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M itchum ’s films credit include “R yan's Daughter,” "The Friends of Eddie Coyle,” “The Big Sleep” and the original “Cape Feat ” i n 1962. Mitchum also appeared in the 1991 remake of “Cape Fear. ” The multi-generational event, spon­ sored by the U rban L eague o f Portland’s Multicultural Senior Cen­ ter o f North and Northeast Portland, was designed to bring young people together for a fun day with elders. The activities included fishing, games, music and a picnic lunch. Bus transportation was provided from the senior center on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd to the lake about 40 minutes from Portland. Several organizations had a hand in helping sponsor Friday’s fishing fun, including LivingColor, Lyden Farms, Neil Kelly Remodeling, Williams Street Market, U S. Air Force Reserve, and IJ.S. Naval Reserve. Individual contributors included John Brazeau. Michael Steinbach and James Harvey. Thousands demonstrate in Hong Kong Up to 10.000 Hong Kong activists marched Tuesday to demand the new Chi­ nese-picked leaders restore democracy in the first test of the right to protest since China look back the territory from Britain. The march passed without incident, and China’s foreign minister was quoted as pledging not to deploy troops and armor against Hong Kong residents, apparently to offset images of the 1989 crackdown on activists in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. Robert Brooks (left) o f Portland, gives pointers to Leonard Leveque, 8, at Portland Urban League multicultural, multi generational fishing derby at Roselyn Lake. Volcano puts M exico City on alert Tens of thousands of people are on emergency alert Tuesday after a giant vol­ cano near Mexico City belched red-hot rocks and giant clouds of ash in its biggest eruption in 72 years. Clouds of ash and acrid gases showered down on much of Mexico City late Monday from the snow­ capped 17,890-foot Popocatepetl volcano, forcing a temporary closure o f the interna­ tional airport. Vast US food w aste found The U S. Agriculture Department said Tuesday Americans routinely toss away uneaten vegetables, day-old bread and other pantry items, wasting one-fourth of the nation’s total food supply. A new study said that if just 5 percent o f the wasted food that is nutritious and safe was recovered from restaurants, grocery stores and pan­ try shelves, it could feed an estimated 4 million poor and homeless U S. citizens. New report on Ramsey note A newspaper reported Tuesday that a handwriting sample from the mother of slain child beauty pageant winner JonBenet Ramsey allegedly came from the same note­ book as one used to write the ransom note. The Rocky Mountain News said a sample of Patsy Ramsey’s handwriting that was given to police by her husband on the day of the murder was later determined to have come from the same legal pad used for the ransom note. UFO buffs land in Roswell (Photo by Nell Hellpern) New era in Welfare Looking for a July 4th bang T he welfare offices look the same, but the job their staffs are doing certainly isn’t. Counselors who once simply calculated benefits are now calculating howto move the poorest Americans into the work force. This sea change in American welfare policy, begun in the early 1990s, culminated last August with President C linton's signature on a law ending the nation’s six-decade guarantee of help for the neediest families. On T uesday, the law takes full effect, and states will have to be ready. In general, the new regime includes a time limit for welfare payments but help with a resume, punishment for skipping work but child care with ajo b “ I think w e'regoingto be more likecareercounselors,” said Rochelle Halperin, a caseworker in Phoenix, Ariz., for five years. “ In the past, we focused on education and skills training and help with any other barriers. Now, she needs to be out there working." H alperin’s office and three others in Arizona officially become “empowerment centers" on Tuesday, where applicants will be greeted by bulletin boards o f job listings. “ When people walk into our offices, they’ll understand this is no longer an entitlement. W e’re here to help you get a jo b ,” said Bruce Liggett, who is helping to implement A rizona's program. Thanks in part to the economy, the number o f people on welfare already has dropped dramatically. About 4 million families were on assistance in March, dow n 20 percent from the 1994 peak. With unprecedented authority to design their plans, states' ap­ proaches do not radically differ. Most hold onto the premise of traditional welfare: a check to help poor families. There's plenty o f room to browse for fireworks as damp skies had many people staying home from the July 4th stands this year, according to the sellers at this Vancouver fireworks stand. Betty Shabazz given a tribute Thousands of UFO buffs, researchers and alien-watchers are gathering in Roswell, N.M.. Tuesday for an extravaganza mark­ ing the 50th anniversary of the most fa­ mous of all alleged alien landings on Earth. Organizers say between 60,(XX)and l(X).(XX) people will arrive over the next six days to swap stories of alien encounters. BUSINESS.................. A2 EDUCATION................ A3 EDITORIAL..................A4 H0MES&GARDENS...A5 METRO........................B I ARTS & ENT............,.B2 SPORTS......................B3 RELIGION................... B4 CLASSIFIEDS............. B5 (Photo by Mark Washington) came when Shabazz’s six daughters, led by etty Shabazz’s family, her friends, the eldest, Attallah, spoke o f their mother. dignitaries and thousands of ad­ Choking back tears, her voice cracking mirers remembered herSunday as with emotion, Attallah spoke o f trying to a woman of strength, vibrancy and perse­ conjure up "not just the dynamic Betty verance in a final tribute at the Riverside Shabazz, not just the triumphant Dr Betty Church. B Progress at Kennedy School: The McMenamins Kennedy School Redevelopment takes time out for an open house. The Portland- based McMenamins restaurant, brewing and entertainment company hosted a neighborhood party last week, as efforts move forward to restore the northeast Portland landmark into a brew pub, movie hOUSe and recreation Center. (Photo by Charles Washington) Shabazz, the widow o f slain civil rights leader Malcolm X, died Monday at the age o f 63 from burns she suffered in a fire allegedly set by her troubled grandson. Among the 2,500 people whocrow ded the G othic-style church in the M orningside Heights area o f Manhattan were New York State Gov. George Pataki and four New York City mayors, including the current office­ holder, Rudy Giuliani. Also attending were Myrlie Evers-W ill­ iams, the widow of slain human rights leader Medgar Evers and chairman o f the NA ACP; Dr. Coretta Scott King, the widow o f assassi­ nated civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.; poet Maya Angelou, a close friend o f Shabazz; andCalifomia Rep. Maxine Waters. The most tearful and poignant moments Shabazz, but to fin d ... something as pure and as simple as mommy." “She lived as the wife o f Malcolm X be­ cause she was his woman. His pulse was with her until she made the transition," Attallah said “She’s with her dance partner now ... serenading," she added. Alexis Herman. U S. Secretary of Labor and a friend o f Shabazz, delivered a message from President and Mrs. Clinton saying the nation “has lost a true heroine ... (w ho) has given us so much strength and beauty.” The eu logy was given by actors Ossie Davis and his wife, Ruby Dee “Go we II, Sister Betty, as Malcolm steps from the shadows to greet his beloved Betty and w hispers in your ear. Well done, Betty,"' Davis said, looking at a 3-by-5- foot color photo of Shabazz at the altar I