Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 09, 1997, Image 1

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Committed to cultural diversity
Summerbridge for
Staple Singers
Children from diverse
backgrounds join the
Summerbridge "Magical
mystery tour ”.
First Family o f Gospel ’
make return to Portland.
See Sports, page A 8.
See Metro, page BI.
See Religion, page B2.
(ílnv sportiani* (Observer
King Food Market launches defense
by N eil
H eilpern
laine Rho has been pounding the
pavement of Northeast Portland
for the past two weeks, looking
for letters of support and petition signa­
tures In an effort to save her liquor
license at King Food Market.
Mission finds
Mars like Earth
Scientists say information transmitted
from Mars by the Sojourner rover ind i­
cates that the Red Planet is surprisingly
sim ilar to the Earth in its composition. In
Pasadena, C alif., scientists say Sojourner
discovered that a rock dubbed ‘ ’ Barnacle
B ill” is probably one third quartz in com ­
position. One scientist says this suggests
Mars is more sim ilar to Earth than even
the Moon. The rover’ s analysis also re­
vealed that the rock’ s "ch em ical finger­
prints” are identical to the 12 meteorites
found on Earth that scientists believe o rig i­
nated on Mars billions o f years ago. One
o f those contained evidence o f possible
past Martian life.
NATO invites
3 nations to join
N ATO has invited former Soviet-bloc
nations Poland, Hungary and the Czech
Republic to jo in the Western security a lli­
ance. A fter the meeting o f N A T O leaders
in Madrid, President Clinton hailed the
move as a “ giant stride” toward achieving
a Europe that is undivided, democratic
and at peace.
US mulls Cambodia pullout
As hundreds o f foreigners fled the Cam­
bodian capital Tuesday, U.S. o fficials be­
gan preparations forapossible evacuation
o f American citizens from the southeast
Asian nation. Eight flights o f Thai A ir
Force C-130s brought 800 people from
Phnom Penh to Bangkok. There are an
estimated 1,500 Americans in Cambodia,
which has been rocked by violence fo llo w ­
ing the ousting o f one o f the nation's two
S. Africans killers apologize
Four black South Africans who killed a
white U.S. college student four years ago
apologized to her parents Tuesday, but
claimed they were acting out o f political
conviction. The four are serving 18-year
prison terms for the August 1993 murder
o f A m y Biehl, a former Fulbright scholar,
outside Cape Town.
The store, at the corner o f M artin Luther
King Blvd. and Fremont St., N.E., has been
in the middle o f a lengthy storm o f contro­
versy over alleged liquor violations and
neighborhood drug dealings.
Police and othercity officials this Wednes­
day are expected to recommended to the
Portland C ity C ouncil that the m arket’ s
liquor license not be renewed, according to
Gary M cG rew , regulatory manager fo r
Portland’ s license bureau.
“ The police and city have been targeting
my store for more than a year,’’ Rho told The
Portland Observer. “ Now, I ’ ve been walk ing
around the neighborhood getting letters and
signatures on a petition ”
Rho told The Portland Observer she had
already gathered 620 signatures on her peti­
tion a s o f I I a m. Saturday and had promises
from 10 people so far fo r supporting letters.
The license is for sale o f beer and wine for
o ff premises consumption only.
The public hearing w ill be held 2 p.m. in
the second floor auditorium o f the Portland
Building 1120 SW 5th, during a regularly
scheduled city council meeting
After hearing from city officials, Rho and
neighbors, the council is expected to make a
recommendation to the Oregon Liquor Con­
trol Commission (OLCC).
When the council gave a favorable liquor
license recommendation in 1991. it included
a letter o f warning because o f neighbor
concerns about fights at the store, the num­
ber o f people congregating in the parking
lot, and the death o f a patron after a confron­
tation with an employee.
A t least one northeast neighborhood as­
sociation is expected to speak out against the
renewal and another has expressed support
for the store retaining its license, McGrew
told The Portland Observer.
Although the Eliot Neighborhood Asso­
ciation recently voted to oppose renewal,
King Neighborhood Association president
Fred Stewart noted that “ problems at the
store are more reflective o f the problems in
the surrounding area than o f the store itself,”
according to a city sta ff report
The store is directly between the two
Northeast neighborhoods.
Police C hie f Charles A Moose said he
opposed renewal o f the license, citing the
store’ s “ lack o f willingness or the inability to
address the problems,” and accuses the store
N. Ireland train torched
The violence is escalating in Northern
Ireland. Masked gunmen boarded an Irish
train and set it on fire Tuesday as Britain
struggled to contain the anger o f Catho­
lics over a march o f m ilitant Protestants.
Sectarian violence erupted in British-ruled
Northern Ireland Sunday. The train that
was set ablaze Tuesday was travelling
from D ublin to Belfast. Passengers were
ordered o ff the train at gunpoint, then the
gunmen torched the train. In another de­
velopment, a radical Irish Republican
A rm y splinter group threatened to attack
Protestant Orange Order members i f they
carry out plans to parade through a Catho­
lic area o f Belfast Saturday.
EDITORIAL............ ........A2
BUSINESS............ ........A4
HOME.................... ....... A5
FAMILY.......................... A6
EDUCATION.......... ....... A7
SPORTS................. ...... A8
METRO.................. ........B I
RELIGION.............. ...... B2
ARTS & ENT.......... ...... B3
CLASSIFIEDS....... ....... B4
Elaine Rho gathered several hundred signatures on petitions favoring renewel of King Food Mart's liauor license
Photo by Nell Hellpern
"Although the Eliot Neighborhood Association
recently voted to oppose renewal, King
Neighborhood Association president Fred
Stewart noted that ‘problems at the store are
more reflective of the problems in the
surrounding area than of the store itself, '
according to a city staff report.”
o f continuing to contribute to problems in
the neighborhood.
Moose cited a homicide in the parking lot,
liquor law violations that include repeated
sales o f alcohol to miners, assaults inside the
store and the lot, drug dealing in the lot and
sales from behind the counter o f pipes that
are sim ilar to ones used fo r smoking crack
A one inch thick set o f two reports the
license bureau plans to submit at the hearing
six pages listing 60 separate items intended
to support the bureau’s argument against
Four incidents o f alcohol sales to miners
which resulted in warnings and fines by
OLCC are on the list, all dated prior to 1997.
None are listed for this year A dozen are
administrative functions, such as letters,
talks w ith attorneys, meetings between city
and store officials, and requests for the store
to provide additional security on the pre­
The presence o f patrons drinking or drunk
in the parking lot account for 28 items on the
list. In some cases, people were listed as
public drinking, but their alcoholic bever­
ages was not purchased at King Food Man.
The listings also include an August, 1995
gang fight and other fights in September and
December; a May, 1996 shooting death dur­
ing a social gathering in the parking lot; the
alleged sales o f so-called crack pipes; arrests
o f two people for allegedly selling crack in
the parking lot; threats; public urination;
random gunfire wounding,
Other than the four incidents o f sales to
juveniles, most incidents involved people
not directly connected with the store. Press
reports quoted police that the shooting in
May, 1996, was not related to gangs or
drugs, but appeared to be about a girl.
Included in the six incidents o f juveniles
with alcohol was a 20-year-old cited for
drinking brandy from a paper bag in the
store’s parking lot in A pril, 1996, and a 15-
year-old doing the same this A p ril The log
notes the store does not sell brandy.
Continued to page A4
Boozer to guide
public transit policy
lormer Jefferson High School Principal Alcena Boozer has
been appointed to the Tri-Met Board of Directors by Gov.
John Kitzhaber.
Boozer w ill represent northeast Portland and jo in Robert
W illia m ’ s, representing Clackamas County on the seven-member
government panel. George Passadore, was re-appointed to the
board to represent north and northwest Portland.
Boozer served as principal at Jefferson from 1990 to 1997. Her
career in education began as a teacher for Portland Public Schools
in 1969.
She is currently on the board o f directors for Oregon Health
Sciences U nive rsity Foundation, Legacy Emanuel M ission E ffec­
tiveness A d visory C om m ittee, M ultnom ah C ounty Commission
for Children and Fam ilies, and is president o f Portland High
School P rincipals' Association
Boozer received degrees from Oregon State U nive rsity, Port­
land State U nive rsity and the Church D iv in ity School o f the
Pacific, Graduate Theological U nion. She has completed graduate
studies in counseling and educational adm inistration
W illia m s has served as a union representative for the United
Food and Com m ercial W orkers Local 555 since 1985 Previously,
he was an assistant manger fo r Safeway, where he began work in
Passadore is executive vice president o f the Retail banking
Group for W ells Fargo Bank. N orthwest Region
The T ri-M e l board is responsible fo r enacting p o licy pertaining
to bus and lig h t rail operations, contracting and h irin g a general
manager. T ri-M e t tallies 64 m illio n boardings a year and covers
nearly 600 square miles in the M ultnom ah, W ashington and
Clackamas Countv area
A canoe ride at Blue Lake Park is refreshing for Quayuana Washington (from left), Sha Washington
and lesha Williams as temperatures reach into the low 90s on the Fourth o f July.
Interstate 5 bridge repair plan
ransportation officials unveiled the final
portation “ Drivers w ill be able to take advantage o f
Traffic Management Plan for the north
extra transit service, dedicated freeway lanes for buses
bound Interstate 5 bridge repair project
and carpools, and reversible lanes on the southbound I-
during a news conference Tuesday in Vancouver.
5 bridge.”
Representatives from the Oregon and Washington
Departments of Transportation joined officials with the
Cities o f Portland and Vancouver, Clark County, Tri-
Met, C-Tran, Metro and Southwest Regional Transpor­
tation Council in making the announcement The plan
is aimed at m inim izing traffic disruptions on 1-5 and
along alternate routes during a 2 1-day closure o f the
span scheduled to begin September 16
"This plan provides opportunities,” said Don Wagner,
resional manager for the Oreson Department o f Trans
For several weeks, representatives from govern­
ment, business and the general public have held dozens
o f planning meetings for the bridge project. A crucial
piece o f the 80-year-old northbound lift span is cracked
and must be replace. Nearly 120,(XK) vehicles use the I-
5 bridges every day.
"A ll o f the public agencies that can do anything to
make this bridge closure less severe arc fu lly committed
to the plan," said Wagner. "W e are asking the private
sector and public to also do their parts."