k -.<1. J uly 16, 1997 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B4 C h ild in W a it in g » ....- ....... - ...............—------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------------- W here Your W ild e s t D re a m s C om e True: 3 R ing C ircus G a tti July 2 6 a n d July 2 7 , 1 9 9 7 a t th e P o rtla n d M e m o ria l C oliseum . Y ou may not have heard o f C ircus G atti. We are a happy hunch from 14 nations The Portland Police A ssociation presents Circus Gatti. Proceeds support contributrions C ircus Gatti presents actual C ircus C ham pi- to many worthy com m unity projects through­ ons; the winners ot the M o nte-C arlo Circus Festival com petition and winners o f the ‘C ir ­ out the year Showtimes at the Portland M em orial C o li­ cus O lym pics ' in Rome, Italy. seum: Saturday. July 2 6 - 2:(X)and7:(X)p.in. On Sunday. July 27 - I :(X) and 5:(X) p in. For info rm a tio n call Leo Painton at 503- There are so m any things to appreciate about T iffa n y ! O f A frica n -A in erica n /C a u - casian he rita g e ,T iffa n y has a frie n d ly sm ile and fa ir com plexion. She is o n e o t over 350 clearly made progress. W ith very good speech Oregon children w a itin g to be adopted by a w ith a fa m ily who could patiently rem ain by her side. Oregon agencies w aive or reduce fees lo r the adoption o f O regon's children in lo vin g fa m ily. T iffa n y 's good sense ol humor and charm are readily apparent. She keeps hersell busy by drawing, collecting buttons, being read to and going sw im m ing. T iffa n y is doing nicely in her second grade class. Eager to learn, she has a keen attention span . Though still slightly behind w ith some learning delays, she has children how to design their ow n memory q u ilts and solve q u ilt puzzles. F o llo w the Urban T o u r Guides on an educational and fun tour o f the Park B locks and uncover the stories behind Portland’ s monuments and m em orials. Tours leave every hour from I -4 p.m. Portland Gray Panthers state care, and pre-adoption trainings are offered statewide. To learn more about adop lio n and the children aw aiting homes, con­ tact flic Special Needs A doption C o a litio n at The Boys and G irls A id society, (503) 222-9661 Cox Funeral Home Inc. (503) 281-4891 A.A. COX, SR. Mortician & Funeral Director Memory Quilts, Urban tours Beaver Puppets, and more! activities are free. Join Portland artist, C leveland Sm ith as he demonstrates the art o f q u iltin g and shows fo llo w directions well. T iffa n y is a great kid and could do w ell 225-9760. History Alive! Family Sunday Celebrate current museum exhibits at the Oregon H istory Center w ith an afternoon o f hands-on a ctivities fo r the w hole fa m ily on Sunday July 20. 1997 from noon-5 p.m. A ll skills, she enjoys conversation and is able to M ake a m onoprint w ith the Northwest Print C ouncil. Construct your very own Bea­ ver puppet, fashioned alter the w him sical carved Beaver by Lelooska. that welcomes visitors to the H istory Center. Enjoy dance performances by Estonian and F ilip in o dance CHARLENE COX TANNER Manager JEROME G. TANNER A. Funeral Director groups. The Oregon H istory Center is located dow ntow n Portland's South Park Blocks at I2(X)SW Park Avenue. H istory A liv e ! Fam ­ ily Sunday activities are free and open Io the public. Adm ission to museum exhibits: $6.00/ The Loss of a loved one is always a traumatic experience. But it can be made easier if you contact a facility that has your interest at heart. adults. $3.(X)/student w ith I.D ., $ l.5 0 /c h il- dren (6-12); free to children 5 and under and museum members. Hours are M onday-Sat­ 2736 NE Rodney, Portland, OR 97212 urday 10-5 and Sunday 12-5. 1819 NW Everett St. Portland, OR 972(19 Announcement Com e One, C om e A ll! 04892872 Portland Gray Panthers A re H aving T h e ir Annual Intergenerational/F am ily Picnic on Saturday, August 23, 1997, at noon-4pm . in B ill G ordon's Back Yard (5022 SE 45th A ve Portland). You bring a bag lunch: w e’ll have the goodies. Bring the kids. Bring a friend. Bring your neighbor. There will be an auction of..... Entertainment Socializing FOOD & DRUG Look For Your Benefit for the Homeless The N ailers are pleased to announce a benefit fo r the homeless. August I st at the r from the St. Johns Bridge A ll proceeds w ill benefit Outreach M in is ­ try , w hich provides fa m ily support fo r people Available at your Safeway store. w ith mental illness, physical d isa b ilitie s or latc-stagc chronic alcoholism and w ho have no support from other sources, outreach M in- Visit Safeway's Web site at w w w .safew ay.co m is try . now in its fifteenth year, insures that the basic human needs o f each are met. a llo w in g PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 1997 Sun 20 Mon 21 Tu. 22 Wed IB Thu- J" V ______ _____ Case of 24.... $12.00 Picked ai ¡if PeaÆ SAFEWAY EXTRA In-Store Savings Guide vending fa ir w hich w ill start at noon. The location fo r this August 1st event is D u ffy 's Pub, in the ballroom . 8203 N orth Ivanhoe, in St. Johns, about three blocks also reach us through Pyramus O nline at (503) 231-0434. or fax us at (503) 231- • SAVE up to $1.38 on two • SAVE up to 80t lb. Enjoy Extra Savings With The The Nailers, and other m usical guests, plus a to neilers@ pyramus.com or visit our web site at http://www.pyramus.com /nailers Y ou may • 12-oz. • Frozen In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area ...andsave more shopping at Safeway D u ffy ’ s ballroom , starting at 8:(X)pm. T h is event w ill include performances by them to live their lives w ith d ig n ity. For more inform ation, please send e-m ail Safeway Orange Juice • With Ribs • First 2 Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide For Further Information, Call 224-5190 or 774-8788 Contact: Rill Gordon. 774-87RR or Bobbi L. Gary - Co-Chairs of Portland Gray Panthers Tender Young Turkey Breast SAFEWAY ¿ Golden Ripe Cantaloupe • Whole Melons • Grown in California • S4IÆ up to $2.34 on two S.I 1» P rie » * E ftvctive W »d »e*d »y July 1 *. Z»m thru Tuesday July 72, M idnight items A prices in this ad are available at your local Safeway stores | No s a * s to dealers restaurants or institutions Sale;, a '«an quantities o«y Quantities ot some items may be limited and subiect to avaiiatuMy Mot respnnstbte for typographical or pictorial errors We reserve the right to correct all printed errors ” 1997 Safeway Stores inc I N obody | does it B etter ' for L ess . 09474. ♦ » ■ ,