Volume XXVII, Number 27 Committed to cultural diversity. J id y 2, 1997 B Seniors citizens giving back Wíje ^ o rtla n h (Dbseruer ZfT o n tm u n i to VLUt l e n h a r ZooTunes Tuesdays ZooTunes, a series of three outdoor concerts for kids on selected Tuesday evenings, begins July 22 at the W ashing­ ton Park Zoo. The concert are free after regular zoo admission. Get into fitness The State Games of Oregon presents its first health and fitness fair Friday from noon to 6:30 p.m. at the Tualatin Hills Athletic Center in Beaverton The afternoon will consist of health and fit­ ness assessm ents, vendors displaying their goods and services, product sam­ pling and much more. There will also be a variety of sports demonstrations and interactive clinics taking place. A mindset on business Learn to change your business mindset and increase your influence at the July 16 Business Roundtable, sponsored by the Beaverton Area Cham ber of C om ­ merce. Bart Wood, corporate accounts executive for Anthony Robbins, will be featured at the 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. ses­ sion at M cM enatnins Pub. 2927 SW Cedar Hills Blvd There is a $2 charge of coffee and a muffin Easy meals for summer Home economist Marjorie Barker will share the latest in healthy cooking with samples and recipes to take home, Tues­ day, July 22 at 10:30 a.m. at the Holly­ wood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th. New library hours Reduced hours of operation have been imposed at the Central Library and all 14 branches of the Multnomah County Li­ brary system. All the libraries will now be closed on Sunday and Mondays as part of the budget cuts. Art show planned The North Clackamas Arts Guild is calling for artists to participate in their annual fine arts exhibit the weekend of Sept. 19-21. The prospectus is available by writing to the arts guild at P.O. Box 1955, Portland, OR 97207. Aquarium offers day camps Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport has scheduled a scries of day camps this summer for youth of all ages. For more information, call (541» 867-3474, ex­ tension 5221. Kids show spirit Enjoy the energy and colorful regal iaof young performers from many different tribes during Antelope Spirit, a special production. July 10 from I I a.m. to noon at the C hildren’s Museum, 3037 S.W. Sec­ ond Ave. Kids can clap along to the beat o f traditional drums and see how differ­ ence Indian cultures mark special occa­ sions with different dances. Summer dance The School of Oregon Ballet Theater, in its 8th year as one of the Pacific N o rth w est’s most prestigious dance training institutes, is offering a five-week summer dance program. July 14 through­ out Aug 16. Over 2(X) students, ages 7 to 20 will receive instruction. For informa­ tion call the School of Oregon Ballet Theater at 227-6890. Free skin cancer screenings The American Cancer Society Annual free skin cancer screenings on Saturday, July 19,1997 from 9:00a.m . until noon, at the following Portland area locations: Legacy M t . H rxid M ed ica l C enter, 24800 SE Stark G resham ; P ro vid en ce/P o rtlan d M e d ic a l C e n te r. Radiation Oncology Dept., 5050 NE Hoyt, B Level, Portland; O H S U , Gabriel Park, Family Health Cen­ ter, 4 4 1 I SW Vermont, Portland. Pre-registration is required. Call the American Cancer Society, toll free at I- 800-ACS-2345 in Oregon or 295-6422 in Portland to register. SUBMISSIONS: Community Calendar information will he given priority if dated two weeks before the event date. Urban League puts spotlight on elders nner city seniors who give back to our community as volunteers, em ployees and supportive family mem­ bers will be honored at the Urban League of Portland's annual dinner Thursday, July 10 at 7 p.m. at the Oregon Conven­ tion Center. "This is the first time we have honored the people who built the community we live in,” said Urban League President Lawrence J. Dark. "The dinner will also remind us o f the many ways senior citizens continue to give back to our community long after they turn I 6 5 .” The program will highlight the range of gifts urban seniors provide, from volunteer­ ing time and professional skills, to social, cultural and economic contributions. The dinner honorary co-chairs are Dr. W alter C. Reynolds and Jim McConnell. Reynolds symbolizes seniors who con­ tinue to share their professional skills. He is a Portland native who has practiced family medicine in the city for 43 years. Reynolds was the first African American to graduate from the University o f Oregon School o f Medicine. He has served as a college instructor, military physician and has a long record o f volunteer service, in­ cluding chairing the Urban League board in the 1950s. O ne o f Dr. Reynold’s priorities has been supporting minority students’ entry into the health professions. Jim McConnell is Director o f Aging Ser­ vices for Multnomah County. McConnell is responsible for overseeing an agency that helps seniors live indepen­ dently in our communities. These vital ser­ vices range from senior activity centers to Helloise Hill, a retired school principal, enjoys working with inner city kids at the Urban League of Portland's Whitney Young Learning Center. Hill and other deserving seniors will be honored for their volunteerism July 10 at the Urban League's annual dinner. (Photo by Carole Archer) meal services, transportation and case man­ agement. Dr. Patricia Fletcher, president o f the National Association o f Colored W omen’s Clubs, will be the evening's guest speaker. Fletcher has committed her life to the ad­ vancement ofw omen and ch ildren She has served as board chair of an Ohio program for abused women and as principal of an elementary schixil focused on international studies Life-size photos o f 30 seniors from Port­ land who are giving back to our community, Anderson retires with honors osemary Anderson, the former executive director of the Port land Opportunities Industrializa­ tion Center, was honored Saturday for her work helping young people. The recognition was presented by the O regon Association o f Colored W om en’s Club, one o f Portland's oldest civic groups, dating back to 1917. A nderson retired March 20 after 29 years o f outstanding service, but still works with POIC as a volunteer. During her ten­ ure as an administrator, she took bold and aggressive steps to keep the center open through difficult times. She, also developed and implemented an alternative middle and high school pro­ gram for Oregon students who were not succeeding in traditional school settings. U nder her leadership, the school was accredited through the Northwest Asso­ ciation o f Schools and Colleges in 1989 Rosemary Anderson (left) of Portland receives an honorary plaque from Layola She has been consistently recognized Brown, president of the Oregon Association of Colored Women s Club, during the and honored for her dedication and com ­ club's annual awards luncheon Saturday. (Photo by M ark Washington) m itm ent to high risk youth R Food ank goals high for Star performances from the Staples Singers and others, expected to boost attendence, food donations Mavis, Yvonne and Cleo, will make their ith more than 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 hungry first Portland appearance in a decade at the people in Oregon last year and close o f the four-day benefit festival for food stamp cuts beginning to Oregon Food Bank take effect. Oregon Food Bank officials "I can ’t believe that we started with a are counting on a strong turn-out this couple o f bands on one stage and a few week at the 1 9 9 7 Waterfront Blues volunteers, and now w e’ve got 600 volun­ Festival to store up resources for the teers, four days of music, two stages, and coming year. we re doing so much for hungry people!" Food Bank officials expect The Staples said Oregon Food Bank Executive Director Singers, known for hits like "I'll Take You Rachel Bristol There” and “ Respect Yourself," to draw a This is the tenth anniversary o f blues for large crowd for their 7:45 p m. show on hunger-relief in Portland's Tom McCall Sunday, July 6. Pop Staples, with daughters W will decorate the convention center lobby, where guests will be able to read about the important gifts they continue to make. Hie evening will begin will a no-host recep­ tion at 6 p.m. Dinner tickets are $50 and are available by calling 280-2617. PCC launches 'summer start’ ortland Community College Is of fering a basic skills program this summer, beginning July 14 and running through Aug. 28, where stu­ dents can take a group of courses in a 13-credit block that will help prepare them for college-level material. Students will take reading, writing, learn­ ing skills, keyboarding and introduction to word processing, and basic math They will be able to draw on their own life experiences in the writing and reading classes "The classes are project-based," said Diane Mulligan who directs the program at PC’C ’s Sylvania Campus in Southwest Port­ land. "W e’ve designed them so that students can acquire the skills, attitudes and tools that will help them succeed in college. Ev­ erything in the program is focused on learn­ ing and giving students the best possible start in college." Call PCC's College Success Skills de­ partment at 977-4192 to receive more in­ formation P lues Festival Waterfront Park ITie festival tradition began in 1987 with the Rose City Blues Festival, which raised $7,500 and 6,500 pound o f food This year. Oregon Food Bank and hungry people hope to see the Miller Genuine Draft Waterfront Blues Festival bring in $ 175,000 and 80,000 pounds o f food from the gates. Still the most affordable festival in the Pa­ cific Northwest, admission is a suggested daily donation of $3 and two cans o f food per person Annual festival proceeds ac­ count for five percent o f Oregon Food Bank’s operating budge,. The Staples Singers' appearance at the Waterfront Blues Festival is made possible by First Tech Federal Credit Union, and their accommodations will be provided by the G overnor Hotel O ther national, regional and local blues acts will perform non-stop on two stages over the four days o f the festival The festi­ val will run from 5:00 p.m. through 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 3, from noon through 10:00 p.m on July 4th and 5th, and from noon through 9:00 p m. on July 6. On Friday. July 4th. show-closer Boozoo Chavis, zydeco king o f Louisiana, will be followed at 10:00 p.m. by a fireworks spec­ tacular simulcast by Earth 105 EM. The 1997 Miller Genuine Draft W ater­ front Blues Festival is presented by Credit Union Access and receives major sponsor­ ship from Earth I05F M. Ford Trucks, Sprint PCS, and l.evi’s Apparel For a complete festival schedule or other information, call the Miller Genuine Draft Waterfront Blues Festival Hotline a, (503) 973-FFST )