*... : '> I Uh P oru ani ) w aM M . r .Í2 î_ k Sfi&flS í * ' Mjr i «•■* mm £K¿< b 3& í > '« —» ' O bserver • J uly 2, 1997 P agi IO BRIEFS OTEMiSS URBAN KIDS PICKING UP THE RACKET Seles ousted; Sampras, Kafelnikov advance at Wimbledon Second seed M onica Seles of the U nited States will not add the W im bledon singles title to her list o f G rand Slain cham pionships this year as unseeded Sandrine T eslud of France surprised the form er world num ber one, 0-6, 6-4, 8-6, M onday at the $9.62 m illion event at the A ll-E ngland Club. On the m en ’s side, top seed and three­ time cham pion Pete Sam pras o f the United States breezed into the fourth round with a 6-1, 6-2, 6-2 victory over Byron Black o f Z im ­ babw e, and third seed Yevgeny K afelnikov o f R ussia defeated 1996 s e m if in a l is t Jaso n Stoltenberg o f A sustralia, 6-3, 7- 6 (7-4). 4-6, 6-3. Interleague play resumes with World Series rematch The second round o f interleague play began M onday with a W orld Series rem atch along w ith an All- C a n a d ia n a ffa ir. T h e A tla n ta Braves were back in Y ankee S ta­ dium M onday night to play the New Y ork Y ankees for the first tim e tim e since losing the sixth and decisive gam e o f the 1996 Fall Classic. Griffey top vote- getter, three Mariners on AL All- Star team Seattle M ariners superstar out­ fielder Ken G riffey Jr. w as the top vote-getter for the third tim e in his career, earning his eighth co n ­ se cu tiv e A ll-S ta r G am e berth M onday with ov er 3.5 m illion votes. G riffey, who is on pace to break Roger M aris’ single-season record o f 61 hom e runs, received 3,514,340 votes in balloting by the fans, who choose the starters for the annual m id-sum m er clas­ sic to be played July 8th at Jacobs Field in Cleveland. Irabu pitches for Columbus tonight at Rochester Japanese pitcher H ideki Irabu continues to prepare for his m ajor league debut next w eek w hen he starts tonight for the C olum bus C lippers, the New York Y ankees’ Triple-A affiliate. Irabu will pitch for the C lippers tonight in an In­ ternational League gam e at R och­ ester and again in a hom e gam e Saturday against Toledo. BUM NBA free agency period begins O ne y ear after a free agent frenzy enabled three N B A players to crack the $100 m illion barrier, the 1997 m arket will not quite reach the sam e high-rent district. Superstar M ichael Jordan o f the C hicago Bulls and Patrick Ew ing o f the New Y ork K nicks headline the list o f N BA players w ho be­ com e eligible for free agency on T u e s d a y . L a s t J u ly , J o r d a n , S h aq u illeO ’Neal. A lonzo M ourn­ ing, Juw an H ow ard, G ary Payton and Reggie M iller H ooded the m arket with an all-tim e collection of m arquee players. Jordan ended up signing a one-year contract worth a record $30 m illion, the highest annual salary in the his­ tory o f sports. Advertise In (Lhe |Jovtlani> (iPhscruer- Coach Tom Clark (right) teaches tennis to a group of kids at Peninsula Park in north Portland. The Tennis in the Park program is part of an array of summer activities offered by Portland Parks and Recreation. (Photo by M ark Washington) KELVIN CATO IS TOP BLAZER DRAFT PICK COLLEGE STAR ESCAPES TROUBLED STREETS Five years ago, Kelvin Cato was suspected o f m urder in a drive-by shooting. N ow h e’s a first-round draft pick o f the Portland Trail Blazers. W hen he was introduced by the Blazers during a new s conference Thursday, the 6-foot-i I, 255-pound center did n ’t duck the tough ques­ tions about his past and what h e’s learned on his journey from that ter­ rible day. “ It scared me know ing that it could happen to anybody.’’ he said. "Just being in the w rong place at the w rong time will get a lot o f people in trouble, especially a young guy hanging out with older people and not know ing the things that can happen to you. Y o u ’ve just got to build on your own m istakes.” The shooting occurred on the streets o f A tlanta in 1992. C ato w as in the car from which the fatal shot w as tired. At first, authorities thought Cato had fired the gun Eventually, investiga­ tors determ ined som eone else had done the shooting. C a to ’s m other. Carolyn, who ac­ com panied him to Portland, m ade a quick decision that her son was leav­ ing for college - imm ediately. “ I w as scared to death,” she said. “The best thing to do w as to get him out o f that city and I sent him away early.” C ato did as he w as told. “ I left Atlanta and w ent directly to school the sum m er before I even en- MEGABUCKS DOUGH W IN N E R S June 2 0 . 1907 - WORLD REACTS TO TYSON BITE rolled in South A labam a because she felt there was nothing there in Atlanta for me but another opportunity to get in trouble,” he said. Cato d id n ’t play high school bas­ ketball or receive a high school di­ ploma. Instead, he played for an AAU team and got his general equivalency diplom a (GED). He sat out his freshman year at South Alabama, then played for one season there before transferring to Iowa State because he didn "t get along with his coach. He had to sit out another season before playing the last tw o years for coach Tim Floyd. “ Peopledon’t understand how hard it was for me to get to this level,” Cato said. “ My mom always told me never to give up som ething that you start. I thought about quitting basketball a long tim e ago, but at 7-foot, if you d o n ’t play basketball, you become a ja n ito r and n o thing else. I’m not m opping no floors.” Cato can run the floor and play defense. He has extremely limited offensive skills. But there is one thing he knows he can do. “ I can block an y b o d y ’s shot,” he said A selection o f headlines on Sun­ day and M onday from the M ike T yson-E van der H olyfield fight and its afterm ath: • “A Bad Bite fo r Boxing ” - The News & Observer o f Raleigh. • “Twice Bitten" - Times-Pica­ yune o f New Orleans. • “Bite o f the Century!" - Ari­ zona Republic. • “Bite Night ” - Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader. • ‘Tyson's Tasteless Tactics: Bite N ight” - The Record o f Hackensack, N.J. • “Reality Bites” - Times Union o f Albany, N. Y. • “Did Tyson Bite O ff More Th an He Can Chew? Time H ill Tell"- Salt Lake Tribune. • “Biting Commentary” - The Boston Herald. • “ Tyson B ites the Dust, H olyfield” - Huntsville (Ala.) Times. • “A two-bit bout: Holyfield wins " - Kansas City Star. ns0N APOLOGIZES, CAREER IN LIMRO M ike Tyson, d isqualified for b it­ ing E vander H o ly field 's ears in their heavyw eight title fight, faces a for­ mal com p lain t alleg in g u n sp o rts­ m anlike conduct and bringing b o x ­ ing into disrepute, prosecutors said Tuesday. An em ergency hearing o f the N e­ vada State A thleticCom m ission voted unanim ously to hold a disciplinary session next week at which the fighter could be heavily fined and or receive a lengthy ban from boxing. In the m eantim e, he is tem p o ­ rarily suspended and his nearly $30 m illion purse from S atu rd ay ’s fight is being w ithheld. “ M ike is serious about this, he will place his fate in their h an d s,” T y so n ’s law yer, Eckley K each. told reporters after T u esd a y 's public hear­ ing. “ M ike is w illing to accept w hat­ ever the com m ission determ ines." T u esd ay ’s m eeting o f the five- man com m ission began with a play ­ ing o f the videotape o f the W orld Boxing A ssociation bout in w hich Tyson was disqualified for biting Holyfield tw ice in the third round. H olyfield, w ho had beaten Tyson in their first bout in N ovem ber, re­ quired 15 stitches in his right ear and will have to un d erg o reco n ­ structive plastic surgery to repair a hole in the top o f it. His left ear was extensively chew ed, but there w as no perm anent dam age, doctors said. T he ch a m p io n ’s law yer has said he has not ru led o ut filing civil charges against Tyson for the bites. A fter watch i n g a 111 h ree rou nds o f the fight and the ensuing m elee in the ring after the disqualification, com m ission m em b er Jim N ave read a m otion form ally asking for the District A tto rn ey ’s office to draw up a com plaint against Tyson. T h e c o m m issio n o rd e re d th e fig h t’s prom oter, Don K ing P roduc­ tio n s , to p r o v id e a c h e c k fo r $29,824,600, representing T y so n ’s purse, to be deposited in an interest- bearing account p ending the o u t­ com e o f the hearing. O n c e th e N e v a d a a tto r n e y g en e ral’s office drew up a form al com plaint, a period o f three w orking days m ust pass before the hearing may be held. That w ould set the hearing for next T uesday or W ednesday at the earliest, since the July 4 Indepen­ dence Day holiday is observed on Friday. F in a l d r a w i n g 1st prize - $1,000 plus jacket Noreen Deckley, Lake Oswego MLIill'llliHSIllil'S 2nd prize - $500 plus jacket Mrs. Conroy, Corvallis 3rd prize - $ 100 plus jacket Joe Hoffman, Junction City Annie Brown, Gresham August Weil, Corvallis John Rex Jr, Salem Mike Esbenshade, Corvallis 4th prize - MEGABUCKS D O U G H denim baseball jacket R. A. Pallies, Klamath Falls Lupie Herrera, Portland Stephen Roshak, Hillsboro Howard Hands, Grants Pass Fred Eldredge, Salem Robin McQueen, Roseburg JoAnn Robinson, Sweet Home Barbara Kramer, Phoenix '^ 5 ^ Harold Godkin, Salem Dorothy Marino, Portland Suzie Motney, Grants Pass Lori Gregory Cornelius Ethel Van Dolah, St. Helens Cora Miller, Salem Shirley Ward, Eugene Stephen Paup, Roseburg Van D Shields, Longview, W A Robert Richardson, Springfield Karen Dittrich, Grants Pass Don Hansen, Portland Robert Rogers, Eugene Ruth Young, Portland Clair Alford, Portland Mary Rembecki, Beaverton Howard Herigstad, Salem A WHERE THERE’S ALWAYS A SALE GOING ON. LOCATED: 3532A NE MLK JR. BLVD. Q 335-0905 Biggest Sale Ever! « A A NOW!! 30 to 50% o ff A ll Shoes In stock ! Call 503-288-0033 1