Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 25, 1997, Page 6, Image 6

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    J une 25, 1QQ7 » T he P ortland O bserver
P age A6
African Americans in Policing
today because they can markedly
from wearing their uniforms. In some
Black Police In America by W
improve the overall relationship be­
cities they were denied the right to
Marvin Dulaney, available from In­
tween the department and the A fri­
carry arms and to arrest whites.
diana University Press in February
can-American community and re­
It has taken more than 100 years
1996, tells the story o f the black expe­
duce the number of shootings by
and three "generations” o f police of­
rience in American police depart­
police and cases o f alleged police
ficers for African Americans todefine
ments from the post-civil War period
brutality. “ With few exceptions, ” he
their position as law enforcement of­
to the present. Using many primary
writes, "the race riots o f the mid-
ficers, says Dulaney, who directs the
and secondary sources, the book shows
and late twentieth century resulted
Avery Research Center for African
how African Americans progressed
not from direct conflicts between
American History and the African
from being second-class police offic­
black and white citizens, but instead
American Studies Program at the
ers to become some of the top police
from direct conflict between police
College o f Charleston He is coeditor
officers in the nation.
departments and black citizens...
o f Essay s on the American C iv il Rights
In recent years, blacks have held
Many o f the improvements that have
the ch ie fs chair in many major cities,
achieved in American race re­
The author characterizes these
including New Yo rk, Chicago, Hous­
lations to date can be attributed to a
police generations as the "crime fight­
ton, Dallas, Washington, D C ., Los
reduction in the violence between
ers," who served from Reconstruction
Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit, M i­
the African-Am erican community
to the 1940s, the "reformers,” who
ami, New Orleans, Baltimore, Oak­
and the police forces that were, in
policed in the 1950s and 1960s, and
land, Atlanta, and Memphis. Such
many cases (especially in the south),
the "professionals,' who have served
service by African Americans was
organized to control the black popu­
from the 1960s to the present. Dulaney
hard fought and hard won, notes
brings these men to life, from the
Reuben M Greenberg, Charleston
Blacks’ ascendancy to police ad­
legendary two-fisted head-breakers of
police chief, in the book’s Foreward
ministration in the 1970s and 1980s
the early years-men who were sent in
'•African Am ericans were only
was long overdue, Dulaney writes,
to c lean up the roughest areas, such as
grudgingly accepted as police offic­
for-unlike other American ethnic
Chicago’s"Bucketof Blood section-
ers,” writes Greenberg. "Even after
groups-African Americans advance­
to the highly educated and sophisti­
they were hired, they were still denied
ment in the police profession was
cated officers who are the new inno­
equal authority with white police of­
blocked by racism "The black police
vators in police work.
ficers, discriminated against in pro­
chiefs who emerged in the 1980s
C h ie f Greenberg notes that black
motion and assignment, segregated,
represented the culmination of three
police chiefs are sought and selected
expelled, banned, and even prevented
generations ... who. in spite o f the
odds, had made significant contribu­
tions to American law entorcement.
The WashingtonCounty Sh e riff s
Office, in cooperation with Crime
Stoppers, is asking for your help in
locating and apprehending Gordon
Leslie Adams. A felony no bail ar­
rest warrant, charging Adams with
Probation Violation, is on file In
addition, authorities want to ques-
| tion him in connection with counter-
i feit business and personal checks
begin passed in the Portland metro­
politan area. In the counterfeit check
cases uncovered so tar, Adams has
I obtained at least two different ID
cards from the Oregon DM V ; one in
the name Steven Michael Scott, with
a D O B August 12, 1934, and the
other in the name John R. Golden,
| with a D O B July 2, 1932.
party The young woman suffered
severe head injuries and died 14
| days after the incident.
Heidi Claudine Blanton is a 38
Late in the evening last week
Port land Pol ice Detect ives arrested
and charged Roger Lynn Beason,
white male, 29 years, in the death
o f 10-month-old Noah Stressing
Wednesday, June 11, 1997, a,
approximately 9:00 PM, Portland
Fire Rescue and Emergency Medi­
cal Services were called to 4716
N E 19th Avenue regarding a child
u____ u _ , k ;„ a „rohi«.ms
who was hav ing breathing problems
Examination o f the child displayed
injuries consistent w ith child abuse.
S tre s sin g w as transported to
Emanuel Hospital where he was pro­
nounced dead
Portland Police Detective were
called and the determination was
made that Noah Stressing died as
results o f physical injuries
The Medical Examiner s Office
has determined that Stressing died
as the result of multiple head inju-
Roger Lynn Beason has been
charged with Murder and is lodged
at the Justice Center ja il Beason is
the live-in boyfriend o f Renee
Courtenay, white female, 30 years,
the mother o f Stressing
Curfew sweeps
Teen shot and killed
On Saturday, June 14, 1997 at approximately 1:40
AM . Portland Police O fficers were called to the intersec­
tion of N E 23rd Avenue and NF. Alberta Street regarding
a shooting. Police arrived to discover 16-year-old Jamil
Edward M yrick, black male, deceased at the scene
It appears that the victim was standing in the street at
the intersection o f N E 23rd and N E Alberta Street, when
the suspect(s) fired several rounds at the victim, k illin g
him Suspects have not been identified. It is unknown it
this crime is gang related. Anyone with information
regarding this crime is asked to contact Portland Police
Detective D ivision at 823-0400. Investigative Sergeants
K. Ferrell and D. Rubey are the case investigators
The Portland Police Bureau w ill conductcurfew sweeps
beginning this weekend. On Friday, June 13th. and
Saturday, June 14th, each precinct. Gang Entorcement
Team, and Traffic D ivision w ill address curfew viola­
tions and enhance traffic patrols.
In an effort to address community livability problems
related to late-night activities, patrols w ill be enhanced
as needs arise. Curfew times for under 14 years o f age are
9:15 PM to 6 AM (school days), and 10:15 PM to 6AM
(non-school days).
Curfew times for 14 to 18 years o f age - 10:15 PM to
6 AM (school days), and 12 midnight to 6 A M (non­
school days).
Can $15,000 downpayment assistance, and a 7.25%
Interest Rate help you to become a first-time homebuyer?*
$86,500; new 2 bedroom homes at 112 3 ,112 7 ,1131 N.E. Emerson.
$89,5(H); new home at 1011 N Jarrett, 3 bedrooms, 1200 sq. ft.
$93,500; new home at 3919 N. Borthwick, 3 bedrooms, 1500 sq. ft.
$96,000; new 3 bedroom homes at 1119 and 1139 N.E. Emerson.
Victorian style home with 4 bedrooms is being renovated; 3723 N. Missouri, over 2.000 sq. ft . $150,000.
Beautiful home with 5 bedrooms is being renovated; 5304 NE 11 dr Avenue, over 2500 sq. ft., $154,500.
Date: June 26,1997
Place: PDC
1900 SW Fourth, Suite 100
Portland, OR
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Gordon L e s lie A dam s
Gordon Leslie Adam s is a 58-
year-old white male --D O B July 6,
1938. He is 5’ 11" to 6’ tall, and
weights 275 to 285 pounds, with
blue eyes, and balding gray hair.
The F B I Fugitive Task Force, in
cooperation with Crim e Stoppers,
is asking for your help in locating
and apprehending Heidi Claudine
Blanton An arrest warrant, charg­
ing Blanton with Failure to Appear
on an original charge o f First D e­
gree Manslaughter, is on file Bail
I has been set at $250,000.
The First Degree Manslaughter
charge stems from an incident on
August 11, 1996, where Blanton,
operating a pickup truck and sus­
pected driving under the influence
o f drugs, struck a car containing a
I young woman who was en route
I with friends to her 20th birthday
Bovfriend arrested for baby’s death
Commission meetings are open to
the public. A complete agenda is
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PDC is the City of Portland's urban
renewal, housing and economic
development agency.
H eidi C la ud in e Blanton
year-old white female (D O B N o ­
vember 27, 1958). She is 5’2" tall
and w eighs approxim ately 115
pounds, with brown hair and green
eyes. Aliases include Mary Lovell,
K a th y A d e l W h eeler, H e id i
Sargent, L isa Ann Martin, Calleen
Largent, and Heidi Jeldness.
Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward of up to i l , 000for informa­
tion reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in these cas ,
o, any 'unsolved felony crime, and you do not have
Call either the Washington County Sheriffs Office at (503) 681-6633,
or Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HhLP (4357).
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