Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 09, 1997, Page 12, Image 12

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    J uly 9, 1997 » T he P ortland O bserver
P agi B4
Invitation To Bid
Supplemental Information Advertisement
Department of Transportation
Call For Bids
laneous H ighw ay A ppurtenances. This project
is to be constructed under the 1996 Standard
S pecifications for H ighw ay Construction.
S ealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on July 24, 1997 for
the projects listed below:
Multnomah M orrison Bridge O n-R am p, Unit 2 (Portland)
Section of Front Ave. in Portland. 3.5% DBE
goal. DBE subject to C om m ercially Useful Func­
tion (CU F) requirem ents. AC Pavem ent & Oiling,
or E arthw ork & Drainage. This project is to be
constructed under the 1996 Standard S pecifica­
tions for H ighw ay C onstruction.
Y a m h ill
Baker C reek Road D rainage C rossing Section
of Baker C reek Road located w est of M cM innville
in Y am hill C ounty. 8% DBE goal. DBE subject to
C o m m ercially Useful Function (CUF) require­
ments. E arthw ork & Drainage. This project is to
be constructed under the 1996 Standard S peci­
fications for H ighw ay C onstruction.
C la c k a m a s M cK illican St. - NB I-205 O ff-R am p (W est Linn)
Section of the O sw ego H ighw ay (OR 43) approx.
15 m iles south of Portland. This project is subject
to the DBE policy statem ent as cited in 49 CFR
23. Traffic Signals. This project is to be co n ­
structed under the 1996 S tandard S pecifica­
tions for H ighw ay Construction.
M ultnom ah Low er C olum bia River Hwy. - N. Rocky Point
M arina Section of the Low er Rocky Point Road
4 m iles northw est of Portland. This project is
subject to the DBE policy statem ent as cited in
49 CFR 23. Earthw ork & D rainage. This project
is to be constructed under the 1991 Standard
S pecifications for H ighw ay Construction
W asco
Yam hill
H am burger Hill Slide C orrection Section of the
W allow a Lake H ighw ay (OR 82) approx. 3 m iles
south of Elgin. This project is subject to the DBE
policy statem ent as cited in 49 CFR 23. W ork To
Be P erform ed By The C o ntractor’s Own O rg an i­
zation W ill Be Not Less Than 40% Of The
A w arded C ontract A m ount For T his Project. AC
P avem ent & O iling. This project was previ­
ously advertised for the May 22, 1997, bid
opening. There will be no charge for bidding
docum ents for this project. This project is to be
constructed under the 1996 Standard Specifica­
tions for Highway Construction.
C henow ith C reek Road (Slide Repair) Section of
C henow ith C reek County Road one-half m ile
w est of The Dalles. This project is subject to the
DBE policy statem ent as cited in 49 CFR 23.
E arthw ork & D rainage. This project is to be
constructed under the 1996 Standard S pecifica­
tions for H ighw ay Construction
W illam ina C reek Road Slide Repair Section of
W illam ina C reek Road located approx. 2.3 m iles
north of W illam ina City lim its in Yam hill County.
7% DBE goal. DBE subject to C om m ercially
U s e fu l F u n c tio n (C U F ) re q u ire m e n ts . 1)
Earthw ork & D rainage or, 2) M iscellaneous H igh­
w ay A ppurtenances. This project is to be c o n ­
structed under the 1996 Standard S pecifica­
tions for H ighw ay C onstruction.
W ashington S W 141 st Ave. - SW M enlo Ave. Section of Allen
Blvd. in Beaverton. 14% DBE goal. DBE subject
to C o m m ercially Useful Function (CUF) require­
m ents. 1) Traffic Signal Installation or, 2) M isce l­
Pacific Highway Improvements - East Side
FA NO. STPE-EN95(014)
Pow ers H ighw ay Safety Im provem ent Section
of P ow ers H ighw ay starting 4 m iles east of
M yrtle Point. 11% DBE goal. DBE subject to
C om m e rcially Useful Function (CUF) re q uire ­
ments. AC Pavem ent & O iling. This project is to
be constructed under the 1996 Standard S peci­
fications for H ighw ay Construction.
D ouglas
W inchester Hill Slide Section of the O regon
C oast H ighw ay (US 101) approx. 1 m ile south of
W inchester Bay. 4% DBE goal. DBE subject to
C om m e rcially Useful Function (CUF) require­
ments. E arthw ork & Drainage. This project is to
be constructed under the 1996 Standard S peci­
fications for H ighw ay Construction.
Jackson 8th Street - Tolm an C reek Road (Ashland) Section
parallel with the C entral O regon and Pacific
Railroad. 9% DBE goal. DBE subject to C o m ­
m ercially Useful Function (CU F) requirem ents.
1) AC P avem ent & O iling or, 2) Earthw ork &
Drainage, or 3) R einforced C oncrete & S truc­
tural Steel Bridges & G rade Separation S truc­
tures. This project is to be constructed under
the 1996 S tandard S pecifications for H ighw ay
C onstruction.
Klam ath
Sexton M ountain - Stage Road Pass Section of
the P acific H ighw ay (I-5), beginning at G le n ­
dale. AC Pavem ent & O iling. This project is to
be constructed under the 1996 S tandard S peci­
fications fo r H ighw ay C onstruction.
K lam ath Falls Paving P roject Section on v a ri­
ous city streets in Klam ath Falls. 10% DBE goal.
DBE su bject to C o m m ercially Useful Function
(CUF) requirem ents. 1) AC Pavem ent & O iling
or, 2) Earthw ork & Drainage. This project is to
be constructed under the 1996 Standard S peci­
fications for H ighw ay C onstruction.
D ouglas
South U m pqua River (D illard) Bridge Section of
the O ld H ighw ay 99 South located southeast of
W inston and northw est of M yrtle Creek. 11.5%
DBE goal. DBE subject to C om m ercially Useful
Function (CUF) requirem ents. R einforced C o n ­
crete & S tructural Steel B ridges & G rade S epa­
ration S tructures. This project is to be con­
structed under the 1996 Standard S pecifica­
tions for H ighw ay C onstruction.
• Plans, specifications and bid docum ents m ay be obtained in
Room 1, T ransportation Building, Salem , Oregon 97310.
I Plans m ay be ordered by phone at (503) 986-3720, or by
facsim ile at (503) 986-3224. There is a $20.00 non-refund-
able charge fo r plans and specifications per project.
Prime contractors m ust be prequalified ten days prior to the
bid opening day. For additional inform ation regarding pre­
qualification, please contact Fran Neavoll, Program Section,
at (503) 986-3877.
If your business is not certified as a D isadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) or a W om en B usiness Enterprise (W BE),
please contact the O ffice of M inority, W om en and Em erging
Small B usiness at 155 C ottage, Salem , OR 97310, phone
(503) 378-5651.
Sub-Bids Requested
ERB Memorial Union Food Service And Recreational Facilities Univer­
sity of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Bid Date: August 7,1997 Bid Time: 4:00 PM
Wildish Building Co. (CCB# 34429)
P. 0. Box 7428
Eugene, OR 97401
Bob McDonald or Tom Lambe
Phone: (541) 485-1700 Fax: (541) 683-7767
We request bids and encourage pre bid contact from firms certified
as disadvantaged, minority, women, and emerging small businesses.
Sub-Bids Requested
Eastside Homeless Men’s Facility
Wood frame, masonry block veneer,
10,537 SF 1427 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Portland. Oregon
Bid Date: July 11, 1997 2:00 PM
Construction Co.
3015 SW First Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97201
(503) 222-4375 Fax (503) 274-7676
Plans Available:
Construction Data - Portland, OR
Construction Data _ Wilsonville, OR
Construction Market Data, Inc. - Portland, OR
Daily Journal of Commerce - Portland, OR
NAMCO - Portland OR
OAME - Portland, OR
Oregon Contractor Plan Center - Clackamas, OR
Walsh Construction Co. - Portland, OR
Receiving Sub-Bids and Supplier
Quotations in Selected Trades Only
Plumbing, Electrical, and Commercial Kitchen
We strongly encourage emerging small business enterprises, and minority
and women-owned business enterprises to submit bids on this work.
Oregon Department of Agriculture Building
Salem, OR
Bid Date: July 10,1997 * 3:00 pm
Sealed proposals for furnishing all m aterials, labor and
equipm ent for the follow ing described w o rk w ill be received
by the C lerk-T reasurer of the C ity of La Center, P.O. Box
500, 214 E. 4th Street, La Center, W ashington 98629 up
until 3:00 P.M. Thursday, July 31, 1997. At this tim e the
sealed bids w ill be publicly opened and read. A contract will
be awarded or all bids rejected w ithin 60 days after the bid
This project involves tour schedules of roadw ay and utility
Base Bid Schedule A: Roadw ay
Includes the w idening of a pp roxim ately 2,500 linear feet
of roadway, curb and sidew alk, construction of a K ey­
stone retaining wall and 500 feet of 12, 18 and 24-inch
storm drain pipe with catch basins and m anholes.
S chedule B: 3rd S treet Intersection
Involves reconstruction of the 3rd S treet intersection with
Pacific H ighw ay. Included at this location is the rem oval
and replacem ent of pavem ent, curb, sidew alk and the
storm collection system .
S chedule C: W ater Main
Includes the w ater m ain w ork required by C lark Public
Utilities. 8-inch PVC w ater m ain construction is planned
along with the associated trenching, fittings, connections
and valve installation. All w ork under this schedule shall
be inspected and approved by C lark Public U tilities.
S chedule D: Storm Drain Main
This w ork is adjacent to the 3rd S treet intersection and
involves the replacem ent of the existing deep 24-inch
storm drain m ainline w ith a new 36-inch diam eter pipe.
The issuing office for C ontract D ocum ents is City of La
Center, P.O. Box 500, 214 E. 4th St., La C enter W A. 98629,
telephone num ber 360/263-2782. C ontract D ocum ents in ­
cluding draw ings w ill be issued upon paym ent of a charge of
$50.00. Full refund of deposits for the docum ents w ill be
m ade to all G eneral C ontractors subm itting a B idder’s P ro­
posal at the tim e and date stated above or as otherw ise
m odified by addendum . No refund w ill be m ade to other
Technical inquiries regarding the project should be directed
to the Project E ngineer’s office at G ibbs & O lson, Inc.
C o n s u ltin g E n g in e e rs , 1 4 0 5 -1 7 th A v e n u e , S u ite 300
(M onticello H otel), P.O. Box 400, Longview , W A. 98632,
telephone num ber 360/425-0991.
A pre-bid conference w ill be held on Thursday, July 2 4 ,1 9 9 7
at 10:00 a.m. at La C enter C ity Hall for all prospective
bidders. All Proposals m ust be subm itted on the regular form
furnished with the specifications, and each m ust be accom ­
panied by a certified or bank check or b id de r’s bond made
payable to C ity of La C enter in an am ount not less than five
percent (5% ) of the total bid.
City of La C enter reserves the right to reject any or all bids,
w aive inform alities, or to accept that bid w hich appears to
serve the best interests o f the City.
The City of La C enter in accordance w ith Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000-
4 and Title 49, Code of Federal R egulations, D epartm ent of
Transportation, subtitle A, O ffice of the S ecretary, Part 21,
nondiscrim ination in fed e ra lly a ssisted program s of the
D epartm ent of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act,
hereby notifies all bidders that it w ill affirm atively insure that
in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisem ent,
m inority business enterprises w ill be afforded full opportunity
to subm it bids in response to this invitation and w ill not be
discrim inated against on the gro un d s of race, color or
national origin in consideration for an award.
Janice K. Fillm an, C lerk/T reasurer
Shimizu America Corp.
7100 S.
™ < —
C C B #4 6 4 9 9 W A C U C #S H IM IA C 158LO
W. Hampton, Suite 231
• Tigard, OR 97223
FAX (503) 6204)223
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and
minority and emerging small business enterprises.
.Leaping Into the Future!
TCI ha» opportunities available for career minded individual»:
• Construction Technician - Beaverton
Must have valid drivers' license and satisfactory driving record.
• Cuatomar Sale» and Service Repreaentatives - Beaverton
Must be able to work Evenings or Graveyard and Weekend shifts.
• Installer» - Beaverton & Vancouver
Must have a valid drivers’ license and satisfactory driving record
and the ability to work Saturday and or Sunday
• Drop Bury Technician - Portland
Must have valid drivers’ license and satisfactory driving record.
Knowledge of Cable distribution systems or equivalent.
• Service Technician - Portland
Must have valid drivers' license and satisfactory driving record.
Knowledge of Cable Television or equivalent.
• Reporter/Anchor for New» - Vancouver
Must have professional experience in a commercial television
Submit application or resume by 5:00 p.m., July 17, 1997
TCI Cableviaion of Oregon
TCI of Tualatin Valley
3500 SW Bond Ave.
14200 SW Brigadoon Ct.
Portland, Oregon 97201
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
TCI of Southam Waahlngton
6916 NE 40th St.
Vancouver, WA 98661
For more information about how to apply and job requirements, call
our career line at (503) 605-4701 in Oregon and (360) 891-3196 in
TCI is a fast-paced company moving into the 21st century in the
telecommunications industry. An Equal Opportunity Employer.
Civic Stadium
Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission (MERC)
Civic Stadium Manager - $53,651 - $68,495/annually (salary
range subject to MERC commission approval). Deadline July 31,
1997. MERC seeks a Manager to direct and manage the activities
and operations of Portland Civic Stadium. Qualifications of the ideal
candidate include: the ability to forge a public and private consensus
for Civic Stadium funding and rehabilitation; significant experience
managing a public assembly facility or similar organization; experi­
ence in sales and marketing; demonstrated leadership skills; expe­
rience working with elected officials, community and business
leaders, and the media; experience in developing and administering
a large budget; strategic planing skills, and the ability to manage a
large staff. Knowledge of Portland area politics and government
highly desirable. The Stadium manager reports to the MERC
General Manager.
To apply, please submit a resume and a cover letter which clearly
states how you meet the minimum qualifications and attributes for
the ideal candidate to: Metro Human Resource Division, 600 NE
Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232 or fax the materials to (503) 797-
1798. Applications must be received in the Human Resources office
by 5:00 PM July 31, 1997.
AA/EEO Employer
FIELD SAFETY COORDINATOR: Established General Contrac­
tor seeks qualified person to fill position. Will need a minimum of 2
years experience in construction safety or a BS in safety. Must have
good inter personal communication skills, working knowledge of
OSHA Regulations for construction, ability to resolve safety issues
and basic computer skills. Own transportation required. Send
resume to P.O. Box 6712, Portland, Oregon 97228 no later than
July 21, 1997. Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.
PURCHASING MANAGER: Established General Contractor seeks
qualified person to fill position. Will be responsible for: selecting
vendors, evaluating vendors performance, negotiating prices, sched­
uling deliveries, anticipating changes in material pricing, availability
and changing technologies. Must have good communication and
negotiation skills, good computer skills, and a minimum 2 years
experience in construction purchasing. Send resume to P.O. Box
6712, Portland, Oregon 97228 no later than July 21, 1997. Equal
Employment Opportunity Employer.