Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 25, 1997, Page 4, Image 4

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Minority usiness: Where
are our u ff alo? Il
The boss
Readers respond to issues of African American economy
By Prof. McKinley Burt
Last week’s article certainly got
a resounding response from some
o f the readers: First, I was pointedly
reminded that in my book, “ Black
Inventors o f America,” I devoted a
chapter to a discussion o f so-called
“ Black Capitalism” and an optim is­
tic forecast that even give the cited
economic and social disabilities ot
the times (1969), there appeared to
be enough movement to spark a f i­
nancial “ Renaissance.” (B uffalo re­
And almost an equal number have
asked i f I saw the Associated Press
article last week stating that the buy­
ing power o f L a tin o consum ers
“ is s lo w ly g a in in g on A fric a n
A m e ric a n p u rc h a s in g p o w e r:
$348 b illio n th is year fo r an I I
percent sector o f the p o p u la ­
tio n ." We had cite d blacks at
$450 b illio n fo r 12 percent o f
the p o p u la tio n . T h is in fo rm a tio n
from the S elig C enter fo r Eco­
nom ic G ro w th ’ defines purchas­
ing power as "the total personal in­
come available after taxes for spend­
ing on goods and services."
I did indeed and was as impressed
as the readers who noted “ the phe­
nomenal rate o f growth o f the Latino
economy” and the fact that Hispan­
ics have a national “ chamber o f com­
merce in Washington, D.C.” These
comments centered around our
reader’s concerns about “ a lack ot
structure and direction in today’s
African American thrust to gain eco­
nomic parity in Am erica,” - which
took many back to an earlier query
in these pages: “ So just what was the
'M illio n -M a n -M a rc h ' a ll about,
where are the returns on the invest­
ment o f all that social capital’ ?”
There were several references to
the international “ G-7 Economic
Conference” held in Denver this past
weekend, w ith one black business­
woman saying: "Y ou would think by
this time. African Americans would
be holding regional economic con­
ferences around the county, assem­
bling and making available for our
own use’ the incredible talent and
wisdom o f the black technological
geniuses you cite d last week.
Shouldn’t that have been what the
’ M arch’ was about...a determ ¡nation
and commitment to return home and
develop /implement our abundance
o f resources, from Neighborhood
C apital’ on up?”
A woman w ith two sons in col­
lege asks “ are we not still educating
our children for sale to the highest
bidder, industry or new black mar­
ket men?'...ratherthan designing and
fin a n c in g co m m un ity econom ic
structures whereby their talent and
vigor can be channeled into enter­
prises to enrich our lives. She cites
the church/food market connection
featured in a recent edition o f the
Portland Observer.
Others point out that governmen­
tal support o f 'M in o rity Business'
and Set-aside' contracts are under
heavy fire and phenomenal attrition
- paralleling the attacks on "race-
based structures” in the educational
sector And some point out. sensi­
bly, “ it may all very well be our own
fault” - an African American view ­
p o in t being in cre a sin g ly heard
around the country
Among other cities, the Reader
Columns’ in Atlanta and Milwaukee
com m unity newspapers have re­
flected a growing admission ot a
naivete that permitted politicians to
play a'race hand” from singing along
w ith the Freedom Marches - to the
Great Society - to Model Cities -
and finally to Urban Renewal (Re­
moval) and the death throes o f any
hopes o f a functional African A m eri­
can business comm unity that would
be uncontrolled and directed by the
Federal Government.
Last week’ s report o f a Native
American CEO and his tribe's in­
dustrial conglomerate (casino -fi­
nanced) prompted such inquiries as
“ Why d id n ’t we continue or resume
the real estate development suc­
cesses o f earlier black Portlanders0
- their financing came from com­
m unity-ow ned investment clubs,
monies pooled from their salaries
to provide housing and business. "
Next week we continue our
search for the buffalo
AirTouch Paging is doing some­
thing it has never done before...
selling pagers for only 99C!
These are all top quality pagers
from Motorola and we’re selling
them for for less than a buck. We
can only extend this offer through
the end of June. So hurry, even
though we’d like to, we can’t keep
the boss tied up forever.
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O reg on h o m e lo a n ra te s c o m e d o w n
Interest rates on R esidential
Mortgage Loans w ill be reduced
from 7.25 to 7 percent effective
immediately, according to Baruti L.
Artharee, Director o f Oregon Hous­
ing and Com m unity Services De-
Ule Hove
To A Neui
“ June is being observed nation­
ally as homeownership m onth,” ’
said Artharee. “ We are pleased that
loan interest rates have dropped dur­
ing this special celebration
Dee Taylor, Residential Loan Pro­
M an a g e r
“ Homeownership contributes to a
person’ s econom ic s ta b ility and
self-esteem, which in turn contrib­
utes to a healthy community. Per­
sons who own their own homes have
one more reason to care about what
is happening in their own commu­
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Clean rivers and streams begin with each of
us. What goes on the ground goes in the
water. Here are some easy things you can do
to protect your neighborhood stream and our
local rivers.
Scoop up after your pet! Dispose of pet
waste in the garbage or flush it down the
Sweep driveways, patios, and sidewalks
clean instead of hosing them off.
Properly dispose of used motor oil, paint,
and household chemicals. Call Metro for
disposal information at 234-3000.
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Don't toss your butts! Cigarette butts and
other litter thrown on sidewalks and streets
eventually wash to our loc al rivers
and streams.
Keep your car tuned and use ft less.
Oil, antifreeze, brake fluid and heavy
metals fall from cars and are washed into
our streams and rivers.
You can help protect your local
stream, wetland and rivers by
stenciling the message "Dump No
Waste, Drains To Stream" at your
neighborhood storm drains.
To leam more contact:
Clackamas County Department of Utilities • Gladstone, Happy Valley.
Lake Oswego, Milwaukie. Oak Lodge Sanitary District, Oregon City,
Rivergrove. West Linn. Wilsonville • City of Gresham. Environmental
Services • City of Portland. Environmental Services • Multnomah County,
Multnomah Drainage Districts. Port of Portland. Oregon Department of
Transportation • Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County