to the evening’ s congregating
H r-» -1
-V. if«
'ft *
! -
“ I know she is try in g ," said C om ­
m issioner E rik Sten, “ but things are
out o f c o n tro l"
“ She failed, but i f someone else
runs the store it w ould get worse," he
adm itted, before vo tin g against re­
Katz speculated the 5-0 vote would
a llo w O L C C to “ strike a hard bar­
g a in " w ith the owners in an effo rt to
create changes.
Hale noted the c ity has "an inter­
est in not having an em pty parking lot
at that c o m e r."
“ I ’ m sorry it got to this point, but
I th in k it is tim e to d e n y ," said
* o
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he said "T h is is not a setback We
Visit our website at
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its agencies, its employees.
Join a Night Out against crime, August 5.
But instead o f co m p lyin g , the sus­
pect spun around and came out of the
car in a q uick m otion h u rlin g a large
dark object w hich struck one o f the
officers in the head. Sim ultaneously,
as the object struck the o ffice r, the
second o ffic e r fired tw o shots, both
soled the storekeeper, noting the
unanimous 5-0 vote was not the end
passenger’ s w indow s broken out.
T w o officers approached the sus­
pect and ordered him to “ freeze.”
store partnership that w ould involve
financial assistance to create a d if­
He noted that such dedication to
b u ild in g a business in a d i ffic u lt place
has helped increase the income lev­
els o f the neighborhood He called
The investigation is continuing.
J u ly 22 th ro u g h A ugu st 5, 1997
station, leaning through the open
passenger's door o f a w hite Nissan
sedan w h ic h had the rig h t side
o f w hich struck the suspect.
The suspect, identified as 27-year-
old Robert Dean Bliss, whose last
known address was in Southeast Port­
land, was transported to O .H.S.U .
where he is listed in c ritic a l co n d i­
brown hair.
The vehicle is a faded red, 197
“ opened their business w hen no one
else w ould. They c o m m itte d them­
selves and things are better."
who treated him expect him to sur­
on a report o f a man breaking into
cars by smashing out the w indow s.
Upon arrival officers located the man,
in the southern part o f the transit
and was to return them to his place
o f employm ent at Flatt T ire Sup­
ply, 7921 NE M a rtin Luther K ing
Jr. Boulevard, but never arrived.
N either M r. M c A llis te r, nor the
Abuse Team at (503) 248-5249, or
C rim e Stoppers at (503) 823-H E LP
tutes w ho congregated at that corner
a decade ago, Stewart said the Rhos
John M iles Sturgis.
Sturgis was transported by am bu­
lance to O .H .S .U ., where doctors
Francesconi when m aking the fo r­
mal m otion. Katz seconded the m o­
N a zi."
R ecalling the num ber o f prosti­
fro m se ve ra l a p p a re n t g u n sh o t
wounds to the head. The injured male.
head, has been id e n tified as 41 year
that a male covered w ith blood was
seen w a lkin g southbound on SE 50th
Continued from Metro
part in the neighborhood problems.
" I , makes her lo o k lik e some sort o f
by Kerns Neighborhood businesses.
old John M iles, w ho is also know n as
King Food Mart liquor license renewal shot down
borhood Association, com plaining
the police reports exaggerated Rho’ s
and g ift certificates.
A ll items are generously donated
Avenue, O ffice rs found a 38-year-
old female inside the home, dead
from an apparent gunshot wound.
call 9-1-1.
leads to an arrest in this case, or any
unsolved felony crim e, and you do
not have to give your name. C all
either the M ultnom ah C ounty C hild
said w ithout alcohol sales, the store
could expand its sale o f grocery items
and possibly reapply in a few years.
Hale agreed and called fo r a c ity -
T a c k w o n -D o by M aster B e tte n ­
co u rt and his students. A u th e n tic
including food, services, products
who sustained gunshot wounds to the
Barbur Boulevard
Transit Station - 9750
S.W. Barbur Boulevard
12-year-old boys, is on tile.
A pparently aware o f the pending
investigation M cC ullough left the
the L a u re lth irs t P ublic House, a
d e m o n stra tio n of the ancient art of
D ozensoffun items w ill be raf fled,
U pon a rriva l at 4635 SE 50th
in connection w ith the shooting
death o f E rvin Criss
The location where the incident
occurred, Criss A u to Detail, 5120
N E 42nd Avenue, is a fa m ily owned
b u sin e ss in v o lv in g E rv in and
scene o f the incident.
live entertainment and a rattle.
E n te rta in m e n t w ill in clu d e liv e
m usic by the P rairie D ogs, fro m
by T o u ch M o n ke y.
Food w ill include hamburgers,
hotdogs and ice cream donated by
neighborhood businesses, and pot­
luck dishes brought by neighborhood
On Tuesday, July 8, 1997, at ap­
proxim ately 8:20 in the evening, a
young ch ild went to a neighbor s
house and said that her m om m y and
F re d rick Criss and th e ir mother.
There m other was reportedly at the
egon St).
N eighborhood residents and area
businesses w ill gather fo r tree food,
M id d le Eastern Dance by Eariba,
and con ta ct im p ro v is a tio n dance
O ffic e r A l R eauff at 823-2207, or
incident in a black Mercedes-Benz
sedan w ith unknown license.
Fredrick Adam Criss is currently
wanted on a no bail probation v io la ­
tion warrant. In addition, investiga­
tors want to locate and question him
counts o f Sex Abuse involving two
nomah County C hild Abuse Team, in
cooperation w ith Crim e Stoppers, arc-
asking for your help in locating and
a p p re h e n d in g
S teven
H a rv e y
dent Sharon W ard says.
K erns N e ig h b o rh o o d A sso cia ­
tio n is h o stin g its annual N a tio n a l
N ig h t out P icn ic on Tuesday A u ­
gust 5, fro m 6 P M 9P M at O regon
Park (co rn e r of N E 30th and O r­
SE 50th Avenue Homicide Investigation
northeast Portland.
33-year-old Fredrick Adam Criss,
w ho is the brother o f E rvin Criss,
reportedly left the scene after the
Wanted Subject
without glasses
"K e rn s N e ig h b o rh o o d is a great
place to liv e and w o rk . It is one of
the fin e s t in the C ity and recently
won the S p irit o f P o rtla n d A w a rd
Last year, over fo u r hundred people-
attended o u r p ic n ic , in c lu d in g US
Congressman Earl blum enauer, Po­
lice C h ie f M oose and M a y o r V era
Katz W e had a great tim e ," Kerns
N e ig h b o rh o o d A sso cia tio n P resi­
released from the hospital.
A nyone w ith inform ation about
this crim e is asked to contact T ra ffic
as 40-year-old E rvin Floyd Criss of
Steven Harvey McCullough,
lty H ospital recovering from acorn-
pound fracture to his rig h t leg. M ar­
garet Huber, 39 years, is home also
recovering from a broken leg. Noel
Huber. 2 months, was treated and
"National Night Out” Picnic
On August 5, thousands of
Oregonians will hold block
parties, barbecues, flashlight
walks and bike registrations.
It’s National Night Out—
America's annual night out
against crime. You can get
to know you • neighbors,
make your neighborhood
safer and have fun!
PGE proudly sponsors
National Night Out because
we share your concern for
strong, safe neighborhoods.
Plan now—contact your
neighborhood association
• R O M A IN E
ripe and sweet
Kids Love Them
Summer Fruits’
whole melons with seeds
or call 8 2 3 -4 5 1 9 .
Neighborhood crime prevention volunteers promoted National Night Out in the
Rose Festival PGE/SOLV Starlight Parade.
Portland General Electric
w r u rc c D v r
through SUNDAY
JULY 1 through JULY 6 ,1 9 9 7
• «.m . »• 9 »JW .
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